TX - 'Lori Ruff', Longview, WhtFem UP9863, *General Discussion and Theories* #4

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Is the cheerleader deceased? What is the theory...that this is FLEK's true identity and then she faked her death?

I agree that the dates are off age wise and the cheerleader has a much more delicate jaw area as well as a different mouth shape. Those features can't change much with surgery.

I have way too many theories right now, haha! First of all it's all so tenuous, I admit, and only a hunch based on our knowing she had a PO Box in Boulder City where this cemetery is located. My initial theory was that FLEK could have stole this girl's ID. I'm basing this only on a name, a location and few clues that SOMEONE may have stolen this girl's ID. She liked the name Lori and Buchanan was the name of a president but also a common enough name to help her evade detection. My theory would be she had this fake ID first but when she went to change her name in Texas and she could choose anything she wanted--well Kennedy is a much better known President and also a common name. Kennedy's historical ties to Dallas mean that whenever people used search engines to try to find news about her they would have to wade through all the hits that come up for the Kennedy Assassination...So I suppose my overarching theory is that she stole multiple identities over her lifetime, not just the one. Now as to the clues: LMB died in 1986 (if we believe the gravestone) but there are addresses for her in the Las Vegas area for a few years after her death. One of those addresses is on Jackson Ave. My thought is LEK danced in Vegas for a couple years under the name of Lori B but also started to create her LEK ID at the same time. So she got a PO Box in Boulder City. NV in the late 80's to keep her LEK ID separate.

Now I came up with all these thoughts prior to looking up the yearbook picture...Then I got thrown by how much LEK resembles LMB, IMO. So a few alternate theories--1 possibility is that LMB was her sister or someone she was close to and she knew she resembled LMB enough there would be few questions, plus both of LMB's parents are dead by 1986. She knew enough about them to know she could pull off being LMB for a while. Ok, this is all conjection, my opinion. She could have no connection and just gone by what the gravestone said.

A 2nd and bit more out there theory is that LEK really was LMB and she faked her death for whatever reason. LMB's date of death is only a month after her mother--maybe when her mom died in 1986 she had no remaining family and no proof of who she was. She decided to go ahead and add her name to her mother's gravestone and start over as someone else (maybe even early planning to start the LEK ID). Since LMB did not have a birth certificate on file anywhere (at lease I can't find it) then it would harder for her to actually because Lori B the way she became BST/LEK. Maybe she danced in Vegas for few years until she figured out the BST-->LEK transition. MAYBE she also went to Arizona as Lori B. I suspect she met an accomplice, a boyfriend, either in Vegas or Arizona and they also stole the ID of LMB's father from that same graveyard--who was named James Buchanan. If you look for information about a Lori and James Buchanan in Arizona you will find quite a significant cause of fraud. James Buchanan (if that is even his real name) is currently in prison for investment-related fraud--he took over a million dollars from people in Arizona in the early 2000's.

Lori B is named as his wife and is co-responsible for his fraud/debt. Ironically in the first complaint she is names as "Jane Doe". http://images.edocket.azcc.gov/docketpdf/0000093480.pdf They were charging them both but didn't know her name--how is that? Well I have my ideas since I could not find a marriage record for James and Lori. What is interesting is they seemed to have maintained separate addresses in Arizona without divorcing (I don't know if they even could divorce if the marriage was fake anyway). Next strange thing is the courts gave them multiple notices to contest but the letters went unanswered. It almost makes me wonder if the papers went to an empty house or a drop box while they lived in Texas or elsewhere. As an aside, there was also a Lori B living in Dallas near the airport and it has been noted the most of LEK's addresses were close to an airport. What better reason to be near an airport than to make frequent flights between AZ and TX keeping up a double life? It's a 15 hour drive OR a 2 hour direct flight. If there is any evidence of Lori B actually living in Arizona (not just keeping and address) during these charges then I'm less inclined to believe these two Lori's are the same. The charges were filed in 2008 and final judgement in 2009. Lori Ruff was pregnant with her daughter most of 2008 so I don't know how easily she could travel to AZ to take care of this business. On the other hand, the worst years of her marriage seemed to be 2008-2010. I know this is all speculation and I'm probably just seeing what I want to see--but what if she really was this other Lori or had used this other Lori's name in an elaborate scam? Now I have not read every document relating to the Buchanan fraud case but for some reason by the time it reaches the point of Judgement, Lori is no longer mentioned. I can't find out what happened to Lori B--no record of her incarceration for the crime and no warrant out for her arrest for failure to appear in court...so that is all the more curious.

