TX - 'Lori Ruff', Longview, WhtFem UP9863, *General Discussion and Theories* #3

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Didn't she get a GED? That is a way around it

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Yes, she got the GED, but I wasn't sure if there was a state wide or standard application for colleges in Texas because here in some Canadian provinces it is quite different; it is mandatory to provide information from any high school that an applicant has attended. Home schooled students also have to be registered as being home schooled.
I'm curious how all this works in Texas.
I currently live in Texas( we moved here last year). I also am in grad school here. If she got a GED she should be able to submit just that for entry to college. It's not super strict and I bet it was even less strict back then..it's a bureaucracy so just some person at a desk stamping stuff. They really never cross-check and she could have said she never went to high school. They have no way of checking, especially since she was from out of state.

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I also saw the 1958 in the infrared. I wondered at the time whether that could be her real birth year. Or do you think the first pic of FLEk looks too much younger than 30?

You also have to think about why somebody would be writing something though... I don't find it plausible that anyone would write their own birth year in personal notes, it's not something that you have to write down to remember or reference.
You also have to think about why somebody would be writing something though... I don't find it plausible that anyone would write their own birth year in personal notes, it's not something that you have to write down to remember or reference.


Which is why I confess that I have no idea what relevance "1958" has to, well, anything in this case. It may be a year with some significance to LEK, or part of a street address (e.g. "1958 E Main street"), or a sum of some kind (e.g. "X costs $1958 to buy/sell", although that's least likely because prices tend to end in a 0, a 5 or ".99"). I'm only certain that if we knew more about LEK, maybe what this number means would be obvious.

Or maybe not. At the desk I'm typing this post at, there are lots of slips of paper with numbers I have scrawled on them over the last few months. Some of these numbers I couldn't tell you why they were important to me -- although they might reveal something to someone who didn't know me at all.
I currently live in Texas( we moved here last year). I also am in grad school here. If she got a GED she should be able to submit just that for entry to college. It's not super strict and I bet it was even less strict back then..it's a bureaucracy so just some person at a desk stamping stuff. They really never cross-check and she could have said she never went to high school. They have no way of checking, especially since she was from out of state.

One detail I've been meaning to point out is this: up to a certain point LEK could get around the fact she didn't have a high school diploma in her name -- as opposed to, say, her birth name -- very easily: lie. No one ever checked that fact.

From my memory of applying for jobs in the 1970s & 1980s, it was trivial to lie about graduating from high school, since most people at that time did. That might still be the case today. And it wasn't worth the time to verify that a given person did graduate from a specific high school. I was never asked to prove that fact. And as long as one didn't show any obvious signs of not having graduated (say, illiteracy) & didn't pick the name of a high school that was clearly fictitious (stating that you graduated from "Walt Whitman high" would probably raise a few eyebrows, & might even provoke a question about the teacher in Room 222), it was accepted.

But when it came time to go to college, LEK couldn't lie about that, since any college would require a transcript or diploma. So she took the GED tests in order to cut that tie to her past. And that would explain why she waited so long to get her GED after appearing in Dallas.
I have a yellow note with 4 numbers on it that I didn't remember until a few minutes ago. It someone's phone number. The first ones are the same as mine.
Yes, but you probably wouldn't put that yellow note with numbers in a box, and tell your husband not to touch it. Leaving it in there with identifying documents that tie you back to your previous identity. So while I definitely see having random notes, I would think her notes left behind would have much more significance. IMO
Regarding the "1958" , please remember that this is from the infrared version which means that the 1958 is note actually written in the note. It's my understanding that it was a bleed-through from a note that no longer exists. And, does anyone else think they see the name "Lorl" written right above that?
Regarding the "1958" , please remember that this is from the infrared version which means that the 1958 is note actually written in the note. It's my understanding that it was a bleed-through from a note that no longer exists. And, does anyone else think they see the name "Lorl" written right above that?

