TX - Moriah Wilson, 25, Cyclist Fatally Shot Before Race, Austin, 2022 *arrest* #7

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I think this is an important point that will register with the jury. CS did, in fact, trigger old wounds in KA by maintaining contact with Mo. No excuse for KA here intended. But it’s clear that KA was set off by his relationship (even if in his mind it had evolved into a professional friendship.)

KA couldn’t handle it, and the emotional ”trigger” set into motion a real-life trigger being pulled.

Mo didn’t stand a chance against KA’s rage.
IMO It was not his obligation to cater to "old wounds" in someone else, unless maybe you're codependent. Sure, you can do your best, but this is not on CS. The responsibility for "old wounds" belongs to KA entirely. And if he was a person who couldn't meet her needs in that respect, she should have moved on: he was not going to be the right partner.

People can get triggered by a million things. It's not on anyone to guess at or avoid someone else's "triggers". I had a cousin visiting, and I gave up my bedroom to her, thinking that was the best possible treatment, and I was being super nice. All she could do was complain about spiders (I lived in the woods). She seemed to anticipate that I would guess any self-respecting person would have an aversion to daddy-long-legs on the ceiling beams. That's just narcissism. And, heck, some people's triggers change on a daily basis.
My understanding of "fast fashion" is that it is "single-use" or maybe "single season" clothing. Sometimes, it refers to fad-ish garments that are not worn more than a few times. "Fast fashion" is nothing to do with expense or quality, as some are reading into the term. This kind of clothing is frowned on by environmentalists as being wasteful.

"Fast fashion" says something about the type of clothing and the values of the wearer.

Evidently, CS felt KA had a "high turnover" wardrobe, and didn't like her for that reason.
I teach at a college with a huge fashion design and merchandising program, and I can state with confidence that the term is used specifically to refer to clothing and accessory brands (Zara is the most notorious offender, but Primark, Forever 21, H&M are other well known offenders) that produce WAY more “collections“ than other fashion companies (like 10-12 new collections a year, as opposed to 4-6 collections a year for non-fast fashion brands, and often even fewer for higher-end and couture brands) that consist of cheaply-made garments (usually produced in…questionable…labor conditions in developing nations) that are sold at low prices to the mass market. The idea is that these companies, by producing collections every couple of weeks, can capitalize on the most current trends in pop culture by slapping some trendy catchphrase or reproducing a meme on a shirt or handbag, and they don’t care that the items are poorly made because they know their consumers intend to throw out the garments/accessories as soon as the trends have passed so it’s not like the consumer will be disappointed when their garments or accessories fall apart after a few uses.

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IMO It was not his obligation to cater to "old wounds" in someone else, unless maybe you're codependent. Sure, you can do your best, but this is not on CS. The responsibility for "old wounds" belongs to KA entirely. And if he was a person who couldn't meet her needs in that respect, she should have moved on: he was not going to be the right partner.

People can get triggered by a million things. It's not on anyone to guess at or avoid someone else's "triggers". I had a cousin visiting, and I gave up my bedroom to her, thinking that was the best possible treatment, and I was being super nice. All she could do was complain about spiders (I lived in the woods). She seemed to anticipate that I would guess any self-respecting person would have an aversion to daddy-long-legs on the ceiling beams. That's just narcissism. And, heck, some people's triggers change on a daily basis.
Luckily, your guest didn't try to take out those daddy-long-legs.

I'm thinking the word 'trigger' is a bit too graphic in the context of KA.

IMO It was not his obligation to cater to "old wounds" in someone else, unless maybe you're codependent. Sure, you can do your best, but this is not on CS. The responsibility for "old wounds" belongs to KA entirely. And if he was a person who couldn't meet her needs in that respect, she should have moved on: he was not going to be the right partner.

