Found Deceased TX - Maleah Davis, 4, Houston, 5 May 2019 #2

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PommyMommy, excellent work on the timeline!

ClaireNC, to add to your list:

Friday 5/3/19 Reportedly DV is supposed to pick up BB at airport, with kids? without kids? if without, where are they supposed to be? When DV doesn't show up, BB calls her mom, yet no alarm is raised about DV/kids not showing up--why? Does he have a history of not showing up and being unreachable? Why no worry that anyone's missing then? And then she stays with her mom, because she doesn't have her keys to her home. Why wouldn't he be home? Did she know he was gone somewhere? Nothing much about this whole story makes sense, so I agree about the fabrication.
I just found this discussion yesterday evening and haven't worked my way all the way through yet so forgive me if this has already been mentioned. But DV originally was on his way to pick up BB from the airport around 6pm or so (around the time he would have pulled over and been approached by the men right?) so this would mean that he hadn't yet been notified that her flight was delayed or she wasn't able to make contact with him that her flight was delayed right? Otherwise why would he have been leaving so many hours earlier when she really didn't end up landing until around midnight? So BB called her mom BB2 to pick her up when DV didn't answer or show, but if she was never able to physically speak with him (beside maybe a voicemail or text if she sent one) and confirmation from him that he would pick her up at the delayed time of midnight, then wouldn't she already be concerned that she couldn't reach him for x amount of hours between her original pick up time and the delayed time?
This is crazy making, listening to KHOU talk about how she was supposed to be with her aunt and not DV except supervised.
This is what I've been confused about. CPS has custody of Maleah but they returned her to "a relative." So, did BB or the relative (aunt, it appears) leave Maleah with DV? MOO
IMO, her living child took precedent. If she needed to leave said living child with an abusive partner, she should have stayed home. Moo

But if the CPS documents are correct, then BB wasn't the person technically leaving the children anywhere -- she didn't even have physical custody. Maybe she reported DV missing first because she didn't know he had them and thought they were with their aunt (her sister?) the way CPS had designated. Maybe he was supposed to pick her up at the airport as reported but the children weren't supposed to be with him in the first place. Could the delay between the missing persons report be when she was calling family members or whoever to see if anyone knew why DV hadn't picked her up and in those conversations she learned that the children weren't where she expected them to be (with the aunt) and that's when she reported them missing also?
OR, several people in the family (BB, BB2, the aunt, and possibly DV) were all colluding to violate the CPS custody order and the children were illegally being cared for by the wrong people, at least last week.
Has anyone seen any information on the aunt?
I recall her saying something along the lines of 'his story sounds off, but I can't believe he would have done anything to Maleah' right at the beginning, but that seemed to fall apart pretty quickly. I don't recall her being defensive, particularly, just that statement (but I haven't been on her FB or anything, she could have been much more vocal about this and I just don't know it). I think being in denial about his involvement at first would be a fairly normal response to something like this.

I am FAR from nominating her for Mother of the Year, I want to make that clear. But this isn't some guy that she'd been dating for a few weeks, they lived together, had another child together - of course at first she would be in denial that he could have done this. To accept it would mean a) her child is likely gone forever and b) her choices played a role. I think she's coming to those realizations today.
She was very vocal on FB (defending him)
Yes. However, DV is lying about the men. So I'm theorizing that he may have put Maleah somewhere that he thinks those men would live, frequent or otherwise be. That keeps his story line intact.
I totally agree that there is no blue pick up truck, but I told the investigator that I needed to call it in for my conscience anyway. Houston is so diverse that Hispanic people literally live everywhere.

Also, the 3 Hispanic men supposedly were in the blue pick up truck. With his story, it seems like it would be a separate incident for the Altima to be stolen.
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Investigators searched the Nissan Altima, but found no visible evidence inside of it. They said there was nothing suspicious inside of the car, and that it looked normal, meaning that there are no obvious signs of anything unusual.

Detective Ken Fregia said that the car was unlocked when officials arrived, and that it was clean.
Even with the latest court order, I don't think there is any reason to keep questioning BB's whereabouts including her trip to Massachusetts. She has acted like I would expect a young mother in every report. There might be another ball to drop but right now I don't see anything to say she is involved.
BREAKING: Mom, stepdad of Maleah Davis banned from contact with all their children, court rules

Channel 11 link

HOUSTON — A court order has been issued that bans Maleah Davis’s mother and stepfather from having any contact with their son or any of the mother's other children.

Police named Maleah’s stepfather, Derion Vence, “a person of interest” in her disappearance earlier this week, saying he’s changed his story multiple times.

I believe this means we can link and discuss his facebook page and any other social media of his. Can someone do that?
From HLN TV:

Missouri City Police Dept says they've heard the car has been there since Saturday, and also since ____________ (sorry didn't hear). They are going to businesses in the complex collecting surveillance video.
That’s concerning to me. If he arrived at hospital at 9-10 pm and walked from there the car could only have been there for 1-2 hours. That would mean it had to be noticed late Saturday or they already know from video when it arrived. I guess I’m saying the timing fits for DV to be the one that left it there, but also is concerning that there was such a short period of time for it to be noticed that late. I’m not sure if it is better to hope that 3 Hispanics left it there early Saturday morning or not.

VIDEO: Marcelino Benito on Twitter
Stepfathers car has been towed away for further processing by @houstonpolice #MaleahDavis
12:23 PM - 9 May 2019
Stepfathers car? I thought it was BB ‘s. And why don’t they say the car DV was driving and quit calling him stepfather?

I'm confused, shouldn't there have been 2 car seats in the car?
I’m not sure I can say this and don’t want to get in trouble. Someone please correct me if needed. I know I saw pics on socials of the kids in backseat and Maleah was only in a booster seat. So car seat may imply a big car seat but a booster may not mean car seat to some. I personally wouldn’t call it that, I’d call it a booster. MOO
I just found this discussion yesterday evening and haven't worked my way all the way through yet so forgive me if this has already been mentioned. But DV originally was on his way to pick up BB from the airport around 6pm or so (around the time he would have pulled over and been approached by the men right?) so this would mean that he hadn't yet been notified that her flight was delayed or she wasn't able to make contact with him that her flight was delayed right? Otherwise why would he have been leaving so many hours earlier when she really didn't end up landing until around midnight? So BB called her mom BB2 to pick her up when DV didn't answer or show, but if she was never able to physically speak with him (beside maybe a voicemail or text if she sent one) and confirmation from him that he would pick her up at the delayed time of midnight, then wouldn't she already be concerned that she couldn't reach him for x amount of hours between her original pick up time and the delayed time?
My question is why didn't she call the police when he never showed up ALL day with her children?
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