My understanding is that the text was either erased, or as you say traces from a writing on a slip of paper that was sitting on this page when these characters were written. So what's written on this page provides no context for "1958".

As for what else is written inside the circle, I can't make out anything beyond two groups of letters or numbers. Maybe it's because my eyes aren't as good as they once were. :)
A couple of weeks ago I messaged the Unsolved Mysteries facebook page requesting they cover this case. They just wrote me back and told me they are not producing any shows right now but they are interested in featuring her case on their official website. I know it’s not the national TV coverage we have been hoping for but it is a start!
A couple of weeks ago I messaged the Unsolved Mysteries facebook page requesting they cover this case. They just wrote me back and told me they are not producing any shows right now but they are interested in featuring her case on their official website. I know it’s not the national TV coverage we have been hoping for but it is a start!

Brilliant! Hope they get back to you.
The public needs to know the story, someone may come forward.
Yes, but you probably wouldn't put that yellow note with numbers in a box, and tell your husband not to touch it. Leaving it in there with identifying documents that tie you back to your previous identity. So while I definitely see having random notes, I would think her notes left behind would have much more significance. IMO

Didn't someone mention earlier that these random notes were on the back of the age calculations for M and D (please correct me if I'm wrong)? It seems likely she kept the page for those calculations and not any of the random notes on the other side of the page and that that side was just used as scrap paper for one reason or another. I don't think this means it's not worth looking into as it could lead us to someone who knows her, I just don't think any of it may have been of particular importance to her other than just having to write something down to remember it briefly.
Also I just wanted to say I just started reading this thread not that long ago and it's taken me ages to go through almost everything (I started before Christmas!) All of you that have been coming back to this year after year are amazing and dedicated and deserve some praise for all of your efforts and ideas. :)
Yes, but you probably wouldn't put that yellow note with numbers in a box, and tell your husband not to touch it. Leaving it in there with identifying documents that tie you back to your previous identity. So while I definitely see having random notes, I would think her notes left behind would have much more significance. IMO

I have a lock box that I'm not sure if my hub has ever seen what's inside. Most of it isn't important, stuff from my Harley days. I also have my daughters baby teeth plus coins
He has one too.
I just had a thought while watching a true crime show.
Regarding the '402' and police numbers on the info sheet.....
What if! What if FLEK was a witness to some sort of crime which held such a potential sentencing? And the person who committed the crime was never CAUGHT or found guilty? What if FLEK was weighing her options and her chosen one was to disappear from the persons peripheral? Almost like a self-imposed witness protection plan? This would explain her chronic fear and perimeter pacing..... and! It is impossible to consider 402 month sentences for crimes which have never been solved. Know what I mean?
I have a lock box that I'm not sure if my hub has ever seen what's inside. Most of it isn't important, stuff from my Harley days. I also have my daughters baby teeth plus coins
He has one too.

I get having a lock box and having misc. items in it. What I find odd is that she told her husband to stay out of it, and then when it's finally opened it leads to a previous life full of suspense, lies, and different identities. That's all I was saying. I feel like everything in there is significant in some way (as the majority of us do). This story is going to have to be blasted on a major tv show or major network in order to get the attention from the right person(s) to crack this. IMO I am in no way suggesting we stop. We have all been here and spent way to many hours trying to help figure it out. Just my thoughts :)!
Interesting. My partner and I have lived together for about 15m now. I was tidying our room and I noticed this.... I know it has been here all along, it has just never been 'important' to me. Even now, I am sincerely not even interested to open it. Not sure what it means to this discussion, but I just found it ironic. LOL

OMG open the freakin box !!!!! before I go nuts !!!!! did your hubby put it there ?
OK I just read where it came from, I would go crazy just because I don't know what's in there , its not a matter of trust.......Thank goodness I am not a cat
OK I just read where it came from, I would go crazy just because I don't know what's in there , its not a matter of trust.......Thank goodness I am not a cat

OMG open that !!!!!! it could be a human kidney
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