TX TX - Joshua Davis, 18 months, New Braunfels, 4 Feb 2011 - # 2

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just finished reading the threads on this case. another one of those nobody saw what happened kind of deals. i do not buy this story at all. someone in that house saw what happened to the baby in my opinion. one more thing that is bothering me is that there is no mention of putting the baby to bed. They were watching toy story at 8. seems late for an 18 month old to be up and about. no mention of what the childs normal bed time was. no mention of whether he had his own bedroom either. if she was trying to get the child to sleep(which i do not believe she has said) than why would she let him wander out of the room? my little boy just turned 2 so i cant help but think about the normal bedtime and bedtime activities that take place in my home. not that everyone is the same, and not casting any judgements, but it just seems to be a little late for him to be up anyway. was he a poor sleeper? did he share a room with the parents? any thoughts?

I don't think there would be an expectation of any normalcy with that many people gathered in the house to watch a ballgame, do you? My guess that these are not parents who don't follow strict guidelines like kids going to bed at certain times or a bedtime routine. But even if they do try to keep a routine, that would be pretty hard to do with a bunch of adults hooting and hollering during a game. I'm sure all these relatives don't live there but I'm just guessing.
Woke up this morning and it was 45, it is now 25 with a very cold wind blowing and sleet. Where is this poor baby? I fear there is something we are missing here. I watched the interview from NG that I had dvr'd. Something just is gnawing at me on this one...something ain't right.
The mother claims that the door was closed all day. Am I correct that there is a storm door that wouldn't stay latched? I recall her telling NG that he could not reach the knob on the main door.
I just do not believe they are going to find this baby alive. And realistically, I don't think he could have wandered that far off without something awful happening. I hate to say this but coyotes prowl at night and they do prey on small animals. A baby that size.... horrible to think of but the possibility is still there.
Such an adorable little boy... what a shame!
The mother claims that im leaving the yard isthe door was closed all day. Am I correct that there is a storm door that wouldn't stay latched? I recall her telling NG that he could not reach the knob on the main door.
I just do not believe they are going to find this baby alive. And realistically, I don't think he could have wandered that far off without something awful happening. I hate to say this but coyotes prowl at night and they do prey on small animals. A baby that size.... horrible to think of but the possibility is still there.
Such an adorable little boy... what a shame!

If he were grabbed by a four legged predator there would have been some signs of a struggle/blood trail. The SR dogs should have been able to follow that trail IMO.

There are too many things that don't add up in this story - the dogs not finding any trace of him leaving the yard is just one problem...
Police believe the child wandered away from the home, however, Lt. Mike Penshorn says they are "confident" he is not within a mile radius of the home. Law enforcement officers expanded their search area by another mile Tuesday and used dive teams and drones to search the area surrounding the home in the 2600 block of Savannah Hill Circle.

Investigators also removed a tarp and a bucket from the backyard of the home, which could be considered evidence. Penshorn could not say how long the items had been there or why they were taken.

Not really anything new there.
Additional FBI agents arrived Tuesday from the agency's behavioral science unit in Quantico, Va., and were reviewing the information that had been obtained earlier in the investigation, Penshorn said.
"They specialize in cases involving missing children."
Seven FBI agents are now on the case. The other agents also have experience in such cases, he said.
"They're providing expertise regarding missing children and also have access to additional resources, which I'm sure we'll be utilizing in the near future."
Texas Rangers and representatives from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children are also helping in the investigation.
Penshorn said all of the participating agencies have concurred with the NBPD's actions in the conduct of the investigation.


Color me crazy, but typically the BSU doesn't show up for cases of children that wandered away. And it seems that even a routine update has now become an opportunity for the local LE to play CYA. That's never good. The focus should never be "We did all we could." It should be, "What we have done is not enough, because he isn't home yet." When the comments about LE all supporting each other in a case start flying this far in...it just makes me nervous.
The mother claims that the door was closed all day. Am I correct that there is a storm door that wouldn't stay latched? I recall her telling NG that he could not reach the knob on the main door.
I just do not believe they are going to find this baby alive. And realistically, I don't think he could have wandered that far off without something awful happening. I hate to say this but coyotes prowl at night and they do prey on small animals. A baby that size.... horrible to think of but the possibility is still there.
Such an adorable little boy... what a shame!

Even if he did wander away, and did not fall victim to a coyote or something, the weather is way too cold at night for him to have survived. Right now, a cold front has moved in, and it's 26 degrees out. :(

If he is alive right now, I think he would have to be with someone. I really don't think that happened. To me it's really baffling, I can't imagine what has happened to little Joshua.
Have we heard what the 6 year old was doing? I assume he was awake. He could be a very key witness. I am sure they have carefully interviewed him, I just don't remember reading what he was doing during that evening.
Woke up this morning and it was 45, it is now 25 with a very cold wind blowing and sleet. Where is this poor baby? I fear there is something we are missing here. I watched the interview from NG that I had dvr'd. Something just is gnawing at me on this one...something ain't right.