People can get triggered by a million things. It's not on anyone to guess at or avoid someone else's "triggers". I had a cousin visiting, and I gave up my bedroom to her, thinking that was the best possible treatment, and I was being super nice. All she could do was complain about spiders (I lived in the woods). She seemed to anticipate that I would guess any self-respecting person would have an aversion to daddy-long-legs on the ceiling beams. That's just narcissism. And, heck, some people's triggers change on a daily basis.
Absolutely on KA to manage her emotions. She did not. KA, and only KA, is responsible for MO’s death.

I hope my point was clear in my earlier post. The trigger that CS mentioned he was trying to avoid came from “old wounds” he said KA had, which apparently were from his relationship with Mo. So he hid the fact that he met up with Mo, to avoid the trigger. Problem was, KA found out. Trigger went off. Figuratively and literally.

“Trigger” was also an interesting word for CS to use in court where the defendant is on trial for homicide by shooting. Jury may have subconsciously tied it together. It caught my attention.

Not odd: he's a cyclist. That's a whole universe unto itself. FWIW KA desperately wanted to be in that universe, too, so she bought a bike and started cycling, I think when she started dating CS. IMO she was expecting way too much: you don't become an expert cyclist in a year or two.
I agree with you she really wanted to be a part of that world.

Alex C tweeted today “On the days leading up to the murder, Colin told KA that she should not come to his bike races anymore because she required too much attention.

I can see KA feeling some kind of way about that. Getting further pushed out of the orbit. Layered with her stalking of the texts and finding out that MW was on the way to Austin.
I teach at a college with a huge fashion design and merchandising program, and I can state with confidence that the term is used specifically to refer to clothing and accessory brands (Zara is the most notorious offender, but Primark, Forever 21, H&M are other well known offenders) that produce WAY more “collections“ than other fashion companies (like 10-12 new collections a year, as opposed to 4-6 collections a year for non-fast fashion brands, and often even fewer for higher-end and couture brands) that consist of cheaply-made garments (usually produced in…questionable…labor conditions in developing nations) that are sold at low prices to the mass market. The idea is that these companies, by producing collections every couple of weeks, can capitalize on the most current trends in pop culture by slapping some trendy catchphrase or reproducing a meme on a shirt or handbag, and they don’t care that the items are poorly made because they know their consumers intend to throw out the garments/accessories as soon as the trends have passed so it’s not like the consumer will be disappointed when their garments or accessories fall apart after a few uses.

A man who looks down on a woman because she likes to shop at “fast fashion” stores sounds both repulsively elitist and completely out of touch with (economic) reality…so, in that aspect, maybe CS and KA *did* have something in common.
CS may be confused on the term -- he complained KA shopped for clothes at Target!
It is the “hangover day.” She unleashed her high nervous energy at Mo by killing her and that caused a little bit of “down”… came home quiet and tired. Whatever anger was left, with CS, she channeled into unusual pattern of intimacy that night. In the morning, she might have felt exhausted after the previous night events. She did not expect the police to zoom on them so fast, I assume. Perhaps thought they’d look for local thieves. Then CS was taken. What did she feel? I think, extreme anxiety. And here is this dude standing looking at her. So she starts talking to deal with it, it is hard to filter what to say, so she talks about MO’s achievements, different platitudes, and then she, logically, has to express concern for herself as a young woman living in TX. This is why she made a mistake. I think had the police shown up later, she’d be more prepared, but they came very early. She didn’t expect it. She is a planner. Spontaneous questions are her weak point.
Is she a planner though? I have a hard time accepting the idea that she was planning to kill Mo all along. I know it looks bad, because she had the damn gun on her, but it's just the way the murder was carried out - in broad daylight, with the potential of being recorded (which she was), the possibility of her being seen entering or leaving the residence, this super sloppy attempt to quickly hide the bike, and the obvious problem of Colin having been the last one to see her. It's just not even a plan! Doesn't it seem so spontaneous - on the back end of the murder? It's like she didn't even think about it.
I still maintain she may have expected to encounter -- and kill -- both. Be gone by midnight, car sold, travel arranged, gone.

She was probably angry that CS wasn't there....and had to waste energy -- and time -- on him. Passive aggressive, she was in full aggressive mode -- and brought it to bed with her.

