TX - Mass Shooting at Fort Hood, 5 November 2009 #1

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Hasan had this planned for awhile, imo. I wonder if he was in any contact with other terrorists.
He gives away his belongings to his neighbors saying he was being deployed Friday when he really was just in the early stages of being deployed.
He yells out that "Alohu Allah" junk while killing people.
He didn't PTSD, he wasn't afraid of being deployed, he wasn't afraid of death, he killed in the name of his "god allah".

He could have went AWOL and ran over to one of the Muslim countries if he wanted, there's no excuse. He killed in the name of terrorism, its obvious. He even yelled it out. He's a disgusting .


"All the while, Muslim extremists were busy spinning the attack into an act of martyrdom worthy of admiration, flocking online to praise the U.S. Army psychiatrist and his "brave jihad."
One member of the Al-Fallujah jihadist forum posted a four-minute montage based on footage from Fort Hood, glorifying the alleged shooter. "He killed no less than 13 Crusader fighters and wounded 31, and put terror and chaos in the ranks of the enemy," according to a translation of the message accompanying the video"

He is no worse than a suicide bomber, he just shot people instead.
Now "his people" are considering him worthy of martydom which is probably what he wants.
I have nothing good to say about a religion that treats their women like sh**, has honor killings, and hates all religions aside from their own and attempts to mass murder others. (such as 9/11).

I hope someone looks into his previous patients he counseled and if there is a high suicide rate among them, i wouldn't be surprised.

Hasan is a terrorist. I'm sure they are checking is background real good to see what ties he has and to whom and where.

If they can keep him alive enough to get answers with him, any way that they can, that would be good, after that send him to that prison with the rest of the terrorists.
That he did yell out "Alohu Allah" is proof of terroristic intent among other proof.

My prayers for our soldiers and their families!
It might sound confusing to some of you, but I am so glad the U.S. Army sent Hasan to Brooke for treatment. Brooke is the crown jewel for those of us who have lived in San Antonio, around Ft. Sam and the other U.S. facilities in our town. I have stood in line at ice houses and been proud to have been in that line with the soldiers who staff that great hospital, nurses and doctors and military personnel. If there is one thing that distinguishes this country among all other nations, it is our deep desire to do our best. It is our overwhelming desire to save lives. There is no better proof of it than we send to Brooke a man who has participated in so much dread horror against the best we have to give. God bless America.
Geraldo is making me puke on the O'Reilly Factor - talking about how blued eyed people are bad too. Shooter's just a sociopath with problems.
Geraldo is making me puke on the O'Reilly Factor - talking about how blued eyed people are bad too. Shooter's just a sociopath with problems.

Geraldo should come to Texas & say that - you know, if he reeeeeally means what he's saying!
Press Confrence

23 remain hospitalized, 13 dead 1 civilian, 12 soldiers 13 flag draped coffins departed to the Dover Delaware station.

hasan remains at army hospital. still in critical, but stable condition.

Priorities remain to focus on victims and their families.

Offers praise to the soldiers that helped save lives. True heroism!

one officer who was shot in the back, went back to help fallen comrade.

they have established the grieving center.
Its NOT a friendly fire incident. Hasan did all the shooting and injuring
a wounded solider INSISTED that he attend the ceremony of flag draped coffins. So he sat in a wheelchair with his injuries, and saluted each and everyone of his fallen comrades
Sorry for the deleted post earlier, but I didn't have permission to post it yet. Now it is ok:

My son in law is in a tough place right now. A very good friend of his is heading back from Iraq, due to arrive at any time tomorrow. My son in law served with him during both of his tours. He is a good man and an exceptional leader.

He met his wife after they were both enlisted and had been stationed in TX at Fort Hood. They spent their first deployment together in Iraq. She had their child, and they had deployed yet again and were in Iraq, having just gone on leave together and getting married just a few months ago.

They returned to Iraq, and she found out she was pregnant with their second child!! She was sent back to Fort Hood a couple of weeks ago. She was happy being home knowing she would soon be going to her families with their child and happy that her husband would be home in January in plenty of time to be there before their second child was due.

