TX TX - Rachel Cooke, 20, Georgetown, 10 Jan 2002

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I saw a Find Rachel bumper sticker on a car today.

Prayers they find her and her family can rest. How agonizing.
I'm leaving tomorrow for Aruba. Texas EquuSearch asked me to accompany them back to the island to search for Natalee Holloway. We are taking ground penetrating radar this time. Maybe that will help.
RCOOKE said:
I'm leaving tomorrow for Aruba. Texas EquuSearch asked me to accompany them back to the island to search for Natalee Holloway. We are taking ground penetrating radar this time. Maybe that will help.

Praises for good folks who continue. Tell us can this radar be used from an aircraft? IF so I hope this enables you to take a look from over the the judges property!!

Good hunting to you and EquuSearch!!

Prayers for Rachel and Mr. Cooke.

I just looked at that link which was posted. After how much I followed the case, I didn't realize that Rachel went to Mesa. I just started Mesa on Saturday. Would it be beneficial to put her poster up there? I can do so when I have my next class this weekend. I know now that I will be thinking of her everytime I attend class.
You had mentioned in your journal that you did not want to hear from psychics unless they were able to give you very specific informaiton on your daughter's whereabouts. however, there is a woman that does readings on missing persons in her spare time and post her findings online and i thought some of the inforamtion she found might be of some use in your search. Here's the link:

Hope this helps
I'm sorry and I know you're only trying to help but I don't think this is v helpful at all!! I don't see how "driving past Georgetown (many years ago)" gives the psychic any "personal knowledge" of the area.........this reading makes no sense!!!!

I think what Robert is saying is that unless somebody can ACTUALLY TELL HIM WHERE RACHEL IS then he won't find it useful - which sounds like common sense to me.

The link you posted does not even attempt to do anthing like that. But hey, I could be wrong, I guess Robert will answer for himself.

The last psychic reading I saw on tv was by "renowned" Sylvia Browne on the Montel Williams show I think. It was after Opal Jennings was abducted. It said she had been abducted "to order" and was still alive in Japan and this was months after her abduction. I think Sylvia even provided the name of the city (which didnt exist). Opal Jennings was murdered within hours of her abduction and Sylvia Browne continues to make milllions of dollars a year giving these readings.

Oh, I could rant on and on but I can't be bothered- but you get my point right??
I will exercise a little restraint for once and not rant on about phoney psychics etc etc, because I know you mean no harm.
emma l said:
I'm sorry and I know you're only trying to help but I don't think this is v helpful at all!! I don't see how "driving past Georgetown (many years ago)" gives the psychic any "personal knowledge" of the area.........this reading makes no sense!!!!

I think what Robert is saying is that unless somebody can ACTUALLY TELL HIM WHERE RACHEL IS then he won't find it useful - which sounds like common sense to me.
Hi emma,
i think my point was that in her reading, marie st claire describes visual specifics: i.e. the house and a little about the man. i thought that maybe someone can use that information with other information that may already be known.
I live near there, and so Rachel Cooke is on my mind and I've thought about her a lot.

Robert, I keep reading that somewhere near the end of her run, she disappeared.

Is there much more information that could possibly be helpful in finding out what happened to her, that could be released to the public but hasn't?

As I understand it, the only info that has been released was she was last seen on the couch, and it was presumed she later got up from her nap and took her usual run. But why say she was abducted close to her home, about 11? There must be a witness sighting or some kind of info. A shoe or something?

I don't mean to pry, it just seems like if there is actually more information than has been released, maybe it would be helpful to release it.

Prayers for your family.
KatherineQ said:
As I understand it, the only info that has been released was she was last seen on the couch, and it was presumed she later got up from her nap and took her usual run. But why say she was abducted close to her home, about 11? There must be a witness sighting or some kind of info. A shoe or something?

I've said many times that witnesses saw Rachel running that morning between 10:00 and 11:00 a.m. The last report spotted her 200-300 yards from our house walking towards our house. She was proabably cooling down which meant she was done and she would not start running again. Only jogging related items were missing from our house. Her shoes, sony sport walkman, etc. Her purse, cell phone, wallet were at our house.

