TX - Nichol Olsen, 37, & 2 daughters, found shot dead inside mansion, Bexar County, 10 Jan 2019 #2

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Now that you mentioned it I actually saw two different cases on ID just yesterday where both male partners of the females who had been murdered who lawyered up and refused to speak with LE.

These two men refused to even be interviewed. They knew already the police would be accusing them of a crime they did not commit so there was no reason for them to sit there for hours on end being berated and falsely accused by the police.

They had no information to give them as they had no clue who would murder their wives.

I think CW did cooperate with LE when it happened until the sheriff told everyone he is a POI. That would drastically change things imo.

He may still agree to supplemental interviews with his lawyers present.

The suspects in the two ID cases were finally found and the layered up male partners had no involvement whatsoever in the murder of their wives.

One was murdered by a total stranger that turned out to be a serial killer. The other wife was murdered by a disgruntled son of a man who had been fired from the company the wife's family owned.

They both said they obtained a lawyer because they knew the police were trying to make them the murder suspects and they both knew they had nothing to do with it.

So imo hiring lawyers doesn't always mean anyone is guilty of anything.

I have even seen prosecutors who admitted everyone has a right to hire a defense attorney to make sure all of their rights are being protected.


Oceanblueeyes you stated in a previous post that CW was leaving NO. Where did you get that information? Do you know that as a fact or were you just speculating?
Omg of course this man should have legal representation...look at some of the pretty blatant accusations online, including here on WS, as well as the stupid, unprofessional remarks by the sheriff.

Why is it more likely that he killed them all, rather than a parent killing children and self? Just because it is an awful realization? It happens...many examples have come up these weeks. Why would he kill them, and why in his own home? That seems far more unlikely to me. Jmo
Why in the world would they think the FBI can takeover this state case?

They are only an assisting agency in state cases. The local law enforcement agency retains jurisdiction and control.
RSBM for focus

It’s a fairly common misconception among the general public, IMO.

From FBI’s official website:
“If a crime is committed that is a violation of local, state, and federal laws, does the FBI ‘take over’ the investigation?

No. State and local law enforcement agencies are not subordinate to the FBI, and the FBI does not supervise or take over their investigations. Instead, the investigative resources of the FBI and state and local agencies are often pooled in a common effort to investigate and solve the cases. In fact, many task forces composed of FBI agents and state and local officers have been formed to locate fugitives and to address serious threats like terrorism and street violence.” (BBM)
If a crime is committed that is a violation of local, state, and federal laws, does the FBI “take over” the investigation?
Now that you mentioned it I actually saw two different cases on ID just yesterday where both male partners of the females who had been murdered who lawyered up and refused to speak with LE.

These two men refused to even be interviewed. They knew already the police would be accusing them of a crime they did not commit so there was no reason for them to sit there for hours on end being berated and falsely accused by the police.

They had no information to give them as they had no clue who would murder their wives.

I think CW did cooperate with LE when it happened until the sheriff told everyone he is a POI. That would drastically change things imo.

He may still agree to supplemental interviews with his lawyers present.

The suspects in the two ID cases were finally found and the layered up male partners had no involvement whatsoever in the murder of their wives.

One was murdered by a total stranger that turned out to be a serial killer. The other wife was murdered by a disgruntled son of a man who had been fired from the company the wife's family owned.

They both said they obtained a lawyer because they knew the police were trying to make them the murder suspects and they both knew they had nothing to do with it.

So imo hiring lawyers doesn't always mean anyone is guilty of anything.

I have even seen prosecutors who admitted everyone has a right to hire a defense attorney to make sure all of their rights are being protected.

I agree.

If someone I know is murdered and I had nothing to do with it, I am getting a lawyer right away. It’s the smart thing to do.
I will accept if they find CW responsible for one or more of their deaths. It will be surprising but if they can show due cause for determining this, I would accept it. I wonder what is going to happen if the case is closed as a murder/suicide? Will this decision be accepted?

Nope, don't think it will be accepted. Nice pretty ladies just don't kill their kids seems to be the common thought process with this case. Hmm.

And fwiw, I too would get the best lawyers I could afford if the world and his brother were making out I killed them/forced her to do so.
And what are the attorney going to do about social media comments? You really think that's why they were drafted in? IMO the real reason they were hired was from a defence stance. Dealing with LE, FBI and the media. And we can see them doing this now - i'e challenging the release of records etc They knew this was coming and that's why they were drafted in. This is what you do when you have something to shield.

Also, I will be keen to know more about the legal firm and see if they are criminal or commercial specialists.
We don't know he has something to shield. This is something to do when you are tried by public opinion.
Was gunshot residue found on Nichol's hand or hands, as we usually read about when a gun is fired? If so or if not, why wasn't this part of the autopsy, or has it not been released to the public but they do know? Our local news reported that CW's hands were negative for GSR.

