TX TX - Joanna Rogers, 16, Lubbock, 4 May 2004

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Joanna's 18 Wheel Angel campaign started today and continues until month end.

18 Wheel Angels is a program offered by Project Jason in which truck driver or other business travelers are recruited to place posters of missing persons as they go along their routes. Of course, anyone can place these posters, and you are encouraged to.

You can download Joanna's poster at:


Please pray for a successful campaign and for Joanna and her family.

Thank you.

Kelly Jolkowski, Mother of Missing Jason Jolkowski
President and Founder,
Project Jason
The Sheriff's dept. is saying that the two cases don't seem to be related, but there is another missing woman here in town, age 26. She was last seen Tuesday, made it to her house but has not been seen since. The car and car keys were there at her house and she has not picked up her paycheck. She also worked at a place that serves many people in the public. Hopefully these cases will resolve in a happy ending and that there truly is no connection. There's already several, too many, unsolved murders of women in this town and I don't want to see Joanna or this other girl added to it.
After the weekend combined search for Joanna and Jennifer, there is still no news. About 200 volunteers showed up for the search and it was reported that a more extensive area was searched than the original search for Joanna.
An update on the website www.bringjohome.info mentions an important fact about Joanna's haircolor. Her missing posters show red hair, but it is not her natural haircolor. Joanna's natural haircolor is brown, and if she is unable to color, could be showing roots. More photos are linked under the photo section, and viewers are encouraged to view them to get an idea of how Joanna might look with a different haircolor.
A nationwide missing persons bulletin was issued by the Lubbock County, Texas, Sheriff's Department on the evening of May 6th, 2004, two days after Joanna Rogers went missing from her home just outside the Lubbock city limits. Joanna, a junior at Lubbock High School, came home from her job at a sandwich shop about 12:20 a.m. on May 4th, and had a short conversation with her mother before apparently going to bed. At 7 a.m., there was no trace of Joanna Rogers. The teenager's belongings -- debit card, car keys, shoes, clothes and cell phone -- were still in her room. Her parents reported her missing immediately. Her mother said Joanna was looking forward to participating in a dance recital that night. She has no history of running away from home.

There was no sign of forced entry and the family's two dogs did not alert the household to an intruder. County authorities have analyzed the youngster's computer hard drive as well her mother's. They've interviewed co-workers, a boyfriend and others who might have seen Joanna before she disappeared. The Sheriff's Department has no substantial leads at this time, but believes foul play is involved.

Joanna's seventeenth birthday was Friday, June 25th, 2004. A reward of $15,000 is offered for information leading to the whereabouts of this child

You have such a kind heart, Timex. :blowkiss:

Thank you for caring for Jo and her family, who love and miss her so much.

For anyone who reads this, please stop and say a prayer for Jo right now. Prayer is important, and so powerful. Thank you, and God bless.

With HOPE, Lanie

*can someone merge, pls, and thanks!!*
UPDATE Tuesday, August 23rd - The Lubbock Sheriff's Office is airing public service announcements on local radio stations asking for help in finding Joanna. They have not provided the family with anything new, although the investigation is still underway. Tips continue to be investigated as they come in. The FBI and the Texas Rangers are actively working on the case.
WasBlind said:
You have such a kind heart, Timex. :blowkiss:

Thank you for caring for Jo and her family, who love and miss her so much.

For anyone who reads this, please stop and say a prayer for Jo right now. Prayer is important, and so powerful. Thank you, and God bless.

With HOPE, Lanie

*can someone merge, pls, and thanks!!*

This case has had my attention since the start. Its so close to where I live, yet we see so little coverage. Every once in a while I will still her father in a service announcement, but sadly, they are few and far between.
Good news for the Rogers as Joanna's face will be on some ad cards. Joanna's mother writes:

"A mass advertising mailing post card commonly known as Mail-It has a local ad on one side and a missing person on the address side of the card. Those of you in Texas, LA, NM, OK and ARK may have received one of these last week with Joanna's picture on it. If you did just feel free to talk to people you know about it, and bring it to their attention. Friends in the Houston area have also told us that an advertising circular has come in the mail with her picture on it too. I didn't know about this one, but I will take all the help we can get. This one looks similar to a newspaper ad insert, but comes in the mail. In our neck of the woods it is called Texas Treasures, and in July they generously donated space the Lubbock area and Larado area flyers to promote Joanna's case.

