Found Deceased TX - Leanne Bearden, 33, Garden Ridge, 17 Jan 2014 #11

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I sort of agree that someone who commits suicide doesn't WANT to live. But I'll add they often don't want to live at that moment. Because sometimes suicide is a very impulsive, unplanned act (though, as noted, it can be the exact opposite). And sometimes the person does indeed have a 'terrible' life and they're in a 'bad' place and... -- well, there are so many components that it's just not easy to summarize the act or generalize it. JMO.

Its not that they dont want to live.
Its about wanting the pain to go away.
It can happen to someone who has had a terrible life and it can happen to someone who has had a fantastic life.

A good article
I was thinking this morning that I have closely followed two cases on WS since August that ended in suicide (Johnathan Croom and Samuel Hoyt). Leanne may end up being my third. I'm also concerned that another case I'm currently following will end the same way (Bradley Bennett). And I don't know what has happened to Teleka Patrick, although I'm leaning in the suicide direction. :(

I'm not sure what my point is, except that each of these cases is a heartbreaker. Sam Hoyt's girlfriend posted on WS, so that got personal. Johnathan was a brilliant young man with a bright future, struggling with depression. He left a blog and WSers fell in love with this kid. But those closest to these two honestly did not know how bad things were until they disappeared, and even then they explored many other possibilities first. So if Leanne ended her own life, I can understand that she could have kept her distress hidden and that her family wouldn't want to think suicide at first.

I hope her family will get the help they need to get through the guilt part of grieving that is so much worse with suicide. If this is what Leanne did, it was her decision, made when she was not thinking rationally. It's heartbreaking to see these beautiful people give up.

I will keep hoping for Bradley Bennett (32 and "gorgeous" as one WSer put it) and brilliant, beautiful Teleka Patrick. May they return and get whatever help they need.

CA CA - Bradley Bennett, 32, Bear Valley, 13 January 2014 - Page 2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

MI MI - Dr. Teleka Patrick, 30, Kalamazoo, 5 Dec 2013 - #13 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Those temperatures are not accurate. I know for a fact they are wildly incorrect. It snowed on a day that says was in the 60s. We tend to keep watch of the weather when it's very cold here.

I have to agree with you. I was shocked when I saw them. About 4 days after she went missing the town was paralyzed from ice and snow. And that last a few days. they didn't search because of it. Postponed it to the weekend. Right? ty
Every story of suicide that I have heard of has been close to home. This was her home for the time being. I have known people to drive near their child home. I believe the logic is that when searches are set up, they are typically done within that perimeter. It makes perfect sense that she would go back near the home. If she was hours spa way, it would have taken them long to find her. When someone commits suicide they typically want to be found.

That is the main part that strikes me as odd. I am believing that she likely did commit suicide… but at the same point, I've never heard of a hanging that wasn't at the home. Hanging is so dramatic. LIke you truly would want to be found, and found quickly. Why choose that method if the location wasn't at home?
Maybe but that seems odd since she walked to the house around the corner to die??

If she walked for hours, Why would she go back there? She would have just gone to the closet place she ended up at.. KWIM?

or do it when she was in GA, at HOME.
No Clue. You assume much-maybe no-one knows how much (if any) duress she may have been in.

Do you mean I am assuming? If so, I am not. But I am quite sure no one would use the words"extremely vulnerable" if I went missing on a walk, other than I use a cane...
I don't post in here, but I have been reading and keeping up since the beginning. I do wonder why there, if she chose to end her life...

I'm sad for her and her loved ones, but her most of all no matter which possibility in her passing becomes fact. :(. Hugs to all of you who have dug deep, hurts everybody.
I don't believe that. They were out there a few days after she went missing. Not years.
They should have found her if she was there.. If she indeed walked to that property.

You are expecting a lot for the type of terrain and botanical growth in that part of Texas. In fact, IIRC, the Chief even commented about bamboo on the property. Bamboo is thick and hides a lot. In any event, we were not there and truly do not know. JMO
Do you mean I am assuming? If so, I am not. But I am quite sure no one would use the words"extremely vulnerable" if I went missing on a walk, other than I use a cane...
You say you are not assuming. Thanks for your declaration that you are not.

I have no way of knowing how odors would be if something was up high above my head. Does odor flow to the ground? Or does the breeze make it travel outwards? I don't know.

The scent would certainly travel if there was wind or a breeze.

Do you know how far from the house she was found? Was it very far? tia

About 200 ft.

if you look at photo 8 from the article which has a pink marker where her body was found and compare the spot to the google image - my estimate is about 200 ft. Fairview Circle garden ridge&sa=N&tab=wl
You are expecting a lot for the type of terrain and botanical growth in that part of Texas. In fact, IIRC, the Chief even commented about bamboo on the property. Bamboo is thick and hides a lot. In any event, we were not there and truly do not know. JMO

I can forgive the human searchers, kind of. I still think if she was there from day1, They should have found her. The dogs should have found her. If she walked around and back to that property the dogs should have found her.

I have a lot of bamboo by me. I know how it grows and you are right it can be dense. You can not get rid of it because if you cut it down, 2 grow back.
There was a woman who went missing last year, and found months later, something like several hundred yards from home, in an area searched several time...I will try to think of her name...there was a lot of discussion about her daughter not having made a very great effort...does anyone remember this case and victim's name?
Okay so I don't mean to sound macabre or morbid, but if she did hang herself, then it could be that the rope was left in the tree and her body fell to the ground due to decomp. and maybe thats why they didn't find her

"GARDEN RIDGE - Preliminary results of an autopsy on Leanne Bearden's remains indicate the Colorado woman who went missing nearly a month ago committed suicide, police said Friday.

Garden Ridge Police Chief Donna O'Conner released a statement saying the initial findings indicate Bearden hanged herself, and that the case was now closed."

I can forgive the human searchers, kind of. I still think if she was there from day1, They should have found her. The dogs should have found her. If she walked around and back to that property the dogs should have found her.

I have a lot of bamboo by me. I know how it grows and you are right it can be dense. You can not get rid of it because if you cut it down, 2 grow back.

I've been by that house, but I don't recall if all of the 2 acres are fenced. I could see from the photos that ME was walking through a chain link gate with a gurney.
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"GARDEN RIDGE - Preliminary results of an autopsy on Leanne Bearden's remains indicate the Colorado woman who went missing nearly a month ago committed suicide, police said Friday.

Garden Ridge Police Chief Donna O'Conner released a statement saying the initial findings indicate Bearden hanged herself, and that the case was now closed."


I just don't know what to say at this point.

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