Identified! TX - Potter Co, WhtFem 55UFTX, 16-30, along hwy, Oct'83 - Bambi Dick

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
JaneInOz, Good points!
The following are some of my questions.

IS there any proof the girls went to the concert that night? If so, In what town?

How did this 'girlfriend' loose/get separated from Bambi?

Could this girlfriend have driven Bambi to Texas?

IMO..Bambi's girlfriend holds the key to a lot of these answers, after 25 yrs. it's time for her to tell the truth...

Was Bambi kidnapped and chocked while trying to escape?

Can DNA be gotten off Bambi's cloths after all these years.

I agree IF Bambi was legally blind without her glasses, why would she leave the state without them, unless she was planning to return in a day or two?

I haven't heard of any actual proof she was at the concert. The concert was in Davenport, Iowa according to the newspaper report.

It would be fairly easy to get seperated from someone at a concert, JMO! But the Coll wasn't that huge. But probably packed with people.

It also sounds like the LE in Amarillo did more than a awesome job at preserving evidence & attempting to find who she was. DNA has come a long, long way in 25 yrs. I watch many cold case files & not much is impossible in collecting DNA.

They also stated she was wearing blue contacts. Like most teenagers she probably hated wearing glasses.
Maybe Bambi just ran away from home. Someone here once told me, "If you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras."

Yep Rudolph......
WS tells it like it is, we sometimes make it more complicted.
Hi Everyone,I see people are still asking questions.Questions only I guess Bambi could answer.We can only guess what had happen.But someone out there knows what Bambi was doing and how she got down to Texas.She had to have known someone for the police say that Jane Doe was very well groomed.She would have had to have axcess to getting showered and her clothes cleaned from the time she left Iowa till the Jane Doe was discovered.They believe she had been dead for at least 30 hours before she was found.So Bambi left on the 28th and they believe she was dead on the 6th of October.So she would of had to have axcess to a shower and a place to clean her clothes.So if she knew the person she then went there with they had helped her why haven't they come forward to tell that to the police.She was differently at that concert thou for there are witnesses to her being there.If Bambi did run she did so with help.She was a follower not a leader.She certainly thou wouldn't have gone with out her things.Why that night?She had ampel time almost every weekend if she wanted to run for Mom and Dad had a sick family member they were helping.Bambi could have run at anytime.So again why that night?Questions we just may not ever get answers to.You talk about the contact lens.25 years ago getting contacts was not the fade.It was just stating to get girls to want them.Bambi just had gotten them.She choose to get the blue so to make her eyes look blue.But the eye doctor told her not to wear them longer then 8 hours for there new to her eyes.And like I said she was legally blind.She needed her glasses to be with her or she wouldn't be seeing much of anything.That's why I can't believe she ran with out those glasses.The police have a great deal of evidence from the scene.They won't say what for they don't want to compromise there investigation and we don't want to harm it at all either.They said once they confirm it's Bambi they will then be able to investigate and work with the evidence they found.See we know someone knows something about how Bambi got there and the police will eventually figure it out.We know who ever killed her she had to have known for they say there was no struggle.She had to have trusted whom ever she was with for she didn't struggle with them.They had to have come up from behind her very quickly and killed her extremely fast for Bambi didn't have time to react.Once someone is dead there body becomes dead weight so no matter whether your a man or woman it would have been hard to try to lift her.They would have had to drag her.So once the police confirm it's Bambi they will open a full investigation.Hopefully then we will find out some of the answers to our questions.This is extremely hard on Mom and Dad for they were always hoping she'd be found alive.We know the Amarillo police did everything they could through out the past 25 years to find out who she is.We just hope that they will confirm this soon before God for bid something happens to Mom or Dad.This is really taken it's toll on them.Thank You all for keeping us and Bambi in your thoughts and Hearts.She will always be with us and we're Thankful that so many people cared about her.Thank You All. From Lorie and Paul
Hi Everyone,I see people are still asking questions.Questions only I guess Bambi could answer.We can only guess what had happen.But someone out there knows what Bambi was doing and how she got down to Texas.She had to have known someone for the police say that Jane Doe was very well groomed.She would have had to have axcess to getting showered and her clothes cleaned from the time she left Iowa till the Jane Doe was discovered.They believe she had been dead for at least 30 hours before she was found.So Bambi left on the 28th and they believe she was dead on the 6th of October.So she would of had to have axcess to a shower and a place to clean her clothes.So if she knew the person she then went there with they had helped her why haven't they come forward to tell that to the police.She was differently at that concert thou for there are witnesses to her being there.If Bambi did run she did so with help.She was a follower not a leader.She certainly thou wouldn't have gone with out her things.Why that night?She had ampel time almost every weekend if she wanted to run for Mom and Dad had a sick family member they were helping.Bambi could have run at anytime.So again why that night?Questions we just may not ever get answers to.You talk about the contact lens.25 years ago getting contacts was not the fade.It was just stating to get girls to want them.Bambi just had gotten them.She choose to get the blue so to make her eyes look blue.But the eye doctor told her not to wear them longer then 8 hours for there new to her eyes.And like I said she was legally blind.She needed her glasses to be with her or she wouldn't be seeing much of anything.That's why I can't believe she ran with out those glasses.The police have a great deal of evidence from the scene.They won't say what for they don't want to compromise there investigation and we don't want to harm it at all either.They said once they confirm it's Bambi they will then be able to investigate and work with the evidence they found.See we know someone knows something about how Bambi got there and the police will eventually figure it out.We know who ever killed her she had to have known for they say there was no struggle.She had to have trusted whom ever she was with for she didn't struggle with them.They had to have come up from behind her very quickly and killed her extremely fast for Bambi didn't have time to react.Once someone is dead there body becomes dead weight so no matter whether your a man or woman it would have been hard to try to lift her.They would have had to drag her.So once the police confirm it's Bambi they will open a full investigation.Hopefully then we will find out some of the answers to our questions.This is extremely hard on Mom and Dad for they were always hoping she'd be found alive.We know the Amarillo police did everything they could through out the past 25 years to find out who she is.We just hope that they will confirm this soon before God for bid something happens to Mom or Dad.This is really taken it's toll on them.Thank You all for keeping us and Bambi in your thoughts and Hearts.She will always be with us and we're Thankful that so many people cared about her.Thank You All. From Lorie and Paul

