TX - 'Lori Ruff', Longview, WhtFem UP9863, *General Discussion and Theories* #5

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If you have been on here awhile you might remember my post where Velling emailed the PI and told him they were very close to solving her identity. That was just a few months ago.

What became of that? Is the case still close to being solved or stalled? Thank you
I just wonder why FLEK would have been in debt to a Dr. like this. The whole bankruptcy thing puzzles me really. Why go to the great lengths to make a new identity y for yourself then muddy it up like this? As far as the American Honda Finance not financing a used car, this is false. I personally have had loans from AHF for used and even leased vehicles. All of this is of course my opinion, and I welcome any corrections…. Good Day !

Maybe she went to the doctor due to chronic pain? I'm inclined to use Occam's Razor in cases like this until we have more information that requires us to seriously consider a new theory.

When I first encountered this bit of information, I considered it was one more indication of just how little we know about LEK. And that's still the case: she is little more than a shadow after she appeared in Dallas in Summer of 1988.

But about the AHF debt -- thanks for the correction. I was just guessing, & I welcome any corrections, too.

So all the PACER information tells us is that she bought a car in the previous few years. I'm hoping that the other records in the bankruptcy case will provide much information, & provide us with answers instead of more questions.
this is my first post to websleuths, although i've read & thanked fairly often over the last couple of years.

i do apologize for not writing too terribly well. i've been working it over for HOURS, trying to couch what i say with the least amount of sorrow and potential embarrassment for its subject. i feel bad for LEKR, i think she wound up in a dreadful situation in los angeles, lost her way, took an odd & circuitous & not precisely legal way back, then lost herself again, wrecked on the rocks of suspicious, unsympathetic in-laws. it was not a match, at the very least, and i feel more kindly disposed towards the lost lamb than the hardy family.

at long last & at any rate, here's what i have to say. again, i'm rushing, so please forgive my grammar [when more awake, i ofttimes work as a tech writer. i can write this perfectly or i can write it fast—& fast is the rock to which i'm today tethered. i'm tired. it's nearly 4am.....]

& i am in los angeles. & i was once involved in the wonderful world that belongs to that rarest of l.a. breeds, the model/actress. & i think LEKR was another card carrying member thereof, & it is this good guess that drives my theory. anyway.


• cuban food. well-known, well-liked, oft-trendy cuban restaurant named Versailles, i know not why, on venice boulevard. los angeles institution. will accommodate vegetarians well, can eat beans-rice-plantains-creamy thing while one's ghastly second husband slurps tentacles & gets beer-drunk. done it many times. good food. bet she liked it. glad he's gone.

• for some reason i long believed LEKR was from bakersfield, or at least central calif. i now know that's more an assumption than a definite; still, at 5'10" & looking something like [then iconic] demi moore, it's an easy slide into los angeles' promised golden world. i would bet she arrived with model dreams, got work—spectacular height means a lot—didn't get as much work, nor as high up as she'd wanted.

slid, possibly, into hand modeling [decent pay, no prestige], then into the world of Be Nice to Rich Men. this is not as bad as it sounds, or it doesn't have to be. it's rep'd work, for heavens sake, you get it from your agent, believe it or not, and it can send you around the world—sex largely optional. instead, what it is, is pretty much sitting or standing around as decor, making important people look rich. one of our presidential candidates likely met at least a couple of his wives in a similar fashion—a whole bunch of tall, very thin women drinking cocktails, "eating dinner" among the wealthy in a fancy, fancy room. yes, you get paid for it. again though, unless you're husband-hunting: no prestige. no advancement. no nothing.

• besides that, other problems do arise. gain weight and you're lucky to find a place at the buffet, nevermind a good seat. work at a low level for too long and you're considered someone who just does that—a catalog model—& better jobs dry up. don't do what's asked—whatever it is—and you're gone. in the thick of this, word used advisedly, there are a whole mess of avenues you can take. none of them are good.

• 402 months is a prison sentence. there are no two ways about it. nothing else gets counted in months like that, certainly not thirty-plus years worth of them. i do not believe it's a sentence belonging to LEKR. i do think she knows the person sentenced, i believe she knows the reason behind the sentencing, & i believe she knows more about the crime that created the reason. i do not think she liked any of it. i think she wanted to get away, get away fast, & get away clean. i think that's why she looks so happy in her idaho photo. i wish the dream she had in idaho truly came to pass—& stayed there.