She was at the processing center, finishing up her paperwork yesterday. She was shot 8 times. A medic was across the street, with my son in law. The medic had been released for the day and stepped out of the building to see a horrid site. His friends wife, a fellow soldier, was down. With no thought to his own safety, he went across to try and help her, working hard to try and save her and her unborn child. Unfortunately he was unsuccessful. This brave young medic went on to save several people.

Because of this trajedy a soldier is coming home, heavy hearted to a life that will never be the same. These things are not supposed to happen at home. As a soldier you know you may die on foreign soil, you never expect to be attacked in your homeland. Especially in the place you consider "home".

A soldier and Father is now left without a wife. His child is now left without a Mother. A life that was full of expectation for the future is no more. A baby will never get to have a birthday, swing on a swing, or be held by their parents. A baby, innocent of any wrong doing will never get the chance to experience life.

My son in law and all of his fellow soldiers are full of sorrow. How could this happen? Why did it happen? How can they be sure it will never happen again? There is fear in their hearts for their fellow soldiers and their loved ones. My son in law is processing his friends paperwork for his return. He is also fixing his room for him. He is coming home to be with his child. Thank God they have each other! Please keep all of our soldiers in your prayers.
Sorry for the deleted post earlier, but I didn't have permission to post it yet. Now it is ok:

My son in law is in a tough place right now. A very good friend of his is heading back from Iraq, due to arrive at any time tomorrow. My son in law served with him during both of his tours. He is a good man and an exceptional leader.

He met his wife after they were both enlisted and had been stationed in TX at Fort Hood. They spent their first deployment together in Iraq. She had their child, and they had deployed yet again and were in Iraq, having just gone on leave together and getting married just a few months ago.

They returned to Iraq, and she found out she was pregnant with their second child!! She was sent back to Fort Hood a couple of weeks ago. She was happy being home knowing she would soon be going to her families with their child and happy that her husband would be home in January in plenty of time to be there before their second child was due.

She was at the processing center, finishing up her paperwork yesterday. She was shot 8 times. A medic was across the street, with my son in law. The medic had been released for the day and stepped out of the building to see a horrid site. His friends wife, a fellow soldier, was down. With no thought to his own safety, he went across to try and help her, working hard to try and save her and her unborn child. Unfortunately he was unsuccessful. This brave young medic went on to save several people.

Because of this trajedy a soldier is coming home, heavy hearted to a life that will never be the same. These things are not supposed to happen at home. As a soldier you know you may die on foreign soil, you never expect to be attacked in your homeland. Especially in the place you consider "home".

A soldier and Father is now left without a wife. His child is now left without a Mother. A life that was full of expectation for the future is no more. A baby will never get to have a birthday, swing on a swing, or be held by their parents. A baby, innocent of any wrong doing will never get the chance to experience life.

My son in law and all of his fellow soldiers are full of sorrow. How could this happen? Why did it happen? How can they be sure it will never happen again? There is fear in their hearts for their fellow soldiers and their loved ones. My son in law is processing his friends paperwork for his return. He is also fixing his room for him. He is coming home to be with his child. Thank God they have each other! Please keep all of our soldiers in your prayers.

The first thing I said to myself when I saw that a pregnant female had been shot and killed was Oh No! Not that anyone is less important, but it just made me cringe when I saw that she did not make it.
Umm, yes it is! Have we all forgotten the lesson of 9/11? How about the war? What religious group do the people that are trying to kill our troops belong too? Christians? Maybe Jews? The Buddhists? No, it is 100% a subset of Islam/Muslim.

If you are on a plane, or a crowded area, and someone yells "Allah Akbar", you better get over any political correctness you may have and do something.

