TX TX - President John F. Kennedy, 46, Dallas, 22 Nov 1963

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I am going to chnage the subject and ask what you all thought of the Badgeman analysis... I thought that it was interesting that they did not even mention that he may have been kneeling. Becuase if he had been he would have most likely been around 2 feet tall.
Thanks for the link Dark Knight! How well I remember that sad day. I have always felt that it was a conspiracy and Oswald was a patsy, but as for the 'lone gunman', I just don't buy it. Too many theories, everyone 'sees' something differently. We will probably never know the truth.
Richard said:
The science of ballistics can prove some things, but certainly not other. For instance, you cannot "prove" or disprove what shape a bullet will be when it has expended its energy in a target.
What type and shape of material the bullet strikes, what it hits first, second, and third, what the distance was, what the exact amount of powder was, and its age, etc are all variable factors that enter into the mix.

Ah, Beg to differ. The fact is that you can show by tests exactly the level of deformity you can expect a bullet to undergo with all variables considered.

The Discovery special actually showed in it's final experiment, that the same exact bullet , same batch even, with the same charge was clearly more deformed than the "magic Bullet" when it was shot through a bone encased in ballistic gel which was carefully simulated to mimic a human body.

They simply ignored the increased bullet deformity ( the central question to me about the exibited ballistic evidence), dismissing it by saying that it's probable that the Magic bullet must have simply "graized" the hard part of the targets... the Presidents vertebra and Connelly's wrist , (which I think was shattered, right?)

I believe that the shot could have happened the way that they theorized.

I do not believe that exhibit that they came up with was the actual bullet. It was too consistent with a round shot into gel or other soft targets. This bullet being the lynchpin of the whole scenario, it makes me again wonder about the credibility of the final results of the official investigation, if not the hypothetical validity of the magic bullet theory itself.

Yeah... it's possible ... It could of happened that way, just... not very likely with that bullet, ( in my opinion of course ).
I do not believe that exhibit that they came up with was the actual bullet. It was too consistent with a round shot into gel or other soft targets. This bullet being the lynchpin of the whole scenario, it makes me again wonder about the credibility of the final results of the official investigation, if not the hypothetical validity of the magic bullet theory itself.

Yeah... it's possible ... It could of happened that way, just... not very likely with that bullet, ( in my opinion of course ).

Many others have argued this same point - which opens the whole can of worms. Obviously this particular bullet was the one found at Parkland Hospital. It is the one that the Warren Commission foccused on in coming up with their theory. If it had been another bullet that made the wounds -where did it go?

Any bullet or bullets fired into Kennedy or Connally would have either remained in their bodies, or would have exited inside the limousine, possibly causing damage to the vehicle interior and/or remaining inside the vehicle for recovery.

The Commission Exhibit bullet was reportedly found on Connally's gurney and cleaned of all blood by someone at the hospital before being handed over to a Secret Service agent at the Hospital. In all the confusion, that person's name was never taken. So, from the start, there is a problem with the chain of custody.

But think of all the many unforseeable factors that would have had to go into such a conspiracy to be able to remove the real bullet and plant a fake. Not that some conspiracy buffs haven't tried to explain it in this manner. (Some claim that Jack Ruby was at Parkland and planted it.) How could anyone know in advance to have a bullet waiting at the hospital? And wouldn't planting one there potentially add an additional piece of unaccountable evidence? After all, a person standing by with the fake would have no idea how many shots were fired, nature of wounds, etc.

Ballistic tests into geletin are designed to try to simulate various things, but just look at any collection of bullets fired into geletin (or any kind of material). No two are exactly the same.

You are correct to state that the single bullet theory is an extremely important part of the Warren Commission's final report. If one bullet did NOT wound both men, then there would have had to have been more than one rifleman, - not a conclusion they wanted to make. They, however, had the evidence to deal with, and came up with their theory.

