TX - 'Lori Ruff', Longview, WhtFem UP9863, *General Discussion and Theories* #4

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Any chance FLEK could be Kimberly Sue Doss a/k/a Kimberly Kathleen Gardner? Originally from Iowa, Thursday's Child, a charitable organization that assists homeless or at-risk teenagers, claims they made contact with Doss in 1984, two years after her disappearance.

They say Doss was working as a prostitute on Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, California, going by the name Kimberly Gardner. She had straight, bleached blonde hair. She was working for a pimp named James Wiseman. The woman the Thursday's Child workers saw was approximately four inches taller than Doss was reported to be.

Doss's mother did not believe the Hollywood woman was her daughter, so no investigative action was taken at that time. Several years passed before investigators decided Kimberly Gardner and Kimberly Doss were probably the same person. By that time, Gardner was no longer in Hollywood. She has never been seen from again and has not been definitively identified as Doss.

Some agencies may list March 24, 1980 or January 1, 1984 as the date of Doss's disappearance, and the place of her disappearance as Los Angeles, California.

Just throwing it out there~~~there is a Houston TX connection, a North Hollywood Connection~~~change of identity~~~and a pimp involved~~someone she could have been running away from~~Also Thursday's Child Workers, who you would think would know how to make someone disappear. Also, a gap between the teeth. I thought I read FLEK could have had plastic surgery? Nose surgery perhaps?



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Here is another "possible". Just don't know if it's probable.


Lazy Bum
Join Date
Jun 2011
McWopetaz Metroplex, Illinois U. S. of A.
Originally Posted by Springrain
Could she be Frieda "Becky" Powell?

Becky was Ottis Toole's niece. Henry Lee Lucas became involved with her when she was about 12, in 1979. HLL claimed he stabbed her while drunk in 1982 in Texas. No human remains were found that were confirmed to be hers. I couldn't find any missing persons reports for Becky, no NamUs profile, just a few blog posts and Find A Grave page. In the few photographs I saw of her, I think she resembles the recon fairly well.

No height, weight, eye color for Becky. She would be 15 in 1982, when she was last heard from and supposedly died. Here's a side by side:


Becky was played by actress Tracy Arnold in the movie Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. It's very graphic and, as a result, was Rated X when it was released in 1986-an excellent film, none-the-less.

I am really sceptical that she came from a religious colony. LDS..... maybe. However, my gut and money lie on a TT and SBH link.

My gut says the same. I believe it's someone that the families might not even be aware of. I was given up for adoption in 1986 and only my mother had to sign off. Perhaps something similar happened and the father or other family members don't know of their existence. So, TT, RWT, TJT, and such could be giving honest answers, they don't know her. But she probably knew them.

I'd still be curious to tie back to the 1987 movie "Positive ID". There's so many overlaps between the plot, the director and FLEK. Perhaps she identified with the story line...specially considering her later career as an adult entertainer.
My gut says the same. I believe it's someone that the families might not even be aware of. I was given up for adoption in 1986 and only my mother had to sign off. Perhaps something similar happened and the father or other family members don't know of their existence. So, TT, RWT, TJT, and such could be giving honest answers, they don't know her. But she probably knew them.

I'd still be curious to tie back to the 1987 movie "Positive ID". There's so many overlaps between the plot, the director and FLEK. Perhaps she identified with the story line...specially considering her later career as an adult entertainer.
I'm going to get in touch with the director and ask if he ever came across FLEK during his time at the University and whether he can share any insights. I agree, the similarities are very curious and there is every chance they crossed paths.
My gut says the same. I believe it's someone that the families might not even be aware of. I was given up for adoption in 1986 and only my mother had to sign off. Perhaps something similar happened and the father or other family members don't know of their existence. So, TT, RWT, TJT, and such could be giving honest answers, they don't know her. But she probably knew them.

I'd still be curious to tie back to the 1987 movie "Positive ID". There's so many overlaps between the plot, the director and FLEK. Perhaps she identified with the story line...specially considering her later career as an adult entertainer.

On the surface, the movie tie-in seems like such a stretch, but when it comes to this particular case, nothing is any more far-reaching than anything else. That lead just might be a winding trail that leads to answers.

I don't know why this nags at me but I get uncomfortable every time a reference is made to FLEK being a stripper or working in the adult entertainment industry because (someone please correct me if I'm wrong) to my knowledge that information has only one single source. It is quite possibly, even probably true and is definitely information worth using during research, but until there is more to go on, I hate to presume it as fact.
If I can set aside a chunk of time this weekend, I want to try a reset research session where I take ten or twelve known facts, open up newspapers.com, Google, and ancestry.com, and see where it takes me.
On the surface, the movie tie-in seems like such a stretch, but when it comes to this particular case, nothing is any more far-reaching than anything else. That lead just might be a winding trail that leads to answers.

