Found Deceased TX - Maleah Davis, 4, Houston, 5 May 2019 *EX-FIANCÉ ARRESTED* #6

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Was it the woman who posted some documents about the case on Twitter? I can't remember her name but I read parts of the documents that were available regarding her injuries. It was not clear if she required speech therapy before the injury, or if it was a result of the brain injury.
Found a it. KHOU video showing a CPS document that mentions Maleah "will soon be in speech therapy"

at the 2:39 mark on this KHOU video coverage
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Ms. Betsy, this is what I suspect too- the vomiting and lethargy, et al was from a tbi that had already happened, hence the “falling off a chair” not making sense.

ETA, maybe she “fell off a chair” when the actual seizure happened, days after the actual tbi event.
Yes, I forgot to mention the seizure! That, the vomiting, (especially if right after a head injury) and the lethargy are all indications of a previous head injury. Imo
Found a it. Screen capped still image a member posted from KHOU video showing a CPS document that mentions Maleah "will soon be in speech therapy"


courtesy of post 1308 by @Winterhike in thread #4
Thank you! So it sounds like she was definitely eligible for services and all the testing and paperwork had already taken place. Imo
That's the image/post I tried to re-post but it was removed by Mod. o_O
@Seattle1 thanks, was not aware, will remove the still image, people can read it by watching the KHOU video at the marked section. Can you remove your quote of the still image, I have edited my previous post to contain the direct link to the KHOU news story video. thank,
@astansell said:
Being a speech therapist myself, I’m curious to know where her being in therapy originated? I’ve read quite a bit about this case but haven’t seen anything regard therapy, so I’m curious to know. TIA

Khou reporter Cheryl Mercedes made statements last week that Khou obtained 300+ pages regarding CPS investigation, and there was a screen shot of a partial document that referred to speech. Just wish reporter would upload those documents to shared site!

ETA: I attempted to locate the screenshot and re-post here but noticed the post was mod-snipped.

Perhaps the source was not as it seemed, and in that case - there's no confirmation but speculation only about Maleah with speech disorder/therapy. bbm
We don't know the need for speech therapy and whether it was ordered before the TBI. I did see a picture some where and did notice that the surgery was on the left side of her head. So, I could see where she may need speech therapy from the surgery. But, some TBI patients also have dysphagia and would need speech therapy for that as well. Speech therapy involves more than being verbal or non-verbal. There's a rumor going around that if true, makes me think she was verbal in some capacity. Whether she had aphasia or dysphagia or some other speech issue going on, we have no idea at this point.

I saw the video and paused and read through the documents. I have not looked for the video. However, it could have been pulled due to CPS having legal custody and still investigating, a confidentiality issue, a HIPAA violations, etc. There was a lot of information on that video that could present problems at some point. HIPAA was my first thought when I saw the video; but that's from working in the field.

This is a ss from the video below shown around 2:40. BB’s head is kinda in the way so part is cut off but IMO it says “Maleah is a happy girl that enjoys cartoons, playing with siblings and getting her hair done. (Can’t read this part) currently having her need met and meeting all developmental milestones. Maleah is currently living with her mother and having visits with her father. Maleah (can’t read) receiving occupational and physical therapy and will soon be in speech therapy.”

I can’t get the ss to upload. I’m going to keep trying
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Im back to Lurking after this post but, I see there is still not verified time for BBs departure. Strange as we know she would have been caught on the same camera as DV an Maleah. DVs charge is still only Tampering with evidence/corpse, is this correct? Leads me to believe that LE may feel he was not the only or maybe not the main perp. Still catching up btw so sorry if im repeating anything.
Yeah, I'd also like to know why the portion showing BB leaving for the airport hasn't been released. IMO it's possible that LE sees no value in releasing it - IOW, BB may have left prior to the last sighting of Maleah on camera and therefore no reason to give it to msm. I doubt LE cares much about BB's reputation at the moment and so isn't concerned with public opinion IYKWIM.
@Seattle1 thanks, was not aware, will remove the still image, people can read it by watching the KHOU video at the marked section. Can you remove your quote of the still image, I have edited my previous post to contain the direct link to the KHOU news story video. thank,
Ok according to Ivory Hecker (Fox 26) DV was sent home on the 30th, which is the day that BB was flying out. So again...why would he bring Maleah back home after dropping off the son at daycare knowing he was going to work and BB was flying out soon thereafter? It doesn't make much sense. And was the vomiting a result of stress/anxiousness about what may have occurred at home before he went to work?

Ivory Hecker FOX 26 on Twitter
That's it! Thank you! I just scanned through two threads and couldn't find it. I knew I saw it in a document somewhere. It wasn't very clear and I would really like to read the whole thing, too.
I also remember reading details about the trips to the ER, and how Brittany denied that her daughter was vomiting and lethargic which had led to one of her previous visits.
This made me think that Maleah had a head injury before the incident falling off the chair.
The doctor stated that when they opened her scalp, the color of the blood looked old, as if from a previous injury.
I wondered if when she was brought in for vomiting and lethargy, (symptoms which BB later denied) that she had suffered a blow to the head or some type of head injury. The hospital did not complete any x-rays at that time so we will never know.
I think at some point we will find that there was extensive on-going physical abuse which Brittany covered up. She had so many chances to save her child but did nothing. Imo

I guess we will have to wait for more of the story to unfold.
Now if only we can verify what time her flight left that day!!!
Agree! I felt the same way about the head injury but added abdominal injuries because she was vomiting blood. I did not see if they did a CT of her abdomen. My guess is they would have. Then again, we don't know what transpired at the ER and what BB told them and if the July 10th vomiting was just a virus.

I also agree that the abuse has been going on longer than we know. My guess is that she was. :(
Yeah, I'd also like to know why the portion showing BB leaving for the airport hasn't been released. IMO it's possible that LE sees no value in releasing it - IOW, BB may have left prior to the last sighting of Maleah on camera and therefore no reason to give it to msm. I doubt LE cares much about BB's reputation at the moment and so isn't concerned with public opinion IYKWIM.
Defendent in custody may be hoping to implicate BB so I think there will be limited info made public now. (Really have to remind myself that the female is not poi).
Yeah, I'd also like to know why the portion showing BB leaving for the airport hasn't been released. IMO it's possible that LE sees no value in releasing it - IOW, BB may have left prior to the last sighting of Maleah on camera and therefore no reason to give it to msm. I doubt LE cares much about BB's reputation at the moment and so isn't concerned with public opinion IYKWIM.

I mean its possible it holds no value, Or it holds plenty an therefore releasing it prematurely could possibly hinder the investigation. IMO she left after the sighting but we will never know until the times are released. MOO
The following is an article about CPS workers in Texas urban areas (Austin, specifically, but I'm sure it applies to Houston, too) and how overwhelmed they were. I came across it, guess what? While looking at other WS child abuse cases :(

It's from 1999 but I suspect it's just as applicable today. It gives me great insight into cases like Maleah's and her family. Tears.
I recommend a full ophthalmic exam with suspected head injury cases for children, because there is often evidence of retinal bleeding, that cannot be seen without a full ophthalmic exam. That shows a more complete picture.

Retinal bleeds are indicative of shaking, and more sustained trauma, than just falling and hitting her head. You can see micro bleeds on the back of the retina, and even tears. Children often don't notice field loss in their vision, blurry vision, especially pre readers.
True!! But, I think she was talking about the vomiting in July, not the fall injury.
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