TX - 'Lori Ruff', Longview, WhtFem UP9863, *General Discussion and Theories* #3

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New info. I finally got a screenshot of the FB post. Basically this person is in a group with DA and he was telling them there was hope for finding Somerton with reverse DNA searching BECAUSE they used Loris daughters DNA in some site ( not named) and got a hit and found Loris family in PA. It WAS confirmed by DA there has been a match. I don't think he would lie about it. I wonder how long ago it was matched.. Anyway hopefully they will release the info soon. This does lead me to believe it may NOT be Cheryl, but a person never listed anywhere, and it was sheer luck that the family was on the same site.

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So this infers a few things.
1)Lori's DAUGHTER'S DNA was run through some system by someone. Since her daughter is 8 YO, the Ruff's would have to allowed. Which means they still were looking for her identity at that time
2) If family of Lori's was confirmed in PA, but not of their searching, there is a good chance she was not ever reported missing? So, due to neglect/not caring she was gone, seeing nothing in the media all these years, or knowing all along...
3)As you mentioned, it is unclear how long ago this was discovered. There were Reddit posts a while back about the family already having id'ed her and wanting to let it lie. Hmmm. We may be getting excited for nothing to come. If the Ruff's drove this,mi don't see a big news announcement.... All IMO.
Well, they couldn't have used FLEK's DNA for the website (I'm assuming it's ancestry or something) because wouldn't it have all been handed over to the authorities? Not sure...

Who knows? I wouldn't be surprised if the authorities requested a sample from the daughter, as they didn't realise at the time of Lori's death and cremation that there was a case, so perhaps the samples were not stored according to LE's specific procedures and they needed to ensure that there had been no cross-contamination??

We shall probably never know, but the fact that the Ruff's have obviously allowed the child to give a sample at some point, shows that they have been committed to helping the authorities find out who Lori was, but they are just private people. Its understandable that they would wish to close ranks to protect the child from all of this.
Something is up, be it speculation or potential news. There are 38 guests. That is up from about 21 when we first noticed the uptick in visitors. :seeya:

The uptick is probably people getting off of work around 5:00 and checking in to see if there was any more news today. It often happens on cases like this. The number of visitors is due to people are talking about it on social media - Facebook, Reddit, etc. The word is getting around and people are coming here for updates.

Welcome visitors!! :)
So DA and the Somerton mystery are not at all connected to FLEK. Basically he has heard via colleagues about reverse DNA technology which has, allegedly, been successful with this case.

He might not have been aware when he mentioned Lori's name that it wasn't yet public knowledge. Am I right in remembering (from waaaay back last night lol!) that Lori's family already know who she was? And we're just waiting for them to release a media statement or give permission for all to be revealed?

He might not know this new info he revealed is public but he has referred to LEK's case before, Google Professor Abbott and Lori Ruff. I'm sure Lori's family

I don’t know if her family already knew her identity but I’m sure they would be the first to be told if her identity was discovered via DNA. I’m wondering if it will be their decision to publicly release her real identity or if the researchers who uncovered her identity can release the info to the public. I don’t know how that works.
I want to believe, I honestly do. But I'm getting a bit skeptical about this.

I am always extremely skeptical of people’s claims on the internet but I’ve been corresponding with the person who claims Professor Abbott gave her this new info and I believe her. I don’t think she realized what an uproar she would cause when she posted the info and deleted her original post about it worried that she would get the professor in trouble for giving out the info. She seems like a very honest and kind person that really does care about this case.
He might not know this new info he revealed is public but he has referred to LEK's case before, Google Professor Abbott and Lori Ruff. I'm sure Lori's family

I don’t know if her family already knew her identity but I’m sure they would be the first to be told if her identity was discovered via DNA. I’m wondering if it will be their decision to publicly release her real identity or if the researchers who uncovered her identity can release the info to the public. I don’t know how that works.

Good point!

I won't lie, I would love to know FLEK's real name and her back story, but if its better for the daughter's privacy/safety for FLEK's identity to remain private, than I can accept that.
I'm a member but have been �� watching from my work computer...
I'm probably showing up as both guest, and member from my phone!!!
FWIW- I don't think she is listed in NamUs.
I still believe she is a child of TT...

I do, also
Just putting a couple thoughts together... Did Velling know LEK had breast implants because there was documentation in medical records OR did Blake/Ruffs tell him? I am going to go with the assumption of medical records, since I do remember a specific mention of serial numbers being checked (correct me if I am wrong!).
So, assuming that Vellling had access to medical records, he would have also noted egg donation, and likely mentioned it in the Seattle Times interview. I believe he did discuss her fertility struggles during that interview. The idea that she could procure, fertilize and implant an egg and the hormonal supplementation needed on one hand seems impossible. On the other hand maybe it was just another trick up her sleeve? Imagining the daughter is the only physical evidence left to confirm this woman actually existed, I can see some crazy twist in using another egg. Totally out there, I know.
Anyway, I think we can safely assume it was her egg that created the daughter. Unless it was all a part of the bigger scheme, which seems so unlikely but would also be not at all surprising.:fence:
Just putting a couple thoughts together... Did Velling know LEK had breast implants because there was documentation in medical records OR did Blake/Ruffs tell him? I am going to go with the assumption of medical records, since I do remember a specific mention of serial numbers being checked (correct me if I am wrong!).
So, assuming that Vellling had access to medical records, he would have also noted egg donation, and likely mentioned it in the Seattle Times interview. I believe he did discuss her fertility struggles during that interview. The idea that she could procure, fertilize and implant an egg and the hormonal supplementation needed on one hand seems impossible. On the other hand maybe it was just another trick up her sleeve? Imagining the daughter is the only physical evidence left to confirm this woman actually existed, I can see some crazy twist in using another egg. Totally out there, I know.
Anyway, I think we can safely assume it was her egg that created the daughter. Unless it was all a part of the bigger scheme, which seems so unlikely but would also be not at all surprising.:fence:

Serial numbers could not be checked, she was cremated before that could be done unfortunately.
LOL I submitted mine at the beginning of Feb and it is just processing now. Can't wait for the results!!!!

