TX - 'Lori Ruff', Longview, WhtFem UP9863, *General Discussion and Theories* #5

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I agree. There is nobody to prosecute for mail fraud living. There have been cases though, when you could not prosecute for the major crime, the feds can prosecute for mail fraud. Cases where the crime was insurance fraud for example can be also charged under the federal mail fraud laws if they mailed anything in to the insurance company to further the fraud. It seems to me Veling opened the case under the theory others were involved in the identity theft of the SSN. If you read one of his forms, I think a search warrant application, he says that others might have assisted her. I personally don't believe that, but he had to have some theory that would allow for a prosecution to spend money investigating it.

Remember, FLEK's family contacted an elected official to find her identity. He contacted SSA. That is probably why the case was investigated as much as it was.
Remember, FLEK's family contacted an elected official to find her identity. He contacted SSA. That is probably why the case was investigated as much as it was.

I think so too. The congressman asked for it directly from SSA. I just still think he would have to make some kind of theory that might lead to a prosecution. There clearly was a crime committed at least when she applied for the SSN but she was dead. If his theory was there was a identity ring or broker who might still in business then he would be justified in the investigation.
this is my first post to websleuths, although i've read & thanked fairly often over the last couple of years.

• 402 months is a prison sentence. there are no two ways about it. nothing else gets counted in months like that, certainly not thirty-plus years worth of them. i do not believe it's a sentence belonging to LEKR. i do think she knows the person sentenced, i believe she knows the reason behind the sentencing, & i believe she knows more about the crime that created the reason. i do not think she liked any of it. i think she wanted to get away, get away fast, & get away clean. i think that's why she looks so happy in her idaho photo. i wish the dream she had in idaho truly came to pass—& stayed there.

• it makes no sense to have legal problems in north hollywood & an attorney in inglewood. inglewood & north hollywood are about ninety minutes apart. to better situate this: north hollywood is in the northisheast san fernando valley. it's about 10 - 15 minutes away from downtown LA. it's maybe a half hour from beverly hills. between NoHo and inglewood are hundreds, if not thousands, of lawyers. you'd have to have a remarkable reason to bypass them.

inglewood is also very déclassé. so she's driving, in bad traffic, well over an hour to get advice from someone soon to be disbarred, whose office is in a deep dark dump. i dont think that makes sense under any circumstance other than one, and that one means something very hinky is going on, something which includes the lawyer, himself. something so hinky, in fact, that our disbarred doofus is unwilling to remember their interactions even though she's died.

• & now, of course, he has also died. i don't think these things are connected. what i think is connected is how, & why, & how untoward the little circumstances were in which they met.

• eg: the valley, in which one finds north hollywood [it's got nothing to do with picture show hollywood], is good for two things: drugs and *advertiser censored*. those 402 months likely involved the former, but models on the slide are too often involved in both. i hate saying this because i feel so bad for LEKR. would anyone want to know who she was if this is why she became who she did? would it not be preferable to leave it alone? is it possible the social security guy has finally figured what he missed and just will not tell?

still, if you want to find her "real name" or "real identity"—after all her hell, i think LEKR is her real identity—you'd do well to check old, aboveboard, model agents; model reps who'd put anyone anywhere for a price; anyone from l.a. who was sentenced to 402 months during the mid-late 80s, along with anyone who was involved in, yes, old *advertiser censored*. if it's of any consolation, old *advertiser censored* is fairly straightforward, nowhere near as skizzy as today's stuff. i doubt she did it for long, it went too much against her nature. if she did it at all, i do not think she liked it.
Respectfully snipped by me**

