TX TX - Joshua Davis, 18 months, New Braunfels, 4 Feb 2011 - # 5

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The police have not cleared him, or anyone else except the sex offender who lived across the street. According to the D family, his car was searched but not until 2 days later. Also, there were searches conducted near A's home at least 2 times...

Ya know, seeing in black and white what you just wrote here freaks me out! The ONLY person cleared is the SO across the street???? Doesn't that sound sooooo bizarre? It just makes no sense to me!

Where are you sweet baby Joshua????
You would think so, as generally one thinks if there is enough trauma to kill a child there should be blood.

Like in Andrew's death: http://louiselarsen.blogspot.com/2011/01/today-little-boy-was-run-over-and.html

However, there really isn't blood in a lot of these cases. Out of the 5 toddlers we have had run over in our area... only one involved a significant amount of blood. That one was a baby, a truck and a busy main 45MPH street... not a driveway.

It would totally depend on the situation... but for example, a 2 year old who was run over at the chest or abdomen, would likely be bleeding internally. Bruises/abrasions outside but no real blood.

The head may be different, even if the major damage is inside... even minor head wounds bleed a lot. It is the internal injuries though, that kill them.

I also factor in that someone will often pick up and move the child so fast that no blood is actually left where the accident occurs. This has occurred a couple of times here. Where there was a bloody nose, or bleeding from the head... but the child was moved so quickly that the blood didn't ever hit the ground.

I think the scenario in this case is highly unlikely.... However, the parents brought up the alcohol so I wanted to mention it. If someone hit Joshua, he wasn't on the ground for very long... and probably was put onto a jacket or something in the vehicle. IF there was any blood at all.

This first case is near me.

4 year old - massive internal injuries, broken bones


There is no sign of blood in either of these situations either, I can think of several other ones as well... but these are closer to Joshua's age:

2 year old - 11 year old driver


2 year old - head trauma


Not trying to argue, but none of these reports say that there was no blood at all at the scene of the accident. And in the first two links, the child did not die immediately, sounds like they died at the hospital later. The last one happened not too far from my area. I believe, from what I remember, the child was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital, but I can't swear to that.

Still, I think there would be some signs of the accident that LE would pick up on if no one else did.

I would think that if the toddler was run over in their yard, or right in front of their house the people inside the house would have heard the impact and the screams from the baby. JMO.
Ya know, seeing in black and white what you just wrote here freaks me out! The ONLY person cleared is the SO across the street???? Doesn't that sound sooooo bizarre? It just makes no sense to me!

Where are you sweet baby Joshua????

IIRC The SO was involved with teenager. It would make sense that his house / vehicle was probably the first searched by LE after deciding Josh wasn't in his house or yard, the guy may even have the ankle bracelet so LE knows exactly where he was all evening...

It bothers me just as much that NO ONE else has been cleared!
IIRC The SO was involved with teenager. It would make sense that his house / vehicle was probably the first searched by LE after deciding Josh wasn't in his house or yard, the guy may even have the ankle bracelet so LE knows exactly where he was all evening...

It bothers me just as much that NO ONE else has been cleared!

I know you're right. It just sounded so weird that of ALL the people near Joshua that night, the RSO is the only one who's been cleared. It made my heart sink.
Parents Of Missing Toddler Keeping Case Alive

Joshua Davis Vanished From New Braunfels Home 67 Days Ago


Reward at $22,000.00 - 2 more billboards going up, they still suspect the friend - (nothing new here) :(


Such a precious little guy...
Snipped from LCM's link in post 426.

Everyone in the home that night is considered a suspect, but Davis believes a family friend who left the home 10 minutes before anyone noticed Joshua was missing may have valuable information but he refuses to cooperate with investigators.

Where did that statement originate that I bolded? Did it come from Davis or is it a conclusion made by the reporter? If it came from the reporter I wouldn't be surprised sometimes the reporters do take a certain amount of latitude when reporting but if it came from Davis that's an indication as to what LE is thinking at this time. Possibly not always.

Snipped from LCM's link in post 426.

Everyone in the home that night is considered a suspect, but Davis believes a family friend who left the home 10 minutes before anyone noticed Joshua was missing may have valuable information but he refuses to cooperate with investigators.

Where did that statement originate that I bolded? Did it come from Davis or is it a conclusion made by the reporter? If it came from the reporter I wouldn't be surprised sometimes the reporters do take a certain amount of latitude when reporting but if it came from Davis that's an indication as to what LE is thinking at this time. Possibly not always.