You did the DNA test from Ancestry? And, they are just processing the results?

Dang! I sent mine in a few weeks ago. So, I need to be patient.
CoverMeCagney, You asked earlier today if we ever checked for possible matches in Canada. Yes we did as best we could with the sources available. As somebody else mentioned, there was one person, named Lori, that we thought could be a match. Here are some of the details on Lori Kasprick being ruled out: http://edmontonjournal.com/news/loc...lori-kasprick-isnt-mystery-woman-lori-kennedy and her thread here at WS: http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...ri-Lee-Kasprick-15-Hilliard-AB-September-1976
You did the DNA test from Ancestry? And, they are just processing the results?

Dang! I sent mine in a few weeks ago. So, I need to be patient.

Yeah. It left my hand to the post office on February 4th and just entered 'Processing' mode this past Monday.
Just putting a couple thoughts together... Did Velling know LEK had breast implants because there was documentation in medical records OR did Blake/Ruffs tell him? I am going to go with the assumption of medical records, since I do remember a specific mention of serial numbers being checked (correct me if I am wrong!).
So, assuming that Vellling had access to medical records, he would have also noted egg donation, and likely mentioned it in the Seattle Times interview. I believe he did discuss her fertility struggles during that interview. The idea that she could procure, fertilize and implant an egg and the hormonal supplementation needed on one hand seems impossible. On the other hand maybe it was just another trick up her sleeve? Imagining the daughter is the only physical evidence left to confirm this woman actually existed, I can see some crazy twist in using another egg. Totally out there, I know.
Anyway, I think we can safely assume it was her egg that created the daughter. Unless it was all a part of the bigger scheme, which seems so unlikely but would also be not at all surprising.:fence:

That would not be in her medical records. Usually a specialized MD handles the whole thing and it is confidential . There are lawyers and contracts involved. ( I was a donor multiple times)

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CoverMeCagney, You asked earlier today if we ever checked for possible matches in Canada. Yes we did as best we could with the sources available. As somebody else mentioned, there was one person, named Lori, that we thought could be a match. Here are some of the details on Lori Kasprick being ruled out: http://edmontonjournal.com/news/loc...lori-kasprick-isnt-mystery-woman-lori-kennedy and her thread here at WS: http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...ri-Lee-Kasprick-15-Hilliard-AB-September-1976

Thanks, Claire. I also found a Lori Lee Berens from Canada and somehow ended up on her sisters FB profile - I thought there were similarities. But having seen the original message from DA, and if his claims are valid, the match that's been found is/was an 18 year old runaway from Philly.

EDIT: "her family came from from Philadelphia" - not necessarily the same as the girl running away from there.

I guess all we can do is sit on our hands and wait patiently. Not my forte but hey!
Well, they couldn't have used FLEK's DNA for the website (I'm assuming it's ancestry or something) because wouldn't it have all been handed over to the authorities? Not sure...

I am certified to take saliva DNA as well as blood DNA samples then it is entered into Codis when a profile is developed. We know FLEK's DNA is in Codis because it is from that DNA that matches are made or ruled out. Namus submits names to the LE handling the case and the DNA is compared.

If this is a DNA match for FLEK, then it came from someone being considered as having been a blood relative. What would we learn from her daughter other than she would have matched the hair and skin samples known to have been FLEK's?

See what I am saying? Has a potential blood relative given DNA to compare with FLEK's? Now granted, I was working with taking DNA samples for Codis in a criminal manner, but how would it be so different? Is it a private lab or company? How would a private lab have access to DNA in Codis? They wouldn't. A private lab would have to have mitochondrial DNA from the daughter and compare it to someone who also gave a sample because we know her daughter's would match FLEK's.

I'm probably not explaining it well. In other words, if you have Flek's DNA, you do not need the daughters. Any private lab I know of can only submit any results they may have to Namus who in turn submits it to LE crime lab with Codis. A private lab would not have direct access to Codis.

Unless this comes from a verifiable LE source, I am simply not buying it. You cannot just randomly access Codis and I highly doubt the person spreading all of this has it right at all.

I desperately want there to be a resolution as to who FLEK really is, but I highly doubt this is it.

I am getting the impression that maybe the daughters DNA was entered into Ancestry (or whatever, ie not a criminal or LE system) and the "hit" has been made with someone, possibly a sibling or cousin who innocently sent their DNA in like posters above have. That would lead the researchers to contact that family and they've worked out who FLEK is from that. Maybe?
Wait, why is everyone suddenly so certain that it's Cheryl?

If Cheryls age puts FLEK at 48 when she had her daughter, it's not her. We know she didn't use a donor egg because someone upthread mentioned the match was made using FLEK's daughter's DNA. I'm an infertility patient; trust me, this really is a near impossibility.

Unlikely, put not impossible. My grandmother had twins naturally at 48.
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