• it makes no sense to have legal problems in north hollywood & an attorney in inglewood. inglewood & north hollywood are about ninety minutes apart. to better situate this: north hollywood is in the northisheast san fernando valley. it's about 10 - 15 minutes away from downtown LA. it's maybe a half hour from beverly hills. between NoHo and inglewood are hundreds, if not thousands, of lawyers. you'd have to have a remarkable reason to bypass them.

inglewood is also very déclassé. so she's driving, in bad traffic, well over an hour to get advice from someone soon to be disbarred, whose office is in a deep dark dump. i dont think that makes sense under any circumstance other than one, and that one means something very hinky is going on, something which includes the lawyer, himself. something so hinky, in fact, that our disbarred doofus is unwilling to remember their interactions even though she's died.

• & now, of course, he has also died. i don't think these things are connected. what i think is connected is how, & why, & how untoward the little circumstances were in which they met.

• eg: the valley, in which one finds north hollywood [it's got nothing to do with picture show hollywood], is good for two things: drugs and *advertiser censored*. those 402 months likely involved the former, but models on the slide are too often involved in both. i hate saying this because i feel so bad for LEKR. would anyone want to know who she was if this is why she became who she did? would it not be preferable to leave it alone? is it possible the social security guy has finally figured what he missed and just will not tell?

still, if you want to find her "real name" or "real identity"—after all her hell, i think LEKR is her real identity—you'd do well to check old, aboveboard, model agents; model reps who'd put anyone anywhere for a price; anyone from l.a. who was sentenced to 402 months during the mid-late 80s, along with anyone who was involved in, yes, old *advertiser censored*. if it's of any consolation, old *advertiser censored* is fairly straightforward, nowhere near as skizzy as today's stuff. i doubt she did it for long, it went too much against her nature. if she did it at all, i do not think she liked it.

from that unworthy branch, & as far as people possibly missed, you might also check with someone like dennis hof, who's been in the business forever & whom i believe recently married heidi fleiss; together they run the bunny ranch. i think. had LEKR run amok & then aground in this not so uncommon way, she could easily have touched down, briefly, in nevada. nevada's on the circuit. she had a p.o.b in nevada.

• i think she was tremendously happy to get away. in the idaho picture she looks as if she's beaming her way into a brand new life. i wish it had really taken. so help me, when you're married seven years & have a toddler daughter, that IS your family. when the detective said that BR had to decide between her & his family & he chose his family—i mean, what crueler thing could have been said? what crueler could have been done? what is possibly more negating than that?

• as for texas, i'd get ahold of the guy who knew her as a stripper. people don't just fall into that job as soon as they hit a new town, especially when they have church socials in mind. that's her transition period, she knew how to transition in just that way [who, other than she, said her implants were done in 1991?] & that guy knows more than most. YES, i believe him. i've seen this trajectory more than once. it's common. the only uncommon piece of the puzzle is her lost original identity. she was clever, & she did a good job with that. how much better it would have been had she been able to live, & leave it alone.

• lastly, there was an ENORMOUS crime in l.a. during the time she lived & worked in the city. the "402 months" brought it to mind: the wonderland murders. drug murder put paid for by a gangster who owned a nightclub called the starwood. involved every skizz bit of our grand metropolis: drugs [coke, of course], lots of beatings & lots of blood, plus the involvement of john c holmes, johnny wadd, *advertiser censored* star extraordinaire, 14 inches & a 14-year-old girlfriend. eddie nash, the starwood's owner/dealer/gangster, used to keep models around. college girl types. lots & lots at a time. just to be there. &, of course, there was LOTS of dope. enough to keep anybody skinny—& LEKR does not stay thin easily, obviously. most people don't. if she wanted dope, & nearly everyone did, the thinning of the thighs would be why. i'm not judging; i've done it, & for the same reason. i dont run to thin either. & she's already admitted bulimia.

at any rate, eddie nash's was a houseful of dope & collegiate-looking models. the wonderland trial ran on for nearly a decade. i'm not saying she was involved or overheard or even was there. her 402 month mess could be something else entirely. but the people involved in the wonderland mess would near-absolutely know the people involved in her mess, & all of them would near-absolutely either know her or know someone who knows her. i'm one scene adjacent so i was not there [& i look like i belong in a russ meyer movie, not like a wholesome coed] but i can easily put a gangster, a model, a hinky attorney, & some sort of major crime in a room. it is, as they say, a no brainer. hinky attorney could have helped with the ID, too.

