GUILTY TX - Maleah Davis, 4, Houston, 5 May 2019 *EX-FIANCÉ ARRESTED* #12

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Cadaver dogs are very interesting, and there are studies done that show 92% efficacy and less than 30%. If you want to "prove" something, you can find a "study" to prove it, or disprove it.

Which is why I wonder how effective cadaver dog scenting, is in court. There really is no consistent standardized training, or requirement for ongoing assessments to determine the variance in dogs.

I read and cannot recall where, in a case recently, could have been here, could have been elsewhere, and it was a remark and unsure if true or verified, that the cadaver dog is a tool but results are not admissible in court? I wonder if anyone knows if there is truth to that? Meaning they can use them to help find scent or the body but it is not admissible, kind of like a polygraph, it can be used but is not admissible? Again, not sure if true.

I also agree, the studies and how effective are all over the place. It is interesting to read different articles and how conditions and such also can affect the dog's search, as well as how good the handler is. I know I read recently like in a landfill, they are not particularly effective just because of the sheer amount of scent in a landfill.

Here’s an msm article linking to the McIntosh case. You can’t unsee this though, so be warned. It’s incredibly disturbing. One of the worst I’ve heard of as well. And heartbreaking.Acid, Handcuffs And Drain Cleaner: Gruesome Evidence Emerges In Murder Of Corona Boy Noah McIntosh

It is the worst I have heard. AJ is a close second. Maleah and Lizzy are horrible. But Noah, poor Noah, wow. None are worse but the details are never again unknowable once you go there. I want to add that warning as well.

And in that case, versus this one, those children were with their grandparents it sounded like most of their life, and were safe, secure and had a stable life... And then mom takes them to see dad and move there.

Like how people feel here about CPS returning Maleah, that one is.... Well... Let's just say evidence there too, mom had evidence on her phone... They are both in jail and have not been released is the only good thing.

These are the four cases that have about broke me and all in close time frames.

Of the four though, Noah also is the only one where there are no remains to date.
Maleah was in her pajamas with her hair all a mess in the April 30 video. BB said she saw them all leave the apartment. So, she knew the little girl wasn't going to stay at daycare - in her pajamas with her hair all messed up. Please.
Omg even the article title gave me chills. My word.

The article title should forewarn. And does not even cover it all.

Maleah and the mower is one thing I think will never be forgotten and that appears to be accidental. Noah, there are things there that were not accidental after his demise that are pretty much known.

As to before, I suspect both of these children (Maleah and Noah, and I should add AJ) went through more than we can even handle knowing. There are details on that as well in Noah's as to beforehand that are similar to me to AJ, another one whose life had to be pretty horrid.

I do not want to sidetrack into a different case but these poor children.

With Lizzy, what happened is horrible, but she appeared to have a pretty happy life up until then. No parent either was involved, her life was good and her parents loved her; in the other three parents or stepparents were involved.

I will leave it at that.

I wish there was a way to stop it. I think we all do.
I can’t watch it again, but were there dogs barking in the very first QX video, the one from the parking lot?
Here’s an msm article linking to the McIntosh case. You can’t unsee this though, so be warned. It’s incredibly disturbing. One of the worst I’ve heard of as well. And heartbreaking.Acid, Handcuffs And Drain Cleaner: Gruesome Evidence Emerges In Murder Of Corona Boy Noah McIntosh
Yet another horrible case. It's so hard to read the details. There are many similarities to this case, in terms of the parents actions.
In Noah's case there is clear evidence that his mother knew he was being abused. It was heartbreaking to read that she heard her son ask "Why are you hurting me," after his father brought him into the bathroom. She then left the house after that, knowing that her son was in danger.

However in this case we have a mother who has tried to cover up the fact that she knows what happened.
Common sense tells us that since Maleah was kept out of school on Monday and according to BB, needed medical attention, she knew full well Maleah did not go to Daycare on Tuesday.

Maybe LE needs more evidence that she knew, like in Noah's case where the mother made a statement incriminating herself.
Ever since QX made his first appearance stating that BB claimed DV was abusing Maleah, she has made every effort to deny those claims in order to avoid child endangerment charges.

