Do they notify you if they kill your post? I don't want to tromp on toes, but I'd like to see this solved. I lived in FW at the time, as well as nearby burbs, raised kids there too. I would really like to know if there were serial murders of area girls etc. going on.
One girl was murdered right outside where I worked, and another friend senselessly killed who worked theee too.
Lots of weird things haunting left over from the times, before and subsequent years.
I don't want the offend anybody but it's time we know what was going on in the unsolved cases of the times. If this was a family crime it needs to be uncovered so we know if the last 44 years of the public collective unease have been justified.
I might add I bailed from DFW years ago. It's a mean place, in my estimation, although I don't mean to burst anyone's illusions of safety. But maybe my perceptions are skewed, if this was a domestic issue or some such explanation?
So, do they tell you if your post is unacceptable? I haven't seen any that looked bad to me but maybe I've missed things.
Really, I don't try to be prying and nosy, but it's hard to form an opinion if the realities of the situation are off limits, and I guarantee the public shares the memories of the crime.
When horrible things happen the reality is that people want to know, in part so they can gauge the crime against their own situations and hope they're safe.
The proof of this is the many posts I've read saying their parents tightened the reins, but maybe not enough. Twenty plus years later the Amber Alert began.
Bless DH for having the courage to brave public opinion and endure negative rumors to see this through.