Her mom saw her on the couch at 8:00 a.m. before leaving for work. We phone it happened between 9:15 a.m (when she ended a call to her bf in San Diego) and around 4:45 when I got home.
emma l said:
I think what Robert is saying is that unless somebody can ACTUALLY TELL HIM WHERE RACHEL IS then he won't find it useful - which sounds like common sense to me.

Exactly, any psychic can e-mail the exact location Rachel is or anything that we really help find her. This does not include "she's near water", "she's in a barn", "I see a brown horse", "they took her down a gravel road", "I see a 2-story Victorian house", etc.

Notice how vague the Saint Claire readings are. This is very common to give general visions so if a victim is found anywhere near a 2-story house or water Saint Claire envisioned it.

Psychics should not need to talk to me, have me send them a picture of Rachel or a personal item, or everything else that helps them "sleep better".

I've had all of the above and Rachel being at locations from California to Mexico to Rhode Island. The bottom line is out of 30 psychics we've had 30 dead ends. A baseball player only gets 3 strikes. I gave psychics 10 times that amount of chances.

Remember this. John Walsh said he knows of no psychic that has helped find a missing person. The media and psychics themsleves have created a huge fairy tale.
Robert - thanks for your reply. I know none of this can be pleasant for you to talk about. I've read different reports, and this is the first (honestly) that I've ever seen of any witnesses, although the description of her being taken possibly near the house certainly alludes to witnesses seeing her.

I remember last year (maybe longer ago) when there was another push to find her, and the new campaign suggested people call in with any tips they think they have, even if they don't fit with the information released. As if somehow by some odd chance she hadn't gone jogging, or maybe she had actually made it all the way home and someone was waiting inside who caused her disappearance.

It seems when you really try to pin it down, almost anything could have happened. She could have come back home from her run, and hours later stepped outside to get the mail, or a door to door salesman could have come by, or almost anything.

Prayers for you and your family. She seems like a very special young woman, and a lot of people are praying you some day get answers.
Robert I like to visit Rachel's thread here. I think your post indicates the caution family members of the missing must have to use. That saddens me.
I don't know if anything exists in writing about how to deal with this type of situation step by step. Have you thought I writing a book?
If you have and I missed it please accept my apology.

RCOOKE said:
Exactly, any psychic can e-mail the exact location Rachel is or anything that we really help find her. This does not include "she's near water", "she's in a barn", "I see a brown horse", "they took her down a gravel road", "I see a 2-story Victorian house", etc.

Notice how vague the Saint Claire readings are. This is very common to give general visions so if a victim is found anywhere near a 2-story house or water Saint Claire envisioned it.

Psychics should not need to talk to me, have me send them a picture of Rachel or a personal item, or everything else that helps them "sleep better".

I've had all of the above and Rachel being at locations from California to Mexico to Rhode Island. The bottom line is out of 30 psychics we've had 30 dead ends. A baseball player only gets 3 strikes. I gave psychics 10 times that amount of chances.

Remember this. John Walsh said he knows of no psychic that has helped find a missing person. The media and psychics themsleves have created a huge fairy tale.
mic730 said:
Robert I like to visit Rachel's thread here. I think your post indicates the caution family members of the missing must have to use. That saddens me.
I don't know if anything exists in writing about how to deal with this type of situation step by step. Have you thought I writing a book?
If you have and I missed it please accept my apology.

I wrote a document in 2002 called Guidelines lto Follow. It needs to be updated with my more recent experiences but you can read it on the Rachel Alert Network website. http://rachelalert.org/guidelines .

The U.S. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention also has a good document on their website. http://www.ojjdp.ncjrs.org/publicat...sPage=PubResults&strSortby=&p=&strPubSearch=Y

Every missing person case is different so a step-by-step approach probably won't work. However the two documents listed above should offer some help.
Thanks Robert. I had no idea that type of info was out there.
I read that Texas Equasearch will be going to NO.
Robert if you are on that team please be careful.

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