There is a distinct possibility not everyone knows it 'could be' Bambi, that was found. Many people don't listen to the News channels or read the Newspapers. That may be a reason nobody has come forward.

You said Bambi was differently at the concert / was she wearing different clothes at the concert then what she was found in?
Hopefully this case will offer you some hope. It was just in the News 3/16/09 It only took 2 or 3 wks for the DNA to come back in Mn.

Card in a 'Cold Case Deck' draws a tip that reopens disappearance of an Inver Grove Heights woman (42%)
03/16/2009 - The four of diamonds was a lucky card for Clohe Husby. Her sister, Deana Patnode, of Inver Grove Heights, disappeared in 1982. The family had all but given up hope she would ever be found. "It's similar results

By Jessica Fleming
Thank You for the information on that cold case you placed on the site.The cards are a unique idea.I am so glad for the family of this young lady that they can finally bring her home to rest.I feel so bad that the parent's had past away not knowing what happen to their daughter.But they are with her now and know she is save with them.May God Bless their souls.It is so hard for the family not having answers to all our questions.We hope as soon as they give a positive on Bambi that some of our questions will be answered.From what my mother and father-in-law remembers the Jane Doe had on exactly what Bambi was wearing the night she disappeared.She was not found with her shirt or shoes thou.They never found them from what we know from the police.But we know until there is a positive ID we will always have that little doubt could it maybe not be her.But I and her brother in our hearts believe this is Bambi.There are just to many things that match Bambi to this Jane Doe.But we need to know for sure through the DNA.We are praying that the DNA gets done soon.It is so hard waiting.My mother and father-in-law are really having a hard time.They are just turning 83 and feel like they are living in a hell that will not go away.They need to know that this is her so they can greive and then get angry to want to find her killer.We know the police working on this case both in Texas and Iowa will not let this rest till her killer is brought to justice.The family of Bambi Lynn Dick Thank all the people who are some how involved in helping to find out anything to deal with Bambi's case.This is so hard for all of us.A day has not gone by in the past 25 years that we didn't think of Bambi and what had happen to her.Now we are so close to knowing and having the DNA take so long is hard on us all.We just want a positive ID so they can open a full investigation and find out exactly what happen to Bambi.Well keep asking your questions.If we have and answer we will try to answer them.Thank you all for caring.You are all very special people and Bambi I know is looking down.I believe she wants to be found and that's why Paul after all these years stumbled upon the Doe Network and their sister site NAMPN where he got help from them to place Bambi's picture and information on the site.Once on the NAMPN site it was just a couple days till their was a connection to the Jane Doe in Amarillo,Texas.We Thank Theresa and the NAMPN site for making such a quick connection and all others who also made the connection and sent it to Amarillo,Texas.We hope to bring at least closure to the identification once the ID is known.Then we will pray the police get the killer.Thank You all. Love from Lorie and Paul and all of Bambi's family
There is a distinct possibility not everyone knows it 'could be' Bambi, that was found. Many people don't listen to the News channels or read the Newspapers. That may be a reason nobody has come forward.

