Found Deceased TX - Michael Chambers, 70, Hunt County, 10 March 2017 #7

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Thank you sir. You’re local? We were unaware of the Chambers case when we bought the property, but have spent quite a bit of time researching it recently. That’s what brought me to this site. I’ve read this entire thread as well as the previous one, but none of the others at this point. I wanted to clarify some misinformation I have seen about the property. I’m sure I am missing some, but the ones that come to mind are:
1. The creek bed behind the house is dry unless it rains hard and for an extended period of time.
2. One of the neighbors mentioned a white truck and someone in a gray (?) shirt between the house and shop. The company that checks the septic system uses white trucks, and the tech wears a gray shirt. The septic is between the house and shop.
3. The lock on the shop door can be opened with a code or a key. Keys are not required. Only the deadbolt locks, not the knob. You do not need a code or key to lock the door from the outside.
4. The back of the shop is only visible from the house directly northeast across fm 2101, and even then, only partially.
5. The culvert the dogs hit on is nowhere near our mailbox. It is 50 yards south of our property line on fm 2101. It is large enough to walk through, but not standing upright. Easily accessible by walking through the bar ditch, which varies in depth 4-6 feet below the level of the road.
6. We drive the route MC supposedly took while riding a bike every week. There’s no possible way he would have gone unnoticed. In 5 months I have seen one bicycle on fm 2101 and it stuck in my memory - probably because I was stuck driving 10mph behind him for over a mile. The shoulder for at least half of the route is 18” at most... usually less or non-existent.
7. There are two places to access lake Tawakoni within 2.3 miles. One is at the end of hideaway estates (1.8 miles) and requires a gate code to access. The other is 2.3 miles south on fm 2101. There is no dock at this boat ramp, and a residence facing the ramp 60 feet away.
8. The bloody dowel rod seen in photos is a cutoff from a closet rod in the bathroom of the shop. I have another cutoff from that closet rod in the shop. It’s pine and weighs less than a pound. I’m a big guy, and there’s no way I could knock someone out with it. Make someone mad - certainly.

I hope to be of some assistance to others more familiar with the MC investigation, given I have unique access to the property.
I find it interesting that "the septic tank man" drives a white truck and wears a gray shirt." Any other defining characteristics about the septic white truck?
Thanks for the info.I'm not local I feel like I should be as I have been following this case and have made a lot of facebook friends in the county.It must have been quite a surprise.IMO I thought the dowel was just rolled in the blood.Have you heardd another thing about the Texas AG maybe having to look at your property since they are looking into the case again.

Steve, nothing from the AG <modsnip>
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Oh my goodness, thank you SO MUCH for posting, Kettenhund!

I find it particularly interesting that the keypad for the shop door has never been mentioned by anyone, including the verified insiders. And since I am a stickler for details ...:

Just to confirm:

1) The keypad is for the shop door (“man door”), not the garage door, correct?

2) Do you mean that when you use the keypad, you can unlock the deadbolt only (not the knob).

3) When you close the door from the outside (or the inside for that matter), does the deadbolt lock automatically?

4) Say, someone who doesn’t know the code, but has a key, needs to enter the shop. Would they need only one key to unlock both the deadbolt and the knob?

5) Do you believe it’s possible that the keypad was installed and/or the locks were replaced after Mr. Chambers’ disappearance (e.g., the keypad “looks new,” this particular knob is shinier than other ones, etc.)?

If you do not feel comfortable answering any of the questions, I completely understand.

Thanks again for joining us!

1. The keypad is for the man door. Both “garage doors” have to be locked/unlocked from the inside.
2. Correct - the keypad locks/unlocks the deadbolt. The doorknob does not lock. You can lock the deadbolt from the outside without a key or code by pushing one button and turning the lock.
3. The deadbolt does not lock automagically.
4. One key will unlock the deadbolt (key or code). The knob does not have the ability to lock.
5. The shop lock matches the house lock, and they do not look new. The manuals for the locks were stored in the shop, and the handwriting in the manuals matches notes MC had hanging on the walls.