Welcome kafkette!
All excellent thoughts and I can tell you have thought about Lori's case a lot and you are well educated--I will ignore any mistakes and I hope you will ignore mine as well. I just want to address two things you said so I snipped for space. Your observation about Ben Perkins being in Inglewood and far from North Hollywood is a great one. He was also a bankruptcy attorney so her wouldn't be one you would call for murder, drug charges, etc. unless he was a close friend/family member who would tell you what kind of jail time you were facing as a favor. OR someone like Lori might have called Ben Perkins because he was a legal advisor for an inter-city Los Angeles shelter run by Good Shepherd Church. See milkymama's post of the news clipping about this here: http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...-4&p=12680474&highlight=shepherd#post12680474
I don't know LA geography as well as you, how close is the Good Shepherd Church to Inglewood? How close is it to North Hollywood? Regardless, Ben Perkins Jr. wasn't ALWAYS located in Inglewood. The date he moved his office to that Inglewood address dates the note's writing. What are the chances the note writer was someone from Inglewood who took a trip into North Hollywood for some reason and ran into trouble while there? Your point about them being 90 minutes apart is a good one but I can think of all kinds of reason for why someone would have Ben Perkins' name and the North Hollywood Police's phone number on the same page. What if the page of notes was written years or months apart? we don't know that the entire note was written the same day or even the same year.
Just some thoughts.

As to your question of--if Lori was into drugs and sex work would we want to know? Yes I still want to know and I would not think less of her for it. On the contrary, I would admire her for getting OUT of that world. She realized it wasn't for her and she created a plan and got out. Maybe she struggled a lot--she still had to declare bankruptcy, she couldn't get good jobs, etc. However, by the time she met Blake in 2003 she was not on drugs (we assume), She had no arrest record, she had gotten a college degree, she was working legit, normal jobs (if we believe her resume), she had immersed herself in the Southern Baptist Church culture since she had membership history at several SBC churches and she was going to adult Sunday School classes when she met Blake. Whatever she had tangled herself up in before 1988, she got out. She changed her life. As you said, she really WAS Lori by 2003.

This is just my personal feeling but at times I feel like she is haunting me, imploring me to find out who she was. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe she would be embarrassed if she knew all these strangers were looking for the truth about her. I just feel like she left those clues in that lockbox for a reason. She could have destroyed them and no one would ever know about her. I feel a strong draw to find out her story and make sure it is told--no matter the truth. I think she escaped from a bad life and whoever hurt her or scared her bad enough to make her change her identity should be exposed. Again, maybe I'm wrong about that. Maybe she was just a person born outside the US that chose to get SSN illegally instead of going through the legal channels. I don't think that is the case though.

Thanks for your thoughts!
Respectfully snipped by me**

Welcome kafkette!
All excellent thoughts and I can tell you have thought about Lori's case a lot and you are well educated--I will ignore any mistakes and I hope you will ignore mine as well. I just want to address two things you said so I snipped for space. Your observation about Ben Perkins being in Inglewood and far from North Hollywood is a great one. He was also a bankruptcy attorney so her wouldn't be one you would call for murder, drug charges, etc. unless he was a close friend/family member who would tell you what kind of jail time you were facing as a favor. OR someone like Lori might have called Ben Perkins because he was a legal advisor for an inter-city Los Angeles shelter run by Good Shepherd Church. See milkymama's post of the news clipping about this here: http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...-4&p=12680474&highlight=shepherd#post12680474
I don't know LA geography as well as you, how close is the Good Shepherd Church to Inglewood? How close is it to North Hollywood? Regardless, Ben Perkins Jr. wasn't ALWAYS located in Inglewood. The date he moved his office to that Inglewood address dates the note's writing. What are the chances the note writer was someone from Inglewood who took a trip into North Hollywood for some reason and ran into trouble while there? Your point about them being 90 minutes apart is a good one but I can think of all kinds of reason for why someone would have Ben Perkins' name and the North Hollywood Police's phone number on the same page. What if the page of notes was written years or months apart? we don't know that the entire note was written the same day or even the same year.
Just some thoughts.

As to your question of--if Lori was into drugs and sex work would we want to know? Yes I still want to know and I would not think less of her for it. On the contrary, I would admire her for getting OUT of that world. She realized it wasn't for her and she created a plan and got out. Maybe she struggled a lot--she still had to declare bankruptcy, she couldn't get good jobs, etc. However, by the time she met Blake in 2003 she was not on drugs (we assume), She had no arrest record, she had gotten a college degree, she was working legit, normal jobs (if we believe her resume), she had immersed herself in the Southern Baptist Church culture since she had membership history at several SBC churches and she was going to adult Sunday School classes when she met Blake. Whatever she had tangled herself up in before 1988, she got out. She changed her life. As you said, she really WAS Lori by 2003.