You said Bambi was differently at the concert / was she wearing different clothes at the concert then what she was found in?

I think that was a typo and it was supposed to say definitely. I'm guessing since the next part says "for there are witnesses to her being there". I could be wrong though....
I want to apologize for the spelling error.That was my weakness in Nursing school.I was not a great speller.I thought I had rechecked my work but I see I didn't due very well.It should have said definitely at the concert.She was in the same clothes as she had left in.So we figured she had access at washing them for if Jane Doe was well groomed and it is Bambi then she would have had to wash her clothes during those days before she was murdered.Again I'm sorry for the typo. Sincerly Lorie
Paul & Lorie,
I have been trying for weeks to get on this site but something keeps going wrong. I just wrote a long reply only to have it disappear. Don't know what I am doing wrong but I hope this works. My name is Nancy and my daughter Jodi and Bambi were best friends at one time. They became friends in Jr High and remained close the first year or so of High School. They remained friends but different life situations took them both in different directions. We have also been friends with your brother since before Bambi went missing and remain friends today. We have talked about Bambi many, many times through the years. I used to talk to your Mom often on the phone as that is how we kept tabs on the girls. We continued talking several months after Bambi went missing but for some reason lost touch. She used to call me often to let me know what she had been doing, where she had been searching and what she had found. I think she stopped calling only because there was nothing to tell as she ran into so many dead ends and so many disappointments. I do not know how she kept from losing her mind. Today I wish I would have kept in touch with her as I am sure she could have used a friend all those years. I feel really bad about that. Bambi spent a lot of time at our house back then and we thought about her so often through the years. Always wondering what happened because we never believed that she just up and ran away. If she left there was a reason. We knew something bad must have happened or she would have called or come home. I can remember so many bits and pieces of things your Mom told me throughout her search. Little things just keep coming back to me. I wish I could remember something that would help. My heart aches for them as I know if it were my daughter I would want to know if she were dead or alive but then again not knowing for sure always leaves that small chance that maybe she is still alive. Knowing for sure makes it too real. I'm sure you probably thought of this but my son thought maybe the reason she was missing her blouse is because she had on a t-shirt purchased from the concert and the killer took it off of her because those t-shirts usually have the name of the band and the city and state of the concert. The police would have then known she was from Davenport. I hesitate to ask this question but if Bambi would have been drinking the night of the concert or if someone had slipped something into her drink would it still show up 8 days later? This makes me so sad but yet is also makes me so angry. What could that little girl have done that was so bad that she deserved to be strangled? Nothing could have been that bad. This is so wrong. We were all so devastated when we heard the news. It was just not the answer we had always hoped for. Yes, your Mom and Dad are in a living Hell. Not only are we grieving for Bambi but for them as well. God bless your whole family and be assured that they will find the person (he or she) who did this to that sweet little girl.
Welcome to WS fbrushman! So nice to hear from someone else who was there (besides her loving family) and has been touched by Bambi's disappearance. I'm sure we all wish it would have been a better outcome than it seems to be.

Was your daughter with Bambi the night of the concert? Is it possible she could shed any light on why Bambi may have gone to Texas on her own or the possibility she may have left with someone she knew? I just find it difficult to believe she didn't tell any of her girlfriends if she was planning to take off or if she had found someone - maybe older - at home that might have been a possible danger to her.
Welcome fbrushman! Good point about the blouse, that makes a lot of sense. There must have been a good reason it was gone, and a concert tee would've ID her right away. You say she didn't run away but left for a reason, but I don't know exactly what you mean. My cousin ran away, but her reason was she was angry over a curfew. BTW,she did come home after a year, and it all worked out in the end. If Bambi was kidnapped I don't think that they would have let her wash her things and fix herself up, although I don't know for sure. Do you have an idea of what would have given her a reason to leave? Thank god that she is found, what happened is such a tragedy for everyone involved.
Welcome to WS fbrushman!