No worries... I’m an open book!
P.S. I've been trying to edit my above post but having troubles with either this site or my internet. I just wanted to add that you should take what I said about the rod and cash photos as not necessarily factual, until I or someone better at finding old "stuff" can link that info. I do know we discussed it here, and various other venues. I do believe it was a family member who eventually clarified those photos.

Thank you! I knew about the cash and dowel pics in the show being dramatacized. I could swear I’ve seen a pic of the actual dowel as well as a more clear shot of the blood “pool”, but I cannot find them now. The pic of the blood had a white sneaker in frame.
I find it interesting that "the septic tank man" drives a white truck and wears a gray shirt." Any other defining characteristics about the septic white truck?

The company we have a contract with for septic system inspection and maintenance is local and small. The name escapes me at the moment. I will post it later when I go back out to the shop. The truck he drives is Colorado or ranger size - not full size. Bright white, single cab, company name on the door. In hunt county, we are required to have a septic system maintenance contract. There was not one on the property when we bought it. BC was required to renew it before we purchased. Probably why she was fined.
The company we have a contract with for septic system inspection and maintenance is local and small. The name escapes me at the moment. I will post it later when I go back out to the shop. The truck he drives is Colorado or ranger size - not full size. Bright white, single cab, company name on the door. In hunt county, we are required to have a septic system maintenance contract. There was not one on the property when we bought it. BC was required to renew it before we purchased. Probably why she was fined.
Thanks for answering our questions.Have you had any strange occurences or run-ins with neighbors or strangers?
1. The keypad is for the man door. Both “garage doors” have to be locked/unlocked from the inside.
2. Correct - the keypad locks/unlocks the deadbolt. The doorknob does not lock. You can lock the deadbolt from the outside without a key or code by pushing one button and turning the lock.
3. The deadbolt does not lock automagically.
4. One key will unlock the deadbolt (key or code). The knob does not have the ability to lock.
5. The shop lock matches the house lock, and they do not look new. The manuals for the locks were stored in the shop, and the handwriting in the manuals matches notes MC had hanging on the walls.

No worries... I’m an open book!
Interesting about the garage man door lock. So whoever locked it that afternoon, they had to know to push the button and turn the lock from the outside. So..would someone need to know how to do that or is it pretty easy
to figure out?

The white truck: did it have yellow lights on the top of the cab? From your description, it sounds like a 2 door. Is the name of the company on both doors or just on the driver's side? Is there anything that sits in the area behind the cab?

Thank you so much for responding!
Interesting about the garage man door lock. So whoever locked it that afternoon, they had to know to push the button and turn the lock from the outside. So..would someone need to know how to do that or is it pretty easy
to figure out?

The white truck: did it have yellow lights on the top of the cab? From your description, it sounds like a 2 door. Is the name of the company on both doors or just on the driver's side? Is there anything that sits in the area behind the cab?

Thank you so much for responding!

It’s pretty self explanatory, although I can see how someone could miss it if they were distracted. The truck: now you’re really testing my memory. I’ll have to pay attention the next time they come out as far as lights and logos on both doors. I believe there is a toolbox behind the cab, but could be wrong. It is a 2 door truck. It is not the truck that pulled in front of MC in the Walmart parking lot.
It’s pretty self explanatory, although I can see how someone could miss it if they were distracted. The truck: now you’re really testing my memory. I’ll have to pay attention the next time they come out as far as lights and logos on both doors. I believe there is a toolbox behind the cab, but could be wrong. It is a 2 door truck. It is not the truck that pulled in front of MC in the Walmart parking lot.
Ok. That's what I needed to know. (About the truck). Thanks!
1. The keypad is for the man door. Both “garage doors” have to be locked/unlocked from the inside.
2. Correct - the keypad locks/unlocks the deadbolt. The doorknob does not lock. You can lock the deadbolt from the outside without a key or code by pushing one button and turning the lock.
3. The deadbolt does not lock automagically.
4. One key will unlock the deadbolt (key or code). The knob does not have the ability to lock.
5. The shop lock matches the house lock, and they do not look new. The manuals for the locks were stored in the shop, and the handwriting in the manuals matches notes MC had hanging on the walls.

