TX TX - Julie Moseley, 9, Mary Trlica, 17, Lisa Wilson, 14, Fort Worth, 23 Dec 1974 - #2

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Christmas Eve. 1974 - I was 19; 4 months pregnant. Wrapping presents and watching the 10 o'clock news. They showed the girls pictures. I was very confused. How did Debbie Arnold's little sister end up married to TT? My second thought was, "Tommy, what have you done?" It may surprise people to know this. Until I went on the internet in the spring of 2009 to take a look at the list of unsolved murders, "Cold Case Division" of FWPD, I had not read the newspaper. I watched what there was about the case on the nightly news. I had my baby in May 1975 and went on with my life. When I didn't find the girls on that FWPD website (there were dozens of others), I did a search on "Trlica" since that name was the more unique. That led me to missingtrio.com. That article by Mary Rogers, (date?) is the first one I ever read. Nothing was new. Nothing had changed in over 30 years. No new facts. I started making calls to different agencies once I formed an opinion. That July I tried to contact Dan James. The rest is posted here - somewhere. Then in 2016 a family member showed me his collection of newspaper clippings, in a box, in no particular order. I tried putting them in order with only the text as a guide in most cases. Sometimes, a handwritten date in the corner. So. The three articles I posted this week are the ones I can confirm according to the archives from the Central Library. Just last Wednesday - looking at the entire page I learned something I never expected. In the first 8 days; the number of times this story made the front page is ZERO. On the 8th day, the tiny article is buried in the obituary section. It made me profoundly sad to see the article "Families plead for return of missing girls in letter", in context, as well as the others. Very disturbing. Also, it is a time-warp experience to see ads for stores and businesses you'd forgotten all about. Bad trip down memory lane. It's tedious to read newspapers on microfilm. The reel ended with December 30th. The Library closes at 5pm. It's going to take a while to get this stuff in order. I'll roll it out as I get to it.
Did you know them personally?
I said to myself, “Stop posting on WS.” I can’t publish my “Message in a Bottle” letters because they call out people that have names. But something is always in motion on this case. I need this public message to reach someone I hope is still lurking. It’s about the “hastily written letter” and “the envelope” it wasn’t mailed in.
In the evening edition of The Star Telegram the following article was published:

By 2pm Christmas Day the FWPD knew that letter was not mailed at all. Folded once, it was too long to fit in the Christmas card envelope TT dug out of the trash. It didn't take DNA, or handwriting analysis, or finger-print evidence, or expertise in postmarks. That note was hand-delivered by Debbie to her parents house less than 24 hours earlier. Mom calls the police. They pass it around. "Where's the envelope?" Now it needs an envelope. One is produced, eventually. I believe the police held those two pieces of paper up to the person who claimed he received it in the mail Tuesday morning and he had no choice but to admit he lied about that. Why? I can give you a dozen reasons. Next, obvious question. "Did you write this? Did you write this? DID YOU?????" It's too late to explain that he found it in her underwear drawer or somewhere else in the house. If he says he didn't write it, how did he get it? So, he "confesses" that he wrote it - except he didn't...Rachel did. Now, the whole letter is just a stupid thing he did to make her parents feel better - any excuse will do. The police discount the letter AFTER Rachel's mother and sister confirm it's her hand-writing. LE doesn't normally go out of their way to prove a positive. He "confessed" and that is that for almost 20 years. Then The Letter and Envelope are investigated for evidence that is lacking, missing, or just plain stupid. No one does any hand-writing analysis on TT to see if he was lying when he "confessed." So, in the past few weeks, someone, a member here, has come forward with documents, handwriting samples of TT. According to several sources, they were not conveyed to police. Instead they were turned over to a lawyer of a family member who is no doubt shopping for an "expert" in hand-writing analysis that will declare that TT wrote that letter. I would love to see the expression on his face when the police tell him they already know that. They will throw he and his expert in the dumpster. And TT will, again, be a safe distance from the crimes. Because no one will ever again try to prove Rachel wrote it. If she wrote it, he was there. He is the only living person that knew where that car was parked when he made her write that. Please turn your writing samples over to the police and let them do their job. If he lied about the envelope, and lied about writing that letter himself - it will be HUGE. Begging you -
Yes, for the girls, please!
The letter you refer to are in the hands of the new cold case detective!
I said to myself, “Stop posting on WS.” I can’t publish my “Message in a Bottle” letters because they call out people that have names. But something is always in motion on this case. I need this public message to reach someone I hope is still lurking. It’s about the “hastily written letter” and “the envelope” it wasn’t mailed in.
In the evening edition of The Star Telegram the following article was published:

By 2pm Christmas Day the FWPD knew that letter was not mailed at all. Folded once, it was too long to fit in the Christmas card envelope TT dug out of the trash. It didn't take DNA, or handwriting analysis, or finger-print evidence, or expertise in postmarks. That note was hand-delivered by Debbie to her parents house less than 24 hours earlier. Mom calls the police. They pass it around. "Where's the envelope?" Now it needs an envelope. One is produced, eventually. I believe the police held those two pieces of paper up to the person who claimed he received it in the mail Tuesday morning and he had no choice but to admit he lied about that. Why? I can give you a dozen reasons. Next, obvious question. "Did you write this? Did you write this? DID YOU?????" It's too late to explain that he found it in her underwear drawer or somewhere else in the house. If he says he didn't write it, how did he get it? So, he "confesses" that he wrote it - except he didn't...Rachel did. Now, the whole letter is just a stupid thing he did to make her parents feel better - any excuse will do. The police discount the letter AFTER Rachel's mother and sister confirm it's her hand-writing. LE doesn't normally go out of their way to prove a positive. He "confessed" and that is that for almost 20 years. Then The Letter and Envelope are investigated for evidence that is lacking, missing, or just plain stupid. No one does any hand-writing analysis on TT to see if he was lying when he "confessed." So, in the past few weeks, someone, a member here, has come forward with documents, handwriting samples of TT. According to several sources, they were not conveyed to police. Instead they were turned over to a lawyer of a family member who is no doubt shopping for an "expert" in hand-writing analysis that will declare that TT wrote that letter. I would love to see the expression on his face when the police tell him they already know that. They will throw he and his expert in the dumpster. And TT will, again, be a safe distance from the crimes. Because no one will ever again try to prove Rachel wrote it. If she wrote it, he was there. He is the only living person that knew where that car was parked when he made her write that. Please turn your writing samples over to the police and let them do their job. If he lied about the envelope, and lied about writing that letter himself - it will be HUGE. Begging you -
Point of clarification: It is not a family member that accused me of "ruining the case." It is a frightened "potential" witness. So, this person is being bullied for speaking out. That bully can only be one person. Those were no doubt his words.
What do I think of the new detective? I have no opinion. I have no plan to meet the person. I will pray for wisdom and insight and stand-by should that detective have questions about information I have provided. As always. I don't think the FWPD need my help being confused and overwhelmed. Who am I? I am the guide to the constellation of events and personalities that created that perfect storm. Over the past 10 years I have done everything imaginable to blow up my own theory of events. I can't do it. I challenge FWPD to rule it out. That's all. The 2nd worst day of Rusty's life is the day I find his sister. He never thinks about Renee or Julie. I think about them every single day. All three of them.
no , I’m not frightened! Just reminding you ANYBODY can read websleuths, you have to log in to post! But as you so stated ANYONE can lurk! And they often do!
no , I’m not frightened! Just reminding you ANYBODY can read websleuths, you have to log in to post! But as you so stated ANYONE can lurk! And they often do!
Yes I realise that what I just wrote would be found on Google within 2 hours.

I hope nobody is frightened as long as they have nothing to hide. Anyone who wants to speak up should post.

And we don't 'out' anyone here.

If there is personal safety concerns, go to LE right away.