Now, I want to reiterate this is just a wild tale I've come up with on the sparsest of details. Even if this is all true we are no closer to finding out WHO LEK really was, IMO. All we could gain would be insight into her motivations and frantic behavior toward the end of her life. Maybe the feds could interview James B but I would not trust a thing he says based on his crimes. Where this whole story I have spun falls apart at the seams is that there is little to no consistency in Lori B's middle name/middle initial. Also when you look closely at the birth dates on the address listings they vary greatly and the date on James B's grave is not at all close to the age of the man incarcerated. Most of the addresses associated with James B in AZ have him born early 1960's. Is it possible they are a dozen different Lori B's and James B's living in the Phoenix area? I suppose. I also think it's possible they had not yet perfected their schemes and they may have forgotten small things like if their middle name is Marie or Michelle. YMMV.
I think we all have been overlooking a very important clue...(you super sleuths may have already caught this)

I can't seem to show it with the early ID pics because when I put them into paint and blow them up it becomes too blurry or distorted or pixelated (is that even a word? :) ) But the older pictures show it. Anyway, back to explaining the clue....FLEK has a visible scar on her right cheek near her mouth. At first it just looks like wrinkles or part of her smile, but it actually is a visible scar near her mouth. ETA: She also has scars and bruising on her neck in the earlier Idaho picture. I'm thinking she had been a victim of something terrible and she had a good reason to leave her true identity.




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I think we all have been overlooking a very important clue...(you super sleuths may have already caught this)

I can't seem to show it with the early ID pics because when I put them into paint and blow them up it becomes too blurry or distorted or pixelated (is that even a word? :) ) But the older pictures show it. Anyway, back to explaining the clue....FLEK has a visible scar on her right cheek near her mouth. At first it just looks like wrinkles or part of her smile, but it actually is a visible scar near her mouth. ETA: She also has scars and bruising on her neck in the earlier Idaho picture. I'm thinking she had been a victim of something terrible and she had a good reason to leave her true identity.



So, are you thinking she had plastic surgery to change her looks or that she was some accident victim? I wouldn't be surprised by either but
wouldn't we have been told by LE if she had scars? The pictures just look like a dimple with sagging skin due to aging and a shadow on her neck to me but I could buy that she had scars if we had a clearer photo. I could buy that she had scars on her neck/colarbone she wanted to cover because she liked to wear turtlenecks and high neck lines. The thing is, it doesn't look like she wore heavy make-up. Most women trying to cover scars would use more make-up, IMO.
I explored this very early on. It appears there were 2 Becky Sue Turner's in Idaho. One was married to a Conolty and then married a Swanson. I believe she was born in May 1966 and has a son Jeff. : (

That wouldn't, however, explain how the 1997-2001 (IIRC) record out of Boise is at the exact same address that FLEK used on the BST ID in 1988. That is, unless, a REAL BST did actually live at that address at that time (and in the period above?). Somehow, I doubt this.

However, if someone with that name really did live at that address, that would explain why she had the street name misprinted by one letter, perhaps so it wouldn't trip a filter or otherwise connect that someone with the same name, but presumably different birthdate, city of birth, etc, lived at the same address.

FWIW, in 2000, that address comes back to totally unrelated names:


This Spokeo page, however, does show her living there at some point, but most of the info is locked:

That wouldn't, however, explain how the 1997-2001 (IIRC) record out of Boise is at the exact same address that FLEK used on the BST ID in 1988. That is, unless, a REAL BST did actually live at that address at that time (and in the period above?). Somehow, I doubt this.

However, if someone with that name really did live at that address, that would explain why she had the street name misprinted by one letter, perhaps so it wouldn't trip a filter or otherwise connect that someone with the same name, but presumably different birthdate, city of birth, etc, lived at the same address.