In my opinion they have enough evidence, but I'm not LE so I'm not sure what else they need. The only reason I can think of is that they want to make sure the charges will hold up.
They have only heard what she has said through other people about the abuse. Hearing it from her would be best, but of course she knows that and it's just making it harder for LE to solve this case. Imo
The psych eval ordered by the defense attorney for DV has me worried. DV is definitely NOT intellectually disabled. He has enough cognition to drive to Arkansas and back without getting lost, and developed a convoluted lie to cover up the disappearance of Maleah.

Which, BTW, really bothers me. I don't know why more people are not outraged by DV's claim that three Hispanic men kidnapped him, and stole Maleah. Another fake hoax lie.
I remember someone asking this before but I didn't see an answer -- does anyone know whether you have to pass any kind of a psych test to work at the post office, as DV did fairly recently?
I remember someone asking this before but I didn't see an answer -- does anyone know whether you have to pass any kind of a psych test to work at the post office, as DV did fairly recently?
I don't think so. I think it's just a civil service test, to test basic knowledge.
I don't know if we have heard anything about his school records but if he received a regular high school diploma I doubt he has a disability. Imo
The article title should forewarn. And does not even cover it all.

Maleah and the mower is one thing I think will never be forgotten and that appears to be accidental. Noah, there are things there that were not accidental after his demise that are pretty much known.

As to before, I suspect both of these children (Maleah and Noah, and I should add AJ) went through more than we can even handle knowing. There are details on that as well in Noah's as to beforehand that are similar to me to AJ, another one whose life had to be pretty horrid.

I do not want to sidetrack into a different case but these poor children.

With Lizzy, what happened is horrible, but she appeared to have a pretty happy life up until then. No parent either was involved, her life was good and her parents loved her; in the other three parents or stepparents were involved.

I will leave it at that.

I wish there was a way to stop it. I think we all do.

I just needed to acknowledge this post and say, I agree with so much of what you have said here. You takeaways from these cases seems very similar to mine. Thank you for articulating it as you have here.
Yet another horrible case. It's so hard to read the details. There are many similarities to this case, in terms of the parents actions.
In Noah's case there is clear evidence that his mother knew he was being abused. It was heartbreaking to read that she heard her son ask "Why are you hurting me," after his father brought him into the bathroom. She then left the house after that, knowing that her son was in danger.

However in this case we have a mother who has tried to cover up the fact that she knows what happened.
Common sense tells us that since Maleah was kept out of school on Monday and according to BB, needed medical attention, she knew full well Maleah did not go to Daycare on Tuesday.

Maybe LE needs more evidence that she knew, like in Noah's case where the mother made a statement incriminating herself.
Ever since QX made his first appearance stating that BB claimed DV was abusing Maleah, she has made every effort to deny those claims in order to avoid child endangerment charges.

In my opinion they have enough evidence, but I'm not LE so I'm not sure what else they need. The only reason I can think of is that they want to make sure the charges will hold up.
They have only heard what she has said through other people about the abuse. Hearing it from her would be best, but of course she knows that and it's just making it harder for LE to solve this case
. Imo
BB is in a terrible predicament.

(1) If DV gets charged with murder, BB undoubtedly gets charged with child endangerment.

(2) If DV doesn't get charged with murder, BB gets away with endangering and neglecting her daughter. COD will remain unknown, mysterious, cold.

#2 is what she is hoping for herself, imo. It's all about her, her, and her. I think that is why she doesn't seem thankful that MD's remains were found. Doesn't seem devastated and angry that MD's body was badly mutilated.

The article title should forewarn. And does not even cover it all.

Maleah and the mower is one thing I think will never be forgotten and that appears to be accidental. Noah, there are things there that were not accidental after his demise that are pretty much known.

As to before, I suspect both of these children (Maleah and Noah, and I should add AJ) went through more than we can even handle knowing. There are details on that as well in Noah's as to beforehand that are similar to me to AJ, another one whose life had to be pretty horrid.

I do not want to sidetrack into a different case but these poor children.

With Lizzy, what happened is horrible, but she appeared to have a pretty happy life up until then. No parent either was involved, her life was good and her parents loved her; in the other three parents or stepparents were involved.

I will leave it at that.

I wish there was a way to stop it. I think we all do.

