Found Deceased TX - Maleah Davis, 4, Houston, 5 May 2019 #2

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wondering at what point they say DV is no longer cooperating. Thanks for the video, LEO states car looks normal, trunk looks normal, nothing appears "wrong" with tires or car. It's a clean car, do believe I saw one car seat in there. (paraphrased)

Guess that answers my question about her being found in the car.
I don't think he was ever he gets to feel the full force of LE.
Wasn't she staunchly defending this man at first? If she wasn't the one to leave the kids in his care or at least agree to do so, why would she be so defensive about him under the circumstances without knowing more?

I recall her saying something along the lines of 'his story sounds off, but I can't believe he would have done anything to Maleah' right at the beginning, but that seemed to fall apart pretty quickly. I don't recall her being defensive, particularly, just that statement (but I haven't been on her FB or anything, she could have been much more vocal about this and I just don't know it). I think being in denial about his involvement at first would be a fairly normal response to something like this.

I am FAR from nominating her for Mother of the Year, I want to make that clear. But this isn't some guy that she'd been dating for a few weeks, they lived together, had another child together - of course at first she would be in denial that he could have done this. To accept it would mean a) her child is likely gone forever and b) her choices played a role. I think she's coming to those realizations today.
I don't think he was ever he gets to feel the full force of LE.
I agree, but they have been doing the dance with him. I think the music is about to stop and they will be much more vocal about where he stands with them. I expect them to announce within the next 24 hours that he is not cooperating and call him the S word.
wondering at what point they say DV is no longer cooperating. Thanks for the video, LEO states car looks normal, trunk looks normal, nothing appears "wrong" with tires or car. It's a clean car, do believe I saw one car seat in there. (paraphrased)

Guess that answers my question about her being found in the car.
Right. They didn't find anything of significance and now they will be processing it. MOO
It wasn’t her new man. It was someone she had been with for at a couple of years at least. She has a child with him and he appeared to be an active parental figure from sm. I’m sure she trusted him with her kids. It’s easy to act like you’d never leave your kids alone with your partner. But this was a funeral not a planned vaca.

Someone she had been with when her daughter suffered a life altering brain injury that the authorities suspected was abuse.

So during that couple of years, somehing horrible had already happened.

You bet I wouldn't leave my kid alone with my unrelated, male partner under those circumstances. Kid comes with me, stays with trusted family or I'm not going.
I think the aunt who had whatever degree of custody does not have the same father as BB, based on the info on his obit (his children and their locations are all listed), so I doubt she had any involvement with the funeral trip.

I am wondering if the information from the CPS documentation reported by Cheryl Mercedes is true and BB has only had monthly or weekly visitation with Maleah since February, who is ultimately responsible for DV having the children last week? CPS? The aunt who was supposed to have them? Why did he want Maleah in the first place? Is this a lack of agency oversight or are people just lying?

When BB2 (grandma) said that the last time she saw Maleah was Monday when she was with BB doing laundry at BB2's house, how could that be if Mom only had visitation and not custody?

Thank you!
I would like the answers to all of your questions as well.
BB would have loved this man, I mean if god forbid this was my family I’d scream til I was blue in the face that my partner wouldn’t hurt anyone. I can see why she’s struggled to believe it. But I don’t think she had anything to do with this, she wasn’t off loving life while her kids were with this man she was at her father’s funeral and it’s not her fault he is a monster. She SHOULD have been able to trust him with maleah, they have a child together why shouldn’t she trust him why would she suspect he would harm her children? There’s been no proof of abuse or that Maleah’s mom was aware of any abuse. I see her as stark contrast to AJ’s ‘parents’ JC wasn’t screaming where is my baby! Neither was anyone connected to baby Amiah imo. In some cases the mother has involvement but why should a mother have to ask herself if everyone’s going to be alive when she gets back before she goes anywhere? That’s IF they are unaware of any abuse that may be happening, it’s possible he just got frustrated while mom wasn’t there but it’s not her fault for not being there she had every right to go to her fathers funeral assuming her kids were being cared for by her partner who is the father of one of said children! She is a victim right now imo.
Yes, but unless she didn't have legal custody she's the one making decisions and in charge of ensuring her kids are protected.

Unless he kidnapped Maleah, which doesn't appear to be the case, it seems mom gave her approval to the child care arrangements.
Apparently there was an upcoming court date to determine whether or not she would be given permanent custody of the kids.
I think at this time CPS, or the state, still retains custody.
At least that's what it sounds like to me.
The kids being returned to the parents was a trial period, but CPS still had primary custody. Imo
Have you seen some of the court documents? It would be great if you could explain them because the whole custody issue is very confusing.
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