TX - Nichol Olsen, 37, & her 2 daughters found shot dead inside mansion, Bexar County, 10 Jan 2019

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Nothing that can be discussed. Lots of rumors. I suspect this case is a lot more complex than what it appears on the surface.

He’s a POI, so he can be discussed, I think.
As you said, a lot of rumors which are not allowed.
IMO, LE immediately verified his alibi, the gated community security proves he left & proves his time of return.
All he had to do was ask NO to vacate, he didn’t need to kill her kids, or her. It’s his house.
IMO, he’d prefer to live his “nice” life on the outside of razor wire. Moo
As far as his past female friends, imo, if he broke up with them, they have an axe to grind & we could not prove what they might say. Jmo
For every complimentary character reference, there’s someone to counter, I think.
Any discussion of bf cannot be based on information from other forums or posts from social media accounts. I recommend viewing the WS TOS to verif what you can and cannot post.
(And I haven't seen anyone verified as a local insider here yet).
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I believe this is a murder/suicide and have since the beginning. However, lets just say it turns out to be something else, I still have a problem with all of her friends/family saying she was the most wonderful mother, doting mother, never would have harmed her girls, fiercely protective, etc......If the rumors are true about the BF being abusive including one of the fathers making the statement "the home she was living in, we just feel it wasn't a great place for our children to have been loved"; then IMO she wasn't a fiercely protective, doting mother at all. I think I read that she moved in with him after dating a year. So she moves in with a man whose supposedly been abusive and brings her 16 yr old and 10 yr old daughters with her. Really?! If she was on the verge of being homeless, I could possibly understand it a bit more, but by all accounts, she was making good money, didn't need his money, had plenty of friends/family to live with and had been renting a very expensive home. Lastly, people will say that nobody understands the dynamics of an abusive relationship unless your in one, so we can't judge her on that. Well I do understand it and lived it. After I divorced and my son was young, I dated a man for 3 years who was extremely physically, verbally, and mentally abusive. I had no family near me and very few friends, if any, at that time. Thankfully, I had a good job and my own home. Here's the thing, I never moved in with him and I only saw him on the weekends my son was with his Dad and/or during the day when my son was in school. I share this only because it upsets me when everyone is saying what a great mother she was. Whether this is deemed a murder/suicide or not, she was NOT a "doting, fiercely protective mother who would never harm her girls". IMO
Discussion of bf must contain links to MSM articles to support your discussion, not social media accounts. Double-check the WS TOS to verify what can and cannot be used.
Good point.
I think they’ve all been linked, that he’s a POI, home owner, was away, blah blah.
It would be helpful to know who died first. In my opinion, if there's a possibility that Nichol was dead before the children, that is a big problem and raises many questions. LE is not questioning the suicide, at all, they are just working on knowing for sure who killed Alexa and London. She seemed like a very mommy mom, as in, very present, very engaged with all of her children, including her adult son. Alexa's father seems to think highly of Nichol, stating that she was a wonderful mother. When he says that "we" didn't feel like that CW's home was the best place to raise "their children", I don't think he's talking about London's father, I think he's talking about himself and Nichol. Maybe the relationship with CW was getting messy and she let Alexa's father know that living arrangements might need to change. Maybe Alexa told her father that her mother was having some nasty fights with her boyfriend. We don't really know. It seems like Nichol had a civil relationship with Alexa's father and a harder relationship with London's father, which is not that shocking, since she has been separated from Alexa's father for a longer time, and she had some issues with London's father more recently. The fact that she has three children from three fathers doesn't really shock me at all. She was around 15 when she had her first child, how many high school sweethearts stay together for a long time? I guess some do stay together but it's not very often that we see that happening. Then, she had a child with Alexa's father and they seem to have been on good terms as of late. Finally, she had a child with London's father and they ended it, had some issues. And now, she was dating CW... is that so weird? A young adult having four serious boyfriends? We shouldn't be thinking about that so much.
I believe this is a murder/suicide and have since the beginning. However, lets just say it turns out to be something else, I still have a problem with all of her friends/family saying she was the most wonderful mother, doting mother, never would have harmed her girls, fiercely protective, etc......If the rumors are true about the BF being abusive including one of the fathers making the statement "the home she was living in, we just feel it wasn't a great place for our children to have been loved"; then IMO she wasn't a fiercely protective, doting mother at all. I think I read that she moved in with him after dating a year. So she moves in with a man whose supposedly been abusive and brings her 16 yr old and 10 yr old daughters with her. Really?! If she was on the verge of being homeless, I could possibly understand it a bit more, but by all accounts, she was making good money, didn't need his money, had plenty of friends/family to live with and had been renting a very expensive home. Lastly, people will say that nobody understands the dynamics of an abusive relationship unless your in one, so we can't judge her on that. Well I do understand it and lived it. After I divorced and my son was young, I dated a man for 3 years who was extremely physically, verbally, and mentally abusive. I had no family near me and very few friends, if any, at that time. Thankfully, I had a good job and my own home. Here's the thing, I never moved in with him and I only saw him on the weekends my son was with his Dad and/or during the day when my son was in school. I share this only because it upsets me when everyone is saying what a great mother she was. Whether this is deemed a murder/suicide or not, she was NOT a "doting, fiercely protective mother who would never harm her girls". IMO

