TX TX - Julie Moseley, 9, Mary Trlica, 17, Lisa Wilson, 14, Fort Worth, 23 Dec 1974 #6

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I would agree with most if this.

JMO, I wouldn't say they were killed for an unknown reason. We had the incident with CJG at the Wilson's house a month earlier, but more importantly CJG was still on the scene on December 23 1974.

I think Rachel went first with the perp unaware at the time that she was not alone.
But how that perp could be unaware that she's not alone?
There was no reason for anyone close to her to assume that she may be alone.
Julie's mom, Renee's parents, Renee's grandma, Renee's boyfriend, TT, Rachel's sister and mother, all those people were aware that girls are going to the mall on that day. If they mentioned it to anyone else, probably without a hint that Rachel is alone (cause why would they)? Whatever happened, happened either early afternoon, likely not after 4 PM.
Rachel did not take TT's car to go on that shopping trip alone, so why would he expect her showing up at their house around noon (if we're considering it happening there) alone? Pretty similar with picking him up early from work - there may be a possibility of her being alone then, but not high likelyness. And if we're considering CJG or anyone close to Renee's bf - also how? How could anyone knew of Rachel's location yet expect her to be alone? Accidental meeting that escalated quickly? But where?
But how that perp could be unaware that she's not alone?
There was no reason for anyone close to her to assume that she may be alone.
Julie's mom, Renee's parents, Renee's grandma, Renee's boyfriend, TT, Rachel's sister and mother, all those people were aware that girls are going to the mall on that day. If they mentioned it to anyone else, probably without a hint that Rachel is alone (cause why would they)? Whatever happened, happened either early afternoon, likely not after 4 PM.
Rachel did not take TT's car to go on that shopping trip alone, so why would he expect her showing up at their house around noon (if we're considering it happening there) alone? Pretty similar with picking him up early from work - there may be a possibility of her being alone then, but not high likelyness. And if we're considering CJG or anyone close to Renee's bf - also how? How could anyone knew of Rachel's location yet expect her to be alone? Accidental meeting that escalated quickly? But where?
Good question. What follows is just speculation on my part in an attempt to answer your first question.

I would suggest that the perp. would think she was alone because she entered the premises/building initially by herself.

I would also suggest that the perp is not going to be privy to every detail of who was or was not on the shopping trip. All that matters to the perp is that CJG was on it.

Maybe the perp thought that everyone had been dropped off home by that stage anyway when Rachel comes in to view.

I agree with you that whatever happened was in all probability in the early afternoon of that day.
It'd be great to know how the availability of parking spots looked like on that day.
Meaning: was it packed all day since early morning and whoever came had to look for the any empty spot?
Packed but not totally full, so it'd be looking for empty spot relatively close to the entrance?
Cause if it was not so busy around noon with quite a few available parking spots near Sears but totally packed few hours later - that would give us some more confidence in theorising that car was left there much later.
I would suggest that the perp. would think she was alone because she entered the premises/building initially by herself.

I would also suggest that the perp is not going to be privy to every detail of who was or was not on the shopping trip. All that matters to the perp is that CJG was on it.
This part is plausible. Probably no reason for Renee and Julie to get out of the car and go to the workshop if the plan for Rachel was only to get in and notify TT that she's ready to pick him up.
But I have an issue with that.

Cause if it went like that, then we have a guy who had no issue with buying himself an underage wife. With all her family very fond of him. Caring more about him than about her. Excuse my language, but fellow adults siding with him against her. Snitching on her. Treating her like a child who's expected to obey him, giving him every right to punish her and correct her behaviour.
I just can't wrap my head around the possibility that he either "went too far with beating her" or "accidentally"/furiously murdered her in the heat of the moment and could possibly see any reason to seriously worry about it. Did he had any, literally any reason to think that everyone around suddenly WON'T side with him? Won't do everythin within their power to protect him? From where could he get that spike of fear that would cause his mind to switch into "oh my, these two are here! I need to get rid of them, I can't let them tell anyone that I killed Rachel!"?