This is just my personal feeling but at times I feel like she is haunting me, imploring me to find out who she was. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe she would be embarrassed if she knew all these strangers were looking for the truth about her. I just feel like she left those clues in that lockbox for a reason. She could have destroyed them and no one would ever know about her. I feel a strong draw to find out her story and make sure it is told--no matter the truth. I think she escaped from a bad life and whoever hurt her or scared her bad enough to make her change her identity should be exposed. Again, maybe I'm wrong about that. Maybe she was just a person born outside the US that chose to get SSN illegally instead of going through the legal channels. I don't think that is the case though.

Thanks for your thoughts!

Just like everything on the notes page 402 months is out of context. I for one don't think it is 402 at all but more like 40... 2 months which could be turning 40 in 2 months, costs 40.00 for 2 months, 40 hours of work for 2 months ... Or 40 hours must be done in 2 months like community service or school practicum hours. We just don't know and to assume we do is wrong. We actually know next to nothing from that page even after a solid two years working at it.
I like the insight on inglewood. I have been trying to tell y'all Perkins was SHADY . I lived in Jackson MS and I checked out his history and family ( they live there). He had a few side businesses and they were shady. Lots of shade!!!!!! He was not an upstanding lawyer.. He got disbarred . I am glad to have some backup lol.
Welcome and thanks for the insight.

For what it's worth I don't for one second believe Lori was involved in drugs willingly. I truly believe she was in a bad domestic situation that possibly led her to run( parents or chosen partner). They may have been. Now I did not know her but that is my feeling.

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Just like everything on the notes page 402 months is out of context. I for one don't think it is 402 at all but more like 40... 2 months which could be turning 40 in 2 months, costs 40.00 for 2 months, 40 hours of work for 2 months ... Or 40 hours must be done in 2 months like community service or school practicum hours. We just don't know and to assume we do is wrong. We actually know next to nothing from that page even after a solid two years working at it.
I like the insight on inglewood. I have been trying to tell y'all Perkins was SHADY . I lived in Jackson MS and I checked out his history and family ( they live there). He had a few side businesses and they were shady. Lots of shade!!!!!! He was not an upstanding lawyer.. He got disbarred . I am glad to have some backup lol.
Welcome and thanks for the insight.

For what it's worth I don't for one second believe Lori was involved in drugs willingly. I truly believe she was in a bad domestic situation that possibly led her to run( parents or chosen partner). They may have been. Now I did not know her but that is my feeling.

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I agree, I mostly lean towards her having grown up in an abusive household OR in fostercare and without parents in her life at all. She could have fallen into an abusive relationship. The fact she told the Ruffs nothing about her childhood except "it was bad" is telling, IMO. If she had an average childhood but got into some trouble in her teens or early 20's I think she would have mentioned more from her childhood.
I’m thinking that while the Ruff Family may not know who FLEK really is, I’m also thinking that they haven’t revealed all of what they do know about FLEK.

While we do know that the SSA investigator had his own suspicions concerning FLEK’s actual age, the question here is did the Ruff Family have their own suspicions as well?

In other words, was FLEK actually older than what she had said her age was?

I believe that FLEK’s husband likely knows some personal details about FLEK that haven’t been disclosed.

I can think of four personal details to ask about FLEK that may give answers concerning her age when she first became BST and FLEK.

The first personal detail is hair coloring. Did FLEK use hair coloring?

When looking at the photos of FLEK from 1988 to 2010, not only did she have different hair styles in the photos, I also noticed that her hair color appeared to be in different shades.

The question here is whether FLEK was known to change her hair to other colors that weren’t shown in her ID photos, such as from brown to blonde.

The second personal detail is makeup. Did FLEK use lots of makeup?

We know women do wear makeup and the magic that makeup does for women. It changes women’s ages and appearances by having older women look younger and younger women look older.

The question here is how much different did FLEK look after her makeup was removed.

The third personal detail is wigs. Was FLEK known to wear wigs?

Wigs are another thing that can be used to change appearances. Not only does wigs have different hair styles and colors, it saves going through the trouble of changing hair colors or cutting/growing hair for certain hair styles.

Here are two thoughts that I have which concerning wigs.

The first thought is did FLEK play dress up wearing a wig and costume when children’s events were held at the tea room boutique?