FWIW, in 2000, that address comes back to totally unrelated names:


This Spokeo page, however, does show her living there at some point, but most of the info is locked:


This is quite an interesting theory to me.
Does anyone know how we could access a phonebook or Boise city directory from 1988 to see who lived there or near there? Online records seem to be spotty or require payment.
So, are you thinking she had plastic surgery to change her looks or that she was some accident victim? I wouldn't be surprised by either but
wouldn't we have been told by LE if she had scars? The pictures just look like a dimple with sagging skin due to aging and a shadow on her neck to me but I could buy that she had scars if we had a clearer photo. I could buy that she had scars on her neck/colarbone she wanted to cover because she liked to wear turtlenecks and high neck lines. The thing is, it doesn't look like she wore heavy make-up. Most women trying to cover scars would use more make-up, IMO.

No, I was just thinking she may have been a victim of domestic violence or a victim of violence, SA perhaps? I was thinking more along the lines of the violence being shortly before the Idaho ID was taken, since that one appears to show bruising to her neck. I'm really thinking domestic violence~~the scars would have been from a previous altercation and the bruising from closer to when she got the Idaho ID. Perhaps she finally had enough and figured she had to disappear to save her own life. Back then, there really wasn't the victim advocacy we see today, unfortunately.
This is quite an interesting theory to me.
Does anyone know how we could access a phonebook or Boise city directory from 1988 to see who lived there or near there? Online records seem to be spotty or require payment.

I think if you look back in the previously threads, someone did look up, and IIRC contacted the owner? I'm not sure about the contact, but I vaguely remember reading about that.
I came across this by accident just now. Has this record ever been discovered and/or investigated?


The dates make no sense compared to when she was apparently in Idaho getting the false ID. But the address is identical.

There's also this, but I'm not sure if it's related:


There's also marriage records for Becky Sue Turner in Clark County NV in 1988 and 1995, but I'm not sure if they're the same person:

https://familysearch.org/search/rec...es" +record_subcountry:"United States,Nevada"

Quoting this to bring it back up. I've often thought she ditched the BST ID rather quickly and wondered if she could have been using both that ID and LEK for a while. It took work and planning to get BST's birth certificate and get a driver's license in her name. To ditch it and keep the ID hidden in a lockbox all that time without bringing it out and using it doesn't make much sense. The address dates on familysearch are suspect to me because it says they are compiled from 3rd party data, whatever that means...I wonder if it's created by bots scanning for associated names and addresses online. By 2014 (when the address entry says it was entered/updated) plenty of people would have been searching BST's name and this address in Boise. If I'm right in how they compile the data, we could have had a hand in creating this ourselves! Scans of physical phone book are more trustworthy, IMO.

The married record though is the real gem...I'm going to take some time to search on this. Thanks for sharing your finds!
That wouldn't, however, explain how the 1997-2001 (IIRC) record out of Boise is at the exact same address that FLEK used on the BST ID in 1988. That is, unless, a REAL BST did actually live at that address at that time (and in the period above?). Somehow, I doubt this.

However, if someone with that name really did live at that address, that would explain why she had the street name misprinted by one letter, perhaps so it wouldn't trip a filter or otherwise connect that someone with the same name, but presumably different birthdate, city of birth, etc, lived at the same address.

FWIW, in 2000, that address comes back to totally unrelated names:


This Spokeo page, however, does show her living there at some point, but most of the info is locked:


Yes we looked at the Barkers. The wife passed away recently and her obit was interesting. They traveled abroad and Aron's the country and took in people...

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I think if you look back in the previously threads, someone did look up, and IIRC contacted the owner? I'm not sure about the contact, but I vaguely remember reading about that.

I do remember someone finding the owner and there was no connection found, IIRC. However, just because someone owned a house in 1988 doesn't mean they lived there or were the sole inhabitants. They might have rented it out or had an exchange student living with them (or maybe neighbors with an address one number off had the exchange student/renter with the name BST). I'm just thinking out loud and trying to figure out why she used that house. Someone with the same name living there would be the perfect cover. If anyone lives in Boise and has time to drive by I would like to know if the mailboxes for that house are at the street where it would be easy for someone to walk by and check the mail. I tried Google maps but I can't see the mailboxes for that street.

