TX TX - Rachel Cooke, 20, Georgetown, 10 Jan 2002

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RCOOKE said:
I was told recently about the Escape school program. http://www.escapeschool.com/ It's for younger kids.

We hope to expand the M.U.S.T. seminars for teen females and women into over Texas cities. I've had request from Houston, DFW, and San Antonio. What major city are you close to?

One of my clients, Bob Stuber, developed "Escape School."

This school is amazing. It teaches kids things I never thought of like holding on the the handle bars of your bike if someone tries to grab you while you are riding. It teaches little kids how to twist their way out of a grip.

RC you are to be commended. What you are doing for the people in your area is fantastic.
dear mr cooke, i read your jurnals and the website, it made me cry that not only her but there many more missing people who are never found i pray that she is found safe and sound and i also pray for you and your family, i was reading the whole psyhic thing and was wondering if u looked into slivia brown or u just gave up on the whole psyhic thingy slivia brown is suposed to be the best in her field shes been on montel willams show i was going to contact her for one of the cold cases im working on in ct but she was so expensive
smile22 said:
dear mr cooke, i read your jurnals and the website, it made me cry that not only her but there many more missing people who are never found i pray that she is found safe and sound and i also pray for you and your family, i was reading the whole psyhic thing and was wondering if u looked into slivia brown or u just gave up on the whole psyhic thingy slivia brown is suposed to be the best in her field shes been on montel willams show i was going to contact her for one of the cold cases im working on in ct but she was so expensive

Go back and reread my Feb. 2003 journal. It talks about my trip to NYC, Montel, and Sylvia. The bottom line is Sylvia Browne hasn't helped find a missing person yet.
RCOOKE said:
Go back and reread my Feb. 2003 journal. It talks about my trip to NYC, Montel, and Sylvia. The bottom line is Sylvia Browne hasn't helped find a missing person yet.
OMG, DON'T CALL HER NOOOOOOOOOOO. I AGREE. She has NOT found anyone or located anyone at all.

My biggest problem / story was about little Opal D'ace jennings. She told the grandmother that this little girl was kidnapped and taken as a "sex slave" to the south tropical islands. She told her absolutely she was alive.

This little child was dead in the woods the whole time. Sylvia is really good at her "craft". That's all. Enough guesses with anyone will eventually get a "hit".

I'm going to read your journal. Sorry for your pain.
RCOOKE said:
I was told recently about the Escape school program. http://www.escapeschool.com/ It's for younger kids.

We hope to expand the M.U.S.T. seminars for teen females and women into over Texas cities. I've had request from Houston, DFW, and San Antonio. What major city are you close to?

We're close to southwest Houston. We could even go up to northwest Houston for a day if necessary. We're really close to Sugar Land, which is a major suburb of Houston as well.

Escape school sounds great for my younger one, it might even be useful for my older one as a start.

I'd really like to find something that would focus on fighting back as well--

Sylvia Browne seemed to prolong pain for Opal Jennings' family by her wild talk of Opal being alive and held somewhere.

She seems to be more of a predator than a psychic.
Texana said:
We're close to southwest Houston. We could even go up to northwest Houston for a day if necessary. We're really close to Sugar Land, which is a major suburb of Houston as well.

Escape school sounds great for my younger one, it might even be useful for my older one as a start.

I'd really like to find something that would focus on fighting back as well--


LOL, I hope you can drive as far as Northwest Houston. That traffic can be horrible though.

We are heading to St. Louis on June 19 to teach two M.U.S.T seminars there. Both seminars will be free and open to the public. The afternoon seminar will be at KidsFest which is sponsored by the Shawn Hornbeck Foundation.

Our next Central Texas M.U.S.T. seminar is on April 20. Details are on rachelalert.org/must.
For Rachel

*waving to Robert* (John said to tell you "hey")
With love and hope, Lanie
Hey Robert,
It looks like I will be going back to fulltime teaching with a fifth grade class next fall. I was thinking that one of the things I would ask for would be some kind of self defense presentation for the children this age.

I think most people are as shocked as I was to find out that eleven year olds are most at risk for being abducted--They can look so physically mature these days and yet be so childlike in thinking.

I have relatives in N. Houston and used to live there, the drive is not so long with the aid of the DVD player and car VCR player--LOL! We can take the tollway so it's not impossible. Not as bad as the Austin N-S commute--THAT is enough to make a saint curse! When we first moved to Austin we thought we could handle the traffic--having lived in Houston--and then we experienced it. Very humbling!