I don't know why this nags at me but I get uncomfortable every time a reference is made to FLEK being a stripper or working in the adult entertainment industry because (someone please correct me if I'm wrong) to my knowledge that information has only one single source. It is quite possibly, even probably true and is definitely information worth using during research, but until there is more to go on, I hate to presume it as fact.

It bothers me too. I wonder if the source (an ex-boyfriend, for very loose values of boyfriend) wasn't just passing along derogatory information out of spite. It wouldn't be the first time a guy said something humiliating about an ex-girlfriend.

And so does the incident where she didn't want to have her marriage announced in the newspapers -- if you think about it, there are other reasons a person might object to her future in-laws announcing to one & all about her wedding than that she was hiding from someone. Or even that she was shy.

Both of these are instances where an experienced investigator who had the time to carefully interview the source might have discovered the information shouldn't be taken at face value. The guy who said she worked as a "dancer" might have been a frustrated seducer. LEK's in-laws might have been overwhelmed her with all sorts of demands that she refused to cooperate & decided that it was simpler for the two of them to elope.

It is puzzling that so few people have come forth to say they knew her, & even fewer are willing to share much about her. So we are left with focussing on the more exotic pieces of her story, which only make it harder for someone who knew her before she became LEK to recognize her.
I don't know why this nags at me but I get uncomfortable every time a reference is made to FLEK being a stripper or working in the adult entertainment industry because (someone please correct me if I'm wrong) to my knowledge that information has only one single source. It is quite possibly, even probably true and is definitely information worth using during research, but until there is more to go on, I hate to presume it as fact.

This case gets to me so much because I find myself empathizing with her a lot.

For someone to throw away the identity they were born with and everything around them, I imagine something super horrible happened. When I put myself in the mindset of someone who would do so much to escape their past, I see working as a stripper or such as possibly the only thing she could do that paid enough to get by.

I, also, think about the self-image issues I have always had as a woman, and then imagine being in her shoes: she's tall for an average woman, her nose appears as if it has been broken at some point, her hands are exceptionally long--these are things that I could see a woman finding difficult to deal with, enough to perhaps get breast implants.

I can only imagine what kind of identity issues someone would have to have to do all that she did and to remain so closed off. It seems like she didn't know how to take someone being interested in her outside of a romantic/sexual context. She derived her worthiness from it, and then, in the collapse of her marriage, she completely fell a part.

I am of the belief that true "monsters" (a true psycho/sociopath) are incredibly rare, and the vast majority of us make decisions based upon the things they experience (or don't experience).

I think the movie could have given her ideas. I think she may have seen it as her only chance. I can imagine that it led her to move to Texas. I also imagine that these people who are tied to the seemingly odd coincidences could have no idea that she even existed. She wanted to be invisible so she probably was.

She was like the girl from your high school class that you didn't realize was there until graduation, and then you hear she has been in the same class as you since kindergarten.

I apologize that this became a rambling post. This case, though, it's a doozy.

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This case gets to me so much because I find myself empathizing with her a lot.

For someone to throw away the identity they were born with and everything around them, I imagine something super horrible happened. When I put myself in the mindset of someone who would do so much to escape their past, I see working as a stripper or such as possibly the only thing she could do that paid enough to get by.

I, also, think about the self-image issues I have always had as a woman, and then imagine being in her shoes: she's tall for an average woman, her nose appears as if it has been broken at some point, her hands are exceptionally long--these are things that I could see a woman finding difficult to deal with, enough to perhaps get breast implants.

I can only imagine what kind of identity issues someone would have to have to do all that she did and to remain so closed off. It seems like she didn't know how to take someone being interested in her outside of a romantic/sexual context. She derived her worthiness from it, and then, in the collapse of her marriage, she completely fell a part.

I am of the belief that true "monsters" (a true psycho/sociopath) are incredibly rare, and the vast majority of us make decisions based upon the things they experience (or don't experience).

I think the movie could have given her ideas. I think she may have seen it as her only chance. I can imagine that it led her to move to Texas. I also imagine that these people who are tied to the seemingly odd coincidences could have no idea that she even existed. She wanted to be invisible so she probably was.

She was like the girl from your high school class that you didn't realize was there until graduation, and then you hear she has been in the same class as you since kindergarten.

I apologize that this became a rambling post. This case, though, it's a doozy.

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I couldn't agree with you more. I've said this before but everything we know about her deceptive life would normally make me resent her or view her suffering as a result of her own actions but somehow I just don't have that with her. I don't even know her story but sympathizing with her has been so natural. On the other hand, I sometimes sort of scold myself for having an unsympathetic, even skeptical attitude towards her ex and her in-laws.
Just a thought I had regarding her refusal to the newspaper announcement. From what I understand, the Ruffs are a rather well known family in their particular county. I would assume the announcement would have run in a county-wide newspaper as that county doesn't have too many populous areas.

