TX - Maleah Davis, 4, Sugar Land, Media, Maps and Timelines *NO DISCUSSION*

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MAY 16, 2019
'I have my fears' | EquuSearch founder says hope is dwindling in search for Maleah Davis

“I certainly hope it’s not a dumpster,” said Texas Equusearch founder Tim Miller. “If it’s a dumpster, it’s over. I don’t think she’ll ever be found.”

Miller says Equusearch continues to receive tips and says volunteers respond to every call. However, he fears the little girl may never be found.


“I have my fears now that Maleah may never be found,” Miller said. “But I had that with Kaylee Anthony too, and five months later she was found. So as long as calls keep coming in, we’ll keep going out.”

Miller says at this isn’t a cold case just yet, but it could be very soon.

“When will this case go cold?,” Miller asks. “I’m going to say sooner than I’d like it to.”

MAY 17, 2019
Maleah Davis: Mom of missing girl speaks out, says she’s ‘unsure’ if Maleah was being abused
Brittany Bowens, the mother of missing Houston girl, Maleah Davis, says she’s unsure if abuse was going on in her home while she lived with the main suspect in the little girl’s disappearance.

“I’m not sure. I was always home. Always home. I didn’t start working until January, because I was in school and I only went to school a couple days out of the week,” Bowens told FOX 26 News reporter Damali Keith when questioned whether anything suspicious happened inside her home.


Bowens’ remarks are in stark contrast to what she reportedly told her spokesperson, community activist Quanell X, last week.

According to Quanell, Bowens previously said she was upset at the way Vence physically punished and “whipped” Maleah while she was sick. The alleged abuse was so bad at one point that Bowens wanted to take the little girl to the hospital. Quanell, speaking on behalf of Bowens, claimed the woman changed her mind when Vence allegedly threatened her.

Maleah Davis: Mom Brittany Bowens answers tough questions in KHOU interview

Bowens answered critics who wander why she left the children with Vence when she went out of town for her father’s burial. Before leaving, Bowens had confronted her then-fiance’ about sexually inappropriate photos he sent to another man, according to spokesperson Quanell X.

“In my mind, whatever we had going on, had nothing to do with the children,” Bowens said.

In the beginning, she tried to believe Vence’s story about the kidnapping.

“I would rather think that somebody took my child, than believe that somebody had done something to her.”

But Bowens admits it was always in the back of her mind that Vence might be involved.

MAY 17, 2019
Maleah Davis' mother: 'I want to hope that she is (still alive)'

Bowens said she wanted to believe Vence's story about the attack after she was left for hours waiting for him to show up at Bush Intercontinental Airport.

But Quanell X says Bowens expressed disbelief after Vence kept her at arm's length, refusing to answer phone calls, text messages and denying her an in-person meeting.


"I couldn't think but ask 'Is that Maleah?'" Bowens said. "Why do you have that basket when you just got laundry from my mother on the first? What are you doing with the basket? What is that? I know our routine. That's not laundry."


Bowens also addressed social media comments expressing suspicion of her, and those who believe she should be in jail.

"People are entitled to however they think, to however they feel, to their own opinions," she said. "I know my truth. And I love my daughter unconditionally, I would never do anything like that, or my children, or my sons, anything. I don't have it in my heart to do anything like that."
MAY 17, 2019
The shocking history and short life of Maleah Davis. We obtain child protective service timeline
Documents filed in Harris County family court in connection to missing Houston girl, Maleah Davis, reveal months of investigation by child social services prior to her disappearance.

The Department of Family and Protective Services (TDFPS) released over 300 pages of documents pertaining to 4-year-old Maleah, with allegations of child abuse dating back to August 2018.

July 28, 2018
On July 28, 2018, Maleah’s mother, Brittany Bowens, brought her to the hospital with a laceration on her head. Bowens said the little girl wasn’t acting abnormal and didn’t have seizures. A physician tended to Maleah’s injuries, then discharged her from the hospital.

August 3, 2018
“On August 3, 2018, the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services received a report of physical abuse by an unknown perpetrator……Brittany Bowens, the mother of Maleah Davis, contacted Brenda Bowens, maternal grandmother, and stated Maleah had fallen from a tall chair to a marble table.”

MAY 17, 2019
Former FBI agent: More evidence needed for murder charge in Maleah Davis case

A former FBI agent says Houston Police likely have a fair amount of evidence already but to prove a murder investigators will need more.

“Until a body is found there is no proof or definitive evidence of a murder or of an abduction,” said former FBI agent and president of Global Intel Strategies James Conway.

“We have to operate under the premise the little girl could still be alive and could be found alive and could be with a family member somewhere. So until police have definitive evidence of an abduction or a murder they cannot make a case, so to speak.”


“We live in a world today where surveillance video is completely pervasive and that’s been a key thing in the case,” Conway said. “The surveillance video of the suspect and the little girl the last time she was seen and of course there is follow up video of the suspect carrying a laundry basket and a plastic bag, all of that is being drilled down by investigators.”


