TX TX - Joshua Davis, 18 months, New Braunfels, 4 Feb 2011 - # 2

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Tan jeans, a 'ONSY', 2 long sleeve shirts and black 'n white socks.

Exactly - No one in their right mind puts a "Onsy" on a toddler who uses the potty - (learned the hard way :crazy:).

I wonder if they had been out previously that day. Is it just me or does a onesy and 2 long-sleeved shirts with jeans seem a bit excessive indoors for a child who is presumably watching a movie (in bed with blankets?) with mom? Or, had he been in and out during the afternoon/early evening with the smokers and/or other children?

I wonder when the last time was that anyone outside that group saw him...? Or, outside the parents? I wonder if the others in the home remember him taking his dad's hat off?

Just questions - thinking out loud.

If that group of people was the main social base for this child, as it seems it could have been, (parents, sibling, godparent, and grandparents), then even if no one else has seen him in a while, that wouldn't be that odd. As for someone outside the parents, if the grandfather reported him missing, it would seem that at least the grandfather saw him that night. (Although there is only one article that says gpa was the reporting party, so I don't know if we can trust that one yet.)
Is LE searching right now in their expanded radius, does anyone know? Are they allowing volunteers to search as well, or doing this one on their own?

If LE suspects one of the adults from the home, I doubt they drove very far to dispose of the baby, if he was killed. Maybe to a nearby complex or development with large trash containers/dumpsters? To get him out of their neighborhood? How far would such a place be from their home?
I'm going with the NCMEC description, which includes diaper.
There was also mention of a "baby in the other room" with the grandfather... that Joshua was "interested in." I never heard the 6 year old was in the room with the grandfather. I never heard a single word about where or what the 6 year old did.

That's why I wonder so much... if the 6 year old closed a door someone left open, not realizing Joshua had gotten out. Or if the 6 year old opened a door that nobody knows he opened and Joshua got out.

So I'm not sure if there was another baby in the house that night or not, but I have not heard Sabrina mention the 6 year old. Just the 7 adults and the "baby in the other room."

There has been kids all over there since Joshua went missing. That 6 year old is the only other sibling.


The 6 year old does not appear to be Sabrina's. It appears to be her stepson. There have been conflicting reports on this with some reporting she is expecting her third child, but I'm pretty sure that they just grouped this little boy in there. I think Sabrina is actually expecting her second child and all together they have three. The 6 year old appears to be from a previous relationship of Dad's.

I believe the parents are 21/23.

They would have needed to take the equipment too, not just the medication. Unless they themselves have the equipment already. So if the medication was gone, but not the machine I'd be looking at anyone who would already have a machine!


and Definitely on the nebulizer.... little ones cannot use an inhaler, it must be a neb. and flare ups happen in winter a lot more often then in summer. I have 2 children with asthma. Face masks for the little ones are also usually used but the basic neb. attachment can be used in a pinch if you take off the mouth piece and just hold the "fog" in front of the littles one's face so they can breathe it in.
There was also mention of a "baby in the other room" with the grandfather... that Joshua was "interested in." I never heard the 6 year old was in the room with the grandfather. I never heard a single word about where or what the 6 year old did.

That's why I wonder so much... if the 6 year old closed a door someone left open, not realizing Joshua had gotten out. Or if the 6 year old opened a door that nobody knows he opened and Joshua got out.

So I'm not sure if there was another baby in the house that night or not, but I have not heard Sabrina mention the 6 year old. Just the 7 adults and the "baby in the other room."

There has been kids all over there since Joshua went missing. That 6 year old is the only other sibling.

The 6 year old does not appear to be Sabrina's. It appears to be her stepson. There have been conflicting reports on this with some reporting she is expecting her third child, but I'm pretty sure that they just grouped this little boy in there. I think Sabrina is actually expecting her second child and all together they have three. The 6 year old appears to be from a previous relationship of Dad's.

(snipped some for space)

I know I am beating a dead horse (where's that icon?) , but there is the picture of that little girl outside with dad. She looks to be lighter skinned than Joshua, about 4 I'd guess. She might be mom's daughter from a previous marriage/relationship and dad had a son from a previous marriage/relationship, and then they had 2 together - Joshua and the current pregnancy. That would make 4 children in total and would fit with the 3 pregnancies reported.
I wonder if they had been out previously that day. Is it just me or does a onesy and 2 long-sleeved shirts with jeans seem a bit excessive indoors for a child who is presumably watching a movie (in bed with blankets?) with mom? Or, had he been in and out during the afternoon/early evening with the smokers and/or other children?

