GUILTY TX - Jazmine Barnes, 7, shot/killed in drive-by shooting, Houston, Dec 2018 *ARREST*

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A mother has lost her child to murder. No one should lose sight of the world of hurt she is in and all those who cared for this precious young life.

When the story broke and there was such a vivid description of the alleged shooter:

Sheriff releases sketch of 7-year-old Jazmine Barnes' killer

No doubt you've already read it but, you glance at someone at the car next to you and notice he has blue eyes, a five o'clock shadow and is a sickly middle aged white man. And that led quickly into accusations that it was a hate crime.

Yes, this gave me pause. Glancing at a stranger a car over the most I can come up with is the most general description....gender, age, race. Maybe.

My point is that in so many high-profile crimes, especially dreadful mass shootings, there can quickly come a sort of hysteria that takes over as lawyers and people jump into the fray. Victims are extremely vulnerable, the media converges on the town, there is understandable anger, rage even....this has happened so many times before, it is sadly predictable. I'm not pointing fingers. I'm talking about all of us.

We all need to take a breath and resist the urge to rush to judgement. Because this is exactly how the lives of innocent people can be destroyed. It's tragedy on top of tragedy.

The larger issue is there is a confession and arrests made very quickly despite of the incorrect information. And, most of all, thank God for the courage of the anonymous tipster.

May she rest in peace and may justice now be properly served, with due diligence.
Oh no!!!

This saddens me greatly. I had never read before now where she had already said this. Somehow I missed this until now.

Now I dont know what to think or why she would put this man's life in jeopardy if she knew all along it was false.

Why in the world would any mother of a murdered child want the wrong person to be hunted down for killing their beautiful little child?

I wish I hadn't even read it because it confuses me about so many factors concerning this case now.

Now I'm so unsure about so many things when I was so sure the suspect was exactly just as the mother and daughters had described that began the huge manhunt.

If she knew all along the suspect wasn't in a red truck nor even white then look how many man hours and cost has been exhausted looking for the wrong man???

Its also so heartbreaking for the entire community because here they were scared to death imo about a white man driving a red truck not knowing if he would strike again.

Meantime the real suspect's description wasnt even known so the citizens could be on the lookout for them.

I so wanted to believe she honestly saw the man clearly who shot into her vehicle.

I did think it rather odd that one of the witnesses in the car said they could even see his blue eyes? Now we know all of that just cant be true.

Omg..the more that comes out the more I feel like so many have been betrayed including little Jazmine herself.

I cant think of any loving mother of a murdered child who would lie about who really murdered their child. How and why could they do such a thing??? By giving the totally wrong description of the suspect didnt she realize she was protecting the very murderer of her own child????

This went from a heartbreaking case and in the end it's even sadder if possible.

Never in my wildest imagination would I have thought this would wind up like it has.


It’s certainly a head scratcher!
My other thoughts are maybe she recognised them as they were shooting , as gang members, and decided that no way was she giving evidence against the gang because in her eyes, it’s like signing her family’s death warrant! So possibly through fear and the fact that they had already murdered her 7 year old daughter, she decided to give a description as far away from the real perpetrators as can be and warned her passengers to do the same?
Not victim blaming in any way about potentially giving a false description of the perpetrator- I could understand it if that were the scenario and she reacted this way because of fear! Albeit it brings with it all sorts of connotations and problems, most of all the fact that an innocent man could have had his life ruined. But I’m sure she wasn’t thinking through it all at the time!
I wonder how many of us would be able to provide a crystal clear exact description of everything going on around us when we and our family is getting shot at. I know I couldn’t. <modsnip>
As I quoted earlier in this thread, I will quote again as the pages and posts are moving at speed ...

When I was at Detective training school we were on the syllabus of identification and recognition.
It was around 1130 in the morning and all of a sudden three men burst into the classroom, all with guns and fired them. They then got one of the trainers and dragged him out of the room.
Obviously it was a simulation exercise and the ‘abducted ‘ trainer knew this . All the cameras were rigged up in the classroom. Then as trainee Detectives ( but having served as Police Officers on the street for a minimum 5 years ), we were asked to write a witness statement as to what happened, putting in as much descriptive detail as possible.
Then armed with our individual statement , the camera was played back to us all. It was amazing what some in the classroom thought that they saw ( but they hadn’t because the camera proved otherwise). So my point is that - we at that time were serving Police Officers trained to observe more than your average citizens and yet we got things wrong, confused etc
And when you are in a highly charged emotional state with the adrenaline pumping through fear and not knowing what’s happening and being so out of your comfort zone, accounts can be given that are simply not accurate. Not because of someone lying, but because they thought what they recalled was what happened but it wasn’t.
If that makes sense.
With the best will in the world, we can all get details mixed up / confused and/or downright wrong but without malice intended. By the way they weren’t real guns !
A mother has lost her child to murder. No one should lose sight of the world of hurt she is in and all those who cared for this precious young life.

When the story broke and there was such a vivid description of the alleged shooter:

Sheriff releases sketch of 7-year-old Jazmine Barnes' killer

No doubt you've already read it but, you glance at someone at the car next to you and notice he has blue eyes, a five o'clock shadow and is a sickly middle aged white man. And that led quickly into accusations that it was a hate crime.

Yes, this gave me pause. Glancing at a stranger a car over the most I can come up with is the most general description....gender, age, race. Maybe.

My point is that in so many high-profile crimes, especially dreadful mass shootings, there can quickly come a sort of hysteria that takes over as lawyers and people jump into the fray. Victims are extremely vulnerable, the media converges on the town, there is understandable anger, rage even....this has happened so many times before, it is sadly predictable. I'm not pointing fingers. I'm talking about all of us.