The more people keep posting on this thread, the more the girls case is kept in the proverbial spotlight, even if it is only in the websleuths community. I have a feeling that come September/early October there will be so many posts...hopefully with good news !!!
no , I’m not frightened! Just reminding you ANYBODY can read websleuths, you have to log in to post! But as you so stated ANYONE can lurk! And they often do!
I have a whole new appreciation for how vulnerable you are if someone is unhappy. I am no longer anonymous to over 3,000 ppl that never heard of WS; including hundreds of FB friends, ppl I went to high school with, my family, and of course, a certain suspect who will no doubt remember me.
Yes, I know. That was a good news day!
The letter you refer to are in the hands of the new cold case detective!
Welcome, Teetle! I feel like I might be missing something regarding the above posts. Have the police made a statement I'm not aware of or is this just in regards to a change of staff due to the other detective's unfortunate passing?
Welcome, Teetle! I feel like I might be missing something regarding the above posts. Have the police made a statement I'm not aware of or is this just in regards to a change of staff due to the other detective's unfortunate passing?
Sorry if I created confusion. It wasn't public "news." it was shared with me by family. So, it was a Good DAY when I got that news! The "new" cold case detective was on board early this year. We didn't know detective Rhoden was ill.
Yes I realise that what I just wrote would be found on Google within 2 hours.

I hope nobody is frightened as long as they have nothing to hide. Anyone who wants to speak up should post.

And we don't 'out' anyone here.

If there is personal safety concerns, go to LE right away.

or Australia...
Sorry if I created confusion. It wasn't public "news." it was shared with me by family. So, it was a Good DAY when I got that news! The "new" cold case detective was on board early this year. We didn't know detective Rhoden was ill.
Don't be sorry. I've just been working a lot so I thought maybe I missed something. I'm thrilled to hear someone is actively investigating. That doesn't always happen with cold cases.
Yes I realise that what I just wrote would be found on Google within 2 hours.

I hope nobody is frightened as long as they have nothing to hide. Anyone who wants to speak up should post.

And we don't 'out' anyone here.

If there is personal safety concerns, go to LE right away.

Everyone has the option of posting on WS under an alias if they'd feel more comfortable that way.
You don't know they dump bodies in the bush, or Belanglo Forest? ;)

Speaking of a certain suspect, if I can be so blunt to note... He seems to be totally silent online wherever this case is discussed. Unless he also has an alias..
I'm sure they do dump bodies all over the place down under! But, it's not 2 miles from my house. I think the suspect doesn't suspect a thing. I know LE is current on his whereabouts and activities. If he is innocent; he knows I don't know anything. If he's guilty; he knows I don't know anything. I was a teacher's kid trying hard to blend into the lockers. All I know is that I asked the right questions.
Everyone has the option of posting on WS under an alias if they'd feel more comfortable that way.
Yes; I opened a vein and bled all over this site candidly and openly - naming a suspect (it's a family member) because sometimes it's useful to call a spade a damn shovel. You don't forget there is a killer running around; that "option" is a lifeline to speak openly. Then someone decides to over-ride your "option." If it isn't too late, I'll archive my content, add it to the other documents in the safety-deposit-box at my bank, and wave Buh-bye for good. Tomorrow isn't that day. Tuesday isn't looking good either. Hmmmm...
Yes; I opened a vein and bled all over this site candidly and openly - naming a suspect (it's a family member) because sometimes it's useful to call a spade a damn shovel. You don't forget there is a killer running around; that "option" is a lifeline to speak openly. Then someone decides to over-ride your "option." If it isn't too late, I'll archive my content, add it to the other documents in the safety-deposit-box at my bank, and wave Buh-bye for good. Tomorrow isn't that day. Tuesday isn't looking good either. Hmmmm...
If it is necessary, it should be possible to request WS and FB to delete content that you no longer want published online.

But if your suspect is blissfully unaware, either because he has moved on (being innocent) or he thinks he has got away with murder, there is no need to take drastic action? All others are, at most, haters. Usually can ignore.

Just don't "run away" to Houston yourself. Or Australia.
If it is necessary, it should be possible to request WS and FB to delete content that you no longer want published online.

But if your suspect is blissfully unaware, either because he has moved on (being innocent) or he thinks he has got away with murder, there is no need to take drastic action? All others are, at most, haters. Usually can ignore.

Just don't "run away" to Houston yourself. Or Australia.
I was being facetious. There is nowhere to go. My life is here. I don't know why other people use Avatars. This is the only attempt I have ever made to be anonymous. I did not think through the consequences of being revealed. I own real estate, have a state license, use my real name for everything. I'm not hard to find. I made a mistake. I underestimated how messed up this case is, in every way, every step of the way. When I have a difficult decision to make I ask myself one question. "What will I wish I had done in five years?" I wish, now, I had followed my instincts.
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