TX - 'Lori Ruff', Longview, WhtFem UP9863, *General Discussion and Theories* #4

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Since Jeung confirmed she did not know Catherine D'lish in the 80's, I started looking for anyone by that last name. I found a Lish that lived in Hollywood ( north) and he had a son...the SON lives in ...wait...wait...yep


Guess who else lives there RIGHT NOW. LASSINER.

dont want to break rules but I have the info in a jpeg.

Curious whatever happened with this.
Yes she was contacted on Twitter by " someone" ;) she did not remember her. She did say the 1980s were a blur.

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Was she searching for the Pittsburg CA library? Did KJ grow up in that area?

I think we can go with the number being from that library since it actually matches a phone number at a library in Pennsylvania and has the word " library" written beside it.

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I think we can go with the number being from that library since it actually matches a phone number at a library in Pennsylvania and has the word " library" written beside it.

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Right. That is the simplest explanation. So then, the question remains, why have the number to a library across the country from all the other numbers on her page? And it doesn't have an area code in front of it, which mean she either knew the area code by heart or she was local when calling the number. Most of the California numbers have area codes, meaning she likely needed to dial them from where ever she was calling. Sorry to rehash this and thanks for your help. You've been very patient with those of us new to this case, Linda!
So...I'm wonder if we can deduce anything about the order she wrote the note and maybe the order she traveled/called these places from the area code or lack of area code in the front of the number. Maybe this is a stretch, but I took the time to type out her notes grouped by numbers with and without area codes. I tried to keep her spelling so that's why words are not spelled properly.

No area code
688-7092 Libary
Pacific Bell Adm Offices 811-9000
Records Ben Jr Perkins Law office 2701 W Manchester Blvd. 778-3577
These Eyes 650-8880 Shoot

Area code

North Holloyood Police 818-989-8824
$1.85 Laciner 818 356-7300
602 Tucson Made up 887-2926
Ours 303-243-2333 Arizona
213-460-6190 Jeung Lish Hollywo
Southwestern Bell of Greater Dallas (crossed out) 811-6795 1-800-811-0690; 213-642-069?

Other numbers written on the page:

402 Months
Jennifer Perkins 214 Dallas
9:00 Fred Today Nov
162.00 (written under Lish Hollywo)
Also thinking out loud here, but what phone numbers are MISSING from this page?
If the page relates to her change in identity, I would expect her to have the phone number for:

the Kern county vital records offices in Bakersfield;
the DMV in Boise, Idaho (or ANY Idaho phone numbers)
Any phone numbers in Washington State where the real BST died
Dallas numbers for the DMV, the SS office, etc.

But she has none of that written down. We are left assuming this page was written prior to her identity change. Could it have been written AFTER she became LEK? IDK.
And now I'm back to thinking it won't provide clues to her true identity, but it is fun to try to figure out why all these names and numbers are written down and grouped together on a page.
So here's an interesting coincidence. The Inglewood, CA public Library ALSO happens to be on W. Manchester BLVD. The address is 101. Ben Perkins address is 2701. Now look at the page of notes and compare the 7 in the Perkins law address to the other 7's she wrote. The 2 is also oddly spaced like it could have been added later.


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Where you see "Fred" I think it is possible she was actually writing today and scratched it out...

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But... It could be anything

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The more we come back to the note page, the more I think we really don't have enough information to make use of it. For example, I'd like to refute Gardener1850's theory that LEK wrote this while in Pennsylvania... but when you start assuming LEK had written (or scribbled) these notes there, some items make sense. For example, saying that Mountain Bell is "3 hours less" makes no sense if one is in L.A., but makes some sense if written on the East Coast -- the writer is trying to say Mountain Bell is 3 hours behind the East Coast. (Yes, I know it isn't, but it is in the third time zone from the east, & taking everything else into consideration it could be a confused way someone on the East Coast might express this.)

What would be helpful is to get some context for this sheet of paper. In short, asking the Ruffs why this item was shared. Was this the only page of notes from the locked box? (IIRC, this is where the page was found.) Does the original sheet look old enough to come from the 1980s? Or perhaps was it written more recently? According to Velling's investigation report, he was shown a binder full of material about LEK -- has everything in that binder been shared with the public?

And maybe we won't ever know even these if the Ruffs have decided to accept that LEK's past will remain an unsolved mystery & move on with their lives. Maybe even LEK's daughter might decide it's not worth seriously investigating. In that case, we will never get any further in learning her past.

