TX TX - President John F. Kennedy, 46, Dallas, 22 Nov 1963

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Appears what I found out LBJ and his friends was on a very slick banna peel and heading to jail if JFK stay in the White House..

But if LBJ was in danger of indictment (what for?) taking JFK out would be pretty useless unless LBJ was somehow able to replace Kennedy's Cabinet with his own cronies which he did not, not even after being elected in his own right in '64. If LBJ was so afraid of JFK why keep such staunch JFK men as Bobby and McNamara by his side? Unless we are willing to accept that Bobby had something to do with his brother's assassination the LBJ connection is weak at best.

Anyway myself look at this LBJ had the most to gain with JFK out of the pitcher..
He also had the most to lose, for that very reason. My take is that some people may have thought that having LBJ at the White House would benefit them, but were ultimately proven wrong when government policies and key policy-makers remained in place under LBJ. From a political point of view JFK's assassination had little effect.

Orders was to get Airborne ASAP, And here LBJ hold up the whole show waiting for Federal Judge to swear him in before he left Texas..
This was proper protocol, they were going by the rules.

If this was a direct threat to leadership of USA head offical's why set there on tarmac in open waiting on a Federal Judge???
He was aboard Air Force One, not out in the open. It is not unreasonable to think that SS wanted to assess possible threats to the plane in flight before allowing it to take off, and figured it was safer on the ground until then.

But this case I feel should been clear up long time ago... Question is Why this long ??? All these great investigation groups like FBI, SS, and others could not even slove this case in over 48 years. Pretty bad police work in my book
It probably shouldn't come as a surprise to you that this was not investigated like a "standard" murder case. Went straight up to Congress and from there, the Warren Commission. Because of this, investigative agencies quickly found themselves so entangled in red tape that they could barely move a pinkie.
Agree that it had a very limited political impact. A strange coincidence among many : it was all about brothers being murdered.

1. The Kennedy brothers, Jack and Robert.

2. Ngo Din Diem and his brother. Murdered in Saigon, just before the JFK murder.

3. I want to include Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and his brother A.D. King. MLK's brother was also a preacher.Also active in the non violent civil rights movement. He had problems with depression, and alcohol, a few years before he died. He was found in his swimming pool.Death ruled a drowning.No alcohol present,or drugs. Which is strange to me, because he was known to be a strong swimmer,and loved the water.

In Oliver Stone's movie "Nixon", the Nixon character starts tripping to the Haldemann character about the "deaths of brothers "...Weird.
I feel the documentary "The Longoria Affair" is a great detailed look into the corruption of LBJ. It shows a great detail of the good things he has done, but also has small segments on the lies and forced denial of his political standing due to his Texan superiors. The doc is on netflix, and is worthwhile even if you aren't interested in the possibilities of LBJ being involved in the assassination of JFK
Today marks the 50 year anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

While the murder was officially solved and explained by the Warren Commission in October 1964 - just in time for the '64 Presidential election - there are many people today who believe that there was more to the story than the "official" report stated.

I recently re-read the actual Warren Commission Report. It is a well written document which presents evidence in a factual manner and concludes that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone nut killer, and that there was no Conspiracy whatsoever.

The final conclusion of the report was actually the opening premise. FBI director J. Edgar Hoover came to that conclusion before President Johnson even formed and convened the Commission, and it was presented to them on the first day that they met.

The report is very much like a prosecutor's brief. That is, all evidence which tended to implicate Oswald as the one and only shooter was presented, while any conflicting evidence was left out of the summary or explained away.

Here is an example regarding the number of shots fired. The report states (page107): "The consensus among the witnesses at the scene was that three shots were fired. However, some heard only two shots, while others testified that they heard four and perhaps as many as five or six shots." The report does not state how they arrived at the "consensus" of three shots. No mathematical statistics were given as to the number of witnesses and their estimates was included.

The driving "proof" for the Commission concluding that three shots were fired was stated thus: "Nevertheless, the preponderance of the evidence, in particular the three spent cartridges, led the Commission to conclude that there were three shots fired."

In other words, since three shell casings were found in the Dallas School Book Depository, only three shots were fired - in spite of what numerous witnesses heard and in spite of other possible shooting positions.
I agree LBJ was at the heart of the assassination.
I think Oswald was responsible for all three shots.
But, I'm not sure he was acting alone.
In other words, I think someone else may have been involved in the planning or even the "hiring" of Oswald.
But I believe he was the only shooter that day.