Their biggest problem was that they stated that it was the FIRST shot which struck the men, and that the SECOND shot missed. In fact, the most likely scenario was that the first shot was deflected and riccocheted, while the second shot was the one which hit both men. Trying to make the first shot the one that hit, compresses the amount of time that the shooter would have had, and it gives you the unlikely "gap" of time between Kennedy's first reaction to that of Connally.
Dark Knight said:
It's the mystery of the 20th Century, who killed JFK? Did the murdered Dallas Police officer have a role in it? Here is a VERY interesting investigation into the timeline that day for Dallas Police Officer Tippit, who was later believed to be murdered by Lee Harvey Oswald: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/car10.htm

My opinion? Oswald was the lone gunman. All theories about places for a second gunman to shoot from were recently disproved in a Discovery Channel investigation. ABC World News Tonight also did an investigation and found that the Warren Comission was correct. And as for shooting FROM the grassy knoll, I don't think so! Most everyone on the ground seemed to know about the shots coming from the Book Depository 6 stories up and quite a ways away, but NO one noticed someone shooting a rifle from a grassy knoll right there on the street with people all around???? That defies all logic. Was he put up to it by someone else? I think so. Most likely a Mob hit. Was Officer Tippit involved? He sure acted suspiciously, that day, and maybe Oswald had to silence him, just like Ruby had to silence Oswald (and that is typical Mob practice, not only kill the person, but then kill the people who killed the person, to ensure no one was around as a witness.) And they likely also killed Monroe. But, did someone put them up to it, or did they do it on their own? I look forward to reading the various theories, and maybe we can fill each other in on things we have heard that others might not have. Take it away, Sleuthers!!!!
I remember when the late kenedy was shot....
People in the Chicago area, thought Hoover was involved with the set up.
Nothing came of it.

If you also remember, everyone that was close to the case, they died unusual.

There was a movie a number of years later that aired but was taken off,
then re-released years later.....
"The Parallax View" 1974 was it's first release. Warren Beaty was in it.
If you can find it, a MUST see.;)
It's all about that day and what happened in the following few years.....


There is a book called Harvey and Lee by John Armstrong about 2 men using the same identity -- Lee Harvey Oswald. You can purchase it at jfkresearch.com. This will tell you all you need to know about Oswald. Kennedy was killed by wealthy, wealthy oil barons who used mafia hitmen and CIA-trained Cuban exiles. Johnson covered up the plot. He had the Secret Service wash the limo while Kennedy was still in the hospital. Told the Warren Commission to come up with the lone nut theory. Hoover knew also apparently. Kennedy was killed because he wanted to pull out of Viet Nam. He was going to do away with the CIA. He wasn't global in his vision; not New World Order. Johnson knew the night before that they were going to go through with it. As did melancholy Nixon. No Secret Service surrounded Kennedy's limo. There were shooters from the Dal-Tex building, the grassy knoll, also on Stemmons Freeway and at the Trade Mart. He wasn't getting out alive.
Kathy C
Pharlap said:
I remember when the late kenedy was shot....
People in the Chicago area, thought Hoover was involved with the set up.
Nothing came of it.

If you also remember, everyone that was close to the case, they died unusual.

There was a movie a number of years later that aired but was taken off,
then re-released years later.....
"The Parallax View" 1974 was it's first release. Warren Beaty was in it.
If you can find it, a MUST see.;)
It's all about that day and what happened in the following few years.....



If you don't like to read much then watch this movie...
Has it all that's in the book.....
Oswald was told to stay by the phone outside the lunch room. The first cop on the scene was supposed to shoot him, but there was another person by Oswald. So J.D. Tippet was radioed to find Oswald, who had sneaked out of the building, and kill him. Lee Oswald ran into Tippet. He was part of the conspiracy against the patsy, Harvey. Lee shot Tippet as Tippet obviously thought he was Harvey Oswald. Lee left a wallet near the body incriminating Harvey. Then there was the wild rush to the Texas Movie Theater. And Harvey was arrested. Again, my main source was Harvey and Lee by John Armstrong.
In a related matter, I thought the members would like to know about Chappaquiddick. Below is a chapter from Robert Cutler's book, The Taking of America 1-2-3. Chapter 7
The Control of the Kennedys
Threats & Chappaquiddick