There has still been no good leads on Joanna's or Jennifer's disappearance. For those of you who may not have heard, another young woman Jennifer Wilkerson age 26 disappeared from Lubbock on July 13. Circumstances are similar in that she didn't take car, house keys, most personal belongings, etc. and she lived in rural south Lubbock county. Both worked in businesses with high public traffic."

If you are a recipient of these cards, do pass them along to others and pray for Joanna's safe return to those who love her.

My daughters FCCLA group is going to "adopt" Joanna, in an effort to get her picture and information in the media in the surrounding areas. As part of the project, we put together a slide show featuring Joanna. Please post the link on any of the appropriate sites.

I received one in the mail. It was a long card in black and white with the same pic of Joanna that is in the missing person fliers. I really do believe that the authorities know lots more than what the public is being told, but that there truly are no leads that they can go arrest the person or persons responsible. Some of Joanna's friends may even know more but are afraid to speak up.
A local reported on another missing forum that Joanna's parents went to the high school that she attended the other day and placed a box for student to put any information anonymously. Hope it helps.
Joanna has been added to Project Jason's Adopt a Missing Person program. Please consider helping reunite Joanna with her family by wearing her photo button and sharing her story with others. For more details on how you can make a difference, please see:


Thank you!

Kelly Jolkowski, Mother of Missing Jason Jolkowski
President and Founder,
Project Jason
Sunday, October 17, 2004

Amid the agony, parents cling to hope


Jack Wilkerson's favorite picture of his daughter Jennifer now adorns the hundreds of white paper fliers that dot the windows of truck stops, gas stations and restaurants in Lubbock and along highways that feed into the city. Emblazoned above the image is one word: missing.

The photograph shows his daughter, now 26, peering out from under a hood in the dim twilight hours of a Colorado evening. She balls her fists and holds them close to her face to fight off the cold. Although she is shrouded in white, her smile is the brightest thing in the picture.

Jennifer Wilkerson Her parents have not seen that smile or heard her voice since she vanished from her south Lubbock County home more than three months ago.

Jennifer Wilkerson's July 13 disappearance sparked the second missing person investigation by the Lubbock County Sheriff's Office in a year. Joanna Rogers, 17, also vanished from her family's home May 4.

"This is Lubbock. This isn't Dallas, Houston or Austin. We've had two girls disappear in 10 weeks," Joanna's father, Joe Bill Rogers said. "That shakes the community."

The disappearances of Jennifer and Joanna have sparked f ruitless foot searches of the areas surrounding the homes of both women. The Sheriff's Office, working with a team of forensic divers, even searched Buffalo Springs Lake to no avail.

Despite significant rewards being offered for information leading to the return of the women, the investigations have yet to turn up any solid information leading to their locations, said Sgt. Greg Parrott with the Sheriff's Office.

Parrott, who supervises both investigations, spends every hour of his workday in a concentrated effort to find the women.

"We've taken extraordinary measures to follow up on every lead and even the slightest hunch," he said. "We do feel these cases will be solved, and they will be solved soon."

The Sheriff's Office does not believe the disappearances are related.

The parents of both women said the Sheriff's Office is doing everything it can to locate their daughters. As the search for the women continues, the families are growing desperate for information and struggling to answer the questions that haunt their thoughts.

The Wilkersons live moment to moment. They continue to go to work and live their lives. However, every reminder of their daughter can summon a flood of emotion.

"I can't drive by a softball game without seeing her slide into third base," Jack Wilkerson said.

He and his daughter shared a love of books and music. During her visits to the Wilkersons' home in Hobbs, N.M., they would retreat to his library to play songs for one another.

During lightning storms, they would head to the country to listen to music and watch the flashes of light streak across the New Mexico sky.

"She is also my best friend," he said of his daughter, who he described as fiercely independent.

Jennifer is always in her parents' thoughts. She enters their minds in the morning and she's with them when they fall asleep.

"It's like a nightmare you can't wake up from" said Vikki Wilkerson, Jennifer's mother.

Vikki Wilkerson's most difficult days are Tuesdays, the day her daughter disappeared. She struggles through the others.

"I think I'm walking insanity," she said.