so those are my weary earliest morning thoughts. not well-put, i do apologize. please know i would never have gotten them here at all if i stopped to mess with capital letters & grammar. tomorrow i might be able to edit, or give you something more, but it's after 5am & tonite i am beat. & i'm a long long time from rooms like that. i didnt get as deep, so i didnt have to run as far. i wish her run ended more happily. i am sad, again, for LEKR.

ps. there is an excellent explication of her likely connections to the straight model world written in a post in the ben perkins, jr thread. i cannot remember the name of the poster—i do remember that she'd noted she also had an 'unusual' life—but i did want to credit her. she knows what she's talking about & i concur.

First, I must say this is an original scenario for LEK's possible history. I've read almost all of the posts her, & no one has suggested anything close to this possible background for LEK. And second, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one here who struggles with words. Almost everyone else who posts here expresses him/herself so effortlessly to make me feel I'm always struggling to string together a coherent sentence. (Even if sometimes I silently cringe when I see one a grammatical error.)

Anyway, as for modelling, there are many stories about it not being as glamorous as it might appear. The latest clutch of stories involve Donald Trump's modelling agency, where he allegedly exploited eager women from abroad in their modelling careers. Simply put, the stories around that short-fingered vulgarian prove that an unethical agent has more way to exploit his talent than one could imagine. (For example, the rent he charged his models for their housing was exploitative -- NYC single-bedroom rates for a share of a bunk bed in a dormitory.) If LEK had been part of this world, I can understand why she fled it.

As for being involved in *advertiser censored*... My instinct is that if she'd been involved in it on the public side of the camera, someone would have identified her by now. Even though most consumers of *advertiser censored* aren't looking at the actress' faces the entire time, enough consumers notice the women's faces that the actress is likely to be identified in real life. (Brandy Alexandre, who was not a "name" *advertiser censored* star, recalled a couple of times men recognized her in real life. She stated she got a good deal on car tires due to this familiarity, IIRC.) An unbelievable amount of *advertiser censored* has been digitized & put on the Internet; if you know where to look, you can find either screenshots, excerpts, or a complete copy of any *advertiser censored* flick out there. Therefore even if LEK had been in only a couple of *advertiser censored* flics as a supporting figure, that would be enough visibility for someone to recognize her -- even by someone who was not born when the movies were first released.

But as for the possibiity LEK came from this venue... it is possible. I'm a bit hesitant because I feel that someone at least might have said they recognized her -- or at least said she looked familiar. But then, there are people who have seen her pictures & said she vaguely looks familiar. And most models remain otherwise anonymous to most viewers.

So who knows? Outside of advocating for creating a profile of LEK, I don't have any idea of how to figure out what her birth name was.
Please excuse me if this has been discussed, but isn't this case being investigated by SSA because her daughter is more than likely drawing some sort of SS benefit from her deceased Mother until she is 18 and that means she would be committing fraud since this is not her Mom's true SS#? Please disregard if this has been discussed.....I only lurk and don't read every post. TYIA
I hadn't taken this into consideration when I questioned SSA's jurisdiction a day or so ago. Good point, nannymo.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *
What became of that? Is the case still close to being solved or stalled? Thank you
Personally, I would like to request a new Q&A session with Agent Velling. One that does NOT involve the Seattle Times.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *
Respectfully snipped for length:


so those are my weary earliest morning thoughts. not well-put, i do apologize. please know i would never have gotten them here at all if i stopped to mess with capital letters & grammar. tomorrow i might be able to edit, or give you something more, but it's after 5am & tonite i am beat. & i'm a long long time from rooms like that. i didnt get as deep, so i didnt have to run as far. i wish her run ended more happily. i am sad, again, for LEKR.

ps. there is an excellent explication of her likely connections to the straight model world written in a post in the ben perkins, jr thread. i cannot remember the name of the poster—i do remember that she'd noted she also had an 'unusual' life—but i did want to credit her. she knows what she's talking about & i concur.

Mind: blown.

