TX TX - Joshua Davis, 18 months, New Braunfels, 4 Feb 2011 - # 5

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I am from Austin near New Braunfels and heard about this case when it first happened and then really nothing since in the local media. When I saw this on WS about the one year anniversary I was really surprised to see that there was no resolution to this missing little child. I am following the Lisa Irwin case and I didn't even realize that this case so close to me has gone on a year with no conculsion. To update myself, I read all of the threads here on WS from the beginning and from a fairly objective stand point, it seems something on the lines of that person (who is he?) that left the house that night shortly before the mother realized the child missing, either took the child or accidently ran over him then took him (hate to say this) and disposed of him somewhere way far away from the trailer home... authorities really need to talk to this person and he should take a polygraph....I don't quite understand his connection to "the law?..but jmho, he is the key to the disappearance of this angel..
I agree with everything you've said here, HiHater! I has me PO, that Nancy Grace won't mention this mystery person either. I also feel that these parents don't get the same media coverage as others due to race/class issues. It may not be a conscious thing, but just a matter of ratings. If people tuned in for this story like they did for the Casey Anthony circus, we'd see a lot more coverage.

Nancy is covering her behind... if she mentions his name she's afraid she'll get in trouble... As is the rest of the media...
Is it okay for me to post info of the person in question? He was arrested in June of last year for trying to steal beer from a restaurant in New Braunfels. His mug shot and jail/bond info is posted online with the county judicial records. I do believe his Grandfather used to be a coach at one of the high school's and it was rumored his Grandmother was a local attorney (or had ties to one) but I'm not sure if that was ever verified. His name has been mentioned several places on the net concerning this case and being in the house that night but there is no official link that I can find which substantiates that claim.
Is it okay for me to post info of the person in question? He was arrested in June of last year for trying to steal beer from a restaurant in New Braunfels. His mug shot and jail/bond info is posted online with the county judicial records. I do believe his Grandfather used to be a coach at one of the high school's and it was rumored his Grandmother was a local attorney (or had ties to one) but I'm not sure if that was ever verified. His name has been mentioned several places on the net concerning this case and being in the house that night but there is no official link that I can find which substantiates that claim.

Welcome Gruenebee! This sounds about what I recall too.

Too many things in this case don't make sense. It's a heartbreaker.
Is it okay for me to post info of the person in question? He was arrested in June of last year for trying to steal beer from a restaurant in New Braunfels. His mug shot and jail/bond info is posted online with the county judicial records. I do believe his Grandfather used to be a coach at one of the high school's and it was rumored his Grandmother was a local attorney (or had ties to one) but I'm not sure if that was ever verified. His name has been mentioned several places on the net concerning this case and being in the house that night but there is no official link that I can find which substantiates that claim.

The family says he was there that night and he certainly hasn't denied it.
Neither has anyone else, even when defending him on facebook.
The information on him can be found in the link that I gave at the top of the page. They have put his picture on Joshua's page.


He has not been named in main stream media.
He has not been named a suspect or person of interest in Joshua's case.

I'm quite sure that means, we cannot name him here either... regardless of his theft history. So I aired on the side of caution.
MsFacetious....I was being cautious too. I was going to post a link of his arrest as well as an article from the local paper but, then thought otherwise. No names.
“There were seven people in the house, and some of them have been truthful and some have not,” said Capt. John McDonald of the New Braunfels police, who are being assisted by the FBI and Texas Rangers.

Read more: http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/loc...#ixzz1lU5SgxAN

Sounds like they suspect more than one person knows, so I am doubtful it is the friend. I also thought he had taken a poly & LE cleared him so to speak way back?

From article above:

"Private investigator Charlie Parker, who briefly worked on the case for the family, subscribes to the theory that the boy was accidentally fatally injured — possibly run over by a car.

“Rather than call the police, I think they buried the body and I think the family knows where it is,” said Parker, who reported finding no blood or other evidence on vehicles he checked."

Read more: http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/lo...r-no-sign-of-Joshua-3041473.php#ixzz1mce4EsSo
I just found this article, it seems LE is taking the gloves off (there is a video as well):

"NEW BRAUNFELS, Texas - New Braunfels Police Capt. John McDonald says investigators have received misleading statements from the parents of a missing toddler and "many" of the people inside the home when the child went missing last year. 18-month-old Joshua Davis Jr. was reported missing Feb. 4, 2011.

"I think if your child is missing, you have no reason but to tell the truth on what you know and provide the information that would assist the investigators, rather than send them in different directions that would mislead them," Capt. McDonald said."

"Right now, we think there was probably an accident inside the house and that the persons have not come forward to explain the accident," Capt. McDonald said.

