TX TX - Joanna Rogers, 16, Lubbock, 4 May 2004

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
A Message from Joanna's family:

"Dear Friends,

Tomorrow will be May 4. One year since Joanna has disappeared. The U.S. Postal Service, U.S. Postal Inspection Service and National Center for Missing and Exploited Children launched an effort today called "Deliver Me Home." They will be sending out 52,000 flyers to homes in and around Lubbock with Joanna's picture and information on it. There was a press conference today which Joe Bill and I attended, announcing the mailing.

This program started in 2003, and is in cooperation with the above listed organizations to put out the flyer on the 1 year anniversary date of missing children to keep the children and cases and contact information in the public eye. There have been 11 mailings, including Joanna's since 2003. This is the first time it has been done in Texas. All of our local channels covered the event, and it will air tonight at 6:00, but you may see something statewide. The public affairs director from the USPS in Dallas was there directing the event, a really nice man named Mr. Boyd, so you may see something on your local news about it in the next day or two. Everybody in Lubbock should be getting the flyer in the mail today. It is my understanding that the mailings have resulted in helping to find several of the children they have featured.

Channel 28 is also planning to air an extended story on the 10:00 pm news tonight regarding the night Joanna disappeared. Kari Panchuk has put this together.

Shepherd King will be holding a prayer service on Saturday night May 7 at Shepherd King at 7:00 pm. Pastor Kaskela began this right after Joanna disappeared, and the congregation has prayed faithfully for Joanna and our family ever since, as have so many others.

In spite of the constant efforts of the Lubbock County Sheriff's office, FBI, City of Lubbock Police Department, Texas Rangers, DPS, United Response Search and Rescue Team and hundreds of family, friends and concerned people we can't even begin to know about, there are still no solid leads as to where Joanna is, or who she may have gone with. Please know that we appreciate your constant prayers and support more than we can ever express and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your help to Bring Joanna Home.

God Bless
Kathy and Joe Bill Rogers"
Dear Kathy and Joe Bill,

My prayers are certainly with you!

I have never forgotten about Joanna's missing -- partly because as with Maura Murray, my future daughter-in-law, there have been no leads.

I did not recall that Joanna went missing on Maura's birthday. This May 4th, Maura will be 23.

I will be in earnest prayer for answers regarding both young women as well as for your comfort and healing.

God bless you and watch over you.

It is really hard to understand how all of these girls just disappeared without a trace. None of them sound like girls that would just take off and never contact their parents or friends. It is just so sad for all of the families

I hope and pray that these girls or their bodies are found soon. The parents have been living in hell long enough.
Peabody said:
Dear Kathy and Joe Bill,

My prayers are certainly with you!

I have never forgotten about Joanna's missing -- partly because as with Maura Murray, my future daughter-in-law, there have been no leads.

I did not recall that Joanna went missing on Maura's birthday. This May 4th, Maura will be 23.

I will be in earnest prayer for answers regarding both young women as well as for your comfort and healing.

God bless you and watch over you.

I need to make a correction to the post quoted above.......seems I am certainly not at my best at 4 AM. :confused:

The future mother-in-law of Maura is Sharon. I was thinking back to one year ago when we did the Circle of Hope for Maura's birthday. This was also the time that Joanna went missing.

For those of you who know me and took the time to contact me, thank you for bringing my error to my attention. I know that Maura's case is confusing as it is without me muddying the waters.

I am so sorry for thinking faster than I type and the resulting confusion


New Information in the Search for Joanna Rogers

Lubbock Sheriff's Investigators have a list of at least 100 people they would like to question. Those people had some kind of contact with Joanna Rogers online inside chat rooms. NewsChannel 11 spoke with the Rogers family who says they were well aware of their daughter's online activity.

"Joanna had friends and just like any normal teenager she would chat online," said Joanna's sister-in-law Daizy Duede. She recalls that Joanna chatted online a lot when she was 14 years old and had a long list of friends on her buddy list. "We talked about how liked to make a list of people we didn't want to talk to and put them on block on our buddy list," said Duede.