Is that a rewrite of no one in the house has been cleared? If not cleared they are suspect... I agree, someone using "artist license".
Lacking a direct antecedent, one can conclude nothing in terms of the origin of the statement. I do get the feeling the reporter is paraphrasing something told him by Mr Davis though.
I agree, I think that's a statement by Mr. Davis. Surely everyone could not still be a suspect even after the lie detector tests? What I'm surprised about is that if LE thought the family was involved, why not charge them with small stuff to break them? Providing alcohol to an underaged person or something like that...perhaps even child neglect...Not saying they should be charged, just speaking to the fact that we see stuff like that in these kind of cases where a person is suspected but there's no evidence...
It's not just that the parents seem to believe the "friend" is involved, but they seem to believe he gave Joshua to someone. Even if they're just bluffing, I do hope LE is checking out that possibility thoroughly.
I agree, I think that's a statement by Mr. Davis. Surely everyone could not still be a suspect even after the lie detector tests? What I'm surprised about is that if LE thought the family was involved, why not charge them with small stuff to break them? Providing alcohol to an underaged person or something like that...perhaps even child neglect...Not saying they should be charged, just speaking to the fact that we see stuff like that in these kind of cases where a person is suspected but there's no evidence...

You know, this is a valid point - I wonder if they are waiting for SB's LDT before making this move? I would like to see some conclusion in this case - I do not believe Josh just vanished on his own. This is not to say I suspect the parents, but I believe someone who was in the house that night knows something - I just don't know who it is.

The parents continued attempts to keep Josh in the news says a lot when compared to others who have been complacent in their child's disappearance -
I would love to know just how hard LE looked into the 'friend.' I am concerned because of what the mother said back at the beginning. Remember when she said there was suspicions about the friend because of the changes in his story,and he came and went,and then left 10 minutes before the child went missing? And she said that LE dismissed her concerns from the start?
It's not just that the parents seem to believe the "friend" is involved, but they seem to believe he gave Joshua to someone. Even if they're just bluffing, I do hope LE is checking out that possibility thoroughly.

They do keep saying that they think baby Joshua is alive and possibly given away to someone; I wonder if they are holding on to that belief because the alternative is way more devastating....
They do keep saying that they think baby Joshua is alive and possibly given away to someone; I wonder if they are holding on to that belief because the alternative is way more devastating....

Although backthread one of them did refer to Joshua in past tense (I commented on it but I only said I would make mental note and see if it was a pattern because once means nothing and IIRC it was Mom but again I could be wrong on that) and now they are saying they believe he is alive indicates to me that intellectually they know he is deceased (more than likely) but their heart won't let them accept that. We have literally hundreds of threads where a child has gone missing and has been missing decades and the parent(s) still believe that the child is alive and out there somewhere.

I have no clue what happened to him. I would love to know exactly from where that comment originated. I have written to reporters in the past and asked them to clarify certain passages in their writings and have gotten responses and sometimes have been ignored.

I don't have the time to do so now. If anyone that still follows Joshua is up to it maybe we could get an straight answer on that one.

Kat SB in the BTH interview said 'he had brown eyes' (IIRC) later in the same interview she said he 'has asthma'.

The family spokesperson (or God Mother - can't remember which) got a little defensive saying SB only used past tense because Joshy isn't here with them now, not because the family believes he is deceased...
In the BTH interview, SB used both past and present tense when talking about Josh. I didn't count how many times she used past vs. present tense, but I remember thinking she used present tense much more than past tense in the interview. It seemed to vary with the context of the questions being asked and whether or not she was responding to a question vs. speaking freely about Josh. Normally I get concerned about parents speaking of their children in past tense, but I didn't really feel that way when listening to SB.
Snipped from LCM's link in post 426.

Where did that statement originate that I bolded? Did it come from Davis or is it a conclusion made by the reporter? If it came from the reporter I wouldn't be surprised sometimes the reporters do take a certain amount of latitude when reporting but if it came from Davis that's an indication as to what LE is thinking at this time. Possibly not always.


Yes, Davis talks about everyone is a suspect in the video of this article, this is also the one that the reporter says police have POIs.

Thanks everyone for helping me to see the bigger picture. I'll have to wait and see what the patterns of references are in regard to Joshua but it could be noteworthy when the last person with a missing child consistently refers to them as deceased early on. That's just all my own opinion.

Doesn't indicate guilt about anything it's just something I pay attention to because sometimes not always what appears to be freudian slips can be telling. JMHO.

Bless his heart. I hope that he can be located and laid to rest.
I think it was the great aunt who explained why she had spoken of Joshua in the past tense.

(From my notes: It wasn’t unusual to have people dote on him, he’s so cute, esp. when he smiled. He had those eyes. And the family, we all love him, we all showed interest.
Asked why talking about him in past tense. Because that’s when it happened and he’s not with them now. Back then is when he was around and people were doting on him.)

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