"We have confirmed with the family that the child was not kidnapped. We were able to confirm that nobody kicked in the door and took the child. We were able to confirm the child did not get out of the house."

I am trying to base a theory on what LE is saying. I wonder if some people that night are saying they didn't actually see Joshua & some people are saying they did. Remember Joshua was reportedly in the bedroom with Mom, then behind Dad's chair just before he went missing, he was near the friend just before he left (according to the parents) I believe as well. If there was an accident maybe earlier that day, why would the parents not report it? The only think I can think of is, if Joshua had overdosed on illegal drugs.
The statement from LE is similar to what LE is saying in Ayla's case...no abduction took place, no forced entry, people in the house know more than they are saying...

And yet they have managed it for over a year now in Joshua's case...wonder how long the people involved in Ayla's case will hold up...

LE is basially saying "liar, liar pants on fire" in both cases, yet doesn't seem to be able to go any further, so far...

A year later and police are still "thinking", guessing, and theorizing? They polygraphed at least some of the people, so they should either be able to say an accident happened in the house or it did not. I want justice for baby Joshua, no matter who did what. I don't want to hear what LE "thinks," because from the looks of it there has been 0 progress in this case.
I think LE is saying all they can say...that there is nothing that point to an abduction, or that points to Joshua being alive. Yet as in so many other cases, nothing, or not enough, to prove otherwise. I guess if people stick to their stories and/or clam up (assuming they are lying), there really is nothing LE can do. Unlike in Ayla's case, none of Joshua's blood was found and even that, in Ayla's case, may not get LE much further along. JMO
What do we have to work with?

The parent's private detective could be right regarding his theory that the boy was accidentally fatally injured — possibly run over by a car. Of course that would be outside the house.

LE's theory "Right now, we think there was probably an accident inside the house and that the persons have not come forward to explain the accident," Capt. McDonald said.

New information released that LE confirmed (from link above):

* No kidnapping
* The child did not leave the house.
* Some people are telling the truth
* Some people not telling the truth

Would this be accurate of the new information over the last number of days?

If there was an accident inside the house, somebody saw it. It would be a very strange coincidence for just ONE person to have seen this accident and then remove the baby without anyone else knowing about it. Possible that the mom didn't see or know about it, but the dad was in the main living area with several other people. What kind of accident could happen that would seriously injure a small child and not cause a lot of noise? Did he get hold of a cord of some kind and strangle himself? If he were to cut himself, he would cry and run to Daddy, and it would take time for him to bleed out. If he fell off something or ran into something and hit his head it would make a loud thud. Don't tell me that something terrible happened to this child and NO ONE saw or heard a thing. That's just not possible. And if LE thought something happened and they buried him in the back yard, why didn't they bring cadaver dogs in?
This is just not making sense and I want to know what they're doing to find him.
If there was an accident inside the house, somebody saw it. It would be a very strange coincidence for just ONE person to have seen this accident and then remove the baby without anyone else knowing about it. Possible that the mom didn't see or know about it, but the dad was in the main living area with several other people. What kind of accident could happen that would seriously injure a small child and not cause a lot of noise? Did he get hold of a cord of some kind and strangle himself? If he were to cut himself, he would cry and run to Daddy, and it would take time for him to bleed out. If he fell off something or ran into something and hit his head it would make a loud thud. Don't tell me that something terrible happened to this child and NO ONE saw or heard a thing. That's just not possible. And if LE thought something happened and they buried him in the back yard, why didn't they bring cadaver dogs in?
This is just not making sense and I want to know what they're doing to find him.

ITA with you, & if you ck the recent links, LE has given an extensive over-view IMO on what they have done on this case; what else can LE do? Breaks my heart that this case couldn't have been solved in a short while and could go possibly go down as a cold case, although it has been stated they are calling everyone in for a re-interview. Hoping for justice for Joshua!
I hope LE is trying some ploy to get at least one person to tell the truth, by calling them out like this, I can't quite get what they are driving at otherwise. And I really don't understand what they are sayig they think happened? Maybe LE just felt the need to say something, on the year anniversary, and this is the best they could come up with...JMO
I wonder if sometime that evening , someone took him to give him a bath, put him in the tub, then left him there, got sidetracked...and went back and he was drowned.
I wonder if sometime that evening , someone took him to give him a bath, put him in the tub, then left him there, got sidetracked...and went back and he was drowned.

The only problem with the accident inside the house theory for me, is that there was a 7 or 8 year old child there as well. He can talk and see, and understand. LE could have very easily said who was lying and who was truthful. Hopefully this is a ploy to make it seem like the pressure is on the parents, in order to get the real suspect to feel a false sense of security or escape.
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