thanks for telling it how it really is....I am SO SICK of all of this political correct carp.........like I have said before lets just look at the facts and get back to good old COMMON SENSE.....
O'Reilly was excellent last night on how the mainstream media is covering this guy. Basically making excuses for what he did. Trying to create sympathy ,like he is the victim. poor guy had PTSD.(he never was in combat),and how he was going to have to be deployed and fight people of his faith.(I'm sure he wasn't going to fight anyone). Thats insulting to the soldiers of WW2. how about Japanese Americans and German Americans that fought in that war? What about Catholics that fought in Italy? Because he is muslim,we have to tread lightly for fear of offending. Call him what he is a nut job,radical.These are the types the terrorists are seeking. Losers that can't fit in socially so they gravitate to these extremist idealogies.There should be no excuses for this man. its insulting to every soldier serving and everyone who has served before.
I don't post much here at WS but just thought I would take a minute to say I am so sorry to all those who lost their lives, those fighting for their lives and those who support them and who are struggling now. I live on Ft Hood. I did not know any of the victims, however, my heart breaks for every single one of them. I also wanted to say that the real story behind this tragedy at Ft Hood will never be released to the public. Panic filled chaos is the lesser of two evils. As people, we can be our own worst enemy, the truth being our ammunition. The gov't. is NOT going to ever say that this was a terrorist attack, whether it was or not, UNLESS they capture an entire terror cell...only then, would that be said, Im certain of that. Ft Hood is our home. As soldiers and families, this is supposed to be our safe haven. They could never release information formally stating that this was a terrorist act because the reality is, panic would strike. We have soldiers who come home suffering from PTSD, the gov't is aware of that. Regardless of what the majority of the people believe, I really do not believe the gov't would EVER confirm a terrorist attack.

To save some typing I am going to copy an entry from my own personal myspace page as well:
First off, we are all fine. I just wanted to take a minute and acknowledge everyone who sent messages and called. Thank you for the thoughts. I can only speak for us when I say, stop worrying, we are ok and no, we aren't scared. It was all very surreal. Like everyone else, we just stayed inside, did what we were told and watched the local news. The neighbor and I had two of our four children home, the other two in schools on lockdown. The boys weren't scared either. They are doing fine and we all have faith in our soldiers here at Ft Hood and are assured that we will be safe. There comes a point, when you see all these deployments, multiple times and think about what the possiblities are when you live on the largest post or a post with high deployment rates. Common sense says if there were to be an attack due to terrorists or soldiers suffering from PTSD, these would be the places. There is always the possibility. It is tragic that this shooting was the work of a soldier. I would like to remind everyone that I am aware of the stereotyping of soldier's in some outlying areas around military posts and would like to stress that this act was not what lies at the heart of our true soldiers. I have read on some blogsites "Train a soldier to kill, and that is what they do"....That statement is ludicrous! The soldiers affected today, those who serve on Ft Hood, and all who responded to this tragic event are a representation of just how ridiculous that statement is. These are the people who stood up to protect those of us residing on Ft Hood and the soldiers who protect our freedoms...Not to mention, the number of soldiers we have right now serving overseas, let us not forget those who have sacrificed and those who are doing so now. Do not let this one incident cloud your perception of the true American Soldier. I will update this information as I receive it, but please say a prayer for them and their families....These people and their dedication to our country, is what truly lies within the hearts of our dedicated soldiers. Please do not let the few diminish the amount of respect due- to our soldiers, the protectors of your freedoms. Read through these names and know that they were fighting to save the residents of Ft Hood, TX and the United States of America, they took an oath to protect all of us, and in this moment, they fought against one of their own....imagine how hard that must have been. To those who gave their lives, those who are fighting for their lives, I say thank you! To the families, who are suffering for their soldiers dedication to country, I say thank you for supporting the life they have chosen, I pray you find peace. My thoughts, my prayers, and my heart go out to you all.
Does anyone know if their is a full list of the victims anywhere? I'm only seeing partial lists. I apologize if it has already been posted.
i do see a glimmer of hope in the fact that the commanding officer stated at the press conference that the shooter shouted "allah akbar". obama quickly warned the public not to assume anything....

maybe just maybe with the fine comportment the military commanders have shown thus far, they will put political correctness lower on the priority list
oh and can i just say that i think the pc attitude of our great nation has turned dangerously into a big giant propaganda machine. ack ack ack
I don't post much here at WS but just thought I would take a minute to say I am so sorry to all those who lost their lives, those fighting for their lives and those who support them and who are struggling now. I live on Ft Hood. I did not know any of the victims, however, my heart breaks for every single one of them. I also wanted to say that the real story behind this tragedy at Ft Hood will never be released to the public. Panic filled chaos is the lesser of two evils. As people, we can be our own worst enemy, the truth being our ammunition. The gov't. is NOT going to ever say that this was a terrorist attack, whether it was or not, UNLESS they capture an entire terror cell...only then, would that be said, Im certain of that. Ft Hood is our home. As soldiers and families, this is supposed to be our safe haven. They could never release information formally stating that this was a terrorist act because the reality is, panic would strike. We have soldiers who come home suffering from PTSD, the gov't is aware of that. Regardless of what the majority of the people believe, I really do not believe the gov't would EVER confirm a terrorist attack.