Scratch that request. I see the mailbox in the county assessors photo posted above and it is at the street, far away from the house. Anyone walking by could check it if they know the home owners are not home.
I do remember someone finding the owner and there was no connection found, IIRC. However, just because someone owned a house in 1988 doesn't mean they lived there or were the sole inhabitants. They might have rented it out or had an exchange student living with them (or maybe neighbors with an address one number off had the exchange student/renter with the name BST). I'm just thinking out loud and trying to figure out why she used that house. Someone with the same name living there would be the perfect cover. If anyone lives in Boise and has time to drive by I would like to know if the mailboxes for that house are at the street where it would be easy for someone to walk by and check the mail. I tried Google maps but I can't see the mailboxes for that street.

Scratch that request. I see the mailbox in the county assessors photo posted above and it is at the street, far away from the house. Anyone walking by could check it if they know the home owners are not home.

Did we ever look into who owns/lived at 7033 w el cabbaro dr? Based on that county assessors photo it looks like the mailboxes for the two homes are next to each other at the street. http://www.adacountyassessor.org/propsys/ViewParcel.do?yearParcel=2000R9322150705
Wait, wait wait. In thread#3 Linda9681 posted a picture from the Christian tea room in Grapevine, TX.


The picture on Mrs. Barker's findagrave has an eerie resemblance. http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=115774245

Did I misunderstand and that is why you posted it Linda? I thought it was a joke at the time (I laughed). And the posts were comparing the picture to FLEK. If you were trying to make a connection between the Barkers and Tea shop owners it went right over my head, but now I am intrigued.
It was kind of a joke but not at the same time... The tea shop owner told me it was her mom . There is a story there but I never had time to follow up. One sister owned it then gifted it to her sister... They are not from Texas originally... The resemblance in that pic to FLEK caught me off guard when I first saw it. Grapevine is very very close to the airport and some of her given addresses

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I really think that the lack of people coming forward to identify her either indicates that she was in a fostering/group home type situation and possibly moved around a lot - or the people in her background have enough of a criminal element to their own lives that they aren't interested in coming forward and having people look too closely into their business.

In all honesty, I can't really blame someone for not wanting to come forward publicly, given what happens when the internet gets ahold of a name that might be associated with a case like this. Criminal or not, that person's life may be picked apart and publicly scrutinized, often with a tone of suspicion driven by lack of information. Their ancestry and family may be dragged into it. This forum does this in a fairly discrete manner; others do not. Either way, enough chatter could lead to someone's name being linked to a criminal case online, forever. Especially if someone just had a casual connection to FLEK, she's unfortunately long gone anyway; at this point, why would they want to volunteer to be sleuthed? I objectively don't know that I would go public with personal information in such a case. I'd love to see this one finally resolved; maybe someone will eventually recognize her and anonymously post her real name.
I found something interesting as it relates to the Barkers or sort of. Spokeo has a listing for the address 7101 W El Caballo Dr, Boise, ID for a B**** Eelma. Cross referencing that with Family History Search I came up with a Brigit Eelma who lived at that address from June 1, 1997 thru January 1, 2004. The entry right below shows that Brigit Eelma lived in Nevada Missouri from January 1, 2001 thru March 1, 2001. Why that is interesting is because Mrs. Barker was a member of PEO, according to her obituary. PEO has a college in (you guessed it) Nevada Missouri. So, it would seem to me with the help of Mrs. Barker, Brigit took a semester of college at the PEO college. Brigit lived 6 blocks from the college at that time. 12 minutes walking distance.

With that said...did FLEK also attend college there?


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Oh, I forgot to mention Spokeo has a listing for BE (not FLEK) in Dallas Texas and Eugene Oregon as well. Although, that is all the info I could see because I don't subscribe to that website.

ETA: A Justin E was born May 19, 1988 in CA.
I came across this by accident just now. Has this record ever been discovered and/or investigated?


The dates make no sense compared to when she was apparently in Idaho getting the false ID. But the address is identical.

That record also includes a birth date: July 18, 1969. That HAS to be her -- this matches the listed DOB of BST/FLEK.

What exactly this means, I'm not sure. I routinely get mail for people that I've never met, who moved out of my house years and years ago. I wonder whether the June 1997 - June 2001 date range is an indicator of "BST" still being actually associated with the address at that point or not.
Can someone tell me the name of the WS member who claimed to know Lori, something like month/month-year? I wasn't around for those posts and want to check them out. Thanks for your help!
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