I agree my kids always buy a concert Tshirt.
So with that thought in mind she would have 2 shirts / the 1 she wore when she left for the concert & the concert Tshirt.
Welcome fbrushman! Good point about the blouse, that makes a lot of sense. There must have been a good reason it was gone, and a concert tee would've ID her right away. You say she didn't run away but left for a reason, but I don't know exactly what you mean. My cousin ran away, but her reason was she was angry over a curfew. BTW,she did come home after a year, and it all worked out in the end. If Bambi was kidnapped I don't think that they would have let her wash her things and fix herself up, although I don't know for sure. Do you have an idea of what would have given her a reason to leave? Thank god that she is found, what happened is such a tragedy for everyone involved.

I agree with you Rudolph on all points.

Especially about being kidnapped, rarely would / has a kidnapper taken the time to allow his victim to fix themselves up. Because the victim would of tried to get away........ it doesn't seem like she was threatened. IMHO
Thank You frushman for your words of caring and the t-shirt was a great idea.But now where are both of her shirts and her shoes?They had found none of those items.But your right.All kids usually going to a concert get a T-shirt.Bambi loved this group also.Bambi worked so she certainly had money with her.I could understand the taking off of her T-shirt if she had gotten one but where are the shoes?Mom said Bambi had on her moccasin type shoes when she left but no foot wear was found.There are so many questions that we just won't get answers to for we don't know what was going on in Bambi's head at the time she went missing.I do believe thou that someone knows why she was where she was at and how she got there.If she had been drugged I believe that would have shown up when they tested the body.But the drinking wouldn't have unless she had been drinking 24 hours or so before her death.The medical examiner said no drugs or alcohal were found in her.Your right thou this is a living hell for Mom and Dad and the whole family.As the years went by we'd say could she maybe be out there and just didn't want to come home.But I would tell Mom no way.She did not hate her family to have done that.She would have tried to make contact somehow with someone to let us know she was okay.But believing that would mean she was dead and Mom and Dad just couldn't think like that.They never gave up hope that she could possible be out there still alive.If this does come back as Bambi and in our hearts it will then we have to put our energy into getting her killer.The police will do so and Bambi will then rest in peace knowing her killer was caught and brought to justice.Thank You all for your help and thoughts of caring for Bambi and her whole family.This is extremely tough for us and the waitng is awful hard.Thank You for keeping this thread going.It gives us hope that Bambi will not be forgotten and her death may help others.We want to scream it from the roof tops that there are so many missing and unidentified people out there that to keep looking and with help from people like your selfs others will find their love ones too.Thank You all for your support. Sincerly Lorie
Thank You frushman for your words of caring and the t-shirt was a great idea.But now where are both of her shirts and her shoes?They had found none of those items.But your right.All kids usually going to a concert get a T-shirt.Bambi loved this group also.Bambi worked so she certainly had money with her.I could understand the taking off of her T-shirt if she had gotten one but where are the shoes?Mom said Bambi had on her moccasin type shoes when she left but no foot wear was found.There are so many questions that we just won't get answers to for we don't know what was going on in Bambi's head at the time she went missing.I do believe thou that someone knows why she was where she was at and how she got there.If she had been drugged I believe that would have shown up when they tested the body.But the drinking wouldn't have unless she had been drinking 24 hours or so before her death.The medical examiner said no drugs or alcohal were found in her.Your right thou this is a living hell for Mom and Dad and the whole family.As the years went by we'd say could she maybe be out there and just didn't want to come home.But I would tell Mom no way.She did not hate her family to have done that.She would have tried to make contact somehow with someone to let us know she was okay.But believing that would mean she was dead and Mom and Dad just couldn't think like that.They never gave up hope that she could possible be out there still alive.If this does come back as Bambi and in our hearts it will then we have to put our energy into getting her killer.The police will do so and Bambi will then rest in peace knowing her killer was caught and brought to justice.Thank You all for your help and thoughts of caring for Bambi and her whole family.This is extremely tough for us and the waitng is awful hard.Thank You for keeping this thread going.It gives us hope that Bambi will not be forgotten and her death may help others.We want to scream it from the roof tops that there are so many missing and unidentified people out there that to keep looking and with help from people like your selfs others will find their love ones too.Thank You all for your support. Sincerly Lorie

Many times a killer will take personal items off a victim as a trophy. Or maybe it could ID the killer in some way or prove who the victim is.

