TX - 'Lori Ruff', Longview, WhtFem UP9863, *General Discussion and Theories* #2

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The 3 left photos are a Jackie Boyer at Lake Highlands High School in Texas in the early 80's, and they look really close to the missing Jackie Kay Boyer's photo... could be a coincidence.

Do you mean the three *right* photos? The three on the right look like the same girl to me, but not the leftmost one. But yeah, they're all very very similar (but not to FLEK).
This is pretty out there but she went to alot of trouble to change her identity. Maybe this real person had help faking her death and a big insurance policy paid out? Before she became Becky. It was probably risky going by Becky's identity forever so she made the change to Lori.

THIS! That makes the LL from Ohio fit. On the notes page( a few posts above this one) where it says Jennifer Perk (ins) Ins is at the end of Perk in my opinion.

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I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but it seems as though "these eyes" is written in different handwriting than everything else on the page. The E's in "these eyes" match her signature on BST driver's license passport application, etc. Perhaps the seemingly nonsensical notes were not her own? Have I missed a discussion on this?
This has been a great exchange, Toronto because you obviously put a lot of thought into things before you post. I appreciate the chance to respond to your concerns and questions.

I've been appreciating the exchange as well, Chuz Life - it's rare to find a webpage where people can have differing opinions and debate them respectfully. Unfortunately I only have a few minutes to reply this time. Summer is in full swing!

I think she could be older, but not much older. In the Idaho ID photo, she's always looked in her early 20s to me. If I had to guess I'd say she was born between '65 and '67. I could even see her being as old as 28 in that photo, but not 34 in my opinion. I can see what you're saying with the height and the passport and whatnot, but to be honest I think in regards to Denise the age bugs me more than the height. And FWIW I don't find any resemblance to Denise's sister in the picture I found in a quick search online.

I don't think there has been any evidence that LEK ever actually went by Becky. I think that was just the identity she happened to utilize to carry out her plan to legally become Lori Erika Kennedy. There were only three months between LEK acquiring the BST birth certificate and when her name was "legally" changed. I am willing to bet she never had any real intention of being Becky Sue Turner.

j123, I am in full agreement! I think it was a means to an end, one extra shield between her previous identity and her new life as Lori. I've always wondered why she chose the name "Lori Erica Kennedy"...

I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but it seems as though "these eyes" is written in different handwriting than everything else on the page. The E's in "these eyes" match her signature on BST driver's license passport application, etc. Perhaps the seemingly nonsensical notes were not her own? Have I missed a discussion on this?
The "These Eyes" note has always stuck out to me because the pen pressure seems totally different and the writer seems more confident - this is a crazy theory but with the Es, to me it looks like another person wrote that note and then Lori tried to emulate their Es in the signature on her Idaho ID. That sig always sticks out to me as looking "rehearsed" and unnatural.

The rest of the writing on the notes page looks a little more juvenile to me. The letters are all different sizes and the baseline is varied, unlike the "These Eyes" writing... this is coming from someone with no handwriting analysis training so take it with a huge grain of salt! :)
Her real identity is probably sitting in a library somewhere in a yearbook up to the age of 16. Too bad her pic isn't shown on some show like GMA. Someone out there knows who she was.
I was very struck by the resemblance to BST's father. But I suppose facial similarities can lie. Odd coincidence though.

I agree re 'these eyes' and the signature on the license, as in, it seems like she tried to make her writing that way.
This is pretty out there but she went to alot of trouble to change her identity. Maybe this real person had help faking her death and a big insurance policy paid out? Before she became Becky. It was probably risky going by Becky's identity forever so she made the change to Lori.

I -think- they need a body. I'm not entirely sure though...
A girl named Kellie I found in yearbook searches in Northern California, from Shasta High School in Redding. She would be about 14 and in her second year of highschool in 1981 when the middle picture was taken. I just find that picture so striking, the neck and hair and identical facial expression to LEK's Idaho ID, but it was a totally random search and now that I've gotten over the initial shock of seeing that same facial expression I'm thinking it probably isn't her. I'm determined to keep scanning Northern California yearbooks, however, based off of spring/summer1988's comments. I know they've seen a lot of skepticism here but it seems like the only thing to go on, in narrowing down yearbooks to search...

I know someone local in Shasta. He's about my age (50's) so if FLEK is from there, I can always ask him to look at her photo
Her real identity is probably sitting in a library somewhere in a yearbook up to the age of 16. Too bad her pic isn't shown on some show like GMA. Someone out there knows who she was.

Has anyone been following the Grateful Doe case? I haven't really been following it but it sounds like they found what could be a match by posting on the photo site Imgur. It sounds like some roommates of a person who could be Grateful Doe found the photo and thought it could be him, and then that person's mother got involved and now they're just waiting for the results to come back.

Jason might be in a younger demographic more likely to check Imgur or Reddit than watch GMA, but it's a thought. I've never posted on either of those sites but a front page Reddit link to Lori's photo might be the break we need. I have no idea how to get it to the front page though.
Has anyone tried contacting spring/summer to see if they'd be interested in talking with us more now that they've had a little time to process?
Has anyone been following the Grateful Doe case? I haven't really been following it but it sounds like they found what could be a match by posting on the photo site Imgur. It sounds like some roommates of a person who could be Grateful Doe found the photo and thought it could be him, and then that person's mother got involved and now they're just waiting for the results to come back.