RSABBM for focus

Do you have a link for this (that CW’s hands tested negative for GSR)? Even a video? If the report is accurate, that is significant, IMO.
Well, I just think that a second autopsy would be done, based on the friend's outrage. And they do have money they have raised It seems important.

What is your source that it hasn’t been done?

What does your reply have to do with the point I was making? You expect them to announce a private interment?
RSABBM for focus

Do you have a link for this (that CW’s hands tested negative for GSR)? Even a video? If the report is accurate, that is significant, IMO.
I am not the OP, and I don't have a link for that, but I do remember reading it very early on... Would he have GSR on his hands if he'd left the property and showered while elsewhere? I'll try to do a quick search, but I'm already running late for work... :-/

(The following is not just directed at you, IMHO, but a general observation)
I admit I haven't read every thread/page/article, but I have only seem a time of death reported as 'between 10 pm and 9 am,' (or something like that). It seems obvious to me they must have a better idea what time they died, but don't want to release that information? Have I missed something on that?

Edited for clarity. :)

Edited again to add this link: https://www.mysanantonio.com/news/l...ther-daughter-person-of-interest-13542950.php

Article states: "Charlie Wheeler, 31, has complied with officers and submitted to tests examining his hands for any traces of gunshot residue, the sheriff said."

So, it doesn't say there was no evidence of GSR, only that he was tested. Seems if it had been positive, he'd be under arrest?? IDK, MOO
While I do think it is valid for the ‘people’, especially the people of that gated community, to know if there is a killer who was able to breach security and enter and murder those 2 innocent children, I was speaking in the larger sense of society as a whole. WE ALL are the PEOPLE whom prosecutors represent during criminal trials. Often those crimes are perpetrated against individuals, and our justice system demands that the prosecutors speak not only for the immediate victims, but ALL of us in our communities because the crimes are an affront to all. That is what I meant by our society’s/the community’s right to know who murdered these children. IMHO that is why LE are OUR public officials, and in a pure sense, they do the job of defending us against those who would do our society/the community harm. If a person commits a heinous crime, even if it is against their own flesh and blood, they do not get the benefit of privacy, even in the case of mental illness or a momentary flash of passion or hopelessness. The crime committed was against ALL of us, and we deserve to know the truth, no matter how difficult it is to face.

When a person chooses suicide to end their life, I DO have compassion for the pain they must have been in, and society does not need to know any more of their truth once the public officials who we ask to investigate the sad event determines the person took their own life. That has already happened here, and I have no reason to question it further. I know that is the core issue here for some - refusal to accept the official findings from our public servants who represent us as society as a whole.

When the same event also includes the murders of others, (and there is no dispute these children were MURDERED), THEN society has the right to know who did this. We will never know why, but we deserve to know WHO. Occam’s Razor tells me the answer to this to my satisfaction in this tragic case.
This is true, and it came from England's law. Good point!
I believe that CW's accounts of him just leaving the house after an argument will be proven to be a lie. And each passing day strengthens my conviction.

No way am I believing this version of events. Seen it all - X has an argument with Y and says they left Y only to come back home to find them dead or missing.

Musings alert! - Aint it strange that CW has the same initials as Chris Watts and a mother and 2 daughters were killed at night. Oh and both CW are in the petroleum industry and it was a Nicole who spoilt Chris Watts plans. Maybe something in this Nichol will tip the balance? Of course this has just pointless rambling but that's my specialty :)
A case cannot be tried, based on previous cases just because of what you and/or the public thinks, Duscle.
I am not the OP, and I don't have a link for that, but I do remember reading it very early on... Would he have GSR on his hands if he'd left the property and showered while elsewhere? I'll try to do a quick search, but I'm already running late for work... :-/

(The following is not just directed at you, IMHO, but a general observation)
I admit I haven't read every thread/page/article, but I have only seem a time of death reported as 'between 10 pm and 9 am,' (or something like that). It seems obvious to me they must have a better idea what time they died, but don't want to release that information? Have I missed something on that?

Edited for clarity. :)
No worries: I will look for it!

As far as time of death, between 10 pm and 9 am” is the last I heard, too.
No worries: I will look for it!

As far as time of death, between 10 pm and 9 am” is the last I heard, too.
I found one, not exactly what was stated but close (see link above in my edited post): "Charlie Wheeler, 31, has complied with officers and submitted to tests examining his hands for any traces of gunshot residue, the sheriff said."
What is your source that it hasn’t been done?

What does your reply have to do with the point I was making? You expect them to announce a private interment?
I'm not sure what you mean. Do we know if one was done, a second autopsy? I hope so.
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