Investigators are now pulling the names of those people and tracking them down. So far criminal investigator Greg Parrott says they have contacted 10 people. Parrott says no one was able to provide any new information. "We have been able to identify user names with actual addresses and names," said Parrott.

Months ago, the FBI placed information on their website that says Joanna would chat with older men. Parrott suspects she may have met them outside the Internet.

Joanna's mother Kathy Rogers believes every option should be explored by the investigators but says there is no evidence linking her daughter's disappearance to an online relationship. "She didn't spend that much time online. She was not online the day she disappeared so we know that someone didn't pop up and say meet me out in 15 minutes," said Kathy.

The Sheriff's Office says they will contact every person on Joanna's buddy list and that their investigation may take them as far as New York and Florida. But they are still asking locally as well for anyone that may have chatted online with a 16-year-old girl that fits the profile of Joanna Rogers to contact investigators at 775-1406. Otherwise, Parrott says they will eventually find those they need to talk to.
An update from Joanna's site:

"UPDATE - Friday, June 17th: As June 25th, the date of Joanna's 18th birthday approaches, Joe Bill and Kathy want to express their deep appreciation for all the prayers, support and hope everyone has provided in the last 13 months. Kathy writes, "May was very difficult for us, with the 1st anniversary of Jo's disappearance and all of her friends graduating from High School, but we continue to search and follow leads with the eternal hope that we can bring Joanna home. If there is someone reading this that knows where Joanna is, or knows how to get in touch with her please help us bring her home. We love her and miss her and pray each day that she will return to us safely. Thanks for your support and God Bless.""
News from the family website:

"Friday, July 29, 2005: It has been well over a year since Joanna disappeared. She will have had her 18th birthday. Her classmates have graduated from high school. She should have been starting college next month. No credible leads of which we are aware have presented themselves. The search for Joanna Rogers continues.

Joanna's mother passed this information on recently:

"Just wanted to share a little good news. A National Center for Missing and Exploited Children representative called yesterday and said that Joanna's picture and information is scheduled to appear briefly on a segment of ABC's Extreme Makeover: Home Improvement on August 14.

This segment is about a home makeover for Colleen Nick who's 7 year old daughter Morgan was abducted from a baseball field 10 years ago. Neither Morgan or her abductor have never been found. The National Center is working with the producers of the show to feature several other missing persons, and Joanna is scheduled to be one of them.

I am a little hesitant to say much just yet because the date for the program's airing has changed at least twice, and we are very familiar with TV's abrupt schedule and programming changes so this is what we know now, and hopefully Joanna will get some national exposure soon."

Our fingers are crossed that the spot airs, and someone, somewhere will remember something that leads to Joanna."
News from Joanna's family:

"Just wanted to let you know that it has been confirmed that Joanna will be one of the 10 missing childeren selected to be featured on the 2 hour Extreme Makeover:Home Improvement to be aired on ABC Sunday August 14, 7:00 pm. This show has a wide audience, and concentrates on stories of people helping people.

There is more about the August 14 program at the website www.missingkids.com.

We are very honored and excited to be included in this national program and very much appreciate the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children for working so hard with ABC on this program.

Our local ABC affilliate here in Lubbock KAMC Channel 28 has contacted us with confirmation that the program will be aired and will be promoting the show on news casts prior to air time on Sunday night. We want to thank Mark Kennedy and Channel 28 for helping us keep Joanna in the public eye and helping to Bring Jo Home.

God Bless,
Kathy and Joe Bill Rogers
[font=times new roman,times,serif]UPDATE [/font][font=times new roman,times,serif]- Wednesday, August 10, 2005: [/font]In response to a tip received by the bringjohome.info web page, indicating that Joanna may be in the Phoenix/Tempe AZ area, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has distributed Joanna's information to Wal-Marts in August in Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington. This is one of the many programs that NCMEC undertakes to help families find missing children. NCMEC distributes Joanna's information on a monthly basis to their Photo Partners in the Texas region, but this is the first time they have contacted Photo Partners in the western states. A family friend living near Tempe has also agreed to distribute posters to places in Tempe where college age kids congregate, and contact Arizona State University campus security and provide them with information about Joanna. Joanna's mother contacted registrars at several of the local colleges to see if by some slim chance Joanna may have registered for school using her own Social Security number, but there was no record of anyone using that SS#.