Chappaquiddick. A careful examination of the real evidence in this event shows that Ted Kennedy was framed in the killing of Mary Joe Kopechne and then his life and his children's lives threatened if he ever told the truth about what happened. The facts in the case and the conclusions that can be drawn from them are contained in a book by Boston researcher Robert Cutler.[size=-1][2][/size]
Ted's withdrawal from the presidential race in November 1975. It is a fact that all of his and Robert's children were being protected by the Secret Service for five days in November 1975. A threat had been made against the children's lives unless he officially announced his withdrawal. He made the announcement and has stuck to it ever since. The Secret Service protection ended the day after he made the announcement.
It does not seem likely that Senator Kennedy would withdraw from the race because of a threat from a lone nut or from some obscure group. He remembers the 1965 threat and Chappaquiddick very well. He knows about the Power Control Group and he knows their enormous capability. He knows what they did to his brothers. He has no choice but to hope that somehow, sometime, the Group will be exposed. But he dares not let them believe he would ever have anything to do with it. Publicly he will always have to support the Warren Commission and continue to state that he will not run for president. Privately he is forced to ask his closest friends and his relatives not to get involved with new investigations, and to help protect his children. Some of them know the truth. Others do not, and are puzzled by his behavior. They go along with it under the assumption that he has good and sufficient reasons not to open the can of worms represented by the conspiracies in his brother's deaths.
The Power Control Group faced up to the Ted Kennedy and Kennedy family problem very early. They used the threat against the Kennedy children's lives very effectively between 1963 and 1968 to silence Bobby and the rest of the family and friends who knew the truth. It was necessary to assassinate Bobby in 1968 because with the power of the presidency he could have prevented the Group from harming the children. When Teddy began making moves to run for president in 1969 for the 1972 election, the Group decided to put some real action behind their threats. Killing Teddy in 1969 would have been too much. They selected a new way of eliminating him as a candidate. They framed him with the death of a young girl, and threw sexual overtones in for good measure.
Here is what happened according to Cutler's analysis of the evidence. The Group hired several men and at least one woman to be at Chappaquiddick during the weekend of the yacht race and the planned party on the island. They ambushed Ted and Mary Jo after they left the cottage and knocked Ted out with blows to his head and body. They took the unconscious or semi-conscious Kennedy to Martha's Vineyard and deposited him in his hotel room. Another group took Mary Jo to the bridge in Ted's car, force fed her with a knock out potion of alcoholic beverage, placed her in the back seat, and caused the car to accelerate off the side of the bridge into the water. They broke the windows on one side of the car to insure the entry of water; then they watched the car until they were sure Mary Jo would not escape.
Mary Jo actually regained consciousness and pushed her way to the top of the car (which was actually the bottom of the car -- it had landed on its roof) and died from asphyxiation. The group with Teddy revived him early in the morning and let him know he had a problem. Possibly they told him that Mary Jo had been kidnapped. They told him his children would be killed if he told anyone what had happened and that he would hear from them. On Chappaquiddick, the other group made contact with Markham and Gargan, Ted's cousin and lawyer. They told both men that Mary Jo was at the bottom of the river and that Ted would have to make up a story about it, not revealing the existence of the group. One of the men resembled Ted and his voice sounded something like Ted's. Markham and Gargan were instructed to go the the Vineyard on the morning ferry, tell Ted where Mary Jo was, and come back to the island to wait for a phone call at a pay station near the ferry on the Chappaquiddick side.
The two men did as they were told and Ted found out what had happened to Mary Jo that morning. The three men returned to the pay phone and received their instructions to concoct a story about the "accident" and to report it to the police. The threat against Ted's children was repeated at that time.
Ted, Markham and Gargan went right away to police chief Arena's office on the Vineyard where Ted reported the so-called "accident." Almost at the same time scuba diver John Farror was pulling Mary Jo out of the water, since two boys who had gone fishing earlier that morning had spotted the car and reported it.
Ted called together a small coterie of friends and advisors including family lawyer Burke Marshall, Robert MacNamara, Ted Sorenson, and others. They met on Squaw Island near the Kennedy compound at Hyannisport for three days. At the end of that time they had manufactured the story which Ted told on TV, and later at the inquest. Bob Cutler calls the story, "the shroud." Even the most cursory examination of the story shows it was full of holes and an impossible explanation of what happened. Ted's claim that he made the wrong turn down the dirt road toward the bridge by mistake is an obvious lie. His claim that he swam the channel back to Martha's Vineyard is not believable. His description of how he got out of the car under water and then dove down to try to rescue Mary Jo is impossible. Markham and Gargan's claims that they kept diving after Mary Jo are also unbelievable.