How long until the sealed evidence is opened?

I think it's the driver who did it. I could be wrong.

However, I think more than one person shot at the car.

As for LBJ, I can understand easily that anyone might guess he was behind it. It seems weird he would chose to do such a thing in his home state, but maybe he thought people would be more sympathetic to him there.

A contributing factor to the strangeness of this case is the weird back brace type of thing JFK was wearing under his clothing. There are photos of it along with his shirt (after these items were removed from his body), but the page I found it on before had some GRUESOME photos right alongside it. However, Kennedy was rather stiffly held in place by this contraption.. even before he was shot. He played it off like he was fine and healthy and not strapped into such a thing when he was photographed earlier that same day.

I also read that Jackie had just come back from a vacation during which she spent time with Onasis (of all people). And that she did not usually go in the car with Jack like this... so, there is that... But, OTOH, she refused to even remove her clothing that was all bloodstained because she was too upset. So, I do not think she wanted to kill her husband. IDK...

I feel that whatever is in the files must be something they felt people would find upsetting. If it was just more proof against Oswald then I think it would have been released a long time ago. Or if it was proof against some random person from the grassy knoll or the storm drain, again.. I think it would have been released by now. But who knows.
Today marks the 50 year anniversary of the funeral of JFK. Amazing how the news media merged everything about that time into one day for their specials.

There are indeed many different theories about what actually happened, who was responsible, and why. Much of it has been fueled by the secrecy surrounding some of the evidence, and much of it coming out of the Warren Commission's report.

Whether or not Lee Harvey Oswald was an active participant in the murder, or if so whether he acted alone or with others has always been the basic question. The Warren Commission concluded that he was the sole shooter and that he acted alone. But in attempting to prove their case, they were forced to ignore a lot of testimony from eyewitnesses, and to explain away a lot of other testimony and evidence.

To accept the Warren Commission Report, one has to believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was either the most skilled rifleman in the world, or the absolute luckiest. The official version has him shooting his clumsey bolt action rifle three times in between 4.8 and 7 seconds, while achieving two out of three fatal hits at a moving target from six stories up. THEN, walking diagonally across the 6th floor (where he was the ONLY person present), descending by stairs to the second floor in 1 minute, 15 seconds, where he was confronted by a policeman and his own boss in a lunch room. Both his boss and the police officer stated that Oswald was very calm and not out of breath. He then walked calmly and quietly down another flight of stairs, diagonally through the first floor drinking a coca cola, and out the building, past a police officer at the front entrance.

Although he was not then identified as a suspect, a fairly accurate description of him went out over the police radios within 15 minutes of the shooting.

Now this mastermind of the entire assassination next walks 7 blocks east and boards a bus heading west back toward the School Book Depository building. He gets off the bus and requests a paper transfer slip as he exits. He then walks to a bus terminal and gets in a taxi, but first offers the cab to an old lady who declines. He rides in the cab for about five minutes and exits, giving the driver a five cent tip and 95 cent fare. He walks five minutes to his rooming house, puts on a jacket, pockets his pistol, and starts out on a meandering walk through his residential neighborhood.

At 1:15, only 45 minutes after the shooting, Dallas Police Officer Tippett sees Oswald walking, pulls up along side and calls him over to his squad car (number 10). As Tippet gets out of the car, Oswald shoots him four times in the presence of several witnesses, and then heads to the Texas Theater where he is subsequently arrested.

Oswald was questioned for 12 hours by Dallas Police and by the FBI, yet no notes or recordings exist of those interviews.

Of course, on Sunday 24 November 1963, Oswald is shot to death in the basement of the Police Department during his transfer to another jail.

While it was hard enough to accept Kennedy's death, the murder of Oswald put the icing on the cake for anyone with the slightest suspicions. The Warren Commission also had to explain that Oswald was silenced by another lone nut (Jack Ruby) who was acting out of misguided belief that he would be saving Jackie Kennedy from reurning to Dallas to testify in a trial.