I'm speechless. And think that you've hit on some great points.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified. *
this is my first post to websleuths, although i've read & thanked fairly often over the last couple of years.

i do apologize for not writing too terribly well. i've been working it over for HOURS, trying to couch what i say with the least amount of sorrow and potential embarrassment for its subject. i feel bad for LEKR, i think she wound up in a dreadful situation in los angeles, lost her way, took an odd & circuitous & not precisely legal way back, then lost herself again, wrecked on the rocks of suspicious, unsympathetic in-laws. it was not a match, at the very least, and i feel more kindly disposed towards the lost lamb than the hardy family.

at long last & at any rate, here's what i have to say. again, i'm rushing, so please forgive my grammar [when more awake, i ofttimes work as a tech writer. i can write this perfectly or i can write it fast—& fast is the rock to which i'm today tethered. i'm tired. it's nearly 4am.....]

& i am in los angeles. & i was once involved in the wonderful world that belongs to that rarest of l.a. breeds, the model/actress. & i think LEKR was another card carrying member thereof, & it is this good guess that drives my theory. anyway.


• cuban food. well-known, well-liked, oft-trendy cuban restaurant named Versailles, i know not why, on venice boulevard. los angeles institution. will accommodate vegetarians well, can eat beans-rice-plantains-creamy thing while one's ghastly second husband slurps tentacles & gets beer-drunk. done it many times. good food. bet she liked it. glad he's gone.

• for some reason i long believed LEKR was from bakersfield, or at least central calif. i now know that's more an assumption than a definite; still, at 5'10" & looking something like [then iconic] demi moore, it's an easy slide into los angeles' promised golden world. i would bet she arrived with model dreams, got work—spectacular height means a lot—didn't get as much work, nor as high up as she'd wanted.

slid, possibly, into hand modeling [decent pay, no prestige], then into the world of Be Nice to Rich Men. this is not as bad as it sounds, or it doesn't have to be. it's rep'd work, for heavens sake, you get it from your agent, believe it or not, and it can send you around the world—sex largely optional. instead, what it is, is pretty much sitting or standing around as decor, making important people look rich. one of our presidential candidates likely met at least a couple of his wives in a similar fashion—a whole bunch of tall, very thin women drinking cocktails, "eating dinner" among the wealthy in a fancy, fancy room. yes, you get paid for it. again though, unless you're husband-hunting: no prestige. no advancement. no nothing.

• besides that, other problems do arise. gain weight and you're lucky to find a place at the buffet, nevermind a good seat. work at a low level for too long and you're considered someone who just does that—a catalog model—& better jobs dry up. don't do what's asked—whatever it is—and you're gone. in the thick of this, word used advisedly, there are a whole mess of avenues you can take. none of them are good.

• 402 months is a prison sentence. there are no two ways about it. nothing else gets counted in months like that, certainly not thirty-plus years worth of them. i do not believe it's a sentence belonging to LEKR. i do think she knows the person sentenced, i believe she knows the reason behind the sentencing, & i believe she knows more about the crime that created the reason. i do not think she liked any of it. i think she wanted to get away, get away fast, & get away clean. i think that's why she looks so happy in her idaho photo. i wish the dream she had in idaho truly came to pass—& stayed there.

• it makes no sense to have legal problems in north hollywood & an attorney in inglewood. inglewood & north hollywood are about ninety minutes apart. to better situate this: north hollywood is in the northisheast san fernando valley. it's about 10 - 15 minutes away from downtown LA. it's maybe a half hour from beverly hills. between NoHo and inglewood are hundreds, if not thousands, of lawyers. you'd have to have a remarkable reason to bypass them.

inglewood is also very déclassé. so she's driving, in bad traffic, well over an hour to get advice from someone soon to be disbarred, whose office is in a deep dark dump. i dont think that makes sense under any circumstance other than one, and that one means something very hinky is going on, something which includes the lawyer, himself. something so hinky, in fact, that our disbarred doofus is unwilling to remember their interactions even though she's died.

• & now, of course, he has also died. i don't think these things are connected. what i think is connected is how, & why, & how untoward the little circumstances were in which they met.