The evidence for the Cutler scenario is substantial. It begins with the marks on the bridge and the position of the car in the water. The marks show that the car was standing still on the bridge and then accelerated off the edge, moving at a much higher speed than Kennedy claimed. The distance the car travelled in the air also confirms this. The damage to the car on two sides and on top plus the damage to the windshield and the rear view mirror stanchion [size=-1][3][/size] prove that some of the damage had to have been inflicted before the car left the bridge.
The blood on the back and on the sleeves of Mary Jo's blouse proves that a wound was inflicted before she left the bridge.[size=-1][4][/size] The alcohol in her bloodstream proves she was drugged, since all witnesses testified she never drank and did not drink that night. The fact that she was in the back seat when her body was recovered indicates that is where she was when the car hit the water. There was no way she could have dived downward against the inrushing water and moved from the front to the back seat underneath the upside-down seat back.
The wounds on the back of Ted Kennedy's skull, those just above his ear and the large bump on the top indicate he was knocked out. His actions at the hotel the next morning show he was not aware of Mary Jo's death until Markham and Gargan arrived. The trip to the pay phone on Chappaquiddick can only be explained by his receiving a call there, not making one. There were plenty of pay phones in or near Ted's hotel if he needed to make a private call. The tides in the channel and the direction in which Ted claimed he swam do not match. In addition it would have been a superhuman feat to have made it across the channel (as proven by several professionals who subsequently tried it).
Deputy Sheriff Christopher Look's testimony, coupled with the testimony of Ray LaRosa and two Lyons girls, proves that there were two people in Ted's car with Mary Jo at 12:45 PM. The three party members walking along the road south toward the cottage confirmed the time that Mr. Look drove by. He stopped to ask if they needed a ride. Look says that just prior to that he encountered Ted's car parked facing north at the juncture of the main road and the dirt road. It was on a short extension of the north-south section of the road junction to the north of the "T". He says he saw a man driving, a woman in the seat beside him, and what he thought was another woman lying on the back seat. He remembered a portion of the license plate which matched Ted's car, as did the description of the car. Markham, Gargan and Ted's driver's testimony show that someone they talked to in the pitch black night sounded like Ted and was about his height and build.
None of the above evidence was ever explained by Ted or by anyone else at the inquest or at the hearing on the case demanded by district attorney Edward Dinis. No autopsy was ever allowed on Mary Jo's body (her family objected), and Ted made it possible to fly her body home for burial rather quickly. Kennedy haters have seized upon Chappaquiddick to enlarge the sexual image now being promoted of both Ted and Jack Kennedy. Books like "Teddy Bare" take full advantage of the situation.
Just which operatives in the Power Control Group at the high levels or the lower levels were on Chappaquiddick Island? No definite evidence has surfaced as yet, except for an indication that there was at least one woman and at least three men, one of whom resembled Ted Kennedy and who sounded like him in the darkness. However, two pieces of testimony in the Watergate hearings provide significant clues as to which of the known JFK case conspirators may have been there.
E. Howard Hunt told of a strange trip to Hyannisport to see a local citizen there about the Chappaquiddick incident. Hunt's cover story on this trip was that he was digging up dirt on Ted Kennedy for use in the 1972 campaign. The story does not make much sense if one questions why Hunt would have to wear a disguise, including his famous red wig, and to use a voice-alteration device to make himself sound like someone else. If, on the other hand, Hunt's purpose was to return to the scene of his crime just to make sure that no one who might have seen his group at the bridge or elsewhere would talk, then the disguise and the voice box make sense.
The other important testimony came from Tony Ulasewicz who said he was ordered by the Plumbers to fly immediately to Chappaquiddick and dig up dirt on Ted. The only problem Tony has is that, according to his testimony, he arrived early on the morning of the "accident", before the whole incident had been made public. Ulasewicz is the right height and weight to resemble Kennedy and with a CIA voice-alteration device he presumably could be made to sound like him. There is a distinct possibility that Hunt and Tony were there when it happened.
The threats by the Power Control Group, the frame-up at Chappaquiddick, and the murders of Jack and Bobby Kennedy cannot have failed to take their toll on all of the Kennedys. Rose, Ted, Jackie, Ethel and the other close family members must be very tired of it all by now. They can certainly not be blamed for hoping it will all go away. Investigations like those proposed by Henry Gonzalez and Thomas Downing only raised the spectre of the powerful Control Group taking revenge by kidnapping some of the seventeen children.
It was no wonder that a close Kennedy friend and ally in California, Representative Burton, said that he would oppose the Downing and Gonzalez resolutions unless Ted Kennedy put his stamp of approval on them. While the sympathies of every decent American go out to them, the future of our country and the freedom of the people to control their own destiny through the election process mean more than the lives of all the Kennedys put together. If John Kennedy were alive today he would probably make the same statement.
John Dean summed it up when he said to Richard Nixon as recorded on the White House tapes in 1973: "If Teddy knew the bear trap he was walking into at Chappaquiddick. . . ."[size=-1][5][/size]