I have met women, who are so programmed to be submissive, that they almost seem like a "Stepford Wife". They can completely ignore their child being abused. Tune out the screaming and crying.
Or they participate in the abuse.

And that "Hedda Nussbaum defense" makes me ill. Too submissive and dependent to even report that the child is being abused? She should have gone to prison as well.
BB is in a terrible predicament.

(1) If DV gets charged with murder, BB undoubtedly gets charged with child endangerment.

(2) If DV doesn't get charged with murder, BB gets away with endangering and neglecting her daughter. COD will remain unknown, mysterious, cold.

#2 is what she is hoping for herself, imo. It's all about her, her, and her. I think that is why she doesn't seem thankful that MD's remains were found. Doesn't seem devastated and angry that MD's body was badly mutilated.

Yes, I agree and I believe she has been well aware of this from the start and your third point is the very reason behind all of her words and actions from the start.

She is fighting desperately for herself, when she should have been fighting for her daughter, both while she was alive and after her death.
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At least DV didn't go out and buy muriatic acid, hacksaws and blender.

Websleuths has a thread for Noah

CA - CA - Noah McIntosh, 8, Corona, early March 2019 *parents arrested*

While I did not want to go there, yes, now the blender has been mentioned. A very disturbing sickening crime, that poor boy who what, just a year before, he and his sister were being raised by their grandparents mostly their entire lives?

Again, I do not know what the answer is and to ignore these cases because it is all too much to handle and know, is not the answer either. I guess that is why I go back and then regret it.

The mother there, it almost looked like was trying to document evidence to be believed, and yet she did nothing while doing so. I am guessing she was dependent, I don't usually talk this way and do not know but maybe simple, or knew she would not be believed and he would? Or believed that? If I recall, the grandparents called in and expressed concern, but it was also ignored or nothing was done.

The sister, again if I recall, told her mom she needed to report Noah missing. The child told the mother that and then the mother did.

I do not want to sidetrack the thread but instead relate the case so it is relevant. BB did know things here, if anyone ever thinks I think otherwise, I have no doubt of that. I also feel that about almost all family members that were part of their lives, knew some things on at least some level. I have no doubt whatsoever most knew or knew something. I think with the case it comes to the cause of death and what caused it and the final act first. I think that has to be found first or hopefully determined. I do not want deals cut but they may also need that to convict the worst. Then the rest can rot and pay as well. IF anyone is cooperating and telling all they knew, then I will change my opinion slightly, although it is far too late.

Today I am upset with all players in the case. Are any of the players upset with themselves? A typical caring person says I should have, I could have, why didn't I... A caring person beats themselves up even if they had no part at all but just in hindsight blames themselves for not realizing... I do not think we have seen this in this case with a single person... And that says a lot.

Inmate says he told police where Maleah's body was, days before Quanell X

Inmate David "Chalfant claims he gave detectives a note that he exchanged with Vence, in which Vence wrote a location of the body, then drew a sign with arrows pointing to the word "Hope".

He goes on to say that Vence also told him exactly how Maleah died.

He says he sent another letter to homicide investigators on Thursday in which he wrote that Vence told him Maleah died when he tossed her off his lap, and she hit her head on the floor.

He said police have yet to contact him regarding that information."
Ugh. I can't. I can't get involved in another child murder case right now. I'm involved in Maleah and Lizzie. I haven't even looked at AJ. From what everyone has said here on Noah, I can't.
Then don’t. Give yourself a well deserved break. This is hard, you have to be be able to say enough, now and then....
Inmate says he told police where Maleah's body was, days before Quanell X

Inmate David "Chalfant claims he gave detectives a note that he exchanged with Vence, in which Vence wrote a location of the body, then drew a sign with arrows pointing to the word "Hope".

He goes on to say that Vence also told him exactly how Maleah died.

He says he sent another letter to homicide investigators on Thursday in which he wrote that Vence told him Maleah died when he tossed her off his lap, and she hit her head on the floor.

He said police have yet to contact him regarding that information."

"Tossed" her? Why is anyone 'tossing' a child much less one that just had a brain injury and skull surgery? These folks are not right in the head. I am telling you, this was a homicide caused by nothing more than ignorance, violence and negligence on the part of DV and BB.

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