GUILTY TX - Riley 'Baby Grace' Sawyers, 2, brutally murdered, Spring, 24 July 2007

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Thank you for the link Reannan- even the journalist who wrote the piece could not deal with the whining about Kim being in fear...I love how the piece is ended bringing up Riley and just who was there for her... I spent the last few days on a website listening to another woman trying to justify why she was with someone who did time for child endangerment and was also STILL MARRIED to the woman who participated in the murder of his child-the reason he was in for child endangerment I might add. She has a toddler, a little blonde girl that this man is "participating" in parenting. WAKE UP-she has put her child into a lion's den and resented people telling her to get the hell out of the relationship and protect her child. Time to learn to be a grown up...
Thank you for the link Reannan- even the journalist who wrote the piece could not deal with the whining about Kim being in fear...I love how the piece is ended bringing up Riley and just who was there for her... I spent the last few days on a website listening to another woman trying to justify why she was with someone who did time for child endangerment and was also STILL MARRIED to the woman who participated in the murder of his child-the reason he was in for child endangerment I might add. She has a toddler, a little blonde girl that this man is "participating" in parenting. WAKE UP-she has put her child into a lion's den and resented people telling her to get the hell out of the relationship and protect her child. Time to learn to be a grown up...

You do realize that they aren't going to grow up. The child is secondary to the relationship and not of enough importance to be viewed as primary. Someone has to start valuing children above the cretins that bore them or no child will ever be safe. Most of us would never consider someone more important than our children but there are some who do. I wonder what we can do as a team to get this message heard loud and clear? We have to figure out a change that helps. This should be what we do proactively.
You do realize that they aren't going to grow up. The child is secondary to the relationship and not of enough importance to be viewed as primary. Someone has to start valuing children above the cretins that bore them or no child will ever be safe. Most of us would never consider someone more important than our children but there are some who do. I wonder what we can do as a team to get this message heard loud and clear? We have to figure out a change that helps. This should be what we do proactively.
Sterilization would be the only way...sadly enough.
You do realize that they aren't going to grow up. The child is secondary to the relationship and not of enough importance to be viewed as primary. Someone has to start valuing children above the cretins that bore them or no child will ever be safe. Most of us would never consider someone more important than our children but there are some who do. I wonder what we can do as a team to get this message heard loud and clear? We have to figure out a change that helps. This should be what we do proactively.

Perhaps we could start before the cretins become cretins. How about a Scared Straight type of program for young girls who are at risk of choosing violent partners? I'm sure the program would have to be quite graphic and spell everything out to these girls before it would make enough of an impact. Let them hear the stories that started out like fairytales and ended up in horror. Let them SEE the consequences that others have faced for choosing their love lives over their children. They need to know exactly how scared they should be of making stupid choices.
In my wildest nightmare, I can't imagine getting into a car, going to Walmart, and shopping for a plastic container large enough to hold my child.

"Oh, look, dear, do you think this white crate is large enough, or should we spend a little more and get the larger blue one? Let's be sure to get the shovel and cement, too."

What was the original plan anyway? Or did they just get the crate for Riley, and the shovel and concrete for regular yard work?

This just about kills me. People are HORRIBLE.
Teedie I know.. it's like how can you even go through the motions of doing something like that? Obviously if they are sick enough to beat and torture Riley to death then buying the 'accesories' would be like nothing to them.. Afterall they did not have time to worry about anything else they had to get back to World Of Warcraft on their computers!! Freaking disgusting nerds...:loser:

In my wildest nightmare, I can't imagine getting into a car, going to Walmart, and shopping for a plastic container large enough to hold my child.

"Oh, look, dear, do you think this white crate is large enough, or should we spend a little more and get the larger blue one? Let's be sure to get the shovel and cement, too."

What was the original plan anyway? Or did they just get the crate for Riley, and the shovel and concrete for regular yard work?

This just about kills me. People are HORRIBLE.
Freaking disgusting nerds...:loser:

:eek: HEY!!! :( :( :(

Don't you love me anymore?

I'm a nerd, a geeky, geeky, gothy, nerdy, gamer chick!

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I appreciate all of your comments about so-called parents putting their love life ahead of the best interests of their child(ren).

I am a victim of this--my single mother always put her love life first when I was a kid, to the point I was sexually molested by one of my stepfathers when I was 10. When I told my mom (at 12), she didn't believe me. Luckily, I did not know she did not believe me until I confronted her when I was grown after I had attended counseling.

Single people who have children should make raising their children their top priority!!! :mad:
I appreciate all of your comments about so-called parents putting their love life ahead of the best interests of their child(ren).