The bottom line, imo, friends are not going to say negative things, either. Not only in this case, all cases.
Drew & Scott Peterson had stellar & not so stellar things said about them. The Jayme Closs suspect, look at him, the things said about him. No one thought him capable of murder/kidnap.
A friend doesn’t know every detail of their friends life, imo.
We all have a friend we don’t trust as much as another friend. Or, the blabber mouth friend we can’t tell much.
It would be helpful to know who died first. In my opinion, if there's a possibility that Nichol was dead before the children, that is a big problem and raises many questions. LE is not questioning the suicide, at all, they are just working on knowing for sure who killed Alexa and London. She seemed like a very mommy mom, as in, very present, very engaged with all of her children, including her adult son. Alexa's father seems to think highly of Nichol, stating that she was a wonderful mother. When he says that "we" didn't feel like that CW's home was the best place to raise "their children", I don't think he's talking about London's father, I think he's talking about himself and Nichol. Maybe the relationship with CW was getting messy and she let Alexa's father know that living arrangements might need to change. Maybe Alexa told her father that her mother was having some nasty fights with her boyfriend. We don't really know. It seems like Nichol had a civil relationship with Alexa's father and a harder relationship with London's father, which is not that shocking, since she has been separated from Alexa's father for a longer time, and she had some issues with London's father more recently. The fact that she has three children from three fathers doesn't really shock me at all. She was around 15 when she had her first child, how many high school sweethearts stay together for a long time? I guess some do stay together but it's not very often that we see that happening. Then, she had a child with Alexa's father and they seem to have been on good terms as of late. Finally, she had a child with London's father and they ended it, had some issues. And now, she was dating CW... is that so weird? A young adult having four serious boyfriends? We shouldn't be thinking about that so much.

I don't consider a 37-yo woman to be a "young adult."
NO was old enough to be responsible for her own bad decisions. The worst being the murders of her own children.

That said, I also believe the chances that NO died by suicide PRIOR to the homicides of her daughters are slim to none.

I don't really blame her family and her friends for being upset and for thinking that could be more to the situation. Maybe the relationship was abusive, even from both sides, we don't really know.
I am not saying that this is a fact, because it isn't, but where's money there's usually drugs, the hard expensive ones.
He’s a POI, so he can be discussed, I think.
As you said, a lot of rumors which are not allowed.
IMO, LE immediately verified his alibi, the gated community security proves he left & proves his time of return.
All he had to do was ask NO to vacate, he didn’t need to kill her kids, or her. It’s his house.
IMO, he’d prefer to live his “nice” life on the outside of razor wire. Moo
As far as his past female friends, imo, if he broke up with them, they have an axe to grind & we could not prove what they might say. Jmo
For every complimentary character reference, there’s someone to counter, I think.

Of course there was no reasonable reason for him to kill Nichol or her girls. But I don’t think this necessarily means he wouldn’t have done so. People kill other people every day for reasons that defy logic. Jealousy, rage, a sense of entitlement... the list could go on.
I believe this is a murder/suicide and have since the beginning. However, lets just say it turns out to be something else, I still have a problem with all of her friends/family saying she was the most wonderful mother, doting mother, never would have harmed her girls, fiercely protective, etc......If the rumors are true about the BF being abusive including one of the fathers making the statement "the home she was living in, we just feel it wasn't a great place for our children to have been loved"; then IMO she wasn't a fiercely protective, doting mother at all. I think I read that she moved in with him after dating a year. So she moves in with a man whose supposedly been abusive and brings her 16 yr old and 10 yr old daughters with her. Really?! If she was on the verge of being homeless, I could possibly understand it a bit more, but by all accounts, she was making good money, didn't need his money, had plenty of friends/family to live with and had been renting a very expensive home. Lastly, people will say that nobody understands the dynamics of an abusive relationship unless your in one, so we can't judge her on that. Well I do understand it and lived it. After I divorced and my son was young, I dated a man for 3 years who was extremely physically, verbally, and mentally abusive. I had no family near me and very few friends, if any, at that time. Thankfully, I had a good job and my own home. Here's the thing, I never moved in with him and I only saw him on the weekends my son was with his Dad and/or during the day when my son was in school. I share this only because it upsets me when everyone is saying what a great mother she was. Whether this is deemed a murder/suicide or not, she was NOT a "doting, fiercely protective mother who would never harm her girls". IMO

I don’t necessarily believe it was a simple murder-suicide, but I agree 100% with the rest of this. <modsnip - rumor>. By all accounts, she was gainfully employed, able to support herself and her girls, has family that is supportive, etc. She wasn’t dependent upon him for housing, food, or money. No, she couldn’t replicate his lifestyle, but a doting mother doesn’t continue to subject her kids to an abusive relationship IMO, especially one in which the man in question isn’t the biological father of any of the children.
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I don't consider a 37-yo woman to be a "young adult."
NO was old enough to be responsible for her own bad decisions. The worst being the murders of her own children.