To save some typing I am going to copy an entry from my own personal myspace page as well:
First off, we are all fine. I just wanted to take a minute and acknowledge everyone who sent messages and called. Thank you for the thoughts. I can only speak for us when I say, stop worrying, we are ok and no, we aren't scared. It was all very surreal. Like everyone else, we just stayed inside, did what we were told and watched the local news. The neighbor and I had two of our four children home, the other two in schools on lockdown. The boys weren't scared either. They are doing fine and we all have faith in our soldiers here at Ft Hood and are assured that we will be safe. There comes a point, when you see all these deployments, multiple times and think about what the possiblities are when you live on the largest post or a post with high deployment rates. Common sense says if there were to be an attack due to terrorists or soldiers suffering from PTSD, these would be the places. There is always the possibility. It is tragic that this shooting was the work of a soldier. I would like to remind everyone that I am aware of the stereotyping of soldier's in some outlying areas around military posts and would like to stress that this act was not what lies at the heart of our true soldiers. I have read on some blogsites "Train a soldier to kill, and that is what they do"....That statement is ludicrous! The soldiers affected today, those who serve on Ft Hood, and all who responded to this tragic event are a representation of just how ridiculous that statement is. These are the people who stood up to protect those of us residing on Ft Hood and the soldiers who protect our freedoms...Not to mention, the number of soldiers we have right now serving overseas, let us not forget those who have sacrificed and those who are doing so now. Do not let this one incident cloud your perception of the true American Soldier. I will update this information as I receive it, but please say a prayer for them and their families....These people and their dedication to our country, is what truly lies within the hearts of our dedicated soldiers. Please do not let the few diminish the amount of respect due- to our soldiers, the protectors of your freedoms. Read through these names and know that they were fighting to save the residents of Ft Hood, TX and the United States of America, they took an oath to protect all of us, and in this moment, they fought against one of their own....imagine how hard that must have been. To those who gave their lives, those who are fighting for their lives, I say thank you! To the families, who are suffering for their soldiers dedication to country, I say thank you for supporting the life they have chosen, I pray you find peace. My thoughts, my prayers, and my heart go out to you all.

I applaud your courage...agree with your post! This is not the behavior of a "real" soldier...this is the behavior of a madman...probably entered the military to perform such a despicable act as this....and better screening should be done on new recruits...PV be dam*ed....American lives should be considered first.
Geraldo is making me puke on the O'Reilly Factor - talking about how blued eyed people are bad too. Shooter's just a sociopath with problems.

Geraldo making you :sick:?

Sounds like business as usual for ol' Jerry Rivers if ya ask me. :loser: Guess he took the night off from pimping his buddy Jose Baez.

This isn't about ethnicity or EYE COLOR, FGS - it's about radical ideology and the extremists who buy into it.
i do see a glimmer of hope in the fact that the commanding officer stated at the press conference that the shooter shouted "allah akbar". obama quickly warned the public not to assume anything....

maybe just maybe with the fine comportment the military commanders have shown thus far, they will put political correctness lower on the priority list

I understand what you are saying there....I think probably more people than not see this as a terrorist attack, even if it is not the magnitude of 9/11, I just don't think (MOO) that we will hear anything more than hints of that from the gov't., which is entirely different than a formal confirmation. In my mind, a terrorist attack is not only that which involves jihadists, it is simply someone who invokes fear upon a country intentionally, which is exactly what this man did. He did not wander onto post with his own personal weapons "just because". It is not legal to wander around with weapons as such, given his job. This man came armed with a purpose. It was not that he just "snapped"...it was a deliberate, calculated plan IMO...
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