Jason might be in a younger demographic more likely to check Imgur or Reddit than watch GMA, but it's a thought. I've never posted on either of those sites but a front page Reddit link to Lori's photo might be the break we need. I have no idea how to get it to the front page though.
Didn't someone also post on Craigslist in the quest to identify Grateful Doe?
I don't believe she was much older than the age she claimed to be, if any. It was my understanding this idea of her being older came about due to her trouble conceiving a child, which can happen to a woman of any age. In her early photos I believe she looks the age she claims to be, in the later ones where she has gained a lot of weight from her pregnancy she looks older than her stated age, but I think that's due to the weight and possibly being tired from not getting as much sleep after the baby came.

If she were as old as some of the possible missing girls would be, I don't think she could have conceived a child at all without in-vitro. I have seen some suggested who were born in the 1950s and this is just my opinion but it does not seem possile.
Has anyone been following the Grateful Doe case? I haven't really been following it but it sounds like they found what could be a match by posting on the photo site Imgur. It sounds like some roommates of a person who could be Grateful Doe found the photo and thought it could be him, and then that person's mother got involved and now they're just waiting for the results to come back.

Jason might be in a younger demographic more likely to check Imgur or Reddit than watch GMA, but it's a thought. I've never posted on either of those sites but a front page Reddit link to Lori's photo might be the break we need. I have no idea how to get it to the front page though.

The Grateful Doe case took years to finally (almost solve). It was through the persistence of missing persons advocates that a (most likely positive) match was made. But we also have to remember that there were relatives out there looking for the person who like turned out to be Grateful Doe. Can't wait for the mother and sister's DNA to confirm that they are related to Grateful Doe. They will finally have some peace in knowing "what ever happened to..."

I do think that if this case was to be aired on one or two major network national news shows (not local), it could help with people recognizing FLEK.
To be honest, I think that there are people who recognize pre-BST/FLEK Jane Doe, however, I think that due to possible family drama or worst case scenario (fraud/crime/immigration issues, etc.) they have not come forward to Velling.
I don't believe she was much older than the age she claimed to be, if any. It was my understanding this idea of her being older came about due to her trouble conceiving a child, which can happen to a woman of any age. In her early photos I believe she looks the age she claims to be, in the later ones where she has gained a lot of weight from her pregnancy she looks older than her stated age, but I think that's due to the weight and possibly being tired from not getting as much sleep after the baby came.

If she were as old as some of the possible missing girls would be, I don't think she could have conceived a child at all without in-vitro. I have seen some suggested who were born in the 1950s and this is just my opinion but it does not seem possile.

They had other reasons to believe she was older than she stated. It was the family who thought that her age discrepancy would make sense given her fertility issues, but that is not why Velling thought she might be older than stated. At least he hasn't been quoted as saying that.
I've been appreciating the exchange as well, Chuz Life - it's rare to find a webpage where people can have differing opinions and debate them respectfully. Unfortunately I only have a few minutes to reply this time. Summer is in full swing!

Thank you.

I think she could be older, but not much older. In the Idaho ID photo, she's always looked in her early 20s to me. If I had to guess I'd say she was born between '65 and '67. I could even see her being as old as 28 in that photo, but not 34 in my opinion.

I had the same gut feeling and opinion about FLEK's appearance and age in that photo, myself. I decided to do an image search on "34 year old women" to get an idea of how women's looks might vary. I was amazed by how few of the women pictured looked anything close to what I had anticipated.

I can see what you're saying with the height and the passport and what not, but to be honest I think in regards to Denise the age bugs me more than the height.

Fair enough.

And FWIW I don't find any resemblance to Denise's sister in the picture I found in a quick search online.

I'll see if I can get permission (and more images) to share as a comparison, if you are interested.
Do you mean the three *right* photos? The three on the right look like the same girl to me, but not the leftmost one. But yeah, they're all very very similar (but not to FLEK).

hahaha i don't know right from left apparently, thank you :) I think all four are the same girl, especially with the added evidence of Jackie Boyer with the same middle initial and birth year getting married in Texas.. anyway I know this thread isn't for Jackie Boyer I just wanted to share the items that, for me, discounted her as a possible FLEK, since I don't believe she is even a missing person.
Was Jackie Boyer reported missing? Or is she just someone we found in a yearbook?

Apparently Spring/Summer did contact Velling, another sleuther confirmed that with Velling. My understanding is that if identity FLEK used with S/S was just another alias, it wouldn't solve the case.
Almost more so than the name she was going by, I'm really curious to know why s/s wasn't surprised that the woman she knew would have wanted to change her identity. The name very well could solve the case though, even if it wasn't her birth name. Although I have no evidence of it, I have a feeling LEK only changed her identity once, especially if it's the same person s/s knew. There was very little (if any) time between then and when LEK first surfaced under that name, and prior to that she would have still been in contact with her mother. It would really surprise me if she was still in contact with her mother after trying to "disappear" with a new identity.
I had the same gut feeling and opinion about FLEK's appearance and age in that photo, myself. I decided to do an image search on "34 year old women" to get an idea of how women's looks might vary. I was amazed by how few of the women pictured looked anything close to what I had anticipated.

I'll see if I can get permission (and more images) to share as a comparison, if you are interested.

How did they look different? Older, younger?

I don't think it'd be worth it as I don't think it'd change my mind! Sorry Chuz!
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