We all need to take a breath and resist the urge to rush to judgement. Because this is exactly how the lives of innocent people can be destroyed. It's tragedy on top of tragedy.

The larger issue is there is a confession and arrests made very quickly despite of the incorrect information. And, most of all, thank God for the courage of the anonymous tipster.

May she rest in peace and may justice now be properly served, with due diligence.
Excellent post and well written up, conveying mine and I suspect others thoughts too. Thank you
I’m curious where the driver of the red truck is...wouldn’t he have heard shots? Wouldn’t he have known it was he who was being described and come forward to clear himself so they could solve this more quickly?
It’s certainly a head scratcher!
My other thoughts are maybe she recognised them as they were shooting , as gang members, and decided that no way was she giving evidence against the gang because in her eyes, it’s like signing her family’s death warrant! So possibly through fear and the fact that they had already murdered her 7 year old daughter, she decided to give a description as far away from the real perpetrators as can be and warned her passengers to do the same?
Not victim blaming in any way about potentially giving a false description of the perpetrator- I could understand it if that were the scenario and she reacted this way because of fear! Albeit it brings with it all sorts of connotations and problems, most of all the fact that an innocent man could have had his life ruined. But I’m sure she wasn’t thinking through it all at the time!
There was a red pickup somewhere in the general vicinity and of the shooting. It was picked up by a video camera. Since the driver had nothing to do with the shooting and is not suspected of any crime. Hopefully that driver will come forward and give their account.
Marcelino Benito on Twitter
Received countless tips, one in particular led to charge of Eric Black Jr. He became target of investigation based on tip to @shaunking that tip passed along to @SheriffEd_HCSO #KHOU11 #JazmineBarnes

Sheriff says second individual likely involved in this murder. But still working to verify that information. No charges yet for second person. #KHOU11 #JazmineBarnes

Have not identified person in red truck. Still want person to come forward as a witness. Do not believe that person was involved in shooting and murder of #JazmineBarnes #KHOU11

Sheriff won’t confirm if the second individual is in custody at this time. #KHOU11 #JazmineBarnes

No information on who the likely targets were of this shooting #KHOU11 but #JazmineBarnes and her family were not targets @HCSOTexas @SheriffEd_HCSO
I could be wrong but I thought I had read that independent witnesses had also identified the white male and red truck as suspect.
And then you have to wonder what would be the point of a crime victim making up such a story.
Think of how many hours were spent with the sketch artist alone.IMO
False witnesses come up all the time. I read on another site someone claimed to see the driver of the red pickup breaking into a car and stealing a gun. Look at how many people claim to see the missing some person at x gas station or x park. All false -- some people just want to be important.
I could be wrong but I thought I had read that independent witnesses had also identified the white male and red truck as suspect.
And then you have to wonder what would be the point of a crime victim making up such a story.
Think of how many hours were spent with the sketch artist alone.IMO
You can not discuss the point as it is not victim friendly.
If you live in the area, you "know" what happened and who did the shooting. And you want to deflect, deny, and move forward.

Fear is a powerful force of motivation to "forget". That is the reality of living in an area where gang violence rules. You are confused about who is really in charge, who can protect you, it is an alternate reality.

At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if the family continues their narrative, out of fear.
Sheriff says "no nefarious motive" in initial description not matching the person arrested.
That's all I needed to know.

Also, there were 4 independent witnesses who ALSO gave the description of the truck. I guess it can be compared to the white van in the D.C. sniper case. It was never the white van but that was the suspect vehicle for a very long time.

I don't understand why people are having such a hard time with this. These people were shot. Other people were fleeing from the shooting. How could they be expected to look around to verify which vehicle the shots came from?

The red truck was likely fleeing as well, which would explain his erratic driving which may have caught their attention. Then from there it was just assumptions made that he was the shooter.

I see no reason why the family would continue their narrative, they will realize they were mistaken. It's completely understandable. I see zero indication they intend to dig in their heels. They just want people to know they didn't imagine the other guy or make him up. They are just happy the killer has been caught.

Jazmine Barnes' mom speaks out about the suspects following arrest

Despite the misunderstanding, Washington says she is happy she can mourn Jazmine's death and get ready to bury her in two days.
so straight from police - the suspects have admitted they shot the car because they thought it was someone else, there is no connection between the family and the suspects, the mother has done nothing wrong and they dont believe she provided false evidence, there was no reason for the mother to do anything other than provide an accurate description of who she thought shot her and her child, she had nothing to fear as she had done nothing wrong, and there was a truck that matched the vehicle description she gave in the area at the time.

surely that will end all of the negative speculation... not holding my breath.
All that was needed was a whiff of possible wrongness on the part of the victims via Fox and some were on it.
Unless anyone can give me a motive for lying that would be greater than the need to find the killer of their child.....fear of gangs isn't enough.IMO
REMINDER: WS is victim friendly.

This family are victims who have lost their beloved child and sister. Do not make accusations or negative statements indicating their possible responsibility for this crime or for any dishonesty on their part. Be patient and hopefully there will be a clear explanation in time.
Gonzalez said video from near the scene indicated that a red pickup was nearby.

"We do not believe in any way that the family was involved in anything nefarious," he said. "You are talking about small children, they witnessed something very traumatic. Very likely the last thing they saw was the red truck."

'Mistaken identity' shooting: Murder charge filed in death of Jazmine Barnes, 7, in Houston


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