Found Deceased TX - Michael Chambers, 70, Hunt County, 10 March 2017 *found deceased 2023* #8

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Klein on a brand new podcast. I encourage you to watch and listen. ❤️
Thanks for the link. I know Klein gets a lot of negative reactions from some and I haven’t really looked into him and his agency enough to have an opinion based in fact about him. But he sure made me feel more hopeful justice is coming in MC’s case. I want his family to be able to bring him home so badly and then for this case to get justice. Like Kline said, MC was a hero and this was not the ending his life deserved.
Thanks for posting this! I missed it. I thought this had some new information and I liked Klein's aggressiveness in this! I am very, very confident that we will have answers soon. I was concerned with the question/answer about whether justice will be served in this case. I wanted him to give an unequivocal "yes" but he wasn't that confident. I liked his thoughts on the previous sheriff and it sounds like the canvas of the area where the body was found did produce some results. Let's pray!
Klein on a brand new podcast. I encourage you to watch and listen. ❤️
Well he said the bike was THE bike. And it was 38 miles from home. There is no question it's him through homicide, to me. Poor guy. I simply cannot believe they officially claimed suicide. What an injustice for him.
The private investigator hired by the family talked about this in his podcast from 2 weeks ago. He said something like it takes approximately 2 months for the initial DNA tests to come back and up to 6 months for the final DNA tests to come back. He didn't say anything about dental records but I'd imagine those results are in as well. In short, I'd bet that law enforcement does know whose remains they are but they are not sharing those results with the public until they are ready to. What does "ready" mean? I am not sure but I'd guess that they want to time the reporting of the DNA results with the investigation regarding what happened to him (how did the homicide occur, in other words). The other curious thing though is that sometime in late-January of 2022, Hunt County announced that someone found remains in a remote area (central Hunt County, I believe). They said that those remains were also sent to the University of North Texas for identification but those results were never made known to the public. It's a bit of a head-scratcher, in my opinion. The other question that I'm interested in is whether Hunt County has notified the family of any results. I have no idea.
I have not found anything on the remains found in Hunt County in January 2022 either which is odd. I just vaguely remember when they were found, they said the remains appeared to be a female but nothing official has ever been announced as far as I know and the Hunt County missing list has not shown any changes other than for finding Carey Mae Parker. So I have no idea who those remains were.
The March 10 anniversary of Michael Chambers's disappearance is coming in a week and a half. Does anyone think that law enforcement
It would be nice. Personally, I believe it is him and they know it. Perhaps they are just waiting to finalize DNA results before releasing the information to the public? Or they could be working on wrapping up the investigation? As much attention as this case received, I'm sure they want to be certain to dot every i and cross every t. I feel like the family has already been made aware, just my thoughts.
Just hoping and praying for a news conference on Friday . . .some good news; something, anything for this family to finally get some answers. I get that the public is secondary but it would be nice for some answers to finally come out. Watching the Murdaugh trial made me pause, however, because of what evidence they did not have. The prosecution got a conviction but that was without a murder weapon, without the clothes, etc. It's important that LE and prosecutors dot every i and cross every t in this case.

A slightly different news story published today in the Hunt County paper (emphasis on the word slightly). I feel in my bones that 2023 is the year this gets solved, the family gets some answers, the man gets a proper burial, and justice is served.

A slightly different news story published today in the Hunt County paper (emphasis on the word slightly). I feel in my bones that 2023 is the year this gets solved, the family gets some answers, the man gets a proper burial, and justice is served.
I saw that and wondered what was taking so long because they must know. So I can only guess they are withholding information in order to do more investigation. I just hope it will be easy to establish suicide was not a factor because I still would not believe he rode the bike all the way over. Maybe there are fingerprints still remaining on it because I've got to believe whoever did this was sloppy in hiding evidence. I'm surprised/not surprised we haven't heard anything from his wife since the remains were found. If it were my husband, I'd be all over the media pleading for people to come forward with information.
Is there anyone that can map MC's home, where the bike and bones were found,the town he would have traveled through and the bridge along with milage? Also the route the Sheriff says he took according to the phone pings? Basically a bird's eye view? It doesn't need to be perfect but it would be helpful (imo) to at least eyeball the area to view possibilities? I am totally clueless on these areas. TIA!

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