Meaning that I agree that it could happen this way, but I don't buy that "eliminating whitnesses" part of the theory. IMO if he murdered them, he did so cause he wanted to murder them, not cause he feared of being exposed as Rachel's murderer.
Last night was pretty rough for me. I barely catch any sleep cause family member kept waking me up every 30mins. I ended up exhausted and in the morning I overslept. Big time.
I don't have a car, I couldn't get lift from anyone at the time, and I had less than hour to fill very important documents and deliver them. Yesterday I was sure that I'll be able to do it in the morning but that option wasn't there anymore. So I grabbed those papers and a pen, ran towards the bus stop as soon as I could (cause no taxis available where I live) and cause I knew that even in the best case scenario I'll get five minutes before the timeline - and even that only if I'll run from my last bus stop. Having no other choice I decided to fill these while in the bus. Quite a few "open" questions there required me to write few lines of text here and there.

Bus in question looked kinda like that:
One of those older types of buses still out there.

My handwriting looked exactly like this:
One moment it wasn't shaking that bad so I was able to write pretty much normally. Then there was a bus stop, sharp stop, hole in the road and some verses escaped straight lines, some words became oddly scattered while other too close together.

Later I got a lift home. In a 2000-something Ford, so not anywhere close to the Oldsmobile from early 70's but I tried to write things on the dashboard and on the window cause I recalled this post:
There is much controversy from VI re: how the letter was found and who wrote it. Initially, some people say that TT claimed that he believed DA wrote it, saying he later changed his story. Some people say it was found on the fridge. Some people say it was retrieved from the mailbox. Some people swear it was written by TT, while some say it was partially written by DA and finished by TT. Official results have been inconclusive. Privately hired handwriting experts say TT. FW Cat believed TT forced DA to write it in an unknown car under duress while the car was moving, perhaps written using the dashboard or the window as the flat surface to write on. WS'ers have strong opinions that TT wrote it. Thoughts?
And I while using dashboard my writing looked absolutely normal, turns, stops and holes barely affected it at all.
Writing on the window did not work at all with single sheet of usual paper and oldschool pen with little ball at the end of it. I ran out of ink in half of the first line. With whole notebook put on the window writing again looked relatively normal.

I'd think that FBI analysis had to include looking at the back of that letter and see if it looks like it was written on the firm smooth surface (like a window, dashboard or even roof of a car), or if it was something smooth, like soft wood or other pages in notepad.
On the available pictures it doesn't look like it was thick paper and light pressure for a pen - both of those factors could result with bottom side of the note being unaffected by whatever surface it was put on.

I don't like to think that local investigators were complete idiots. Despite of their tragic lack of action in the very beginning they do not appear like they were idiots.
Yet, they seem to seriously consider that it was possible that despite of them having perfectly good and working car and (assumming that letter was genuine and posted as girls left the area) disclosing their plans right away they decided to leave the car in the "sear's parking lot" and not near the bus station.
Investigators couldn''t think that they WALKED all the way from the mall to the bus station on foot. It does make no sense. Unless... there was a bus stop in sight with buses that headed straight to the bus/railway station.
Cause this way - with bus stop - some sense (a little, but some) it makes. Like okay, maybe girls thought that it'll be easier to locate the car here, and that it'll be safer (for the car) to leave it there than somewhere close to the bus station and then they just got into the city bus.

If there was a bus like that, then... wasn't that the easiest, most convenient way for the obvious suspect to drop the car at Sears and head back to the workshop?
There is much controversy from VI re: how the letter was found and who wrote it. Initially, some people say that TT claimed that he believed DA wrote it, saying he later changed his story. Some people say it was found on the fridge. Some people say it was retrieved from the mailbox. Some people swear it was written by TT, while some say it was partially written by DA and finished by TT. Official results have been inconclusive. Privately hired handwriting experts say TT. FW Cat believed TT forced DA to write it in an unknown car under duress while the car was moving, perhaps written using the dashboard or the window as the flat surface to write on. WS'ers have strong opinions that TT wrote it. Thoughts?
Not sure if I said that before but even if I did, I will do again.
ALL Verified Insiders, including DA were to some degree relying on TT's stories. Whatever they were able to figure out on their own or hear from other family members was undeniably, at least in the very beginning affected by his stories. If he was changing them later, even more so cause each person had to make their own choice: what they believe in and what seems more/less probable for them. Each person had naturally bit different experience with those who told them things...
It's not that weird. It just means that it wasn't straight fact even then, even for family members. Usually it means that someone couldn't keep his story straight from the very beginning. It rarely happens cause quite a few VI in this case, not so many in others, and also cause usually there is no close family member responsible.

And as for my thoughts.

