TX - 'Lori Ruff', Longview, WhtFem UP9863, *General Discussion and Theories* #3

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I could go either way, it is a profession for which you do not always file taxes or even prove identity, especially true when she would have been doing it.

There's also the period from 1992-1998 on her resume, which is (IME) exactly the kind of vague and unverifiable filler that an ex-dancer would put on their resume to hide the fact that they were a dancer. This is a common problem for ex-dancers, especially the ones that put themselves through school with dancing and then have to enter the real-world.

I'm friends with a whole bunch of ex-dancers, and given that part of her resume, it seems especially plausible.
Her writing a letter to Blake would imply she did NOT intend to kill them. Otherwise he would never see it.

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I agree, georgiagirl. Besides, her very young daughter was supposed to be in that house with Blake and his parents. I just can't see even her killing anyone with her daughter present.

She may have stayed up all night writing the letters because I believe she was found @ 6:30am?

I would imagine her paranoia of being out in the country all alone would have driven her to the brink as she had been seen walking the perimeter of the property at times.

But why leave the box in the closet marked 'crafts' and tell Blake to never touch it? Did she forget it was even there before she went on her suicide mission? Did she mean to leave it and totally confuse people? All of it is crazy and is driving me crazy!!


It is VERY odd that not one person who knew her in life (other than the very iffy S/S 1988) has ever commented here, IMO. It seems like this has been publicized enough that someone, if not multiple people, would say "I used to work with her", "I went to college with her", "she was my former neighbor", anything!!! Her former in laws wouldn't be able to ask people in these cases not to comment since how would they even know who they were beforehand. It seems like the town she was from while married is a small town, which would make it even more likely that someone would be interested.

If I knew someone as "Jane Doe" and then read a story about FLEK, then it would be just a story about a stranger and not that former, co-worker, classmate, etc., which makes me think she was using multiple I.D.s, except how do you keep them all straight. That would probably be enough to drive anyone a little crazy.

She would have had to have been using the FLEK I.D. for school though if she graduated and there are transcripts. If she graduated before she met her husband, is there even proof she graduated from college as FLEK? He seems to have taken whatever she said at face value and from the little bit I remember from her resume, it didn't seem like a business degree was even necessary.
Too far fetched to wonder if she was in witness protection?
Been suggested many times. They have better ways to establish a new identity that do not involve dead children and a name change in court. More likely she did it herself. Find a copy of one of the old Loompanics books, it is all in there.
I agree, georgiagirl. Besides, her very young daughter was supposed to be in that house with Blake and his parents. I just can't see even her killing anyone with her daughter present.

She may have stayed up all night writing the letters because I believe she was found @ 6:30am?

I would imagine her paranoia of being out in the country all alone would have driven her to the brink as she had been seen walking the perimeter of the property at times.

But why leave the box in the closet marked 'crafts' and tell Blake to never touch it? Did she forget it was even there before she went on her suicide mission? Did she mean to leave it and totally confuse people? All of it is crazy and is driving me crazy!!



She had a restraining order against her, she threatened her in-laws. It is not unreasonable to believe that a female, a mother could be so angry about being separated from her husband and at times her daughter (with a restraining order included, remember her husband moved in with the in-laws). Add to this the fact that her hidden identity was now at risk of being revealed due to the divorce, and her in-laws uneasiness with her not telling them anything about herself.
We have no idea about the "real" FLEK, what we do know is that she did have a violent streak along with mental instability witnessed by people other than the Ruff family.
I don't have anything other than Velling/ss88 to go on, but it just makes sense to me. In the early 90's there just weren't opportunities for a woman to earn enough money to live on without some sort of education or skill. Not even today really. I can't come up with another explanation for her to quickly obtain enough money to accomplish all this getting around & live on while in school.

There were opportunities for young women to earn enough money to save and travel or save and purchase a car in the early 1990's. I knew other females who worked and took off to backpack across Australia or Europe. Staying at hostels was a popular thing to do back then. Lots of females I knew waitressed, worked as bus boys, bar tended, worked 2 jobs, did labour in landscaping, and saved every penny then took off to travel abroad. The tough ones worked summers tree planting or canning. Plenty of ways she could have saved money as a young woman.
She had a restraining order against her, she threatened her in-laws. It is not unreasonable to believe that a female, a mother could be so angry about being separated from her husband and at times her daughter (with a restraining order included, remember her husband moved in with the in-laws). Add to this the fact that her hidden identity was now at risk of being revealed due to the divorce, and her in-laws uneasiness with her not telling them anything about herself.
We have no idea about the "real" FLEK, what we do know is that she did have a violent streak along with mental instability witnessed by people other than the Ruff family.

