TX - Patrick Knight executed for '91 murders of Walter & Mary Ann Werner

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Im trying to diet and exercise WR.....but its something Ive never had to do before....Ive always been able to eat what I want....I guess Im going to have to learn to diet real quick....I hope we both have success.
I was nice and slim while I was smoking:rolleyes:
Im trying to diet and exercise WR.....but its something Ive never had to do before....Ive always been able to eat what I want....I guess Im going to have to learn to diet real quick....I hope we both have success.
I was nice and slim while I was smoking:rolleyes:

good luck! I was slim too, had a very nice body, lots of cat calls...now I just feel and look like a fat blob.
This statement really doesn't even make sense.

There's a difference between getting murdered within seconds or minutes, and awaiting your death for years. The United States is not an "eye for an eye" judicial system.

I was being sarcastic.

I agree there is a difference in being murdered (or "getting" murdered as you put it) and awaiting your death for years. The person murdered had no choice. The person awaiting their death for years had the choice to not commit the act in the first place. They put themselves there and I don't see the point in allowing them the choice in what their last meal is. IMO, they lost the right to choose anything when they CHOSE to take the life of another person.
I agree there is a difference in being murdered (or "getting" murdered as you put it) and awaiting your death for years. The person murdered had no choice. The person awaiting their death for years had the choice to not commit the act in the first place. They put themselves there and I don't see the point in allowing them the choice in what their last meal is. IMO, they lost the right to choose anything when they CHOSE to take the life of another person.

The point would be that as human beings we're supposed to show that we are compassionate. The rite of a last meal is more in reverence of life in general than it is the life of the individual.

I can think of a thousand more troubling things in this lifetime than giving an inmate the choice of his last meal on Earth.
I wouldn't recommend any sort of fasting. Are you trying to lose weight this way?
I was doing a fast called the Master Cleanse - there's a thread on it in the jury room. I have broken it today!

Hi Southcitymom! You did the MC, eh? Don't tell me reading about the last meal of pork chops, collard greens and corn bread made you break your fast. ;)

I couldn't help read this thread thinking people were still carrying on over a couple extra pork chops for a man's last meal.
I watched a documentary about the starving kids in Korea not too long ago. It was heart-breaking. These kids were left to fend for their own, and seek out their own food. One child (a boy around 6 or 7) was swaying from hunger (almost passing out) directly in front of a group of four men who were sitting there chowing down right in front of him. They were oblivious to him, never even acknowledged him.
Another girl, of around four or five, was seen picking up very small (I couldn't even see them actually) scraps of food...she was in front of one woman's food stall and was picking up the scraps, and the woman screamed at her to get out of there, get out from in front of her stall!
I was so sick after seeing those two I couldn't watch anymore.
I would like to help these kids and others like them myself, unfortunately I have heard too many horror stories about these charities and how they take money/food/supplies for themselves and the stuff never gets to where it's supposed to be going.

If the people of their own country don't care about them, why should WE?

The USA has poor people and poor hungry children we can feed HERE. Heck with the other countries. Who cares???? Not me!!!
I wouldn't recommend any sort of fasting. Are you trying to lose weight this way?

It's more of a cleanse thing - physical and spiritual - for me, Paladin. The lemonade has calories - tons of maple syrup - so it's not a starvation thing at all. I did one 2 years ago for 11 days and it was a very positive experience for me and ushered in a couple of years of me taking good care of myself in many ways.

I needed that push again. I'm not opposed to the fact that I lost some weight, but that was only part of my purpose. Keeping weight off is a daily effort and there are no quick fixes.

I was trying to do 14 days this time, but felt like my body was ready to stop at 11.

I actually think fasting is an excellent spiritual tool. I would like to get to the point where I do a 14-day master cleanse once a year and a day-long fast twice/month.

I've chronicled my experiences a bit on the thread in the Jury room.
Hi Southcitymom! You did the MC, eh? Don't tell me reading about the last meal of pork chops, collard greens and corn bread made you break your fast. ;)

I couldn't help read this thread thinking people were still carrying on over a couple extra pork chops for a man's last meal.

LOL about the last meal sending me over the edge!

Actually, when I fast I tend to read tons of cookbooks - it's like food *advertiser censored*!!:) During this fast I only craved veggies!
LOL about the last meal sending me over the edge!

Actually, when I fast I tend to read tons of cookbooks - it's like food *advertiser censored*!!:) During this fast I only craved veggies!

Well, it made my mouth water and I wasn't even fasting. lol

Food *advertiser censored*! You nut!!!

Re: your post above --- You fasted before for 11 Years???? You must have been a mere skeleton, girl! (If you edit it, I'll edit this out.) lol!
Well, it made my mouth water and I wasn't even fasting. lol

Food *advertiser censored*! You nut!!!

Re: your post above --- You fasted before for 11 Years???? You must have been a mere skeleton, girl! (If you edit it, I'll edit this out.) lol!

Hey thanks for that - too funny....11 years and I doubt I could type!
Hey thanks for that - too funny....11 years and I doubt I could type!

I know. I was just kidding around with you, scmom.
Congrats on your 11 day cleanse! :woohoo: Good for you!
I'm not at all sure that the effect of the "last meal" ritual is to make the guy feel better. To the contrary, I think the guards probably use it as an opportunity to rub it in that it is, indeed, his LAST MEAL EVER. I would think that every bite of pork chop would stick on the way down.
I'm not at all sure that the effect of the "last meal" ritual is to make the guy feel better. To the contrary, I think the guards probably use it as an opportunity to rub it in that it is, indeed, his LAST MEAL EVER. I would think that every bite of pork chop would stick on the way down.

Then why bother with letting them pick their own meal? If the guards were really using it as an opportunity to "rub it in", wouldn't it be more effective to do it by feeding them gruel?
Nova, you have such an incredible way with words. This post resonated beautifully and left me with a very understated but long lasting chuckle.

Thank you (and you, too, Jeanna).

I do think we are all affected by the 24/7 news cycle which makes it seem as though violent crimes are being committed all around us at all times.
I'm not allowed to have wine in real life, but if it was my last meal - damn skippy!

LOL about Boones Farm - it was my favorite drink at the age of 14!!!!

Ah, yes, Boones Farm. What memories? (I loved the grape.) Did everyone have that or was it a Southern thing?

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