What ever ideas, beliefs, or theories one has about the assassination, I recommend reading the Warren Commission's report as a starting point for further research and reading.
25 more years before the sealed evidence is opened. I wish it could be forced open via the freedom of information act.
Sealing any evidence for so long only strengthens and encourages conspiracy theories and doubts about the "official" story.

And what happens when it is "unsealed" and something is missing? Even more doubt and disbelief.

We know that Kennedy's brain is missing from the Archives. And we also know that the pink pillbox hat that Jackie was wearing has disappeared from the National Archives. So the thought that something else which rates being "sealed" for 75 years will also go missing before it is ever made public.
"New details about Lee Harvey Oswald's potential ties to the KGB during the time he spent in the Soviet Union have been revealed.

The National Archives released 441 documents never-before-seen related to the assassination of President John F Kennedy on Monday.

Included in the huge information dump, which was partially made up of CIA and FBI records, are transcripts and 17 recordings of interviews with Yuri Nosenko.
Nosenko was a former KGB agent who defected to the US in 1964.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ase-new-documents-JFK-file.html#ixzz4nnqIEtYs
Robert F. Kennedy saw conspiracy in JFK’s assassination
By Bryan Bender and Neil Swidey GLOBE STAFF NOVEMBER 24, 2013

In addition to lots of underworld associations, Trafficante and Hoffa even shared a lawyer, Frank Ragano. In his book “Mob Lawyer,” Ragano detailed how Hoffa had instructed him in the summer of 1963 to tell Trafficante and Marcello that the time had come to kill the president. He thought Hoffa was just venting, and delivered the message jokingly, but said the two mobsters seemed to take it much more seriously.

Marcello ended up being acquitted in New Orleans the same day that the president was killed. While serving time later in life, he was caught on a federal wiretap confessing to an FBI informant that he’d had JFK killed, according to FBI files released under the JFK Records Act of 1992.Trafficante is also alleged to have made a deathbed confession of his involvement to his lawyer, expressing regret that maybe the gun should have been pointed at Bobby.

Another member of this rogue’s gallery of suspects was Chicago mob boss Sam Giancana. This is the same Giancana who, it would later be revealed, had shared a mistress with JFK. The Chicago boss had been put under such smothering government surveillance during 1963 that Kaiser, the “Road to Dallas” author, argues it had crossed over into harassment. In a recent interview, Kaiser said he believes Marcello, Trafficante, and probably Giancana — likely at the behest of Hoffa — were all involved in putting in motion the hit on JFK.

As for Giancana, he was expected to testify in 1975 before a Senate subcommittee co-chaired by Gary Hart of Colorado. Established to investigate the JFK assassination, the subcommittee was the first official body to openly question the lone-gunman narrative of the Warren Commission. But before Giancana could appear, his bullet-riddled body was found in his basement in suburban Chicago. The dismembered body of another mob witness, Boston-born Johnny Rosselli, was found in a drum floating off Florida, after he had testified in front of Hart’s panel.

Read more at .... https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2...sassination/TmZ0nfKsB34p69LWUBgsEJ/story.html


I don't remember seeing this article before. Some interesting theories and connections.
What will the new Kennedy assassination documents tell us?


The 1992 Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act* — which was prompted partly by the Oliver Stone movie “JFK” — mandated the release of*millions of pages related to Lee Harvey Oswald’s fatal shooting of Kennedy within 25 years. The final set of documents must be revealed by Oct. 26, and only President Trump has the authority to push back the deadline...

Experts who have studied the assassination say there are about 3,100 previously unreleased files that contain tens of thousands of pages of never-before-seen material. Additionally, the National Archives has another 30,000 pages that have been disclosed previously, but only partially.

They said the 3,100 new files are potentially some of the most intriguing because many of them concern Oswald’s six-day trip to Mexico City in September 1963, about two months before the Nov. 22 assassination. Oswald himself was shot to death by nightclub owner Jack Ruby on Nov. 24. They believe some of the papers might show the extent to which the CIA, which had been monitoring Oswald’s movements in Mexico, knew the magnitude of Oswald’s overtures to the Cubans and Soviets.

The clock is ticking for a generation of people who were so greatly affected by the assassination. My mom was a young bride who had her first child at this time. She is in her 70s. I grew up with a bust of Kennedy in our living room. I hope that my mother's generation lives to see more answers.

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