From the top of my head.
Let's look at the cases of Amy Lynn Bradley, Tara Calico, Jennifer Kesse, Corrie McKeague, Ben Needham; Stacy McCall, Sherrill Levitt and Suzie Streeter
Not all of these had a few (or any) VI here, but there were multiple family members speaking to the press, trying to get attention and bring awareness to their loved ones going missing.
Very little controversy between them - if any. Occasionally something minor caused by confusion, close ones believing in different theories as years go on.

And then let's look at the cases of Tylee Ryan and JJ Vallow, Caylee Anthony, Alissa Turney, Susanne Morphew...
Endless confusion. Endless struggle to make sense out of anything there. Contradicting statements coming from - not only family members who (as we now know) murdered them, not only from those who knew and decided to cover up for them, but also from friends and family members who had no idea, who loved them, mourned their loss, wanted to find them - yet their insights were often all over the place, cause they had just more insight into murderer's lies, not into the facts.

No one close to the victim responsible for their murder = family and friends keeping facts as straight as possible cause their only goal is to find the missing person or find out who's responsible for the crime. Misreporting can bring lots of confusion but they're clearing it up, able to clear it up.
Someone close to the victim responsible = more often than not murderers are lying their *advertiser censored**** off while friends and family members are (as years are passing) going all over the place with their facts cause they never got them straight.
Last night was pretty rough for me. I barely catch any sleep cause family member kept waking me up every 30mins. I ended up exhausted and in the morning I overslept. Big time.
I don't have a car, I couldn't get lift from anyone at the time, and I had less than hour to fill very important documents and deliver them. Yesterday I was sure that I'll be able to do it in the morning but that option wasn't there anymore. So I grabbed those papers and a pen, ran towards the bus stop as soon as I could (cause no taxis available where I live) and cause I knew that even in the best case scenario I'll get five minutes before the timeline - and even that only if I'll run from my last bus stop. Having no other choice I decided to fill these while in the bus. Quite a few "open" questions there required me to write few lines of text here and there.

Bus in question looked kinda like that:
View attachment 359341
One of those older types of buses still out there.

My handwriting looked exactly like this:
View attachment 359342
One moment it wasn't shaking that bad so I was able to write pretty much normally. Then there was a bus stop, sharp stop, hole in the road and some verses escaped straight lines, some words became oddly scattered while other too close together.

Later I got a lift home. In a 2000-something Ford, so not anywhere close to the Oldsmobile from early 70's but I tried to write things on the dashboard and on the window cause I recalled this post:

And I while using dashboard my writing looked absolutely normal, turns, stops and holes barely affected it at all.
Writing on the window did not work at all with single sheet of usual paper and oldschool pen with little ball at the end of it. I ran out of ink in half of the first line. With whole notebook put on the window writing again looked relatively normal.

I'd think that FBI analysis had to include looking at the back of that letter and see if it looks like it was written on the firm smooth surface (like a window, dashboard or even roof of a car), or if it was something smooth, like soft wood or other pages in notepad.
On the available pictures it doesn't look like it was thick paper and light pressure for a pen - both of those factors could result with bottom side of the note being unaffected by whatever surface it was put on.

I don't like to think that local investigators were complete idiots. Despite of their tragic lack of action in the very beginning they do not appear like they were idiots.
Yet, they seem to seriously consider that it was possible that despite of them having perfectly good and working car and (assumming that letter was genuine and posted as girls left the area) disclosing their plans right away they decided to leave the car in the "sear's parking lot" and not near the bus station.
Investigators couldn''t think that they WALKED all the way from the mall to the bus station on foot. It does make no sense. Unless... there was a bus stop in sight with buses that headed straight to the bus/railway station.
Cause this way - with bus stop - some sense (a little, but some) it makes. Like okay, maybe girls thought that it'll be easier to locate the car here, and that it'll be safer (for the car) to leave it there than somewhere close to the bus station and then they just got into the city bus.

If there was a bus like that, then... wasn't that the easiest, most convenient way for the obvious suspect to drop the car at Sears and head back to the workshop?

Not sure if I said that before but even if I did, I will do again.
ALL Verified Insiders, including DA were to some degree relying on TT's stories. Whatever they were able to figure out on their own or hear from other family members was undeniably, at least in the very beginning affected by his stories. If he was changing them later, even more so cause each person had to make their own choice: what they believe in and what seems more/less probable for them. Each person had naturally bit different experience with those who told them things...
It's not that weird. It just means that it wasn't straight fact even then, even for family members. Usually it means that someone couldn't keep his story straight from the very beginning. It rarely happens cause quite a few VI in this case, not so many in others, and also cause usually there is no close family member responsible.

