TX TX - President John F. Kennedy, 46, Dallas, 22 Nov 1963

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THE ONLY STORY left to tell is what I've posted in this thread, destroying the movie and an industry full of LYING conspiracy authors who are ironically the most responsible for keeping the truth from the masses.
GREAT GIF showing his right to left movement. Keep your eyes through the windshield.
FRAME 278 is the last clear view of the fitted gun in Greer's left hand. Logic dictates that Greer would not have put his hand back on the wheel only 2 seconds before he was gonna shoot Kennedy. It's common sense that he moved the gun from lower position in a similar way to resting it on his chest, so all he had to do was raise, straighten and shoot over the seatback. There was no wild motion, flailing of the gun. The gun was rested near his right collarbone before he turned the second time at frame 302 to shoot.
FRAME 278- You can see the fitted gun from frames 242-278 except 64/65 because of the lamp post.
I knew a long time ago, bobharris77 had realized during the making of this clip that the film had in fact been altered to hide the fact the driver shot Kennedy. He did make some adjustments to it because you can no longer advance it with your mouse from 158-200-202. At two minutes you could see the red smoke and then advance to 202 and see the red blotch appear, both of those happening in unison with the white extending backward.

At around 1:30 he's babbling on about how the driver's left hand is at his side while holding steady at frame 312. At the end of his verbal nonsense he advances to frame 313 where you can clearly see it extend in sync with the headshot. What he did was create this effect which distracts the viewer from seeing the fake white working in sync with the fake red blotch. He did this because the screen didn't change for 30 or more seconds before advancing it to 313. This amount of time would have revealed to at least some viewers the connection between the fake reflection and the headshot. Bob, knows the driver fired on Kennedy and this effect proves it beyond any doubt. Bob, is a wannabe conspiracy theorist which means the driver did it, is off limits. This should teach anybody out there...do not try to use the film to disprove an obvious fact because some sleuth may come along and use it against you. After this <modsnip> found out I was using his <modsnip> video to prove the film was altered he went back and enhanced the effect to better hide the fake white and fake mist causing and hiding the headshot from the front.
The above effect was created to hide the fake reflection and fake blood mist from working in sync to cause and hide the heashot coming from the driver. Watch the fake white extend in unison with the red mist between 312-313.
The Certified <modsnip> himself.
The HSCA said there were 4 shots and gave two scenarios based on the dpd radio analysis. One of their scenarios had a shot coming after the fatal shot which is what the evidence suggests.

1st shot = Z157 - Z161 TSBD

2nd shot = Z188 - Z191 TSBD

3rd shot = Z295 - Z296 Grassy Knoll (MISSSED...LOL)

4th shot = Z312 TSBD

The HSCA went with the above scenario in the late 70's.

1st shot = Z173 - Z177 TSBD

2nd shot = Z205 -Z208 TSBD

3rd shot = Z312 Grassy Knoll

4th shot = Z328 - Z329 TSBD

This was their way of rewarding people like Robert Groden for covering up the truth about Greer. Groden is the <modsnip> on the right.
I knew last year the only battle left to fight was the truth against the red herring and the grassy knoll is the devil in sheeps clothing. The zapruder film was altered to make it look like the fatal shot came from the right side but it came from the front like most say but they leave out the little fact that the fence is a right side shot, totally inconsistent with a wound path necessary to cause the right rear exit.

The goons could make certain alterations to the film but nothing drastic, like making jfk go forward, the direction he would have went had the shot really come from the rear. They knew early on that witnesses reported shots from the grassy knoll so they went with that type of deception for the altered film that we all see today.

It's obvious they did NOT want the film to appear like the shot came from the driver even though it really does look that way if you are researching it but most people just saw it once or twice or people like Oliver Stone used the altered film to peddle the lie that is the grassy snow job. Make no mistake, Hollywood played a very important role in giving Americans an alternative to the absurd conclusions of the Warren Commission and covering up the real truth for the government, and of course making millions of $$$.

The red mist or blood spray is fake as many here have seen by seeing it form between 312-313. I've said it was painted in for two reasons. One, to prevent anyone from seeing the bullet enter jfk's right forehead and two, it gives the illusion that the right side of his head explodes. The Nix film is crucial in solving this case but so is the Muchmore film which provides a greater angle than nix or Z at the time of the headshot. In Muchmore, no red mist is showing and her angle is the best out of the three. Also, we see in zframe 319, the bleached gun going to the floor. Well, something similar happens in the other two films.

It looks like the shot came from the right side because that's what they wanted you to believe and everyone bought it hook, line and sinker. But, it's an obvious lie that was pretty easy to expose if you were researching it like myself and of course were willing to tell the truth if you found it. Everyone watching this close-up thinks it comes from the right side.
At closer examination, by looking at slow-motion clips, the alteration is crystal clear by viewing the fake red mist forming between frames 312-313.
The<modsnip>, Bob Harris plays a very important role in exposing this all -important alteration to hide the front right entrance and Kennedy's real assassin, the driver. The fake reflection and fake mist are working in perfect sync to cause and hide the front right entrance but thanks to Bob, it's easy to see.
At trial, the<modsnip> could NOT explain away the grey steak which is obviously a fake covering for Greer's forearm extention. The grey steak is 100% fake and covers Greer's forearm and elbow extention when he shoots jfk. The grey is over his shoulder first and then across when it's needed.


