GUILTY TX - Police stage murders to catch couple who hired hitman - Feb 2017

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Why didn't she stay and fight the charges?

Her bf most likely coerced her into hiring the hit man but that's not a given, as women have hired hit men on their own accord before. If we (without evidence) decide that she was in an abusive relationship with the bf, she should have turned the tables on him and reported his plans to the police.
I bet there are secret recordings of the these two plotting or celebrating the 'hit', and she was in deep ****!

From the very little I know I think she just got overwhelmed with the divorce, her 8 year old daughter caught in the middle I suspect, this ex of her's was not very nice if you read the divorce petition, I suspect he was about the same ilk as the neighbor boyfriend and then when the boyfriend cooks up this hit man she just went along with him. It was so stupid to think they could even get away with it had he been a real hit man. What were they thinking? All of a sudden both ex's wind up dead? Hello ! Duh, just the notion of this seems too stupid for anyone to buy so she must have been mental to say the least
Anyone remember the Texas Cheerleader Murder for hire ? LOL
his mom a lawyer lived next door to her mom. He went to med school in Grenada maybe and was planning to be a neprologist. He was still living at home with mommy when he met her

yep thats him in the linkedin profile

Ugh! Kicked out of Baylor College of Medicine. Shows up working in Youngstown Ohio hospital then within a yr removed from their residency program, sued the hospital (we can probably thank mommy's legal prowess, eh?), burglarized the home of the residency program coordinator... and that doesn't include the harassment, assaults, stalkings, etc
Ugh! Kicked out of Baylor College of Medicine. Shows up working in Youngstown Ohio hospital then within a yr removed from their residency program, sued the hospital (we can probably thank mommy's legal prowess, eh?), burglarized the home of the residency program coordinator... and that doesn't include the harassment, assaults, stalkings, etc

geesh, good find ! Wonder how much of this she knew ? Her patients just raved about how good of a vet she was and how caring a person. I just hate this happened, so tragic
lovely people don't plan murders IMO

because I think that boyfriend of her's influenced her during a stressful time in her life, no telling what went down, I do know it was him who just filed Cpt 7 BK and his issue with stalking his last girlfriend etc etc from all that has been said about her, she was a lovely person with an excellent reputation, that is why

McDaniel is the daughter of Carole Ann Busick, a Houston psychologist who pleaded guilty to tampering with mental health evaluations for peace officer candidates, a problem that left more than a dozen police agencies in the Houston area scrambling to retest officers to ensure they were fit for duty.

Busick, and her husband, licensed professional counselor Don Busick, who is identified in court records as McDaniel's father, were sentenced to 10 years probation. The Busicks relinquished their professional licenses and retired from their practice, according to the plea deal reached with Harris County prosecutors.
Clients at McDaniel's clinic said they could not believe the accusations against her.

"Shocked. No way she could do something like this", said Cindy Funderburke, whose animals have been treated by McDaniel.

"There is something just not right about this. It does not add up. This is not the Dr. McDaniel that her clients and her employees and coworkers know and love," she said.

An attorney for Jacob did not return a request for comment.

Video has cop stating it was the co-defendant that hired the hitman or asked for one from some other person who turned him in to the cops
Wish I had the opportunity to meet her, if she had asked I could have helped her beat the rap, so sad

because I think that boyfriend of her's influenced her during a stressful time in her life, no telling what went down, I do know it was him who just filed Cpt 7 BK and his issue with stalking his last girlfriend etc etc from all that has been said about her, she was a lovely person with an excellent reputation, that is why

how do we know where this hit man / cop came from ? It was the boyfriend's idea to get this hit man. We still dont know the story and all the news reports are saying she was a wonderful person, I lay blame on the idiot boyfriend who got this cop in the 1st place. What I would like to know is how did this cop get involved? Do you think they called 911 and asked for a hit man? Nope there is a lot more to this story and the boyfriend is the key to that. My guess is he talked her into it and we dont know who said what yet but from what I have seen so far it was his deal and he later dragged her into it

Wow. I am honestly stunned. This educated woman "lets" a boyfriend talk her into something like having her ex, the father of her child, murdered... what kind of person would even consider this? What does that say about her true character? Not to mention, what a fool. And certainly NOT a wonderful person, though it sounds like she was pretty decent at convincing people she was something she's really not. Nothing new there though, I unfortunately have known a few people like that in my lifetime, they're called sociopaths.

