Found Safe TX - Lili Griffith, 14, & Lulu Bandera-Magret, 7, Round Rock, 30 Dec 2017

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Not MSM but:

His son told, “He’s not my dad, I haven’t seen him in 25 years. He stole those pics off my wife’s page. We are not friends, Facebook won’t let me find him to unfriend him. I don’t want any part of him or this situation he is in.”

I looked at his page again and he's got 12 friends now instead of the 13 he had yesterday. I don't see his son anymore.

Also, this whole thing is extremely scary, but reading that he met the oldest daughter through her dad is just chilling. Did he move specifically to be with her? 😳
Everyone is asking how she allowed him into her life, and the living situations. But consider, this guy is a CON, he knows how to manipulate to get what he wants, he has been doing more than likely his whole life. His track record, WOW, court system and laws need to be updated and more harsh to keep people like him locked up. I hope that the older girl has the guts and smarts to outwit him and escape with her sister at some point.
Where did LE get the pics used on the missing person flyer? I didn't see them on the mom's FB. Lulu looks very sad and scared! Combine that with all the make-up and low cut shirt she is wearing...makes me sick to my stomach!!! (I know we can't speculate based on a pic, but given this creeps background...I can't shake the bad feelings off!) The pic released is very different from other pics I have seen on her mom's FB where she looks like a typical, happy little girl.

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I keep checking on here constantly with hopes that these little girls have been found and then I'm saddened to hear that they haven't. :tears:I wonder if these poor babies where home at the time that their mother was beaten or if they returned home to him waiting to take them away? Do they know that their mother is dead? The loss of a parent can be so hard to deal with especially for a child and not only do they have to deal with that pain but the pain that this phyco is putting them through every day that they are with him. I just pray that they are found safe and soon.
Where did LE get the pics used on the missing person flyer? I didn't see them on the mom's FB. Lulu looks very sad and scared! Combine that with all the make-up and low cut shirt she is wearing...makes me sick to my stomach!!! (I know we can't speculate based on a pic, but given this creeps background...I can't shake the bad feelings off!) The pic released is very different from other pics I have seen on her mom's FB where she looks like a typical, happy little girl.

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I agree that they picked the worst possible picture. 😔
I live in Small town rural Colorado, but right near the main interstate going through. I am putting his picture and the girls on blast here, if he travels through here, he will be spotted....I hope they are found safe, I have a sick feeling in my stomach....IMHO
Where did LE get the pics used on the missing person flyer? I didn't see them on the mom's FB. Lulu looks very sad and scared! Combine that with all the make-up and low cut shirt she is wearing...makes me sick to my stomach!!! (I know we can't speculate based on a pic, but given this creeps background...I can't shake the bad feelings off!) The pic released is very different from other pics I have seen on her mom's FB where she looks like a typical, happy little girl.

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I’m not sure why they chose those photos (her account is accessible to public with plenty of “normal, happy” photos...I feel like Lulu doesn’t even look like that photo in her others (she is wearing makeup, low-cut dress etc in that one). I wish they would have chose a more appropriate photo, one that would help to identify her and not ‘tell a story’ so to speak that might not be helpful in finding her

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I have a 9 yr age spread with my sister, and this case is really getting to me. I can't imagine having been abducted with her, I would be feeling so protective over her, andbeing unable to do anything to save/free her would be torture.
I find this case to be somewhat similar to the Hannah Anderson case and that scares me so much for Lulu :scared:
Not MSM but:

His son told, “He’s not my dad, I haven’t seen him in 25 years. He stole those pics off my wife’s page. We are not friends, Facebook won’t let me find him to unfriend him. I don’t want any part of him or this situation he is in.”

I believe is considered to be MSM? I think that what the son said is very very telling. TM is an extreme example of someone who portrays one thing on FB and something completely different is the reality. Only someone quite sick or with seriously bad intentions is going to steal photos from other accounts and pretend that they’re connected to people who in fact either hate them, they literally almost beat to death, etc. or both.

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Hi margarita, O/T Sadly, glad to see Adrienne Salinas being profiled on the main page.