The second thought is did FLEK wear wigs when going out in public to avoid being stalked or identified before she was married into the Ruff Family?

Now the fourth personal detail would indeed be very personal, but also relevant. Did FLEK use personal hygiene products?

Not only would it be relevant in determining whether FLEK was menstrual or menopausal, it may reveal two important things here.

It may reveal whether FLEK was older than she said what her age was.

And it may reveal whether FLEK was a younger or older adult when she first became BST and FLEK.
Remember, FLEK's family contacted an elected official to find her identity. He contacted SSA. That is probably why the case was investigated as much as it was.

Please excuse me if this has been discussed, but isn't this case being investigated by SSA because her daughter is more than likely drawing some sort of SS benefit from her deceased Mother until she is 18 and that means she would be committing fraud since this is not her Mom's true SS#? Please disregard if this has been discussed.....I only lurk and don't read every post. TYIA
Please excuse me if this has been discussed, but isn't this case being investigated by SSA because her daughter is more than likely drawing some sort of SS benefit from her deceased Mother until she is 18 and that means she would be committing fraud since this is not her Mom's true SS#? Please disregard if this has been discussed.....I only lurk and don't read every post. TYIA

I have never seen that, but you make an excellent point. The article said the Congressman brought the info to the SSA because he thought she could be a spy or something. I never heard they applied for her benefits. Maybe a lawyer here could address this. I wonder though, since the real BST never had a SSN and a judge in texas, though duped, legally declared Flek Doe is now Lori EK before she applied for her SSN, then would it really be a fraudulent SSN. It would still be a fraud in ID and the Dallas court but all the money paid into that ssn would have been by FLEK. I really don't know. But I would like to know the answer to your question. It's a good one.
Just like everything on the notes page 402 months is out of context. I for one don't think it is 402 at all but more like 40... 2 months which could be turning 40 in 2 months, costs 40.00 for 2 months, 40 hours of work for 2 months ... Or 40 hours must be done in 2 months like community service or school practicum hours. We just don't know and to assume we do is wrong. We actually know next to nothing from that page even after a solid two years working at it.
I like the insight on inglewood. I have been trying to tell y'all Perkins was SHADY . I lived in Jackson MS and I checked out his history and family ( they live there). He had a few side businesses and they were shady. Lots of shade!!!!!! He was not an upstanding lawyer.. He got disbarred . I am glad to have some backup lol.
Welcome and thanks for the insight.

For what it's worth I don't for one second believe Lori was involved in drugs willingly. I truly believe she was in a bad domestic situation that possibly led her to run( parents or chosen partner). They may have been. Now I did not know her but that is my feeling.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I agree. I think Perkins was very shady from the posts you and others have provided.

Why would a shady lawyer work in the Good Shepherd Paralegal Clinic? One theory is that Perkins was the identity broker and found women who needed to start over at the clinic and placed them in jobs that would benefit his business. I know this is a stretch, but it explains the reasons why Lori traveled such great distances to change her identity.

Perkins meets a woman who is a victim of domestic violence, she is in need of a new start and he helps her find employment in a courthouse, a DMV, a mail service, an apartment complex or any other business where he needs a contact. The job is legitimate and every once in a while he will need a “favor”. The request may have sounded legitimate to the women since he was an attorney. Wouldn’t it be convenient for an identity broker to have a system set up to send people to one state for a birth certificate, to another state to obtain a fake ID and yet another state to have your mail forwarded with no questions asked? Lori also established herself pretty quickly in Dallas. There were only 18 days between getting the ID card in Boise and changing her name in Dallas. Again how did she prove she was a resident of Texas when her ID card was issued in Idaho 18 days prior? IMO I think Lori had help with the identity change, it was too choreographed and the timelines are too tight for one person to do this on their own.
I agree. I think Perkins was very shady from the posts you and others have provided.

Why would a shady lawyer work in the Good Shepherd Paralegal Clinic? One theory is that Perkins was the identity broker and found women who needed to start over at the clinic and placed them in jobs that would benefit his business. I know this is a stretch, but it explains the reasons why Lori traveled such great distances to change her identity.