You mentioned in a earlier post about the family hiring a PI for a year. I'm sure he must of contacted all of her friends & the school / her work etc did he come up with anything?
The PI had nothing.He said every which way he went he hit a stone wall.So hopefully when this is over the police will have enough things they got at the scene to get the person who did it. Lorie
What I meant about having a reason was not that she was mad or upset with her family or anything like that. What I meant is that maybe it did have something to do with the boyfriend. Maybe someone talked her into going there or maybe the boyfriend was here and talked her into going. Maybe it was just a joy ride and she planned to come right back. I do not believe she planned to run away that night. I think it was a spur of the moment thing. No 17 year old girl kmowingly runs away from home without a change of underwear and some type of make-up (if she normally wears it). She left too many things behind to be a runaway. Maybe she went willingly but then changed her mind and wanted to come home. That is why I wondered about the drinking. People do crazy things when they have a few drinks in them and don't think about the consequences. I know growing up that Bambi thought her parents were too strick (what teen doesn't) but I also know she loved them very much and she did not ever want to out and out disobey them. She did care what they thought. The moccasin type shoes could have fallen off easily, especially being dragged. Someone could have burned her shoes and shirts. She could have had the tee on when she was killed and her blouse could have been left somewhere else. Maybe the killer thought the shoes and tee could have been a link to who she was. Maybe she was killed at someones house and taken to the roadside to be dumped. Whoever did it did not take too much time trying to hide the body. No my daughter did not go to the concert with her and had not talked to her for quite some time prior to that. I do not know of anyone that was questioned by the PI and for sure nobody in my family was. Of coarse we had not seen Bambi for a while either. I only know the name of one friend she had and I also know that your Mom did go to her house to question her. I am sure the family knows who I am talking about. And I am also sure that all the dots will come together and justice will be served. You may never have all the answers but some day some of the pieces will come together. And you are right. She will not be forgotten. I am just as sure as you are that this is Bambi and I wish the family would think about having a memorial service once this is over. We would all like to say good-bye. You will never leave my thoughts.
What I meant about having a reason was not that she was mad or upset with her family or anything like that. What I meant is that maybe it did have something to do with the boyfriend. Maybe someone talked her into going there or maybe the boyfriend was here and talked her into going. Maybe it was just a joy ride and she planned to come right back. I do not believe she planned to run away that night. I think it was a spur of the moment thing. No 17 year old girl kmowingly runs away from home without a change of underwear and some type of make-up (if she normally wears it). She left too many things behind to be a runaway. Maybe she went willingly but then changed her mind and wanted to come home. That is why I wondered about the drinking. People do crazy things when they have a few drinks in them and don't think about the consequences. I know growing up that Bambi thought her parents were too strick (what teen doesn't) but I also know she loved them very much and she did not ever want to out and out disobey them. She did care what they thought. The moccasin type shoes could have fallen off easily, especially being dragged. Someone could have burned her shoes and shirts. She could have had the tee on when she was killed and her blouse could have been left somewhere else. Maybe the killer thought the shoes and tee could have been a link to who she was. Maybe she was killed at someones house and taken to the roadside to be dumped. Whoever did it did not take too much time trying to hide the body. No my daughter did not go to the concert with her and had not talked to her for quite some time prior to that. I do not know of anyone that was questioned by the PI and for sure nobody in my family was. Of coarse we had not seen Bambi for a while either. I only know the name of one friend she had and I also know that your Mom did go to her house to question her. I am sure the family knows who I am talking about. And I am also sure that all the dots will come together and justice will be served. You may never have all the answers but some day some of the pieces will come together. And you are right. She will not be forgotten. I am just as sure as you are that this is Bambi and I wish the family would think about having a memorial service once this is over. We would all like to say good-bye. You will never leave my thoughts.

Thank you very much for your insights. :)
The PI had nothing.He said every which way he went he hit a stone wall.So hopefully when this is over the police will have enough things they got at the scene to get the person who did it. Lorie

That is unreal that the family paid the PI for a year & he came up empty handed. He should of been able to get a wealth of information from the teachers, her work & her friends. Wow I'd be so mad if I was you! Information should of been very easy to get right after she went missing.

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