I forgot about the restraining order. Goodness what a mess this woman created, for whatever reason. I go back and forth between compassion for LEK & compassion for the Ruff family. I hope that the daughter that they are raising is not taking some of the leftover anger for the position that LEK put their family in. It really doesn't matter what the Ruff family said or did after LEK's suicide, she deceived them horribly. They were unwittingly suckered into this. If they choose to pour water over any speculation about LEK or keep it quiet, that is their right. No one else has to live with that deception. No one else has to recover from that or raise a motherless child. A child who is someday going to learn that her mother pulled off a pretty incredible and hurtful scam, for whatever reason.
It is 117 miles from Longview to Lenard were FLEK and Blake lived. That is a little too far for her in-laws to just drop in. They lived in the country and not a very populated area. I wonder how far Blake drove to work? I believe FLEK wanted she and Blake to move a distance away from her in-laws so that they maybe could adopt the baby/daughter and no one would know. She could have worn a false pregnancy tummy for all we know. Nowhere does it state she was pregnant via IVF. Velling stated she was older than she had let everyone believe.

After Velling had made his investigation public I had wondered if FLEK had been a victim of sex trafficking. Maybe she really had been in Thailand in her younger years or been an undocumented child of a sex trafficking victim. That was definitely a false letter from the hotel in Thailand, but she could possibly have been there. The reason for that letter was to cover her young years. At least that way no one would have recognized her from her youth or elementary, or high school years. But someone had to work with FLEK if she had been a dancer and at least from college. She wasn't invisible, FGS!

I have none of the answers at all. None of us do. My having no answers is what is leading me to these wild theories! I suppose anything is possible.

I have gone back to absolutely not believing FLEK's identity is about to be revealed.

Okay, I'll stop now, lol.

I forgot about the restraining order. Goodness what a mess this woman created, for whatever reason. I go back and forth between compassion for LEK & compassion for the Ruff family. I hope that the daughter that they are raising is not taking some of the leftover anger for the position that LEK put their family in. It really doesn't matter what the Ruff family said or did after LEK's suicide, she deceived them horribly. They were unwittingly suckered into this. If they choose to pour water over any speculation about LEK or keep it quiet, that is their right. No one else has to live with that deception. No one else has to recover from that or raise a motherless child. A child who is someday going to learn that her mother pulled off a pretty incredible and hurtful scam, for whatever reason.


You are so right about that, Beezneez! Someday the daughter is going to want to know more about her mother and how is she going to feel when she finds out what she did?

There are also times when it would be helpful to know your mother's medical history for various reasons.
There were opportunities for young women to earn enough money to save and travel or save and purchase a car in the early 1990's. I knew other females who worked and took off to backpack across Australia or Europe. Staying at hostels was a popular thing to do back then.

Agree with this; in the 1990s the lower-end wages were actually not that different from the wages today, and a dollar went a lot farther then. I had an office job for $10 an hour in the 1990s that was a fully functioning salary (not luxury, but paid for living expenses and some vacation). Today $10 would be much harder to live on, and yet many people still make this low a wage.
Just started following this and am getting caught up on reading. Really interesting! She had to have money coming in from somewhere to allow her to travel, change her name , and enroll in college. I saw the posts about her potentially being DS and about DS getting immunity for testifying--is there any way LE could have helped with her change in identity? I have not read back far enough to know if there was a reason for her moving away from BST identity so quickly--so maybe they did that so it would be harder to trace her? Also ironic that she took her own life on Dec 24 and BST was killed on Dec 29. :(.

From my knowledge of black market "jobs" in the late 1980s it was totally possible to make enough to fill a savings account, pay living expenses & even have enough left over to have days off. It's also equally plausible that someone with a regular 40 hour a week job can reach the same $$$ goals by saving & going without.

Also sadly I have to share I witnessed the descent of a couple of women I knew into severe mental illness & sadly hostility/combativeness is a common feature of the illness- it comes from frustration that outsiders are not "seeing" the world the same way that the victim of illness is. (Aside from pointing out that the breakup of Lori's marriage in & of itself would be stressful enough for the average person.)
My correction, it was a Cease and Desist order. However, the reason was due to threatening the Ruff family.
"In the fall of 2010, Lori began sending threatening emails to the Ruffs. She caused a ruckus during one custody exchange, the family said. Afterward, they noticed one of their house keys was missing. Nancy recalls hearing the squeak of their backyard gate one morning just before Christmas.