Perkins meets a woman who is a victim of domestic violence, she is in need of a new start and he helps her find employment in a courthouse, a DMV, a mail service, an apartment complex or any other business where he needs a contact. The job is legitimate and every once in a while he will need a “favor”. The request may have sounded legitimate to the women since he was an attorney. Wouldn’t it be convenient for an identity broker to have a system set up to send people to one state for a birth certificate, to another state to obtain a fake ID and yet another state to have your mail forwarded with no questions asked? Lori also established herself pretty quickly in Dallas. There were only 18 days between getting the ID card in Boise and changing her name in Dallas. Again how did she prove she was a resident of Texas when her ID card was issued in Idaho 18 days prior? IMO I think Lori had help with the identity change, it was too choreographed and the timelines are too tight for one person to do this on their own.

I've thought a lot about this as well and I wonder if she could have lived in a "safe house" of sorts in Dallas for a few months before enacting the name change. In looking for any evidence of Ben Perkins having a connection to Dallas I found a classifieds ad from May 20,1984 published in the Dallas Morning News. "A" Ben Perkins owned property there in 1984. I can't find out any more about the Ben Perkins who owned that plot though to prove (or disprove) it was the same BP from California. And I only found a couple people who lived there or are associated with the address. It is a vacant lot today in a residential neighborhood, which brings to mind the comment from Spring/Summer1988 about driving by "Lori's mother's house" and seeing it had been torn down. Anyone want to look into this and figure out who used to own it in the 1980's? Here is the news clipping (I underlined BP and the address):


  • BP Dallas property May 20 1984 Dallas Morning News.jpg
    BP Dallas property May 20 1984 Dallas Morning News.jpg
    124.2 KB · Views: 236
I found a his business addresses, a few run down homes and apartments (maybe rentals?) and a home valued at over $1 million pre-2007. This is a pretty nice home for a disbarred bankruptcy attorney.

3832 Mount Vernon Dr, Los Angeles
California 90008-4812, USA

Here is the full list.

1860 W 38th St, Los Angeles
California 90062-1018, USA
5357 7th Ave, Apt 2, Los Angeles
California 90043-2578, USA
614 W Manchester Blvd, Inglewood
California 90301-1656, USA
1242 W 89th St, Los Angeles
California 90044-2026, USA
3832 Mount Vernon Dr, Los Angeles
California 90008-4812, USA
614 E Manchester Blvd, Ste 203, Inglewood
California 90301-1994, USA
614 E Manchester Blvd, Inglewood
California 90301-4800, USA
734 N Inglewood Ave, Apt 3, Inglewood
California 90302-3783, USA
Please excuse me if this has been discussed, but isn't this case being investigated by SSA because her daughter is more than likely drawing some sort of SS benefit from her deceased Mother until she is 18 and that means she would be committing fraud since this is not her Mom's true SS#? Please disregard if this has been discussed.....I only lurk and don't read every post. TYIA

I have never seen that, but you make an excellent point. The article said the Congressman brought the info to the SSA because he thought she could be a spy or something. I never heard they applied for her benefits. Maybe a lawyer here could address this. I wonder though, since the real BST never had a SSN and a judge in texas, though duped, legally declared Flek Doe is now Lori EK before she applied for her SSN, then would it really be a fraudulent SSN. It would still be a fraud in ID and the Dallas court but all the money paid into that ssn would have been by FLEK. I really don't know. But I would like to know the answer to your question. It's a good one.

Great points. I would love to know the answer of this, as well. My mother passed when I was young and I received SS until age 18...I'm willing to bet that has something to do with the investigation. Interesting...thanks for bringing it up.
I'll say this about the *advertiser censored* theory: if this is what Velling indeed turned up, it's exactly the sort of thing that would entice her family to regret initiating the investigation, quietly ask to have it closed, and pretend it never happened.
I have never seen that, but you make an excellent point. The article said the Congressman brought the info to the SSA because he thought she could be a spy or something. I never heard they applied for her benefits. Maybe a lawyer here could address this. I wonder though, since the real BST never had a SSN and a judge in texas, though duped, legally declared Flek Doe is now Lori EK before she applied for her SSN, then would it really be a fraudulent SSN. It would still be a fraud in ID and the Dallas court but all the money paid into that ssn would have been by FLEK. I really don't know. But I would like to know the answer to your question. It's a good one.
Cynically, one could ask whether Velling would be working for the SSA (of all agencies) if he had investigative skills that could be put to better use working on far more serious crimes. Given federal law enforcement's 21st-century preoccupation with homeland security (CAUTION--SPECULATION AHEAD) was Velling exiled from abother agency as something of a lateral promotion?