“She is not a victim,” Moss said. “She was brought to the meeting and discussed with the officer exactly how she wanted her ex-husband killed. In no way is she a victim.”
The death of McDaniel’s ex-husband was supposed to look like a carjacking gone wrong, Moss said. To bolster the fake hitman’s story, police officers were sent to McDaniel’s front door to notify her as next of kin.

Details are emerging about the case, Moss said, but he told the judge the couple paid a “facilitator” $10,000 to arrange the killings. Instead of finding a hitman, however, the facilitator went to the police weeks ago, he said.
Wow. I am honestly stunned. This educated woman "lets" a boyfriend talk her into something like having her ex, the father of her child, murdered... what kind of person would even consider this? What does that say about her true character? Not to mention, what a fool. And certainly NOT a wonderful person, though it sounds like she was pretty decent at convincing people she was something she's really not. Nothing new there though, I unfortunately have known a few people like that in my lifetime, they're called sociopaths.

WOW I see it totally different, I read her divorce petition and then saw how many millions her ex got from her and I just now read she had a custody battle to top that off. I think one of her problems is picking the same type men over and over . I am absolutely positive a good person can be traumatized and driven to commit horrible acts if the right elements are in place. 49 years this lady had a fantastic rep from high school all through college and then her career choice as well. This neighbor looser boyfriend of her's is a master manipulator. From just the small amount of digging I have done he was up to no good with one woman other than McDaniel, wondering if it is the stalking victim.?

My mother use to say " never judge an Indian till you walk a mile in his moccasins". That is a very wise old saying.

What I dont get is how can you have it together so well and pick such bad men. It is not just bad people that make mistakes, if that was true heaven will be empty lol
Wow. I am honestly stunned. This educated woman "lets" a boyfriend talk her into something like having her ex, the father of her child, murdered... what kind of person would even consider this? What does that say about her true character? Not to mention, what a fool. And certainly NOT a wonderful person, though it sounds like she was pretty decent at convincing people she was something she's really not. Nothing new there though, I unfortunately have known a few people like that in my lifetime, they're called sociopaths.

a sociopath would never kill themself especially in such a tragic way. They are known for being manipulators, her boyfriend is quite the sociopath and will never choose to end his own life, yours? you betcha but never his own, they are always about themselves.
Just saw this thread on the scroll above.

tarobunz said:
Wow, that is very interesting that the police went to elaborate lengths by staging the intended victims' murders! I think it contributed to the shock that McDaniel and Jacob felt when they were caught because I am sure they would not have thought police would take it so far. Excellent job to the police!

There is another case that was shown on TV, and I really can't recall the show :doh: But they did a sting too, and filmed it. Let me see if I can find what case that was.... I do believe there is a thread here on WS. :eek:nline:

dizzychick said:
many times these cases are built by some informant who needs a deal or by a cop who strongly suggests a remedy to someone who is having a hard time in life. not always but in this case I think from what I have read she was taken to the cleaners on the divorce and this moron who lived next door to her made things worse.

Okay - just read this post from you - can you give us a link to the bold above. I'd liked to read up on this. Or did I miss it?
Newlywed Dalia Dippolito - 20 years in Murder sting; Judge calls her "Pure Evil"

Before the sentence was handed down, Dippolito, 28, wiped away tears as her friends and family asked the judge for leniency, describing her as having been a shy, quiet girl who loved her family. Her younger sister pleaded to have her "role model" back.

The judge thanked those who testified but said Dippolito was different things to different people.

Another nice quiet shy girl.... and her sister wants her "role model" back! Yikes!

Maybe McDaniel was that - different things to different people....