The Ruffs were so concerned they asked a judge to order Lori to cease and desist." Seattle Times http://old.seattletimes.com/html/localnews/2021243552_janedoexml.html
Another thing I noticed is that Blake was reported to be evasive, but this was chalked to be "just how he is". But Lori's evasiveness (although, yes we know she had changed her name, etc) was a HUGE issue to the Ruffs vs "just how she is." Why? Was there some other reason that made them so sure she was faking her identity besides not wanting to discuss her past? If I knew someone who didn't want to discuss their past, I would just assume "bad past" not "identity thief/KGB mole". I wonder if she slipped up one day a tiny bit and this made them suspicious? If so, what was the slipup?

"His brother-in-law, an attorney named Miles Darby, says that’s typical Blake. “He does not have much of an inner monologue,” Miles said. Or, for that matter, an outer one. His speech is stilted. Ask one question and he answers another. It’s not that Blake is trying to be evasive. He’s just different."
"Blake’s parents were eager to meet his new lady friend, so they invited him and Lori to lunch. Tell us about your youth, Nancy asked, trying to be friendly. Your family. Tell us your story. Her parents were dead, Lori said. She had no living brothers or sisters, aunts or uncles. No one.

High school? Lori skipped straight to college. It went on like that all afternoon — Nancy asking and Lori deflecting. ....Lori once told Blake she had destroyed all the old photos of her family because she’d had a bad life."
"When Blake decided to marry Lori, Nancy wanted to put an announcement in the local paper: Blake Ruff, son of Jon and Nancy Ruff, and Lori Kennedy, daughter of ... daughter of who? Lori wouldn’t allow it.

“She said, ‘We don’t do things like that,’ ” Nancy recalled.

Less than a year after they met, Blake and Lori ran off and married in a small church outside of Dallas. The only person in attendance was the preacher.

The Ruffs weren’t so sure of this woman whose past was all empty spaces. But Blake didn’t seem to mind the gaps."

“Blake is the type of guy who takes everything you say at face value,” Miles explained, not unkindly."

The bold parts are (in my observation) what's difficult to pass her off as 'just how she is'. The description of FLEK's husband is what lead some people on WS to think it possible that he might have aspergers. People with Aspergers aren't trying to be rude or intentionally evasive, communication style is one of the barriers that people on the spectrum face.
When FLEK says, "We don't do things like that", I would be thinking, who is WE! Didn't she say she had no living family, zero, no one?
No stories of being in foster care, no information on any possible siblings or relatives of this stockbroker and his wife. Wife? What about her mother? I would be wondering why she didn't want her picture in the papers (why worry since your entire family is no longer alive and you have no friends) and why did she have ZERO friends at her wedding. I would wonder why she didn't have any friends over to the house (didn't sound like she had friends over, maybe she did, but so far no one has come forward to speak of knowing her during her days as Ms. Ruff).

She destroyed her family photos but didn't keep even one of herself? Her parents didn't have a name, did her stockbroker father's wife have a name? I wouldn't have trusted her as well. Even KGB and moles have a life story, real or made up, they still have a story, not having a story would make them suspect, just like FLEK.
One of the things that sticks out from this article to me, is that you can buy family photos. I recall being completely shocked one time at an antique store that my mother dragged me to, that they had bins of real, very old family photos, probably from estate sales, etc. for sale and they can also be bought on ebay. If this woman was savvy enough to be on her own from a young age, work in an occupation where you also need to be at the very least somewhat manipulative to make your way, you would think she would have covered her tracks with her in laws a little better.
I don't recall reading anything on this before, but could FLEK have been married after assuming her new identity and have been using her married name before being divorced/widowed?
Hi all.

Please observe the attached image of LEK's ears carefully and tell me if you think the images of the other ears along side are a match or not.

Any and all input is welcome.

Also, if you have any images that show either of LEK's ears in greater detail, please provide a link to or a copy of them.

Ear Comp.JPG
I was just looking over the page with her notes written all over. Has anyone looked at the music video "these eyes" by the guess who? It says these eyes with a phone number and shoot under it and she appeared to be near Hollywood. Just a thought!
Somewhere in the last 100 posts of this thread, a member listed a number of missing from PA who could fit the timeframe. I suggest we each pick one to watch for their namus page to shut down. I pick Sandra HOPLER.
But why leave the box in the closet marked 'crafts' and tell Blake to never touch it? Did she forget it was even there before she went on her suicide mission? Did she mean to leave it and totally confuse people? All of it is crazy and is driving me crazy!!

Remember that she had destroyed tons of documents inside her house before she died.

I assume that those either had more concrete connections to her true identity, or revealed the depths of her mental illness (if she had been writing a lot perhaps she didn't want to leave these writings behind).

It could be that she had just gotten used to lugging around and protecting that box but in the end knew it didn't have much for anyone to go on inside. Or maybe she already destroyed the most revealing documents that were in it.
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