TX - Jonathan Foster, 12, Houston, 24 Dec 2010 - Mona Nelson charged w/ Murder - #11

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Unfortunately, his lack of street smarts with this woman could have worked against him. I think most street smart kids can smell trouble and know when to fade into the woodwork whereas a normal child wouldn't. You never know what's going to set people like MN off could be the most innocent of things taken wrong by her.

ETA: Mona's not going to keep her mouth shut for anyone. She's already trying to through DD under the bus. That statement didn't even make sense.

If there is something that kids with strong ADHD DON"T do, it would be "fade into the woodwork". They tend to stick out like sore thumbs at the least opportune times. Add that to his manners and innocence, and he had no chance against the [person] that took him.
Wait, I thought he said she was "protecting" someone else, not that she was afraid they would kill her, which is it?
It is always good to remember that when someone tells another person something, chances are the person is not going to remember it word by word or perhaps may add their own embellishment into the story when repeated to someone else.

In this particular case, we have Mona who shared her story with a visitor telling him her thoughts and feelings. Then he repeats it to the reporter and then the reporter writes what they think they heard.

Based on the poor reporting in this case, chances are a little bit more was added or left out to Mona's story or interpreted to how the reporter heard it.

The only way to know what someone actually stated is by hearing it first hand in a video, or tape the conversation and listen to it.

On another note, there could be 10 people reading the same story and when asked what they read, there could be 10 versions of the story. Sometimes it just depends on the mindset of the person reading the story. Are they upset with the character in the story? Do they relate to the story in some manner, that they see themselves within the story?

This was a very good reminder. Thank you for posting.
Wait, I thought he said she was "protecting" someone else, not that she was afraid they would kill her, which is it?

What is coming out in the news is beginning to look like the reporters spin, or perhaps his own spin. We already know that LE stated that Mona said: "it was a family member who wanted to dispose of the container, $20.00 bucks etc."

Perhaps Evans will write something first hand, at least then we can see his words. Then maybe Mona will write a letter and we could see what she is stating first hand.

If only ..
Wait, I thought he said she was "protecting" someone else, not that she was afraid they would kill her, which is it?

I guess we have to pick which story to believe that QX is putting out since they are total opposites of each other.

Frankly I dont believe either one.

Yeah, but she wasn't trying to protect step dad, she threw that right out there. Saying that and trying to PROTECT someone, that's 2 entirely different things. Protecting someone would mean you are trying to HIDE their identity, she didn't do that with the step dad. And also, I thought this "protect" thing was something X said today when he was talking about he being run down. I think he made two statements, one contradicting the other.
What is coming out in the news is beginning to look like the reporters spin, or perhaps his own spin. We already know that LE stated that Mona said: "it was a family member who wanted to dispose of the container, $20.00 bucks etc."

Perhaps Evans will write something first hand, at least then we can see his words. Then maybe Mona will write a letter and we could see what she is stating first hand.

If only ..

I can patiently wait for her taped interviewed to be played at trial.

I like when the DA shows the perp's interview and then refutes it with actual evidence.

Yeah, but she wasn't trying to protect step dad, she threw that right out there. Saying that and trying to PROTECT someone, that's 2 entirely different things. Protecting someone would mean you are trying to HIDE their identity, she didn't do that with the step dad. And also, I thought this "protect" thing was something X said today when he was talking about he being run down. I think he made two statements, one contradicting the other.

One time he said Mona is tough.

Then he said Mona is scared.

Ridiculous spinning, imo.
In the event this hasn't been posted before, here is a link to MN's boxing record. Shows four matches (1 win and 3 losses including 1 KO! with following comments on one of the losses: "Nelson down twice in the first and once in the second" - I get a little pleasure in reading that bit of information!!) Also includes the cities where matches were held.

Thinking of JF's family, especially his aunt, uncle, and cousins who drove from out of state to be in Texas for the funeral.
Words are not enough. I just hope they are able to feel JF's presence and remember him with joy and love. It is not going to be an easy day tomorrow, I can't imagine.
I don't care how "tough" or "hardened" I am-- If there's a dead child involved and I didn't kill him, you better believe I'm ratting your tail out. There would be no "protecting" the guilty party. I wouldn't go down for capital murder for nobody. I'd be yapping my flap so fast, it would make your head spin. And I'm pretty tough ;)

Seriously..not to mention how ridiculously stupid that even sounds to begin with because ..

(1) Mona has to know that she most likely is at least looking @ LWOP...and the years behind bars for being a child killer WOULD be something she should be very afraid of..

(2) Mona is protecting someone (aka the actual killer according to her) because she is afraid of ??? <insert would not matter> because if LE had ANY reason to believe that, she could easily put into the Witness Protection Program.

and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out where she would be the safest IMHO.. sounds to me more like *when you're backs against the wall, try anything no matter how ridiculous*..:sick:..
I have questions.

#1 Where does it say that AD received "threatening phone calls?" Did she make contact by phone on more than one occassion?

#2 I was under the impression from reading posts on here that Mona was homeless and squatting in the garage apt., therefore there would be no landlord to tell of the burned carpet she claimed.

#3 What time was LE actually made aware of Jonathan's disappearance.

Please provide me links to news or LE sources. Not just what you think you have read or heard. Anyone???
I have questions.

#1 Where does it say that AD received "threatening phone calls?" Did she make contact by phone on more than one occassion?

#2 I was under the impression from reading posts on here that Mona was homeless and squatting in the garage apt., therefore there would be no landlord to tell of the burned carpet she claimed.

#3 What time was LE actually made aware of Jonathan's disappearance.

Please provide me links to news or LE sources. Not just what you think you have read or heard. Anyone???