That said, I also believe the chances that NO died by suicide PRIOR to the homicides of her daughters are slim to none.


How is dating four dudes a bad decision? The whole narrative about the three fathers is really judgemental and helps nothing in this case. There's also a surviving child.
Do we know for sure she wasn't dead prior to her daughters' homicides? Because I don't. What's the point in dragging this case? What's in it for LE? Why would LE care so much about her family if they knew for sure what went down in that house? If the family and the friends are upset and feel like something is wrong and LE knows that they have their facts straight, they shouldn't worry about it, just close the case and let the family hire a PI and take it to Civil Court (not sure if that's the correct name but I think y'all get what I'm saying).
If we take a step back, this is what we know:
- Nichol, the mother, took her own life, shot to the head
- Alexa, the 16-year-old, was killed also with a shot to the head
- London, the 10-year-old, was killed with two shots, one to the head and the other one to the neck
- CW did not spend the night at his home, where the whole thing went down
- CW found them in the morning, called LE
- LE is still trying to verify CW's alibi
I am not saying CW killled those girls. He allowed them to live in his home and he could've said "nah, you can live here but the kids can go live with their dads, they're not my responsability", he had every right to do that but it doesn't look like he did. Maybe the relationship was messy, maybe they were having some nasty fights, maybe it was not working anymore and they were going to eventually break up. That's all very much possible but, what if they just had that one big fight that night? All I'm trying to say is that we don't know very much about this case and LE is not saying a whole lot that can really paint a clear picture. Nothing will make it better, they are gone. The surving son won't ever get his mother back, he won't ever get his sisters back. The family and the friends won't get them back either. But everyone deserves to know what really went down that night. And CW's probably wants that more than anyone else. That guy saw three people shot dead in his house. Two of them were kids, one of them was his girlfriend. That's horrible.
I can’t find any reliable info regarding NO income. Other than $60 haircuts at a salon that accepts walk-ins. In my area, the better salons require appts., they are booked solid & have no time for walk-ins. The stylists I know that work at the lower end chain salons spend a good part of their shift cleaning, doing laundry, etc., due to corporate rules.
Some are hourly & make little, only trying to get experience to move to a high end salon.
IMO, NO would need to be booked solid to make ends meet, on her own. Possibly, she had “side” employment allowing her to make much higher income. Jmo
The police here AbQ seem to use the FBI for all sorts of crimes...the FBI will help when asked. They are usually involved in the digital/electronics aspect jmo.

Here, too. Especially the smaller police departments. We have a lot of small departments that have never had a murder case, they rely on Lexington to bring a crime scene unit, dogs, detectives, etc.
The FBI office in my area will not disregard a tip or a request. They won’t take over an investigation but they won’t walk away, either. Here, LEvwelcomes them, they have unlimited resources & can expedite things.
I think it's pretty hilarious that there is more speculation, more creating scenarios, more unrelated fantasizing on here than there is on SM. What if Nichol were leaving him? What if CW was with her because the women of his social set knew he was a bad egg? What if Nichol did have a strong support group of family and friends? What if she did earn a decent living? What if she had made mistakes but was doing her best to be a better person and mother? What if her brother is a loving and responsible human being? So far I've read no facts that dispute any of this. Whose gun was it? Who turned off the security cameras? Where was CW that night? What do Alexa and London's fathers know about the house they were living in?
Is there a link for the security cameras being turned off?
the thing about 3 children with 3 different fathers and moving the whole "family setting" as one moves between partners is to me like a bad reality tv show. but i'm from an earlier generation than those who were born 1980 forward and apparently for some it became ok to see this lifestyle as acceptable. i guess it was ok to NO. some times in an abusive relationship there different combinations of personalities. maybe NO was unfortunate to start up with 4 guys (or more) who were complete jerks. maybe NO was lucky to find 4 decent guys and she was a complete jerk to them. i have known people who are real good at instigating drama in relationships yet seem really nice otherwise unless you are on the receiving end of the drama. and sometimes someone on the receiving end is seen as abusive. so sometimes i think geez, supposedly 4 (that i know of) failed relationships. what is the common denominator? i'm not saying one way or the other i'm just looking at this thing from several different angles however i do think ones history speaks volumes.
Is there a link for the security cameras being turned off?

This has been brought up many times. Even IF they were, I’m sure NO knew how to operate them. Jmo

Also, IMO, when NO was discovered, I assume the weapon was nearby, LE/ME knows the caliber weapon used for four shots. They know how much ammo was used in the found weapon, etc.
They certainly didn’t whisk CW away in cuffs.
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