• eg: the valley, in which one finds north hollywood [it's got nothing to do with picture show hollywood], is good for two things: drugs and *advertiser censored*. those 402 months likely involved the former, but models on the slide are too often involved in both. i hate saying this because i feel so bad for LEKR. would anyone want to know who she was if this is why she became who she did? would it not be preferable to leave it alone? is it possible the social security guy has finally figured what he missed and just will not tell?

still, if you want to find her "real name" or "real identity"—after all her hell, i think LEKR is her real identity—you'd do well to check old, aboveboard, model agents; model reps who'd put anyone anywhere for a price; anyone from l.a. who was sentenced to 402 months during the mid-late 80s, along with anyone who was involved in, yes, old *advertiser censored*. if it's of any consolation, old *advertiser censored* is fairly straightforward, nowhere near as skizzy as today's stuff. i doubt she did it for long, it went too much against her nature. if she did it at all, i do not think she liked it.

from that unworthy branch, & as far as people possibly missed, you might also check with someone like dennis hof, who's been in the business forever & whom i believe recently married heidi fleiss; together they run the bunny ranch. i think. had LEKR run amok & then aground in this not so uncommon way, she could easily have touched down, briefly, in nevada. nevada's on the circuit. she had a p.o.b in nevada.

• i think she was tremendously happy to get away. in the idaho picture she looks as if she's beaming her way into a brand new life. i wish it had really taken. so help me, when you're married seven years & have a toddler daughter, that IS your family. when the detective said that BR had to decide between her & his family & he chose his family—i mean, what crueler thing could have been said? what crueler could have been done? what is possibly more negating than that?

• as for texas, i'd get ahold of the guy who knew her as a stripper. people don't just fall into that job as soon as they hit a new town, especially when they have church socials in mind. that's her transition period, she knew how to transition in just that way [who, other than she, said her implants were done in 1991?] & that guy knows more than most. YES, i believe him. i've seen this trajectory more than once. it's common. the only uncommon piece of the puzzle is her lost original identity. she was clever, & she did a good job with that. how much better it would have been had she been able to live, & leave it alone.

• lastly, there was an ENORMOUS crime in l.a. during the time she lived & worked in the city. the "402 months" brought it to mind: the wonderland murders. drug murder put paid for by a gangster who owned a nightclub called the starwood. involved every skizz bit of our grand metropolis: drugs [coke, of course], lots of beatings & lots of blood, plus the involvement of john c holmes, johnny wadd, *advertiser censored* star extraordinaire, 14 inches & a 14-year-old girlfriend. eddie nash, the starwood's owner/dealer/gangster, used to keep models around. college girl types. lots & lots at a time. just to be there. &, of course, there was LOTS of dope. enough to keep anybody skinny—& LEKR does not stay thin easily, obviously. most people don't. if she wanted dope, & nearly everyone did, the thinning of the thighs would be why. i'm not judging; i've done it, & for the same reason. i dont run to thin either. & she's already admitted bulimia.

at any rate, eddie nash's was a houseful of dope & collegiate-looking models. the wonderland trial ran on for nearly a decade. i'm not saying she was involved or overheard or even was there. her 402 month mess could be something else entirely. but the people involved in the wonderland mess would near-absolutely know the people involved in her mess, & all of them would near-absolutely either know her or know someone who knows her. i'm one scene adjacent so i was not there [& i look like i belong in a russ meyer movie, not like a wholesome coed] but i can easily put a gangster, a model, a hinky attorney, & some sort of major crime in a room. it is, as they say, a no brainer. hinky attorney could have helped with the ID, too.

so those are my weary earliest morning thoughts. not well-put, i do apologize. please know i would never have gotten them here at all if i stopped to mess with capital letters & grammar. tomorrow i might be able to edit, or give you something more, but it's after 5am & tonite i am beat. & i'm a long long time from rooms like that. i didnt get as deep, so i didnt have to run as far. i wish her run ended more happily. i am sad, again, for LEKR.

ps. there is an excellent explication of her likely connections to the straight model world written in a post in the ben perkins, jr thread. i cannot remember the name of the poster—i do remember that she'd noted she also had an 'unusual' life—but i did want to credit her. she knows what she's talking about & i concur.

Welcome and thanks for such a well-thought out post! There is a lot in here that is very compelling.
Welcome to Websleuths Kafkette. We’re glad to have you here.

After reading your first Websleuths post, you jogged my memory for me. I believe that you may be on to something here regarding shady characters, false documents, and the *advertiser censored* industry.

I just happened to remember there were controversies involving the *advertiser censored* industry during the mid 1980’s.

I remember watching a Frontline documentary on PBS in June 1987 called “Death of a *advertiser censored* Queen”.

It was a sad documentary about Shauna Grant, a 20 year old woman from Minnesota who went to Los Angeles and became a *advertiser censored* movie actress. She had been a *advertiser censored* movie actress for two years until her suicide in March 1984.