Here's the WS thread on this one:
how do we know where this hit man / cop came from ? It was the boyfriend's idea to get this hit man. We still dont know the story and all the news reports are saying she was a wonderful person, I lay blame on the idiot boyfriend who got this cop in the 1st place. What I would like to know is how did this cop get involved? Do you think they called 911 and asked for a hit man? Nope there is a lot more to this story and the boyfriend is the key to that. My guess is he talked her into it and we dont know who said what yet but from what I have seen so far it was his deal and he later dragged her into it

I can see someone being tricked into being a getaway driver, I can't see someone being dragged into planning and paying for a hit.

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a sociopath would never kill themself especially in such a tragic way. They are known for being manipulators, her boyfriend is quite the sociopath and will never choose to end his own life, yours? you betcha but never his own, they are always about themselves.

Idk, when they've lived a life behind a veneer, when they are ultimately exposed and their outward, public facade has been shattered, I believe they could very well resort to suicide when they feel backed into a corner and see that there's no way out. And, it's the ultimate "**** you".

Think of the mass murderers that then in the end turn the gun on themselves. This woman not only took her own life... instead of doing it in isolation and going off somewhere alone in solitude, hoping that someone would eventually find her or, hoping no one did.... she chose to do it in a rather overly dramatic, public way. Did she even give one moments thought for her eight year old daughter and the horrific lifelong legacy she was leaving her with? How many suicides do we read about here that are committed by someone jumping from a high rise building?

FWIW, I have no idea whether she really was actually a sociopath, it's for sure a term that gets thrown around quite a bit here, lol.
But, here is some interesting reading on SP's and suicide.
Frankly, I'm appalled at the implication that, just because this woman was treated poorly in a divorce, and had the poor judgement to get involved with criminal, her involvement in a plot to have her husband killed was a "mistake" that is not her responsibility. There are plenty of people who, even under more extreme duress, know that they do not have the right to take the life of their tormentor. They have the strength of character and moral compass to resist such a suggestion, let alone participate in a plot to kill the father of their child or anyone else.

She was willing to deprive her daughter of her father and her husband's family of their loved one. She was willing for her ex to suffer at the hands of carjackers. In other words, she was putting her comfort and desire for revenge above the life of another person and the happiness of others. That feeling of superiority and entitlement does not suddenly emerge under stress. It may lurk hidden from everyone, but a humble person of strong character could not be manipulated into violating another's right to live under any circumstances. They would rather die than commit murder. And no, she was not "mental." If she was struggling with mental issues, getting help is the appropriate response, not murder followed by suicide to avoid responsibility.*

We need to be very careful about justifying murder (or plots to commit murder) on the basis that the victim was a horrible person. This has nothing to do with "walking a mile in their moccasins." It is fundamental to the law of our society. I argued this point long and hard when WS members were convinced that Gypsy Rose Blanchard(e) had "no choice" but to kill her extremely abusive mother (in her sleep) in order to escape. Our sympathy for the killer's situation (which I felt deeply) should never twist our thinking so that we justify cold-blooded murder. If we go down that path, we are undermining the law and giving ourselves the individual right to pass life or death judgement on anyone who treats us badly. Play that scenario out in your minds. Is that the kind of uncivilized society we want? We are already headed in that direction. Websleuths is full of murder cases that sicken us and this is another one that should sicken us even though it didn't happen. No excuses. Please.

*I've been on enough "suicide threads" here to have an understanding that ongoing long term depression can cause a decent, loving, normally unselfish person to want to end their unremitting suffering and to think that others would be better off without them. I dont agree with the action, but I understand. That kind of suicide is quite different from using it to escape consequences of wrong actions IMO.
I had an absolutely horrible ex. When we split, it was messy and I ended up paying for him to live in my house whilst I stayed elsewhere. This did not make me consider plotting murder-for-hire.

I can understand considering her as a victim as far as her relationship and divorce are concerned, but she related exactly what she wanted the "murder" to look like to that "hit man", and that absolutely does not scream victim to me in this situation.

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Just saw this thread on the scroll above.

There is another case that was shown on TV, and I really can't recall the show :doh: But they did a sting too, and filmed it. Let me see if I can find what case that was.... I do believe there is a thread here on WS. :eek:nline:

Okay - just read this post from you - can you give us a link to the bold above. I'd liked to read up on this. Or did I miss it?

I posted her divorce petition, its all there what happened to her

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