[size=-1]The fabulous Jackie -- Christian Cafarakis -- Productions de Paris -- 1972 You the Jury -- Robert Cutler -- Self Published -- 1974 A rope attached to the stick which held the Oldsmobile throttle wide open caught the drivers rear view mirror and tore it loose so that it was hanging by the rear bolt. There was no other mark on the left side of the car. A sliver of glass from two broken windows no doubt caused this bleeding since Mary Jo was already face down and unconscious in the rear seat. Since there was no autopsy this clean cut went unnoticed by the embalmers. On page 121, White House Tapes Paperback Edition, published by New York Times
The Chappaquidick story is certainly a fascinating one, with all the elements of a good historical novel, weaving in all the known facts with a host of unseen characters planning every last detail of the murder to make it look like an accident - all to make poor Ted look bad enough to not run for President.

There was a lot of fiction being written and acted out as early as the day following Mary Jo's death. Only that was not fiction written by a novelist or by some shadowy group. It was fiction being made up by Ted Kennedy and his advisors.

If some group was going to go through all the trouble of killing someone and making it look like an accident, why didn't they just leave Ted in the car too? Ted just did not need any help to screw things up. All politics aside, most people looking at the evidence would conclude that Ted drove his own car off the bridge and into the water, then saved his own hide, leaving Mary Jo to die. True, there are a lot of unanswered questions about Chappaquidick, but this story is pretty far fetched in my opinion.

No matter how you look at it. Ted Kennedy is his own worst enemy. He is truly a "Could-Have-Been". But he blew it.
I happened to work in the Ricoh office building adjourning the Caldwell Airport and long before 9/11 worried that a plane would come crashing into the building. Which has nothing to do with this post.
Anyway. Some researchers believe JFK Jr's plane was tampered with at that insignificant airport. It was a barometric bomb, which meant as Jr's plane descended near Martha's Vineyard, the bomb exploded. Several people, including a doctor, saw an explosion in the sky in the area where Jr's plane would have been.
Proof was the debris washed up on shore immediately, whereas if the plane had crashed into the water, much of it may have remained intact.
The sister-in-law's luggage; her business card. And the quick cremation and burial at sea.
The motive for the bomb? Hillary Clinton wanted to run as Senator of New York and JFK jr wanted to as well. If Jr rose to that position, he was going to look into the murder of his father. The powers that be killed John Kennedy Jr. Recall all the weird deaths during the Clinton presidency. When are people going to learn the President is not the head man?
After the tragedy, which could not be further investigated, Caroline supposedly said she wanted to look into who killed her father. Ted Kennedy supposedly answered, "If you start with that, we're going to put you into a mental institution."
Source: jfkresearch.com
Kathy C
John Kennedy Jr. was a fairly new and inexperienced pilot. He had broken his leg and it was still in a cast when he flew his last flight. My initial feeling was that he managed to stall the aircraft - possibly due to overloading or incorrect weight and balance - and that his attempts to recover control from the stall and resultant spin were not sufficient. His broken leg in a cast would have significantly hindered this attempt to manage controls in such a situation. I believe that the accident investigators later came to a similar conclusion.