And as for my thoughts.

From the top of my head.
Let's look at the cases of Amy Lynn Bradley, Tara Calico, Jennifer Kesse, Corrie McKeague, Ben Needham; Stacy McCall, Sherrill Levitt and Suzie Streeter
Not all of these had a few (or any) VI here, but there were multiple family members speaking to the press, trying to get attention and bring awareness to their loved ones going missing.
Very little controversy between them - if any. Occasionally something minor caused by confusion, close ones believing in different theories as years go on.

And then let's look at the cases of Tylee Ryan and JJ Vallow, Caylee Anthony, Alissa Turney, Susanne Morphew...
Endless confusion. Endless struggle to make sense out of anything there. Contradicting statements coming from - not only family members who (as we now know) murdered them, not only from those who knew and decided to cover up for them, but also from friends and family members who had no idea, who loved them, mourned their loss, wanted to find them - yet their insights were often all over the place, cause they had just more insight into murderer's lies, not into the facts.

No one close to the victim responsible for their murder = family and friends keeping facts as straight as possible cause their only goal is to find the missing person or find out who's responsible for the crime. Misreporting can bring lots of confusion but they're clearing it up, able to clear it up.
Someone close to the victim responsible = more often than not murderers are lying their *advertiser censored**** off while friends and family members are (as years are passing) going all over the place with their facts cause they never got them straight.
Is there a case in here for Amy Lynn Bradley as I can’t find one. Pls message me a link if you know of one
I’ve been following this case and reading treads, articles and fb group posts. I’ve never posted anything here or there but I feel like this is something I need to share. It maybe be nothing but as I was looking at the Fort Worth area on Google Earth just to get familiar with the are. I noticed something that looks like a submerged vehicle. I hope this link works…
Google Earth Link
Google Earth #googleearth
There’s so many theories on this case, I really hope it can be resolved one day. I kind of feel they left the mall and met with foul play somewhere on their way home. That someone brought the car back to the mall parking lot to make it look like they never left the mall.
I’ve been following this case and reading treads, articles and fb group posts. I’ve never posted anything here or there but I feel like this is something I need to share. It maybe be nothing but as I was looking at the Fort Worth area on Google Earth just to get familiar with the are. I noticed something that looks like a submerged vehicle. I hope this link works…
Google Earth Link
Google Earth #googleearth
There’s so many theories on this case, I really hope it can be resolved one day. I kind of feel they left the mall and met with foul play somewhere on their way home. That someone brought the car back to the mall parking lot to make it look like they never left the mall.
I'm not seeing a submerged vehicle. To me, that part of river looks too shallow to hide a vehicle.
I'm not seeing a submerged vehicle. To me, that part of river looks too shallow to hide a vehicle.
It looks like it could be the backend of a vehicle. It’s hard to tell and I would think it would’ve been spotted by now, especially if it had been there for a while but you never know. I believe that spot of the river has high cliffs. It’s hard to tell the how high the cliffs are and the depth of the water from GE. It’s probably nothing but I wanted to have others take a look because it’s been bothering me.
It looks like the area it’s in could be a deep spot and the water level could’ve been low at the particular time that photo was taken.
I would also suggest that the perp is not going to be privy to every detail of who was or was not on the shopping trip. All that matters to the perp is that CJG was on it.
This is my theory as well. I believe that Rachel was killed when se entered the house on Minot. Renee and Julie were probably still in the car. Later—possibly only a few minutes later—the killer and his primary accomplice discovered that they were on the premises and quickly decided to kill them in order to silence them.

I don't know whether they were killed in the Minot house or taken elsewhere and killed. I suspect that they were taken elsewhere, but there's no way to be sure.
That area was a sewage treatment plant at one time. If you’re in GE and select the settings that shows user’s photos, you’ll see some creepy pics of it in its abandoned state.
This is my theory as well. I believe that Rachel was killed when se entered the house on Minot. Renee and Julie were probably still in the car. Later—possibly only a few minutes later—the killer and his primary accomplice discovered that they were on the premises and quickly decided to kill them in order to silence them.

I don't know whether they were killed in the Minot house or taken elsewhere and killed. I suspect that they were taken elsewhere, but there's no way to be sure.
II think a certain business premises may have been used to dispose of the bodies.

Indeed, is it possible that the scenario that you outlined above could have played out at this premises as opposed to the house ? My geography of the area is not that good.
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