I just took my dog out for a quick walk. It is very gusty. The cold just cut right through my jacket. Really scattered flurries, and there was ice on the sidewalk. Needless to say, I was a really quick walk, then we came back in.

I can't imagine an little baby out in that, not dressed as he was. :(
Has it been mentioned anywhere whether Joshua was last seen wearing shoes? That would be a big factor as to how far he could have travelled on foot.
Has it been mentioned anywhere whether Joshua was last seen wearing shoes? That would be a big factor as to how far he could have travelled on foot.

To the best of the media knowledge, he had no shoes and no coat.
Have we heard what the 6 year old was doing? I assume he was awake. He could be a very key witness. I am sure they have carefully interviewed him, I just don't remember reading what he was doing during that evening.

He was in another room with Gpa, that is where the mother cked first before cking the living rm, iirc
I just had to comment on something LOL Someone said earlier it kinda made ya go HMM that the mom was watching toy story alone..
My house is empty it's just me and hte pets and i'm watching Handy manny LOL
I'm laying down the remote is across the room and I haven't see this one before those are my excuses LOL ;)
Does anyone have a timeline they can bring over? I think I saw one on the last thread, but I don't know how to copy a post. I know it won't be real tight, but still nice to have.

I'm working on a list of important statements, those directly quoted from LE nd the parents, but it's taking awhile.
I just had to comment on something LOL Someone said earlier it kinda made ya go HMM that the mom was watching toy story alone..
My house is empty it's just me and hte pets and i'm watching Handy manny LOL
I'm laying down the remote is across the room and I haven't see this one before those are my excuses LOL ;)

The way she explained it actually made sense to me because I used to try the same thing when my kids were toddlers. First of all she is over 8 months pregnant, so I can easily see her laying down in bed watching a movie with him, trying to get him to go to sleep. So he kept leaving the room and coming back. Again, makes sense because Dad has loud friends watching the BBall game in the livingroom. way more exciting than Toy Story and mom. And big brother is with Grandpa across the hall. So I can easily see pregnant mom continuing to lay down watching the movie, waiting for the boy to return. After awhile she went looking, probably expecting to find him in Dad's lap, and was going to put his pj's on him. So very sad whatever happened.
This is heartbreaking. Poor Baby. It is scary to think of ANY of the possibilities that could have happened to him if he did in fact "wander" off alone. I have a really hard time believing that is what happened here. IMO, because of his age, the weather, how he was dressed. However, these things can happen and without any proof of an abduction it remains a possibility.

I hate to even type this but could this have been a crime of opportunity. If Joshua did in fact get out of the house on his own and wandered a little ways and someone saw him and either: As I read in a previous post, someone who wanted a child thought that because a baby was wandering in the cold at night with no coat and in socks, that they had some right to take him because they might have been thinking "what kind of parents let this happen". Even as I type I realize this is best case and most likely wishful thinking because it would mean he is being well cared for and NOT victimized by a predator. OR: A SO saw him and took him and that thought makes my brain wants to shut down.

IMO, the best case scenario here is that someone did in fact take him and he's still alive and being cared for, which is still scary.

I agree that this baby looks like he was healthy and well cared for and makes me want to scream "HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN????"

One last thought about him wandering off by himself. I know that some 18 month olds can walk pretty good BUT, I have seen a LOT of babies at this age (I have a 22 yr old son and 13 nieces and nephews) and even when they are good walkers that young they can only walk good on stable surfaces like a floor or blacktop. Once they hit the grassy areas or rocks, wooded areas etc... They become unstable and IMO would not be able to get very far on their own especially in socks KWIM?

Praying for Joshua and his family.

Have we heard what the 6 year old was doing? I assume he was awake. He could be a very key witness. I am sure they have carefully interviewed him, I just don't remember reading what he was doing during that evening.

He was in another room with Gpa, that is where the mother cked first before cking the living rm, iirc

I just had to comment on something LOL Someone said earlier it kinda made ya go HMM that the mom was watching toy story alone..
My house is empty it's just me and hte pets and i'm watching Handy manny LOL
I'm laying down the remote is across the room and I haven't see this one before those are my excuses LOL ;)


I had always assumed that Toy Story was for the 6-yr-old...? I must have missed that the 6-yr-old was with grandpa. Then that leaves two less people to witness whatever happened that night regarding little Joshua's movements throughout the home.

Seven adults, right? Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TX TX - Joshua Davis, 18 months, New Braunfels, 4 Feb 2011 - #1

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In the trailer there was the mother, godmother and grandfather's girlfriend.

The father, the grandfather and the father's friend.

Then there was one other "grandparent" as well.

- mom/dad (who I think are key here, or at least one of them)
- grandpa/6-yr-old (in another room)
- little Joshua (missing)

So the remaining people: this other "grandparent", godmother, father's friend (was he the one who left/returned?), and grandfather's girlfriend.

Sorry - I thought I was going somewhere with this but now I'm not sure.
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