Take care-Tex
Texana said:
Hey Robert,
It looks like I will be going back to fulltime teaching with a fifth grade class next fall. I was thinking that one of the things I would ask for would be some kind of self defense presentation for the children this age.

Our funding was turned down so we won't be developing any safety course for elementary school children this year. We will continue to train middle school girls and older with our existing M.U.S.T. seminars until somone thinks funding a safety program for kids is worth wild.

I put some comments we received from M.U.S.T. students on http://rachelalert.org/mustcomments .

There are two options in Houston. I believe the Laura Recovery Center teaches a safety course and I already mentioned the Escape School program.
Thank you for your response. I noticed the other day when I was up at the school (I got the job) the counselor had posted a large poster outside her door with tips on how to escape. (might even have been an escape school poster or something like that.)

My children came home from school today with a note about a suspicious vehicle in the area with a young male and other teens in the vehicle, offering children some food, etc.--very suspicious, especially in our neighborhood where the teens are too busy driving with cell phones to even notice younger children. The younger one told me that while a couple of the children in her class became very upset and began crying, she wasn't worried because I had told her what to do. The older child said the same thing. (We talked about some of the basic tips about getting away, staying away from car windows, never going up to a car, etc.) They were very matter of fact about it, saying basically, you told us there were people like this, and we remembered what you said to do when anybody tried this.

I'm not saying that I think they are always safe--or that I think they can get away from anybody--just that it was really interesting to see their response--they immediately remembered what I had told them about fighting back.

They're still getting some kind of class this summer--so they can practise some physically. We are closer to the Laura recovery center than North Houston so that might be a good option.

Thanks for the tips.

We are actually pretty close to the Laura

I don't know if I have mentioned this before, but there is a game you can purchase and play with your children that teaches safety and escape techniques. It's called SITUATIONS and they inventor of the game asked me to evaluate it and I really think it's worth using. It's card based so if you don't like some of the tips, you can remove those cards.

I usually don't post for profit things, but I think this one is important.
For Rachel and all who search for her.

With love and HOPE, Lanie
For those who prefer a different type of defense, try bear mace. It's much stronger than regular mace, is available at outdoor stores. I understand it incapacitates for 3-4 days.
Good point "I understand it incapacitates for 3-4 days."

If you are downwind, your attacker has you uninterrupted for 3-4 days.
Scary thought, isn't it?

I advocate self defence as a way to avoid abduction all together.

I carry a liquid propellant spray, but have found that when someone "suspicious" looking was approaching me, to raise the canister, and yell "I have pepper spray" or "I have mace" makes the person(s) in question turn and leave. And I mean YELL, thereby getting the attention of passers by, as well as a would be assailant.

As a victim, I can only recommend what I know is effective. I have heard too many horror stories of people having their weapons taken and then used against them.

I advocate concealed carry permits (with proper weapons training) and also the use of propellant sprays, however in the event of an attack, we often times pull a "Barney Fife" and get trembly. Please take as many courses as you can on how to protect yourselves. No one is above being a victim. It is not a discriminating crime.
Education is paramount. The more you know, the less you have to fear.

May God richly bless all of you and keep you safe, Lanie
Help For The Missing

Prayers for Rachel and all who search for her.
The most important thing you can do is be aware of your environment. Pepper spray and mace are only good if you have it ready, know how to use it, use it from a distance, and most importantly see the attacker coming. Don't talk on you cell phone while walking to your car. Pay attention.

Having 3-year-old spray in the bottom of your purse which you've never even tried out will do nothing. Spray is just like a gun. You have to know when and where to use it and be prepared to pull the trigger.

The NRA recommends that you buy two pepper spray bottles of the same type and practice with one. Shoot a mark on a wall or a fence. Otherwise you may be shooting your own face or the attacker's knees when you really need it.
Great advice RC. You are an incredible advocate.
Today Rachel has been missing for 2 1/2 years.

Please light a candle and whisper a prayer for Rachel and all who love and miss her. Pray for those who search for her, that they find her and soon.

Tonight, we are holding a special vigil in honor of Rachel. Please pray that it is successful and raises awareness. I am hopeful that the location (on a busy street) will bring others in who are curious to see what is going on.
Special thanks to Natalie and family for all the help in planning.

RC, we have not forgotten. Much love to you, Lanie

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