She probably did manage to pivot enough, to relish CS not being able to outwardly react, grieve.

IMO she set out to screw CS on every level she could.

The nice, friendly Kaitlin? Façade. A brooder beneath the surface.

So I've seen a few references now to some sort of unusual intimate or sexual encounter between KA and CS that happened the night of the murder. Where does this detail come from? Has it been discussed at trial? And what's the story here?
So I've seen a few references now to some sort of unusual intimate or sexual encounter between KA and CS that happened the night of the murder. Where does this detail come from? Has it been discussed at trial? And what's the story here?

it’s a reference to this article below.
“Friends of mine familiar with the events of that night told me that Armstrong then approached Strickland and initiated sex, and she was rough and dominating. They were regularly intimate, but this forcefulness was unusual. Strickland didn’t mind it at the time, but later, in the wake of Wilson’s death and Armstrong’s murder charge, he would feel traumatized by memories of the experience.”

I teach at a college with a huge fashion design and merchandising program, and I can state with confidence that the term is used specifically to refer to clothing and accessory brands (Zara is the most notorious offender, but Primark, Forever 21, H&M are other well known offenders) that produce WAY more “collections“ than other fashion companies (like 10-12 new collections a year, as opposed to 4-6 collections a year for non-fast fashion brands, and often even fewer for higher-end and couture brands) that consist of cheaply-made garments (usually produced in…questionable…labor conditions in developing nations) that are sold at low prices to the mass market. The idea is that these companies, by producing collections every couple of weeks, can capitalize on the most current trends in pop culture by slapping some trendy catchphrase or reproducing a meme on a shirt or handbag, and they don’t care that the items are poorly made because they know their consumers intend to throw out the garments/accessories as soon as the trends have passed so it’s not like the consumer will be disappointed when their garments or accessories fall apart after a few uses.

A man who looks down on a woman because she likes to shop at “fast fashion” stores sounds both repulsively elitist and completely out of touch with (economic) reality…so, in that aspect, maybe CS and KA *did* have something in common.
I highlighted the aspect that these clothes are thrown away without being worn much, and the emphasis on owning many outfits. They are piling up in disadvantaged countries. There’s cachet in not buying those, thus the popularity of Patagonia and used clothing at REI.

FWIW I have Patagonia from the early ‘80’s, so it didn’t used to qualify as fast fashion, but now it’s a “thing” wrapped in all kinds of sustainability BS.

But, yeah, the fast fashion in the yoga sphere is contrary to everything yoga is supposed to be about.

There are so many ways to interpret CS’s comments IMO without qualifying them as elitist. I have similar sensibilities, but they certainly don’t come from an elitist place: I have seen the stuff piling up in poor countries.

FWIW I also doubt CS owns many outfits or “collections”.
Is she a planner though? I have a hard time accepting the idea that she was planning to kill Mo all along. I know it looks bad, because she had the damn gun on her, but it's just the way the murder was carried out - in broad daylight, with the potential of being recorded (which she was), the possibility of her being seen entering or leaving the residence, this super sloppy attempt to quickly hide the bike, and the obvious problem of Colin having been the last one to see her. It's just not even a plan! Doesn't it seem so spontaneous - on the back end of the murder? It's like she didn't even think about it.

So I've seen a few references now to some sort of unusual intimate or sexual encounter between KA and CS that happened the night of the murder. Where does this detail come from? Has it been discussed at trial? And what's the story here?
IMO the bike thing wasn’t about hiding the bike. It was about taking Mo’s treasure, claiming it as hers by riding it, and then discarding it as though trash. Domination and obliteration. Same themes as KA had the entire time.
I highlighted the aspect that these clothes are thrown away without being worn much, and the emphasis on owning many outfits. They are piling up in disadvantaged countries. There’s cachet in not buying those, thus the popularity of Patagonia and used clothing at REI.

FWIW I have Patagonia from the early ‘80’s, so it didn’t used to qualify as fast fashion, but now it’s a “thing” wrapped in all kinds of sustainability BS.