What bothers me is Velling's stated goal of tracking down "Lori" in order to then uncover information about 1980's-era "identity brokers". Yet I'm not clear as to whether the existence of such brokers during those years has ever even been confirmed.
I'll say this about the *advertiser censored* theory: if this is what Velling indeed turned up, it's exactly the sort of thing that would entice her family to regret initiating the investigation, quietly ask to have it closed, and pretend it never happened.

But the investigation hasn't been closed. Members who submit suggestions to Namus are still getting replies and there are still rule-outs being added quite recently. If they solved it and they didn't want to release the details to the public they could have just made a statement to that effect: "we have discovered her identity and the investigation is now closed. We ask that you respect the family's privacy."
I have never seen that, but you make an excellent point. The article said the Congressman brought the info to the SSA because he thought she could be a spy or something. I never heard they applied for her benefits. Maybe a lawyer here could address this. I wonder though, since the real BST never had a SSN and a judge in texas, though duped, legally declared Flek Doe is now Lori EK before she applied for her SSN, then would it really be a fraudulent SSN. It would still be a fraud in ID and the Dallas court but all the money paid into that ssn would have been by FLEK. I really don't know. But I would like to know the answer to your question. It's a good one.

That makes sense! This is what I mean about reading the entire thread. I have always been under the impression she was using BST's SS#. If all the money paid in is truly from Lori then I don't think it would be fraudulent.

I have a friend whose husband died when their children were small. Her children drew SS benefits until they were 18. I think they call it survivors benefits, just like a spouse could draw from a deceased spouse. She was in Texas also.
Almost entirely speculation here, but it occurred to me that LEK's bankruptcy and debts to Dr. Cr@ne may have been racked up by LEK's mother, and not by LEK herself. Maybe LEK was the guarantor. S/S1988 said LEK's mom was not well-- might be true? And people such as landlords might be willing to extend payment deadlines for a daughter who is trying to help out her mom. Could Irene K. be her mother?

I also tend to gravitate toward the idea that LEK may have grown up without a mother or in foster care-- maybe she took on her bio mom's debts as a plea for her love and attention. It is really common for kids who have been abused, abandoned or neglected to have more empathy for the bad parent than they do for themselves. And it is really common for bad parents to encourage this. A possible explanation for why someone with a shiny new identity would dirty it up with a bankruptcy?
Cynically, one could ask whether Velling would be working for the SSA (of all agencies) if he had investigative skills that could be put to better use working on far more serious crimes. Given federal law enforcement's 21st-century preoccupation with homeland security (CAUTION--SPECULATION AHEAD) was Velling exiled from abother agency as something of a lateral promotion?

What bothers me is Velling's stated goal of tracking down "Lori" in order to then uncover information about 1980's-era "identity brokers". Yet I'm not clear as to whether the existence of such brokers during those years has ever even been confirmed.

I think the main reason he was working on it was a member of Congress asked SSA to do it. What I felt was strange was, the article says the Oklahoma Congressman found out about the mystery from the family and called in SSA because he thought she might be a Russian spy. Wouldn't you think he would have asked the FBI if that was his first thought? I wonder if he did. Has anyone ever did an FOIA request from the FBI? I am not sure if the article clearly explained what an OK congressman would be doing in a Texas case other than friends of the family. Maybe anything Identity theft gets referred to SSA when any SSN is involved. Perhaps its more natural than we think. There has to be an open Jane Doe case with the local sheriff. I would think there is still an open file, so if it is ever closed, it would be a matter of record.
Ok. Here we go again in circles. It is totally irrelevant why the case was opened. Velling has always worked for the SSA. None of that is relevant to finding out who Lori was.
If you have been on here awhile you might remember my post where Velling emailed the PI and told him they were very close to solving her identity. That was just a few months ago.
Just sayin.
I want to say so much more but that will probably put me in forum time out.

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