Former FBI agent discusses Maleah Davis case
Last edited:
PART 1: Brittany Bowens on good memories of daughter Maleah Davis
PART 2: Brittany Bowens on how she's coping with Maleah's disappearance
Part 3: Maleah's mom Brittany Bowens on Derion Vence
Part 4: Brittany Bowens on when she became suspicious of Derion Vence
Part 5: Brittany Bowens on police investigation into Maleah's disappearance
RAW: Maleah Davis Mother FULL INTERVIEW
Marcelino Benito on Twitter
Kids writing #MaleahDavis messages of love and support at a balloon release in her honor this afternoon. Huge crowd of complete strangers coming together for Houston’s baby girl. #KHOU11 #HtownRush

3:58 PM - 19 May 2019
MAY 19, 2019
'Houston loves Maleah': Community comes together for vigil, balloon release for missing girl

The community still wants answers.

"We know she's in heaven's playground," said VG. "But we want to find her so she can rest in peace."

So with handwritten messages from children etched in chalk and dozens of balloons, they sent their prayers flying high holding on to faith she'll be found. And they're hoping wherever she is Maleah can feel a community's love.

"Even though your stepfather, mother, the system failed you, we love you as a community," said VG. "Houston loves Maleah."
Marcelino Benito on Twitter
Protest outside CPS office in Houston. Protesters says #MaleahDavis would still be alive if CPS hadn’t returned her to her family. #KHOU11 #HTownRush

12:38 PM - 20 May 2019

Deysy Rios on Twitter
Translated from Spanish by Microsoft
Parents protest for the disappearance of #maleahdavis accuse CPS of not having protected the girl, CPS declines comments about it, Maleah has been missing for more than two weeks where's #MaleahDavis? Protest outside of #CPS

12:41 PM - 20 May 2019

Robert Arnold on Twitter
Small group of protesters gather in front CPS offices, angry over decisions made in #maleahdavis case. CPS can’t speak because of gag-order.

1:18 PM - 20 May 2019
MAY 20, 2019
Outrage continues as search for Maleah Davis enters 3rd week
A small group of protesters gathered in front of the Child Protective Services offices in Southwest Houston Monday to continue demanding answers as to why a missing 4-year-old girl was placed back with her mother.

The protesters are from a grassroots advocacy group called Parents Against Predators.


“We want everybody that's responsible held accountable, everybody. CPS, the judge, the mom, step-dad, everybody,” said founder SP.


“CPS made the wrong decision. Her mom made the wrong decision. The idiot made the wrong decision of watching her. Nobody cares why.” LS said.


“This little girl had a life, she had a heart beating. Where is she?” LS said.

CPS officials told KPRC they can't go into more detail about the case because a gag order was issued.
MAY 20, 2019
'I believe his story': Derion Vence's dad says his son didn't do anything to Maleah Davis

"I just feel they set him up some sort of way," JDV said. "I know he didn't do anything to her. He loves her. He's been taking care of her since she was 1 years old."

Joe believes police need to ask Maleah's mother Brittany Bowens tougher questions.

"She told my son the night of the disappearance, I'm about to get a Lifetime movie out of this," said Joe.

He says claims that Derion was abusive to Maleah and Brittany just aren't true.

"He's not a violent person," said Joe."He has no violent past at all. Why would you leave your children at home with him if he's doing all these things?"


"He was actually doing laundry," said Joe. "He cleans the house. He cooks. He takes the kids to daycare. He does all of those things."


To see Joe Vence's full interview about his son, click here.
MAY 21, 2019
Texas EquuSearch still scouring for Maleah Davis, despite suspending activities
Volunteers with Texas EquuSearch are still looking for missing 4-year-old Houston girl Maleah Davis, despite suspending most of their activities last week.


"Every day we're still doing something," Miller said.

He's hoping the public will send in more tips about Maleah, whose fate remains unknown.

"We can only go on what we have," Miller said. "We can't just shoot an arrow in the sky and wherever it comes down start a search there."
MAY 21, 2019
MALEAH DAVIS: Suspect's dad points finger at missing girl's mom

"Yeah, I believe my son is innocent and I believe his story," Joe said. "Derion had those kids most of the time, he's the one who took care of the kids."

Vence says his son was the most responsible adult in Maleah and her two brother's lives, doing all the daycare drop-offs, most of the pick-ups, helping them with developmental delays and raising Maleah like his own.

He says the little girl's mother, Brittany Bowens, is a liar.

"I really believe either she has something to do with it, like he's been set up in some type of way," Joe said. "I know he didn't do anything to her because he loves her. He's been taking care of her since she was like 1-year-old."


"He was actually doing laundry," Joe explained.


"The blood that they said they found inside the house, if you look at the report, it says related to Maleah because it's her brother's blood from his toothbrush," Joe said.

Court records say the blood matched DNA from Maleah's toothbrush.


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