I also remember reading about the Traci Lords controversy that appeared in the newspapers after May 1986.

In May of 1986, it was discovered that *advertiser censored* movie actress Traci Lords was actually an underage teenager who had appeared in numerous adult *advertiser censored* films between 1984 and 1986.

After the discovery that Traci Lords was an underage teenager, film distributors, adult movie theaters, and video rental shops were forced to remove all of her material to avoid the risk of being prosecuted for trafficking in child *advertiser censored*.

Traci Lords was provided a fake driver’s license and birth certificate with the name of another woman which stated she was 22 rather than 15 years old when she began her *advertiser censored* industry career.

Investigators were able to locate the woman whose name appeared on the fake driver’s license and birth certificate that Traci Lords had. The woman’s birth certificate had been stolen a few years earlier and an imposter had apparently forged her name on official forms.

Another interesting tidbit about Traci Lords is that her mother and two younger sisters had stayed at a women’s shelter in the Los Angeles area until her mother was able to find a new apartment.


I also happen to remember seeing a George C. Scott crime drama movie called Hardcore which was released in February 1979.

Hardcore is a crime drama film about a father from Michigan (George C. Scott) searching for his daughter who had disappeared during a church sponsored trip to Bellflower, California.

The father hires a private investigator to help search for his missing daughter. The PI soon discovers that the missing daughter had recently appeared in an 8mm stag film.

The father suspects that his daughter was kidnapped and forced to join the *advertiser censored* underworld.

But with no results from the PI, police, or adult oriented businesses, the father begins his own search to find and rescue his daughter.


The significance about this 1979 crime drama film Hardcore is that it took place in the era before home video cassette recorders, cell phones, and the internet existed.

And by today’s standards, I say that the 1979 crime drama film Hardcore was ahead of its time as it dealt with the grim subject of young women being steered or forced into the wrong kind of the entertainment industry after arriving in Hollywood.

Now I’m not saying that FLEK was involved with the *advertiser censored* industry.

I’m just pointing out that before FLEK first became BST, there were controversies back then in the *advertiser censored* industry involving shady characters, false documents, and underage teenagers.
Just like everything on the notes page 402 months is out of context.

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I remember looking up "402 MOS" out of curiosity. I agree that I think it's out of context.

MOS also can stand for Microsoft Office Specialist. Since FLEK's resume noted Office as a specialty, I think this makes more sense. UT Arlington does offer Microsoft Office Specialist classes and exams. Also, 402 was the number of an exam number at one time. (In order to pass the certification, one has to take exams that are labeled with three numbers. For example, 402 MOS is an exam that was for programming for the Microsoft Office Specialist, rather than MOE or MOM, expert or masters, respectively).

My memory fails me, but I'm pretty sure she filed bankruptcy in Texas in 1997(?). I know Ben Perkins was disbarred in 1989 and according to an article was not super fantastic at his job. I agree he was a shady character, though he was also apparently involved with a Catholic charity in the area. Perhaps that's how they came across each other. I keep trying to find a point in time to intersect these two and imagine the circumstances. I apologize, I'm not as knowledgeable about BP. I feel like different elements of this case appeal differently to all of us. I've been mostly fascinated with her behavior, as reported by family and people who encountered her.


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Also, left a message at SSA...still waiting for a reply. Given the holiday, I figured it would be a bit.

They haven't charged my card yet, so I imagine I am in a stack of "to-dos" in someone's office.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
First, I must say this is an original scenario for LEK's possible history. I've read almost all of the posts her, & no one has suggested anything close to this possible background for LEK. And second, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one here who struggles with words. Almost everyone else who posts here expresses him/herself so effortlessly to make me feel I'm always struggling to string together a coherent sentence. (Even if sometimes I silently cringe when I see one a grammatical error.)

Anyway, as for modelling, there are many stories about it not being as glamorous as it might appear. The latest clutch of stories involve Donald Trump's modelling agency, where he allegedly exploited eager women from abroad in their modelling careers. Simply put, the stories around that short-fingered vulgarian prove that an unethical agent has more way to exploit his talent than one could imagine. (For example, the rent he charged his models for their housing was exploitative -- NYC single-bedroom rates for a share of a bunk bed in a dormitory.) If LEK had been part of this world, I can understand why she fled it.