Best place for you to look for answers is the Time Line that was created by Cloudajo. [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=124160"]Timeline-Jonathan Foster Case - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
It is the most up-to-date one I have seen, with links to sources.
Seems I went to work and missed a bit of info. Mona is "tough" but she is "scared" because of some nefarious individual who has not yet been named. Quanell X (whose real name is Ralph Evans) is speaking with her, and for her, and that has proven to be controversial. At this point in time:
1). Mona is the ONLY person seen on camera dumping the body of JF.
2). JF was burned beyond recognition in a few hours and Mona has burned carpet and welding equipment (as well as evidence LE has that horrified them, but we haven't heard about yet).
3). IMHO, LE was all but ready to charge the family, especially the SD with this case but now are saying NO ONE else is involved.

I hope Quanell X gets to the truth in this matter rather than makes a fool of himself. He got Timothy Wayne Shepherd to confess to the murder and subsequent disposal of the dismembered remains of Tynesha Stewart on two grills on the balcony of his second story apartment in Houston. If I were a betting woman, I would place bets on MN thinking she is still on her game and able to one-up QX and the rest of the world on this case. She is wrong of course.... and justice WILL be served. Houston LE are not fools, and I believe mistakes were made in this case, but the entire case has been one of confusion, lies, bad reporting, and conflicting statements from media and people involved. My Mother always said, "The Truth will stand when the world is on fire". I believe that is true in this case.
I have questions.

#1 Where does it say that AD received "threatening phone calls?" Did she make contact by phone on more than one occassion?

#2 I was under the impression from reading posts on here that Mona was homeless and squatting in the garage apt., therefore there would be no landlord to tell of the burned carpet she claimed.

#3 What time was LE actually made aware of Jonathan's disappearance.

Please provide me links to news or LE sources. Not just what you think you have read or heard. Anyone???

Welcome to WS's Relise42!!! The threatening phone calls are documented in the Probably Cause hearing for Mona's charges. You can view it here at approximately 00:40 seconds into the video.

I took the scared bit to mean she was scared of the charges, not an individual.

Supposedly Mona called Quanell X even before she was arrested?
and the landlord is claiming he knows nothing about a burned carpet.

I guess she could have called Quanell on Tuesday after LE first questioned her, then she was arrested on Wednesday.

I found this great article on Quanell X: http://www.houstonpress.com/2009-01-15/news/quanell-x/ which made me wonder how Mona even knew how to contact QX.

From the article:
"Getting hold of Quanell is not as easy as one might think. There is an informal phone tree of lawyers, pastors and old friends who have his direct line and funnel calls and complaints to him."

Love or hate Quanell, his story is fascinating. It's a long article, but well worth reading IMO.

Supposedly Mona called Quanell X even before she was arrested?
and the landlord is claiming he knows nothing about a burned carpet.

Thanks for the link..Just watched it and all I can say about the burned carpet "claim" is SURPRIZE SURPRIZE, just another lie from a child killer's mouth.. Does she think that the DA's office would just say, "Oh, ok Mona since you told us this burned portion of your carpet{that smells of human decomp}has been there for months..that you had even spoken with your landlord requesting that it be replaced.. Since you told us that, Mona we will just cross that off of our long{boatload to be exact}list of physical evidence against you in the brutal murder of this innocent boy, Jonathan Foster."

I mean is that what this defendant thinks? Does she not realize that her lies one by one will be checked off alright..checked off as not only verified as another lie with regards to the burnt carpet. Because upon interviewing the landlord, THE LANDLORD knew nothing of burnt carpet and certainly had NOT been requested by this defendant to replace burnt carpet.. and also checked off as just another sure piece of physical evidence tying this defendant to the heinous murder of Jonathan Foster..

As far as QX stating that he'd been contacted before she was even arrested and charged with the capital murder of Jonathan Foster.. I am not surprised in the very least.. That she contacted QX when HPD had started intervviewing her.. Again SURPRIZE SURPRIZE! So, we have this defendant "claiming" that she was paid 20 bucks by DD on Christmas Eve to get rid of a "plastic container" of which the contents she knew nothing of..but that yes, she did dump the container/body in the ditch on Christmas Eve.. Again NOT KNOWING WHAT IT WAS THAT SHE WAS DUMPING!

So, by Tuesday when the burned body had been discovered and was awaiting confirmation on an ID.. I bet what it was that Mona had dumped in that ditch suddenly became EXTREMELY OBVIOUS TO HER THAT IT WAS THE BODY OF THE MISSING STEP SON OF THE MAN SHE'D BEEN PAID 20 BUCKS FOR DUMPING IT!




ETA~ someone mentioned that it was extremely difficult to actually be able to even get thru to Q-X..having to go thru his large posse to even speak or request to speak with him.. and IMO all Mona Nelson had to do was say hey! I'm the woman that is about to be arrested by HPD for the heinous murder of the 12 yr old little boy that has been all over the news..
Maybe it was something as simple and innocent as mistaking her for a man? There is no malice in that, but I could see her getting very angry. It could have been something that occurred when they first met, but she held onto it. Coupled with any other issues she may have had with AD or SE, this may have been what sent her over the edge. Seems so ridiculous and petty, but there is NO good reason for what she did.

I think odds are that it is something personal and petty, even if drugs were a part of their collective lifestyle.

Mona drinking vodka was mentioned also. She could have been drunk all day Christmas Eve day, resenting being ousted from SE's attention by AD and Jonathan. Maybe she simply lost a drinking and/or drugging buddy. She may have felt it especially on Christmas Eve, especially if she had no other plans. Maybe she is surly and mean when she is drunk and feels dissed.

What bothers me is what exactly leads LE to think she has killed before? None of the above possibilities account for that.
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