At times she feels fine, but a conversation or memory can destroy her. She remembers a talk with a co-worker where she inadvertently began imitating her daughter's "little heh heh heh" laugh. She fell apart, moving from laughter to tears.

Common rituals try both families. Trips to the grocery store are now complicated endeavors.

Vikki Wilkerson said she tells people she is "fine."

"But we won't be fine until Jennifer comes home," she said.

Joanna's mother, Kathryn Rogers, says people now withdraw from her family.

"We're a constant reminder that life is not always good or fair," she said.

She said they rarely go to restaurants or even watch television.

Both families pray for their daughters to return safely.

"All I have to hold on to is my faith, and until somebody gives me something else, I'm going to hold onto that," Jack Wilkerson said.
An update from Joanna's Mom, posted with permission:

"Hi All,

I know we have been pretty quiet lately, there hasn't been much to tell. The media still keeps Joanna in the news, and my mother said someone had seen Joanna's picture on television recently in Illinois. The Sheriff's office and FBI are still following leads, and interviewing friends co-workers again, and following up on any tips that come along.

The investigator handling Joanna's case, Anthony McAdoo called today to let us know that America's Most Wanted television program was going to run something on Joanna at the end of their program on Saturday, December 11. It comes on the Fox Channel 34 here, about 7:00 pm, right after the show COPS. We have not been contacted by anyone, so I am assuming that it will only be a short mention, not a full segment, but we are grateful for any national exposure. Maybe it will lead to something.

Carole Sund/Carrington Memorial Foundation has agreed to extend the $5,000 reward they offered for another six months. The $10,000 reward put up by Gandy's Dairies is good through May 2005 also, and we are very grateful to both these organizations for their generosity.

We are still looking, hoping and praying that Joanna will be home soon, and appreciate all the support that everyone has given us. Our webmistress Nan, has been keeping the website updated as much as possible with what little news we have had to give her, but if anything breaks she will post it immediately on www.bringjohome.info . So check it regularly.

Best wishes to all for a blessed holiday season

Kathy and Joe Bill"
I watched the whole segment of AMW and unless I missed something at the very first, I didn't see any mention of Joanna by the AMW people. What I did hear and see was sort of a quick shot of Joanna's pic and the voice of a local newscaster saying that the case would get mention on AMW. I suppose that could alert someone watching, and I imagine alot were since the BTK killer of Kansas was a main topic of the show. Joanna's mother was interviewed on the following local newscast.
"We have been notified that Joanna is to be profiled on another crime tv show called "Without a Trace." This is a CBS program that airs on Thursday night 9:00 pm (I believe) Central Standard time. She should be featured tomorrow (Thursday, Dec. 23, 2004). This is the information we have now. As with the segment on "America's Most Wanted", we assume that it will be very brief; name, picture, date disappeared, contact, etc. Probably not more than a few seconds. We thought that Joanna would be profiled on AMW on Dec. 11, but she was preempted. She did appear on the show on Dec. 18. So far we haven't heard that there have been any new leads to the Sheriff's office, but this is a start to the national exposure we have been hoping for, and will perhaps bring Joanna home. We have not been contacted by any of the shows' producers, and are not sure how Joanna was chosen to be profiled on these national programs, but we are grateful to whomever is responsible.

The Sheriff's office and the FBI are still working hard on this case, and the news media is keeping the public interest up, so it helps keep our spirits up. Nan and Philip have been doing a fantastic job of keeping the websites updated at www.bringjohome.info and www.joannarogers.com. We appreciate them so much. We also want to thank each and every one of you for your prayers, efforts and support you have given us through the last almost 8 months. In this time of trial, God has indeed blessed us with each and every one of you. We wish you all a blessed Christmas and with your help we will Bring Jo Home.

Love to all,

Kathy and Joe Bill"
An Update from Joanna's website:

Update - Sunday, January 30th - Kathy Rogers was recently put in touch with the senior producer for the Montel Williams show. Word is that they are considering shooting another segment on missing persons, and so the family is speaking with the producer to see if they will consider airing Joanna's case.

Kathy was also contacted this week by Wade Smith from the National Center for Missing Adults. NCMA want to include Joanna's picture and contact information in their "Racing for the Missing" program. This is were they put pictures of missing people on the hoods of race cars, along with contact information, and the cars will race in various races in the southwest.

Joanna has been missing for 271 days.

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