As for being involved in *advertiser censored*... My instinct is that if she'd been involved in it on the public side of the camera, someone would have identified her by now. Even though most consumers of *advertiser censored* aren't looking at the actress' faces the entire time, enough consumers notice the women's faces that the actress is likely to be identified in real life. (Brandy Alexandre, who was not a "name" *advertiser censored* star, recalled a couple of times men recognized her in real life. She stated she got a good deal on car tires due to this familiarity, IIRC.) An unbelievable amount of *advertiser censored* has been digitized & put on the Internet; if you know where to look, you can find either screenshots, excerpts, or a complete copy of any *advertiser censored* flick out there. Therefore even if LEK had been in only a couple of *advertiser censored* flics as a supporting figure, that would be enough visibility for someone to recognize her -- even by someone who was not born when the movies were first released.

But as for the possibiity LEK came from this venue... it is possible. I'm a bit hesitant because I feel that someone at least might have said they recognized her -- or at least said she looked familiar. But then, there are people who have seen her pictures & said she vaguely looks familiar. And most models remain otherwise anonymous to most viewers.

So who knows? Outside of advocating for creating a profile of LEK, I don't have any idea of how to figure out what her birth name was.

Respectfully, I'm sorry, I just had to laugh at this. I don't think you have any problem expressing yourself not only concisely and eloquently, but colorfully as well.
I've thought a lot about this as well and I wonder if she could have lived in a "safe house" of sorts in Dallas for a few months before enacting the name change. In looking for any evidence of Ben Perkins having a connection to Dallas I found a classifieds ad from May 20,1984 published in the Dallas Morning News. "A" Ben Perkins owned property there in 1984. I can't find out any more about the Ben Perkins who owned that plot though to prove (or disprove) it was the same BP from California. And I only found a couple people who lived there or are associated with the address. It is a vacant lot today in a residential neighborhood, which brings to mind the comment from Spring/Summer1988 about driving by "Lori's mother's house" and seeing it had been torn down. Anyone want to look into this and figure out who used to own it in the 1980's? Here is the news clipping (I underlined BP and the address):
Ok, this is a weird coincidence and I feel like maybe we have already talked about the unclaimed money thing... But was just doing some searching on unclaimed money sites and found this record for a Becky S Turner, also at a Caldwell address (not the same as the BP one, this looks like a Caldwell Lane address just outside of Dallas), owed money by the state of Idaho.... Sorry if this has already been discussed.Screen Shot 2016-09-06 at 7.56.47 PM.png
I remember looking up "402 MOS" out of curiosity. I agree that I think it's out of context.

MOS also can stand for Microsoft Office Specialist. Since FLEK's resume noted Office as a specialty, I think this makes more sense. UT Arlington does offer Microsoft Office Specialist classes and exams. Also, 402 was the number of an exam number at one time. (In order to pass the certification, one has to take exams that are labeled with three numbers. For example, 402 MOS is an exam that was for programming for the Microsoft Office Specialist, rather than MOE or MOM, expert or masters, respectively).
402 is also the MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) for a logistics officer in the US Marine Corps. FLEK did not have time in her life to have been a Marine officer, but was she concerned about someone who was one? Was she planning to embellish her resume but thought better of it?
Morning all!!

Been away for the holiday weekend! Don't have enough time to catch up on the thread! Can anyone give me some cliff notes, please? I saw you all were discussing a Dr. Crane. Who is he? Mr. Seeker~~I did find a connection to Utah and AZ ~~and then dismissed it because FLEK was never mentioned to have been in Utah. TIA all!
Ok, this is a weird coincidence and I feel like maybe we have already talked about the unclaimed money thing... But was just doing some searching on unclaimed money sites and found this record for a Becky S Turner, also at a Caldwell address (not the same as the BP one, this looks like a Caldwell Lane address just outside of Dallas), owed money by the state of Idaho.... Sorry if this has already been discussed.

Yes, we discussed the unclaimed money in detail. I found her to be a real person who is alive. It was suggested maybe FLEK used her name or stole some of her mail to get Dallas residency. The problem with that theory is the she was Turner by marriage only and would not have been a Turner at the time that FLEK would need to steal her name. She also had a legal fist name of Rebecca, not Becky but she went by Becky on some records. So any official records like a utility bill would be in the name Rebecca. I could not find her connection to Idaho but the Unclaimed funds were reported in 2008. Many public address records after 2008 are not published online yet. I think it's highly unlikely Lori was using the name BST in 2008 or that funds from the late 80's would not be reported until 2008 but that's just my opinion. Pretty much every city around the Dallas area seems to have a Caldwell St/Ln/Dr. It is a big coincidence I'm afraid.
I remember looking up "402 MOS" out of curiosity. I agree that I think it's out of context.