Now, this guy is seriously dangerous to everyone in his path. Like we have not seen recently. The outcome will likely bring much heartache for many others, including the families of his previous victims who we see speaking out.
It's my opinion, there is not enough media and social media attention out there. THESE GIRLS, if they have any chance need MORE EXPOSURE. So please if anyone has these skills and can create any forms of social media or a way to get this to spread like wildfire you're needed. (I can barely use Facebook) Has there been a MISSING FB made for the girls?


Couldn’t agree more - on both the fact that he is evil that we haven’t seen on here in a while, and that there is not enough coverage or attention at all, IMO. We see plenty of seriously evil people and things (like the poor women and children slain in Troy) but I am of the opinion that this, this is a different type of evil.

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I live in Small town rural Colorado, but right near the main interstate going through. I am putting his picture and the girls on blast here, if he travels through here, he will be spotted....I hope they are found safe, I have a sick feeling in my stomach....IMHO

There is a huge digital billboard off the interstate right outside my office. There is a headshot of him and Lili with license plate number...although I'm sure he has ditched that car by now. Lulu is not shown. Possibly due to space on the billboard. All the amber alert signs are lit up too.

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Well, if she spent summers with her dad, I can see someone phrasing it as living with him at that time.

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I sure would like to see some kind of plea for the safe return of his daughter.
Are there any toll booths in that area???
There is a huge digital billboard off the interstate right outside my office. There is a headshot of him and Lili with license plate number...although I'm sure he has ditched that car by now. Lulu is not shown. Possibly due to space on the billboard. All the amber alert signs are lit up too.

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I wonder why Lulu is not on the billboard? Do they think she is no longer with them?
Thanks. I was here once before on another local case. It ended badly and I also had to walk away for awhile, and then found out I had my own coo-coo bird in my life so dealt with that for awhile. Fortunately the individual was more the "fraud-ey/steal-ey" type than the "murder-ey" type.....and I'm still here! Just a bit broker is all - ha ha. But pretty damned good at digging up records now!!I was at a friends when the Amber Alert came across all our phones on NYE. My little girl knows what they are and always asks what's going on and prays for them. I'll admit it being the holidays and seeing a man and two kids I kind of at first assumed it was a holiday custody standoff - there wasn't a lot of info on the initial alert. But knowing I'd get asked for an update I started googling yesterday and wound up back here. Praying for a better ending than the last one, though.

Well I’m so glad that you’re okay! I too once had a coo-coo in my life, I think it makes some cases hit harder than others but also gives us valuable insight having been in it, you know? Glad to have a fellow Texan here - I’m in South Austin. Praying these girls make it home safely.

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Does a judge not see the criminal record of the person in front of him? I thought the criminal’s history was available to the judge, but not to a jury.

Thank you for setting me straight. Always appreciated.
I wonder why Lulu is not on the billboard? Do they think she is no longer with them?

That makes me feel sick to even think about. How terrified these poor girls must be!!

I kind of feel like TMs FB page was made to help him portray whatever image he was trying to portray to Tonya and/or Lili. I definitely think this was meant to be a temporary thing(I.e; “until I find a job” type thing) and he ended up overstaying his welcome.

Also could be Tonya had credit issues(hence car being in her and in BFs name) and needed someone else to be listed on the lease? I imagine this guy is very good at fooling people. I’ve known many people just like this.

I was targeted by a pedophile as a young teen(he was 19-22) and he had my extremely protective and discerning parents completely fooled for a long time. He wasn’t dangerous in the way TM but my parents still didn’t pick up on what was happening for a long time. These predators really know how to play to people’s weaknesses/sympathies so it’s easy to see how Tonya could have been misled early on.

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The fact that this all started with TM meeting Lili....this may sound terrible but at this point I am hoping that he WAS interested in her and that’s why he took the girls...because at least that way he MIGHT keep them alive. But I do have to wonder if this escalation all started because TB realized what a creep he was and perhaps found out some distressing info about his behavior towards/with Lili. She tried to step in/end it, things went south. We also keep trying to figure out how she could allow this “man” into her home, maybe he was a family friend or because friend of the husband, she didn’t pursue who he was further. Who knows....

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