TX TX - Joshua Davis, 18 months, New Braunfels, 4 Feb 2011 - # 5

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That is what I was thinking, and unless LE/CPS release that info we'll probably never know because of confidentiality in family courts...I don't think either parent would come right out and say it, instead they just allude to the fact that baby J****n lives elsewhere. Weird. Why would the parents stay in a house where something horrible happened? Why not go stay where the new baby is? It is SB's MOM...

In my state, if CPS took the baby and allowed the grandmother to become the guardian, she would normally be permitted to give unlimited visitation as long as she is present (as in within eyesight). However, the parents would not be allowed to spend the night in the same house with the baby.
I think some sort of agreement was worked out that the baby live elsewhere until it is determined for certain that no one in the home harmed/killed/hid Joshua. Otherwise I believe that Joshua's parents would be staying where the baby is staying as well. Maybe CPS is being especially careful, or maybe LE put in a request, we don't know, but I am guessing it was not totally the parents' idea to be separated from their newborn.
Do we really know that SB doesn't live with her mom? I know that there was speculation about who lived in the trailer home.
Do we really know that SB doesn't live with her mom? I know that there was speculation about who lived in the trailer home.

According to JD Sr, he and Sabrina still reside in the home that baby Joshua disappeared from...it's in the article I posted a few posts up...

It also says that she works back at Denny's now, and he is custom painting houses.

It's a media source, but they are quoting JD Sr...
According to JD Sr, he and Sabrina still reside in the home that baby Joshua disappeared from...it's in the article I posted a few posts up...

It also says that she works back at Denny's now, and he is custom painting houses.

It's a media source, but they are quoting JD Sr...

Thanks HiHater. With the little information we have you wouldn't think it would be so confusing, right? :)

It does seem odd to have the parents separated from their newborn. I would have gone nuts when my babies were just born, and spending much time away from them. Strange...
Before the baby was born I was (of the opinion) the baby would not have been taken away without probable cause of evidence of some kind of neglect or suspicion, due to other cases. The S. Thompson case springs to mind as she had a number of children and Diena admits at one point she and her boyfriend were under suspicion, yet her children were not taken away. Note, there was not a new-born. We have the Dunn case, where the 16 yr old seemingly went to private placement, but go back to the Cumming's case & it took forever for JR. to be removed. Maybe the rest of you were right-on, "speculating" this baby won't be coming home to the parents if (for the reasons speculated). There is a reason for the newborn to be living away from the parents, although they try to seem him every night. Wish we need the reason. I hope somehow...there is a good reason, that makes everything work out.
I think that CPS had to make a difficult decision here. Nobody knows what happened to little Joshua. So it COULD have been any one of the people living in that home, or all of them even, who was responsible. Maybe it was the visiting friend, or even a neighbor or an intruder. But given that nobody knows what happened, and LE keeps hinting it was not
an abduction, CPS is almost forced to find an alternative living arrangement for now.

It must be HE!! to lose a child like that and then be separated from your newborn. My heart goes out to them. I hope there is a resolution and an answer soon.
I think that CPS had to make a difficult decision here. Nobody knows what happened to little Joshua. So it COULD have been any one of the people living in that home, or all of them even, who was responsible. Maybe it was the visiting friend, or even a neighbor or an intruder. But given that nobody knows what happened, and LE keeps hinting it was not
an abduction, CPS is almost forced to find an alternative living arrangement for now.

It must be HE!! to lose a child like that and then be separated from your newborn. My heart goes out to them. I hope there is a resolution and an answer soon.

Well-put, and I completely agree with every thing you say. CPS involvement is a given in a case like this.

This case baffles me.

I'm sure NBPD has done everything its power, along with the other agencies. I wonder, though, if a New Braunfels case a short time earlier might have influenced the police in its handling of this one early on, with its similar circumstances (and successful conclusion). Perhaps earlier intensive questioning - grilling - of those in the home might have produced a different result (and perhaps not).

Also on the note that another case might have influenced handling of this one, I noticed that, when the bucket (and I believe a tarp) was taken as evidence, it coincided with this sad case - same day I think - in nearby San Antonio.
I think that CPS had to make a difficult decision here. Nobody knows what happened to little Joshua. So it COULD have been any one of the people living in that home, or all of them even, who was responsible. Maybe it was the visiting friend, or even a neighbor or an intruder. But given that nobody knows what happened, and LE keeps hinting it was not
an abduction, CPS is almost forced to find an alternative living arrangement for now.

It must be HE!! to lose a child like that and then be separated from your newborn. My heart goes out to them. I hope there is a resolution and an answer soon.