Sometimes I feel we've taken the scant evidence about her we have as far as it will go. I'm beginning to think that the most productive part of our investigations is tracking down people related either to BST or the owners of that house in Boise. But unless we get some more material to work with, we might as well talk about if we could be any tree we wanted, what kind would it be. Answering that question would be about as productive.
I'm actually trying to find a reason for her to have NOT been in Pennsylvania, because that library location included on this sheet of paper makes no sense to me. There is no area code. Just because the Penn library is the only one that comes up in a google search of that number doesn't mean it is the only library in the country ever to have that phone number. The law office with no area code was in Inglewood. There was a Pacific Bell office building in Inglewood that was expanded during the 1980's and that number might have gone there at that time. http://www.thecentraloffice.com/calif/la/lap/lap.htm
We don't know what the "These Eyes" number without area code means at all. Though people have speculated it was the name of a photo shoot (and I favor this interpretation)....for all we know she doodled that while on hold listening to the song "These Eyes" playing on the hold music. My point is, I think all the numbers without area codes could indicate a place she lived for a time--Inglewood, CA being top on my list. I tried looking for a California phone directory from the 1980's and could not find one online. Ancestry's Inglewood phone books only go to 1964.

You are correct though we have no context. Was the note written the same day? Over the course of weeks? Months? Years apart? Where was it written? When was it written? IDK. IMO, it's seems unlikely she started in Penn, wrote down the number to the library, then that paper had to travel with her all the way to the West Coast where weeks or months later she wrote the other numbers not needing an area code and also a bunch of LA numbers outside the area code she happened to be in. Then again, maybe I'm trying to force context where there is none. Maybe she kept every scrap of paper and reused it for years. It's all a mystery.
OK, this may have been discussed way back when.


From what I can tell, this ID number (910-02-0084) is a social security number. How was this not flagged later on when she applied for another social security card? She included the BST name as her birth name on the application. Was the first number from Idaho fictitious?


I've never taken much of a look at this file, and it's difficult for me to read the cursive writing in the bottom corner.

According to this: https://www.ssn-check.org/decode/ "Some Social Security Numbers are invalid and will never be issued. Social Security Numbers beginning with 000, 333, 666 or numbers with Area number greater than 772 will never be issued. Once the remaining unissued, valid numbers are used up we will have to change to a new numbering scheme."

So that would make the 910 ID not a SS number. IMO
I know what you mean about trolls, but reading his dodges to questions, it still felt trollish to me. I'm usually pretty good at detecting BS. Sometimes the ones who seem squirrelly, trollish, or mental to many seem to me to have a ring of truth and vice versa. But not this time.

Sometimes I wish there was a way for these folks who show up to be isolated and questioned by a single someone rather than everyone in the thread asking random questions.

I am in no way any kind of expert on anything, but I find it odd that SS/1988 incorrectly said Ohio rather than Idaho, and never corrected himself. I can see making a mistake once, but twice? JMO
According to this: https://www.ssn-check.org/decode/ "Some Social Security Numbers are invalid and will never be issued. Social Security Numbers beginning with 000, 333, 666 or numbers with Area number greater than 772 will never be issued. Once the remaining unissued, valid numbers are used up we will have to change to a new numbering scheme."

So that would make the 910 ID not a SS number. IMO

Looks like it could be an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, they DO begin with 9. I can't imagine that lead went anywhere, as Veling worked for the SSA.
Sometimes I feel we've taken the scant evidence about her we have as far as it will go. I'm beginning to think that the most productive part of our investigations is tracking down people related either to BST or the owners of that house in Boise. But unless we get some more material to work with, we might as well talk about if we could be any tree we wanted, what kind would it be. Answering that question would be about as productive.
Yes I agree wholeheartedly with this. We have analysed the existing evidence beyond the point that I think it's realistic to find anything new - although it's still kind of interesting to try. I would add to your suggestions that a logical next step would be to do another FOIA request and ask for Velling's notes post the date that they were supplied up to last time. Clearly what was provided last time was incomplete. I tried to do this myself but you need to have a US address to do so and I'm not in the US. I really think it would be helpful if someone wants to go ahead and do this?
I am in no way any kind of expert on anything, but I find it odd that SS/1988 incorrectly said Ohio rather than Idaho, and never corrected himself. I can see making a mistake once, but twice? JMO

Something more interesting... The lawyer from the notes page, Ben Perkins Jr... Well his dad Ben Sr. lived in Ohio up until his death recently.

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