There has been a rising threat of air terrorism involving bombs, hijackers, suicide pilots and by individuals with shoulder fired rockets. Consideration is given in all air crash investigations to the possibility that a bomb or rocket may have been involved. The most common cause of air crashes, however, is usually ruled "pilot error".
If it was pilot error, why did Ted Kennedy arrange for an immediate cremation for John Jr and the 2 Bessette girls (along with their parents' approval). Sounds to me like something was covered up.

Kathy C
There is only one judge in the end. For all of us. I don't think Ted Kennedy has anything to worry about when his time comes. When he dies -- which I hope is a long way off -- I bet the real story will come out.
Kathy C
Lili said:
Thanks for the link Dark Knight! How well I remember that sad day. I have always felt that it was a conspiracy and Oswald was a patsy, but as for the 'lone gunman', I just don't buy it. Too many theories, everyone 'sees' something differently. We will probably never know the truth.

Remember Frank Sturgis of Watergate fame? he said the same thing...he worked for Nixon even then
Originally Posted by Lili
Thanks for the link Dark Knight! How well I remember that sad day. I have always felt that it was a conspiracy and Oswald was a patsy, but as for the 'lone gunman', I just don't buy it. Too many theories, everyone 'sees' something differently. We will probably never know the truth.
I remember it well. I was in high school at the time.

I have seen a couple of TV programs that make a good case for JFK's assination being a mob hit because of how tough RFK as AG was on mob crime, after the mob was influential in getting JFK elected. Mob felt double-crossed. Makes sense to me. I just don't see Oswald having that strong a motive to do it alone.
There was a book not too long ago implicating Jackie in JFK's death (and possibly Marlyn Monroe's) likely as revenge for their affair. What do you all think of that possibility?
Pepper said:
I remember it well. I was in high school at the time.

I have seen a couple of TV programs that make a good case for JFK's assination being a mob hit because of how tough RFK as AG was on mob crime, after the mob was influential in getting JFK elected. Mob felt double-crossed. Makes sense to me. I just don't see Oswald having that strong a motive to do it alone.
I think Oswald could have done it alone, and some experts have recreated it and proven it's possibility, but that doesnt preclude it being a mob hit. He simply was the hit man, paid a lot of money, perhaps, and when Officer Tibbit didn't kill him to silence him, Ruby was sent to do it. That's typical mob MO, kill the hired killers and maybe even kill the killers of the killers. They do it all the time. (I have LE in my family who know about the mob quite well.)
Dark Knight said:
I think Oswald could have done it alone, and some experts have recreated it and proven it's possibility, but that doesnt preclude it being a mob hit. He simply was the hit man, paid a lot of money, perhaps, and when Officer Tibbit didn't kill him to silence him, Ruby was sent to do it. That's typical mob MO, kill the hired killers and maybe even kill the killers of the killers. They do it all the time. (I have LE in my family who know about the mob quite well.)
I didn't mean to infer that Oswald wasn't the lone gunman. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Seems like there is much controversy surrounding the "single bullet" theory. Maybe there was a second shooter, then again maybe not. However, the mob hit is a very real possibility, and it makes a lot of sense to me.

The last TV program I saw on this indicated that Earl Warren and Gerald Ford were sent to Texas to interview Ruby in jail. Ruby begged them to take him to Washington DC and he would tell them everything. This indicated Ruby was fearful of staying in Texas if he spilled the beans. They didn't move him.
Did Lee Harvey Oswald create the Warren Commission? Did LHO tell the Secret Service to clean the limo outside of Parkland Hospital and thereby destroy the evidence of the crime scene? There are photos of this. Did LHO tell the Secret Service not to go near Kennedy's limo in the motorcade? The passengers had no protection. Did LHO tell the "Cuban" to wave his white-sleeved arm as a signal for the shooting to start again, or the limo to come to a stop? Did LHO tell the Umbrella Man to open and close his umbrella a few times when Kennedy neared? (Was the Umbrella a CIA weapon, which shot a poisoned dart at Kennedy's throat?) Did LHO know the 3 tramps -- possible shooters? Did LHO have Zapruder, who suffered from Vertigo, climb up onto the 4 foot pedestal and film the Assassination?
In my opinion, there is no way LHO shot President Kennedy and Gov. Connelly. The shots came from the Dal-Tex building, the grassy knoll and possibly from the triple underpass.

Kathy C

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