I would think that CPS is pretty certain that someone in the household harmed Joshua, if they removed a newborn from the home. I just don't see them removing a child from the home if they believe it could have been a friend, neighbor, or intruder.

In the Ramsey case they never removed JonBenet's brother from the home, and they never did determine who harmed her.
CPS believes that children should not be removed from their homes except to protect them from abuse or neglect and when there are no reasonable efforts CPS can make to provide for the children’s safety and prevent their removal. CPS is allowed by law to remove children for abuse and neglect or for being at risk of abuse or neglect only after a court orders it or when there is no time consistent with the health and safety of the child to obtain a court order and the person taking possession of the child has sufficient knowledge or reason to believe:

  • there is an immediate danger to the physical health or safety of the child;
  • the child has been the victim of sexual abuse;
  • the person with possession of the child is currently using a controlled substance and the use constitutes an immediate danger to the physical health or safety of the child; or
  • the person with possession of the child has permitted the child to remain on premises used for the manufacture of methamphetamines.

I think if they didn't have very good reason, that baby would still be there. JMO
Because I believe CPS removed the baby from the home, I also think the danger had to be from one of the people living in the house:

I know there has been discussion about who was in the house the night Joshua disappeared, but who actually lives in the house besides mom, dad and grandpa?
We don't know. That's why I don't want to jump to any conclusions. I'm really not sure how I, personally, would be able to care for a newborn if I had a missing child. I can't imagine. :(

I can't imagine either. This is the most critical time for mother and baby to bond with each other. I also believe there must have been an intervention by CPS or someone who felt the best thing for the baby would be to be with his grandmother. MOO

IMHO If CPS removed the new baby from this home the reason was not based on what might have happened to Joshua. IMHO they can't remove children on "maybe's" or "it looks like this might have happened's"

They did not let that new baby go into that home or gave warning that would happen and other arrangements were made voluntarily by parents about physical custody of new baby because there was a

Snipped from Noway's post number 251:
there is an immediate danger to the physical health or safety of the child;

IMHO CPS went in there did an assesment and decided that this new baby could not live in that home as things were at the time.

I just don't think that the new baby was removed because of Joshua being missing. That could be fought in court and won. CPS can't remove children on suspicions when those suspicions can't be investigated. JMHO and thoughts on the subject.
From what little we are getting from the media, either LE is totally lost as to what happened and who was involved, or at least are in no position to prove anything. Very disheartening, to say the least, as a tiny baby might never be found, if deceased. We've seen this far too often, with larger children, not to mention adults. And almost every case, there is a prime suspect, yet nothing that can be done.
Bumping for Josh. Where is this child with the beautiful smile?

IMHO If CPS removed the new baby from this home the reason was not based on what might have happened to Joshua. IMHO they can't remove children on "maybe's" or "it looks like this might have happened's"

They did not let that new baby go into that home or gave warning that would happen and other arrangements were made voluntarily by parents about physical custody of new baby because there was a

Snipped from Noway's post number 251:
IMHO CPS went in there did an assesment and decided that this new baby could not live in that home as things were at the time.
I just don't think that the new baby was removed because of Joshua being missing. That could be fought in court and won. CPS can't remove children on suspicions when those suspicions can't be investigated. JMHO and thoughts on the subject.

I am not sure that I agree with all of the above. I DO think the newborn might have been placed with the grandmother because Joshua is missing.

The mystery has not been solved. Nobody knows what happened but LE seems to believe it may have been someone living in the home that is responsible. If so, CPS cannot leave another child in the home until the mystery is solved.

It is not just a suspicion that a child went missing. That much they know for sure. So it was either negligence, an accident that was covered up, murder, or an abduction. Until they find out which one, 3 out of the 4 choices would be the fault of the family. imo
This one is another heartbreaker. Such a precious boy with a beautiful smile, gone 7 weeks now.

Nothing from LE, no searches organized by the parents since March 4. The reward for info is up to $20,000.

Nothing about this case makes sense.

Where is Josh? Someone knows...
This article from Nancy Grace's blog on March 18th says the NBPD is still waiting for lab results on some items. Bucket and tarp among them, I assume?


I've been thinking about Joshua and wondering why we aren't seeing more statements from his parents. At the beginning of the investigation, it was noted that Joshua might need medication for his asthma and possibly for other medical problems, but the last interview I saw with the parents didn't make mention of any of this.

If the parents honestly believe someone is keeping Joshua I would think they would mention the asthma and medication again.

I sure wish there would be a break in this case.
This is one little baby that I really want to be found. I cannot believe there has not been more progress - hopefully the lab results will at least lead LE down one path or another...
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