[font=times new roman,times,serif] [/font]
[font=times new roman,times,serif]Joanna is also scheduled to be profiled on ABC's "Extreme Makeover: Home Improvement" on Sunday, August 14th. She will be among several other missing person cases to be highlighted during this two hour program. If Joanna is in the Phoenix/Tempe area this double shot of exposure may help bring her home.
Today's Project Jason-Voice for the Missing blog entry takes you behind the scenes to the women who search tirelessly for Joanna Rogers and Jennifer Wilkerson.

Link to Blog Story

Thank you.

Joanna's mom, Kathy, along with her brother, recently flew to NYC to tape a segment on the Maury Povich Show. A tentative air date has been set for October 25th. Check your local listings for time and channel. If this changes, I will let you know.

So hard to believe that there hasn't been a trace of the missing girls. I wonder why LE doesn't believe there is any connection between Joanna and Jennifer as they went missing 10 weeks apart and neither have been heard from since?

This is just so sad. I can't imagine being in the shoes of these parents. Girls don't just leave home taking nothing with them. Someone knows something and I just wish they would speak up.
A Message from Joanna's mom, Kathy:

"I just got the official word this afternoon that the missing children segment on the daytime talk show The Maury Povich Show featuring Joanna will be airing on Tuesday October 25. The show airs on CBS here, and they have a website www.mauryshow.com. If you are interested in watching you can check there and enter your zip code to see what time and channel it comes on in your area. The segment will be 5 to 7 minutes long (we hope) and will be the longest exposure Joanna's case has had on national television since she disappeared.

Joanna has been featured briefly (picture and contact information mostly, 30 seconds or less) on several national news shows and syndicated programs like "Beyond Missing" and "Extreme Makeover:Home Improvement" but we have not had any leads from any of that publicity. So while we are not getting our hopes up too high, there is still a chance that something will come from the exposure."

Kelly Jolkowski, Mother of Missing Jason Jolkowski
President and Founder,
Project Jason
Read our Voice for the Missing Blog
From the family website:

"UPDATE - Sunday, November 06, 2006 - Law enforcement officers have been advised of the details of Joanna's disappearance, including a description of the suspect, as invisoned by psychic Jeffery Wands. Jeffery Wands spoke with Kathy and her son William in conjunction with their appearence on the Maury Povich Show, which aired on October 25, 2005. To date no leads have surfaced from the show, but the family is still very grateful for the exposure and hopeful that it may help bring Joanna home."
Kelly said:
From the family website:

"UPDATE - Sunday, November 06, 2006 - Law enforcement officers have been advised of the details of Joanna's disappearance, including a description of the suspect, as invisoned by psychic Jeffery Wands. Jeffery Wands spoke with Kathy and her son William in conjunction with their appearence on the Maury Povich Show, which aired on October 25, 2005. To date no leads have surfaced from the show, but the family is still very grateful for the exposure and hopeful that it may help bring Joanna home."

Kelly you are doing a wonderful job keeping her in the spotlight.

is there anywhere we can go to see a scetch of the suspect Wands is talking about?
Kelly said:
Today's Project Jason-Voice for the Missing blog entry takes you behind the scenes to the women who search tirelessly for Joanna Rogers and Jennifer Wilkerson.

Link to Blog Story

Thank you.

Wow! Great article. Bless these women and their great work.

Prays for Joanna and Jennifer and both the girl's families.
Joanna's mom said they are considering having a sketch done. The suveillance tapes at Subway are too blurry to be of much help. As numerous "psychics" have given totally different descriptions of suspects, I can't say I blame them for just considering it at this time.

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