GUILTY TX - Kilgore, 'Lavender Doe' WhtFem 483UFTX, 17-25, in woods, burned, Oct'06 - Dana Dodd

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I just spoke with Lt. Murphy with the Jefferson Parrish Missing Persons Unit, he said that Allison was located shortly after she went missing, but he is unsure why her profile hasn't been removed from NAMPN. Does anyone have a contact at NAMPN that this could be reported to?
I just spoke with Lt. Murphy with the Jefferson Parrish Missing Persons Unit, he said that Allison was located shortly after she went missing, but he is unsure why her profile hasn't been removed from NAMPN. Does anyone have a contact at NAMPN that this could be reported to?

I'll drop them a line.
Using the facial structure from the new CT-Scan recon, and her teeth from the original recon, I did my own estimation of how Lavender Doe might look.


And of course, I am including the caveat that this is just an estimation, and details such as the shape of her lips, eyes, and hairstyle should not be relied upon for comparison.
Using the facial structure from the new CT-Scan recon, and her teeth from the original recon, I did my own estimation of how Lavender Doe might look.


And of course, I am including the caveat that this is just an estimation, and details such as the shape of her lips, eyes, and hairstyle should not be relied upon for comparison.

Lovely job, Carl.

One of the things I noticed--and this is just speaking for myself--is I thought the black and white CT scan showed a woman with quite close-set eyes. But in the color version, they look average. This seems to be an effect of the shading in the two pictures. For me, it was enough that on first glance I didn't think they were the same person. Clearly they are; it's just optical illusion. But I thought it was instructive in terms of comparing photos. Small differences in shading can make a big difference in appearance.
Not sure if anyone has brought this up, but Elizabeth Prescott (age 19, disappeared in 2004 from Florida) looks A LOT like Lavender. Lavender_Doe_001.jpg img_5408.jpeg

Elizabeth's NamUs profile:

It says dentals are unavailabe, which would perhaps account for why there has been no match yet.
Definitely a strong resemblance, but both she and Lavender have DNA in the system, so it should've been an automatic ruleout, right?
Actually, I'm not sure if all missing persons are cross-checked with all Does. You may be right though. I'll have to look more into it.
Carla Looks like the uid but the height is off..for some reason with the height vs weight I think they may be off on the age..I think we're looking at a young young girl here

I don't understand why her height and weight make you think she was young young. The low end for her height was 5'3", and her weight was 100 - 120. That seems pretty plausible for 17 to me. For example I am 16 going on 17, and I am 4'11" 105 pounds. And I am diffidently not the only one of that size in my highschool.
How about these? None of them have DNA in CODIS, or at least, hasn't been checked through 100% according to NamUs. - Sarah Amiri, vanished aged 3 by her mother, from California. Would have been 15 when Lavender Doe died. Same nose and teeth. - Jillian Cutshall, vanished aged 9 from Nebraska. Presumed abducted. Would have been 28 when Lavender Doe died. The age is a bit out, but the teeth caught my eye. Still, best worth mentioning. and - Kelly and Kimberley Yates, aged 4 months and 4 years in 1985, abducted by their mother in Rhode Island. Would have been 21 and 25 when Lavender Doe died. Not a strong lead, but worth looking at. - Melissa Fadden, 14, from Massachusetts in 1997. Runaway. There's no other pictures, but she has the same nose. Would have been 23 when Lavender Doe died. - Samantha Burns, 19, from West Virginia in 2002. Would have been 23 when Lavender Doe died. Bears a strong resemblance round the face. - Natasha Carter, 10, from West Virginia, 2000. Would have been 16 when Lavender Doe died. Same facial structure.

I know these are not good leads, but worth a look at. What do you think?
I think this may be my sister. How do I send DNA to have it checked with this Jane doe? And how do I upload a photo to show how much they look alike?
I have a photo of my sister next to the reconstructed pictures of this case. How may I send this to you and how may I send my parents or my DNA to be tested to see if this could be my sister?
Thanks for contacting us, Tbarger. I sent you a private message, which includes my email address.

You can send them to me, and I will see if I can assist you with this.
I have a photo of my sister next to the reconstructed pictures of this case. How may I send this to you and how may I send my parents or my DNA to be tested to see if this could be my sister?

Here are the photos of Tbarger's sister. I have her name, and her DOB indicating that she would have been 21 at the time of Lavender Doe's death. But I have nothing else regarding her Date Last Known Alive (LKA), her Location LKA, her vital stats, or the circumstances of her disappearance.


I will hold off on mentioning this missing woman's name, but I can see that she is not on a public missing persons listing, AFAIK.

She does look pretty close though in terms of facial characteristics.
Wow. Yeah. I hope we can help you find some answers, Tbarger. Welcome to Websleuths.
I just spoke with Tbarger86 by telephone, and with her assistance, I created a NamUs MP casefile for her sister Terrie. I spoke with Todd Matthews by telephone, and he says that he will do what he can to work with LE to get a MP report filed for her.

However, based on Tbarger's info, we can definitely exclude Terrie as being Lavender Doe. Terrie has severe injuries that resulted from an auto accident. She has a paralyzed left arm, and her left forearm is badly disfigured. She also has medical hardware (i.e., pins and rods) in her legs and hips.

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