But, yeah, the fast fashion in the yoga sphere is contrary to everything yoga is supposed to be about.

There are so many ways to interpret CS’s comments IMO without qualifying them as elitist. I have similar sensibilities, but they certainly don’t come from an elitist place: I have seen the stuff piling up in poor countries.

FWIW I also doubt CS owns many outfits or “collections”.
In the context of striving for a sustainable world, from what I can gather a trend of 'fast fashion' seems to simply produce more unnecessary, cheaply made new items and uses up resources. It probably, Imoo, also helps sustain the status quo - the most underpaid workers producing high turnover, regularly disposable clothes for comfotably well off folk in western countries. Moo
I don't know whether to believe this guy or not. He did say earlier that he never fired his gun, but was this an act to "prove" even though he's not on trial, that he doesn't know how to load it, let alone fire it?

I think it can be true. His parents, according to what I have read, were pacifists and real hippies.
But, yeah, the fast fashion in the yoga sphere is contrary to everything yoga is supposed to be about.

There are so many ways to interpret CS’s comments IMO without qualifying them as elitist. I have similar sensibilities, but they certainly don’t come from an elitist place: I have seen the stuff piling up in poor countries.
I agree with both points. Overall, as a society, we should focus on sustainable production and be looking at the future with less waste. I would never criticize someone for buying fast fashion, but I understand the comment. Plus, like anything, you buy something of high quality and it can last forever.

Regarding the yoga, there’s nothing remotely namaste about KA, which also adds an interesting aspect to her character in this trial. Is she truly a yoga instructor? Did she have a studio? I like yoga and have tried to “really” get into it, but im super anxious and non-chill, so I’ve never been able to commit like I need to.
Maybe that's what he feels comfortable wearing. Why does it matter?
I see your point. What CS is wearing, or even doing outside of the courtroom, doesn’t matter in the grand scheme.

He did bring up fast fashion, which led to us discussing what that meant to him, and how it played into the dynamics of his feelings about KA.

He achieved the prosecution‘s point on the stand. He didn’t see KA as a life partner. KA couldn’t get that through her head. CS wanted to maintain professional contact with Mo, but had to hide it, because KA was outrageously jealous.

CS did what prosecution needed. He provided a timeline of the evening of the murder, establishing KA‘s means (gun purchase), opportunity (stalking), and motive (extreme possessiveness and jealousy) to kill Mo.

That’s all they need.
I predict a swift jury decision.
KA - guilty of murdering Moriah Wilson.

I agree with both points. Overall, as a society, we should focus on sustainable production and be looking at the future with less waste. I would never criticize someone for buying fast fashion, but I understand the comment. Plus, like anything, you buy something of high quality and it can last forever.

Regarding the yoga, there’s nothing remotely namaste about KA, which also adds an interesting aspect to her character in this trial. Is she truly a yoga instructor? Did she have a studio? I like yoga and have tried to “really” get into it, but im super anxious and non-chill, so I’ve never been able to commit like I need to.
Maybe the only thing we know about yoga in KA’s life is the yoga mat at the airport. Plus, two beach vacations in yoga-friendly communities, in CR and Bali.

IMO KA basically didn’t have any money. She’s a leech. She might recently have signed up to work at Sotheby’s, but that doesn’t mean she sold anything. IIRC you have to take an EZPZ exam to be a realtor, and that’s about it. We’re not talking a high bar to get hired, and real estate companies aren’t shelling out, unless you’re producing, so their risk over an employee is very low.
Contains video showing Strickland shoving a photographer outside the courthouse:

CS is rude, condescending, and generally not likable, imo, but he didn’t pull the trigger. He did his job on the stand by establishing KA’s motive: her jealousy of his relationship with Mo, which KA saw as a love triangle. I am unsure if he will be called back to the stand? If not, we may have seen the last of him (unless he participates in victim impact statements at KA’s sentencing.)

Hopefully he will be able to move on with his life in some form.

I am looking forward to the next witnesses, especially Christine, who I feel was an enabler to the toxic mess known as Kaitlin.

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