If she was running from someone or trying to disassociate herself, I think this refusal points to the person/group either being aware of her general whereabouts and her knowing it or her knowing they would have the means and motivation to look for her. In a more rural area of Texas so many years removed from when she "legally" changed her name, what would be the reason not to appease your future in laws if you thought your past was still at your heels??
Any chance she may have been abducted as a young child?
This case gets to me so much because I find myself empathizing with her a lot.

For someone to throw away the identity they were born with and everything around them, I imagine something super horrible happened. When I put myself in the mindset of someone who would do so much to escape their past, I see working as a stripper or such as possibly the only thing she could do that paid enough to get by.

I've known several women, four of whom I can immediately remember, who have changed their names. One changed both her first & last names as LEK had, but she was an unusual case: her father decided to change their family name for some reason, & she decided since they were all changing their last name she wanted to also change her first name because she liked the new one better. And unlike LEK, she was in contact with her family & friends; IIRC, at the time I knew her she was living at home.

Three others either changed or wanted to change only their first names. They include my step-sister, my sister-in-law, & a woman I used to know years ago, all because they felt that they could "solve all my problems" if they adopted a new identity. All three are/were difficult to get along with, & two of the three can barely take care of themselves -- hold a job, pay bills, maintain a normal friendship. After spending thru all of the money her husband had saved over his lifetime, as well as his military pension, my step-sister took their child & vanished for a while; while she did surface after several months without contact, she still is a "difficult" person. And her son is relatively normal. At the moment my sister-in-law is having an online argument with her other sisters while facing eviction from her apartment for being difficult; she was recently arrested & held overnight for jumping in front of cars on a nearby busy street. (Yes, she is suicidal, & blames everyone else for the mess she's made of her life.)

From what little we know of LEK, she didn't reach these extremes of behavior. I have found hints that she was a difficult person to be close to, & probably was difficult to work with. I wonder just how much money she made from her online business. Otherwise LEK appears that she was able to take care of herself. Nevertheless, when I read about what we know about her, the image the facts create remind me of these women I have known.

She was like the girl from your high school class that you didn't realize was there until graduation, and then you hear she has been in the same class as you since kindergarten.

True. But that's not always a bad thing. My sister's second husband went to the same high school as she, but while they knew some of the same people, they didn't know each other existed until they met at their 30th high school reunion. And they are happy married to each other.
My Great-Grandfather changed our last name and his first. It was because he had killed someone and wanted a fresh start. Like FLEK, we know nothing about where he came from before he was in his 20s. From what I understand, he was a pretty strange dude. It has been incredibly unnerving for a lot of us to discover this, which we only did due to my Ancestry.com research.

I mention the high allusion because I came from a small school where I knew every face, name and history. But there was one girl who seemed to continuously go unnoticed. She actually reached out to me around our 10 year reunion and she is immediately who I thought of when reading some of FLEK's story. B

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Just a thought I had regarding her refusal to the newspaper announcement. From what I understand, the Ruffs are a rather well known family in their particular county. I would assume the announcement would have run in a county-wide newspaper as that county doesn't have too many populous areas.

If she was running from someone or trying to disassociate herself, I think this refusal points to the person/group either being aware of her general whereabouts and her knowing it or her knowing they would have the means and motivation to look for her. In a more rural area of Texas so many years removed from when she "legally" changed her name, what would be the reason not to appease your future in laws if you thought your past was still at your heels??

I've mentioned in the past that FLEK's refusal to have an engagement or wedding announcement might not have to do with being in hiding from some traumatic past, random cult, or serial killer-drug dealing-mafia boyfriend. If you want to believe FLEK's resume, she had jobs and hobbies before she met her husband. Yet there is no talk of her having friends at their wedding. We don't know of FLEK actually having any friends.
It's quite possible that FLEK burned a lot of bridges and screwed over a number of people along the way. Not criminals or cult members, rather, every day people that she didn't want seeing her in the wedding section of the newspaper because they might come forward and say something about her. Even people she once had as friends might have come forward to saying "congratulations" and that would open the door to her in-laws and her husband finding out innocent things about her.
ive looked at that theory doesnt explain becky sue and name change 1988
The feedback I get when I mention this specific case to someone is that she looks so normal. She looks like a soccer mom. I still feel in my gut that she was running away from a terrible situation. Perhaps one in which she could observe some of the BST family members from afar without their knowledge. Same with the Ruffs. Maybe she knew of them before they knew of her. I just feel like we're seeing a woman who wants some sort of family, but doesn't know how to have one.

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So here's something to chew on... My source ( new one) told me that Fred Howder Sr. Had a son. Fred Jr but he was called " fritz". Evidently he had 3 wives at the same time. He had 32 children, most of whom lived in busses he turned into makeshift homes. Lots of them moved away and never looked back. Sounds like a very sad situation. And promising as a lead... Good luck figuring out that family tree. And NO I won't reveal my source. :)

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