MOS also can stand for Microsoft Office Specialist. Since FLEK's resume noted Office as a specialty, I think this makes more sense. UT Arlington does offer Microsoft Office Specialist classes and exams. Also, 402 was the number of an exam number at one time. (In order to pass the certification, one has to take exams that are labeled with three numbers. For example, 402 MOS is an exam that was for programming for the Microsoft Office Specialist, rather than MOE or MOM, expert or masters, respectively).

My memory fails me, but I'm pretty sure she filed bankruptcy in Texas in 1997(?). I know Ben Perkins was disbarred in 1989 and according to an article was not super fantastic at his job. I agree he was a shady character, though he was also apparently involved with a Catholic charity in the area. Perhaps that's how they came across each other. I keep trying to find a point in time to intersect these two and imagine the circumstances. I apologize, I'm not as knowledgeable about BP. I feel like different elements of this case appeal differently to all of us. I've been mostly fascinated with her behavior, as reported by family and people who encountered her.


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402 is also the MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) for a logistics officer in the US Marine Corps. FLEK did not have time in her life to have been a Marine officer, but was she concerned about someone who was one? Was she planning to embellish her resume but thought better of it?

But the note page actually says the word MONTHS. There is no MOS.

Here, I flipped the text and doubled the size of the image so we can see it better:


  • 402months.png
    34.1 KB · Views: 264
And now that I look at the text of the 402 Months closer, I almost wonder if it was meant to say HO2 months.
Morning all!!

Been away for the holiday weekend! Don't have enough time to catch up on the thread! Can anyone give me some cliff notes, please? I saw you all were discussing a Dr. Crane. Who is he? Mr. Seeker~~I did find a connection to Utah and AZ ~~and then dismissed it because FLEK was never mentioned to have been in Utah. TIA all!

HI BCA, Dr Cr@ne was mentioned in Lori's 1997 bankruptcy. We are not sure why she owed him money.

ETA: See posts 1046 and 1047 of this thread.
Almost entirely speculation here, but it occurred to me that LEK's bankruptcy and debts to Dr. Cr@ne may have been racked up by LEK's mother, and not by LEK herself. Maybe LEK was the guarantor. S/S1988 said LEK's mom was not well-- might be true? And people such as landlords might be willing to extend payment deadlines for a daughter who is trying to help out her mom. Could Irene K. be her mother?

I also tend to gravitate toward the idea that LEK may have grown up without a mother or in foster care-- maybe she took on her bio mom's debts as a plea for her love and attention. It is really common for kids who have been abused, abandoned or neglected to have more empathy for the bad parent than they do for themselves. And it is really common for bad parents to encourage this. A possible explanation for why someone with a shiny new identity would dirty it up with a bankruptcy?
I haven't chimed in on this case in a long time. I was around in the very beginning, but have just been lurking recently.

Regarding the bankruptcy...I am very familiar with how a chapter 13 works. You must list all of your debt, even if it's a small amount. My guess would be that she saw this doctor and provided a medical insurance card that was no longer valid or had no insurance. When the doctor went to bill the insurance, they found out that she didn't have any so they billed her for the full amount and she never paid. I would bet that the amount owed is for only one visit.

I also want to clarify something else. A lot of people file bankruptcy to stop all collection actions momentarily. For example, she got behind on her car payment and was at a point where they were getting ready to repossess it. She could file a chapter 13 and it would stop them from repossessing her vehicle until the court made a decision. Honda would be listed as one of her creditors in this case. This same situation applies to any actions against her....eviction, foreclosure, etc.

Her landlord is likely listed because she owed back rent. It doesn't necessarily mean she was three months behind, but she was behind to some degree.

In the end, a lot of people file a chapter 13 to stop an immediate action from happening (reposession, eviction, foreclosure, garnishment). Also, FWIW, you have to have a job or income to file a Chapter 13. It's called a Wage Earners Plan because you have to have the funds to repay debt.

Hope this helps clarify this part of the tangled web!
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