No worries... I’m an open book!

That must be very moving and surreal to see and hold notes MC wrote.
I saw a copy of a census maker's record from like the 1880s my great great great grandfather had signed. I would run my fingers over his name and would just feel like iwas back there with him for a bit
Thank you! I knew about the cash and dowel pics in the show being dramatacized. I could swear I’ve seen a pic of the actual dowel as well as a more clear shot of the blood “pool”, but I cannot find them now. The pic of the blood had a white sneaker in frame.
I've seen the pic of the blood with part of a white sneaker, too. I tried to find the conversation about the dowel, cash, etc. photos here last night, but was unable to. I'm not 100% about ever seeing a photo of the actual dowel. I'm sure LE has it in evidence and may have taken it relatively quickly ( though there seem to be a number of things they didn't do in a timely manner..).
1. The keypad is for the man door. Both “garage doors” have to be locked/unlocked from the inside.
2. Correct - the keypad locks/unlocks the deadbolt. The doorknob does not lock. You can lock the deadbolt from the outside without a key or code by pushing one button and turning the lock.
3. The deadbolt does not lock automagically.
4. One key will unlock the deadbolt (key or code). The knob does not have the ability to lock.
5. The shop lock matches the house lock, and they do not look new. The manuals for the locks were stored in the shop, and the handwriting in the manuals matches notes MC had hanging on the walls.

No worries... I’m an open book!
It IS interesting no VI ever fully described the shop or house door locks. It's even more interesting since I swore (for lack of a better word) we were told by someone who would have known, a VI, that the locks on house and shop had all been changed at some point, after MC went missing. By BC, presumably.

Am I mistaking that?? Maybe it was simply discussion that the locks probably would have been changed, but I thought a VI mentioned it :(

Kettenhund, how is it you know the dowel that had blood on it was a cut-off piece of closet rod, just like a piece that you have currently? Did BC tell you? Unlike some here, I've never thought the scene in the shop was staged.

I also have always thought it was MC himself who locked the shop door.
Thank you, Kettenhund, for joining us! We have been longing for ANY new information/details to discuss. I’m glad you found us. So you weren’t aware of this whole mystery when you purchased your new home? Yikes! What an unexpected little trivia bit to discover, hey?
At any rate, congratulations on your new hone. It does look like a nice place. Tripod above, I feel like we were told different info about the lock configuration, or maybe that it was just presented to us differently and that muddied up the water. Like, why didn’t we know all along that we didn’t need to be figuring out who had keys, how did it lock, etc. I do know that posts were removed from these threads, I wonder if any related to this?
Thank you, Kettenhund, for joining us! We have been longing for ANY new information/details to discuss. I’m glad you found us. So you weren’t aware of this whole mystery when you purchased your new home? Yikes! What an unexpected little trivia bit to discover, hey?
At any rate, congratulations on your new hone. It does look like a nice place. Tripod above, I feel like we were told different info about the lock configuration, or maybe that it was just presented to us differently and that muddied up the water. Like, why didn’t we know all along that we didn’t need to be figuring out who had keys, how did it lock, etc. I do know that posts were removed from these threads, I wonder if any related to this?
I too seem to remember about the locks being changed.
I too seem to remember about the locks being changed.
Which doesn't quite match up with what Kettenhund has discovered:
"5. The shop lock matches the house lock, and they do not look new. The manuals for the locks were stored in the shop, and the handwriting in the manuals matches notes MC had hanging on the walls."

Trying to reconcile many discrepancies, it seems as though (as been stated in the past) our VI (the granddaughter) was handed a line of 'something stinky' about a lot of details. Then again, I seem to remember that her source was actually BC or she was hearing info that originated with BC. Remember, in the beginning it was played up that MC & BC had a storybook marriage, match made in heaven, and everything was coming up roses. We were to later learn a whole slew of things that contradicted that. Point is, IF we were deliberately misled about the garage lock situation, whatever could the reason be?
Comparing handwriting from a note on the wall of the shop to handwriting in the lock manual. I'm no expert, but look at the 5 and 2 on the wall and compare to the manual. Looks the same to me.


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