I lived in a prefab for ten years, they are very drafty - it often felt like the wind was blowing right through the walls even tho it was new and supposedly well insulated.

Dad was wearing his knit beanie in the house, guessing they have the same situation.
I wonder if they had been out previously that day. Is it just me or does a onesy and 2 long-sleeved shirts with jeans seem a bit excessive indoors for a child who is presumably watching a movie (in bed with blankets?) with mom? Or, had he been in and out during the afternoon/early evening with the smokers and/or other children?

Very odd to have that many layers on to hang around the house. We're pretty laid back around here though... When my kids were 18 months i was usually pregnant with another and sometimes would just lay the toddler down with a fresh diaper or pull up and the T-shirt they had been wearing.
Also my kids were picky and hated the snaps on jeans so unless we were going somewhere they'd either be in track type pants (which they'd spend all day trying to get off) or just a diaper from the waist down.. but like i said waaay laid back around here.....
Also, perhaps the godmother brought over her baby to the basketball get-together at the home. Either her or the father's friend. Or maybe even they were married and/or a couple and brought the baby with them? That would explain why the baby was **possibly** in Josh's bed and he was winding down with mom watching the movie.

ETA: I'm just noodlin' about the atmosphere that evening and the people there.
a polygraph is given in three phases... perhaps that is what the father is meaning.. a poly can take up to six hours or more... if he had three tests no way they did them in the same day... moo
a polygraph is given in three phases... perhaps that is what the father is meaning.. a poly can take up to six hours or more... if he had three tests no way they did them in the same day... moo

When I had to take a polygraph, they discussed with me first what they would be asking me about and then hooked me up and asked me the questions, all "yes" or no" questions. That was it, no further tests or pre-tests or do-overs. Saying he took 3 tests is troubling to me, anyway.
Dad took 3???

Ok i first read about multiple poly's in Hailey Dunn's case and now i see it again.. is it normal to give them till someone passes????
Doesn't that defeat the purpose?

LDT are not given until someone passes. ;)
There is a reason this man was given 3 and I find that alarming.
LDT are not given until someone passes. ;)
There is a reason this man was given 3 and I find that alarming.

Terri Horman was administered 3 polys. Each one was done by different agencies (I'm not sure which ones, however.) Being that the FBI has been called in and the Texas Rangers (much like Hailey's case), it is possible that he was administered 3 polys. That said, it is VERY hinky. Look at the players in Kyron's case and Hailey's case and who were administered the 3 polys - the very people they suspect had something to do with their disappearances.

Remember, Terri was very vocal the first few days about finding Kyron. She was on FB, at the pressers, etc., etc. Just goes to show that if dad is out with mom handing out fliers and "cooperating" with LE, it doesn't mean that they have not ruled him out as a suspect. It would be interesting to know if he had any criminal past, but until he is named a suspect or POI, I won't go there...for now...
LDT are not given until someone passes. ;)
There is a reason this man was given 3 and I find that alarming.

Hailey Dunn's uncle took one, failed it.
Took another, failed it.
Took a third one, passed it.

I don't find it alarming yet that Josh Sr was given 3. Because in the Horman case they were giving polygraphs from different agencies. It is possible they did one from the Ranger, one from the FBI and one from local police. Or something along those lines.

I've simply seen nothing to indicate he should be under suspicion. With Hailey and Kyron's case it was obvious who was under suspicion. Terri Horman never once said a word to the media or did anything visible to find Kyron. Huge difference between her and this Dad.
a polygraph is given in three phases... perhaps that is what the father is meaning.. a poly can take up to six hours or more... if he had three tests no way they did them in the same day... moo

I replayed the video at the link above, he said "Actually they put me thru three."

You could be right.
Weren't dogs able to trail Laci Peterson to the bay area from her home? She obviously hadn't walked away either. :waitasec:
I agree someone may have taken him though. Praying Joshua is found soon.

11 year old Natalie Bloom, 4 yr. old Zoey Dorsey, 5 yr. old Issak Glenn, all wandered away from home and into the woods and dogs failed to track/find them. It was volunteer searchers who ultimately came across them thank goodness.

I really think search dogs are a great tool but they don't always work.

I don't think this little guy wandered away though.
11 year old Natalie Bloom, 4 yr. old Zoey Dorsey, 5 yr. old Issak Glenn, all wandered away from home and into the woods and dogs failed to track/find them. It was volunteer searchers who ultimately came across them thank goodness.

I really think search dogs are a great tool but they don't always work.

I don't think this little guy wandered away though.

I think it's also important to know that in this case as well as many others, these are NOT search dogs that are being used.
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