<modsnip> ALTERATION creates perfect view of gun when it's fired.
Amazon.com: Tyler Newcomb's review of Murder from within

Posted on Nov. 9, 2010 2:24 AM PST
Maskmaker says:
Tyler, years ago I found a jpg of a newspaper clip from the Chicago sun times, dated Sat., Nov 23, 1963, and not only is Senator Yarborough quoted as saying he smelled gun powder on LBJ's limo nearly all the way to the hospital, he is quoted as saying that the 3rd shot may have been from a Secret Service man returning fire! Can't wait to get my hands on this book after all these years, & hopefully, the DVD! All the evidence points towards Greer taking the final shot.

In reply to an earlier post on Nov. 9, 2010 2:41 AM PST
Tyler Newcomb says:
Yes I have a very faded copy of that. If you still have it I'd like to see if it's better than mine to find a way to put it in the book. Thanks

A Murder Within was self published in 1974.
Everyone can see, even the Kennedy ,modsnip> that Greer's left arm is swiftly jerking over his right shoulder in unison with the headshot. CASE CLOSED, with no challenge from any lone nutter or ct'er like Groden and Marrs.
The altered gun is visible before, during and after the shot.
318 is the fake reflection and 319 is the gun bleached in white.
They could NOT edit out the gun so they covered it with white and grey. The driver killing Kennedy was always THE TRUTH but was universally ignored and covered-up.
The red blob is fake because it appears before the shot and after the bullet connects and you can see the mist disappear leaving the fake flap.
Notice the fake white extend in unison with the fake bloodmist.
Quite a lot of posting there. You couldn't sum all that up and put to together in a cohesive narrative? :)
Quite a lot of posting there. You couldn't sum all that up and put to together in a cohesive narrative? :)

Not really. Because the films are what prove Greer's arm/hand movements were responsible for the headshot. A little over 20 posts is nothing when you think about the amount of evidence a prosecutor presents in court.
I saw on 1st post of this thread a lot about J.D. Tippit.. There is a lost missing time period and questions of where he was.. This Family site can answer a lot of these questions if you read it and trust them... I feel myself they have no real reason to lye about his actions ...I don't see them trying to gain anything what so ever about his part in this major crime.. After the JFK murder you sure did not see his family buying big homes or big fancy cars.. Really other way around appear they did have to go through some tough times after his death..

There is a wonderfull appears to be a family web site about J.D. and all about his life..Childhood to Day he died..

It should be atleast check out and give you some type of background on J.D. before you make your mind up about him..

Myself I think J.D. Very well could had the real one or more JFK gunmen in a corner at time of his death and this cost him his life.. Unknown at this time but he very well could been the real hero if they are such of one in this case..

Excuse me if I am wrong about posting links.. Webmasters more than welcome to remove my link if I am in the wrong on when to post links and when not to post links on this site... Myself I never have understand the correct way to do Links on this site of yet..

J.D. Tippit site

Not really. Because the films are what prove Greer's arm/hand movements were responsible for the headshot. A little over 20 posts is nothing when you think about the amount of evidence a prosecutor presents in court.
True, but presentation and explanation are everything.

I was getting the gist of your argument about Greer, but then you suddenly veered off to point out the flaws of various conspiracy theorists whom I would guess are unknown quantities to the normal readership of this forum whom you claim are patsies for the government in its bid to hide the truth. That's about where I got lost and started to lose interest.

My suggestion to start with an outline and road map for people where you want to go with your information and have effective transitions. Otherwise, it just comes off as a lot of repetition of the same basic material with subtleties that are barely explained and explored for the layman.
Just a little tidbit of info here - I worked at Parkland Hospital (the hospital where they took JFK), but way after he was assasinated. I worked in Pathology and Autopsy - probably around the early 1970's.....

Just thought I'd throw that in here because right now I don't have much else to add.

Did the other nurses ever mention any little thing about that famous day?
It seems like the Oswald Lone gunman/Conspiracy debate seems to pendulam back and forth each theory being in vogue depending on the prevailing political climate at the moment.
In my un-expert opinion based on nothing but life long experience with fire arms and shooting is that the fatal head shot came from Kennedy's right-front judging from my viewing of the Zapruder film.(Though im sure there are many who would be quick to produce facts and figures to prove my lying eyes are seeing exactly the opposite of what REALLY happened) Just my opinion though.
I also find the discrepencies in the discriptions of the wounds described by the Texas medical personal at Parkland as opposed to what was described at the autopsy in Washington very compelling.
The waters have been muddied unfortunately by alot of nuts on both sides of the question.
7forever,,,I just do not see what you are saying. I believe the fatal shot did in fact come from the front but not from Greer and that I do not see. There were to many witnesses, it was just to close.
I never have believed in the Oswald theory at all. And I do not think in our lifetimes we will ever find out the truth.
Not in this frame, but what happens after.
Ms. Kennedy climbed to the back of the car and retrieved
Presidents skull and tried to put it back in place.
I read this and saw the picture in a book one time.
It was very sad to read.........sorry no link...........just memory.
lol 7forever, the drive is not the shooter. look at the clips you posted carefully. Notice the drivers LEFT hand is on the steering wheel. HTF does he shoot kennedy with his right hand.

What you are seeing the the sun shining on the greasy hair of the passenger not a silver pistol. The sun is even shining off the greasy hair of the driver. Back then it was common for men to grease their hair. I remember my dad using Brylcreem back in the day.

And Rodin, lol, come on man, do you seriously believe Jacky killed her husband.

lol Phantom, the driver is the shooter, always was and always will be. Look at the clips I posted carefully. Notice the driver's LEFT hand is passing the gun to his right hand before he turns the first time.
What you are seeing is a fake blob of white created by a 1963 goon squad.LOL Real hair reflections do not recoil at the exact moment a president is being shot by his driver unless the driver shot that president, which Greer clearly and obviously did. It even separates from Roy's head.LOL

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