I am a victim of this--my single mother always put her love life first when I was a kid, to the point I was sexually molested by one of my stepfathers when I was 10. When I told my mom (at 12), she didn't believe me. Luckily, I did not know she did not believe me until I confronted her when I was grown after I had attended counseling.

Single people who have children should make raising their children their top priority!!! :mad:

((((Only4Justice)))) - hugs to you....I am proud of you for having reached a stage in your life where you are able to discuss it, and to BE HERE with US. This isn't an easy thing to do on a regular basis, and I am SO proud of everyone here who has been a victim, and who are strong enough to step forward and CARE about justice for others. You are all an amazing, wonderful group of people who make the world a better place each and every day - simply by your caring. You should all take a bow. :blowkiss:
More about the stepfather:

I have to wonder again what kind of upbringing he had, to be so controlling and fatally authoritarian.

As well, why didn't she just leave?

OMG....six hours!? Forcing a two-year-old baby to say "Yes sir," and "No sir?! There was not an ounce of remorse in this couple. They could have stopped at any time.

Kimberly left Robert at the first hint of trouble, yet she stayed the monster whose goal was to beat the will to live out of her own baby.
I am disgusted beyond words!!
I appreciate all of your comments about so-called parents putting their love life ahead of the best interests of their child(ren).

I am a victim of this--my single mother always put her love life first when I was a kid, to the point I was sexually molested by one of my stepfathers when I was 10. When I told my mom (at 12), she didn't believe me. Luckily, I did not know she did not believe me until I confronted her when I was grown after I had attended counseling.

Single people who have children should make raising their children their top priority!!! :mad:

Oh, Only...I wish I could have been there for you when you were ten, to take your hand and walk you out of that place...and never look back again. {{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}} You deserved to be protected.

But now look at you. You are here on this forum helping and caring about others. That proves what an awesome and strong person you are and nobody can ever take that away from you.
OMG....six hours!? Forcing a two-year-old baby to say "Yes sir," and "No sir?! There was not an ounce of remorse in this couple. They could have stopped at any time.

Kimberly left Robert at the first hint of trouble, yet she stayed the monster whose goal was to beat the will to live out of her own baby.
I am disgusted beyond words!!

As predicted, they are pointing fingers at each other. Let's see, Kim left a home where she had support to care for her baby and free will, to move in with someone who "wouldn't let her hold a job or have her name on bank accounts." Rather than calling her parents and saying-"Come get us!" she participated in a "discipline plan" over 6 hours that ended the life of her child. THAT wasn't even enough for her to leave-she conceived a child with him in the same month that her baby was murdered by the two of them??? I agree with Royce's attorney in that Kim's credibility will be an issue here. And I haven't seen any accounts that Royce's suicide attempt landed him in the ER-so it must have been showboating for sure...
I am disgusted as well Indigo... she was a 2 year old baby did that moron forget that? WTH did she have to say yes sir or no sir to him? I have no doubt in my mind that this SOB tortured Riley for the full 6 hours that dreadful day until the second she took her last breath.. What a big disgusting pig of a man. IMO the mother is no better.

OMG....six hours!? Forcing a two-year-old baby to say "Yes sir," and "No sir?! There was not an ounce of remorse in this couple. They could have stopped at any time.

Kimberly left Robert at the first hint of trouble, yet she stayed the monster whose goal was to beat the will to live out of her own baby.
I am disgusted beyond words!!
I don't care how intimidated I might be by any man, the minute he started to hit my child with a belt, I would have gone out into the yard and picked up a rock and hit him in the head with it......repeatedly. I have no doubts. No one....absolutely no one.....touches my children. Kim should shut up. She is not going to make herself look any less guilty by her pathetic, lame excuses about being "intimidated". Give me an "f'ing" break. I honeslty slept last night.....I didn't the night before because I was just in misery over this case. Now, I am angry and upset again! :banghead:
I am so unbelievably angry over this. :furious: :furious: :furious:

First, what kind of a person takes off work to enforce a "discipline plan" on a 2 year old BABY??????????

That's right, Riley was a BABY!!!!! A baby, not a pre-schooler, not a teenager, not an adult. She was a BABY! This monster's expectations of what a 2 year old should and should not being doing were ridiculously unrealistic!!! :furious: Expecting a 2 year old to answer "yes sir, no sir"?????

I'm shaking and so f#@%ing furious over this. I want to personally beat these two monsters over and over and over again so they can feel some of the pain they inflicted on this sweet baby.

I agree with the poster that said they would personally get up each day and beat these people and submerse their heads in cold water. :clap: I'm right there with you.

I don't think I want the death penalty in this case. I don't want them protected from the general population of prison. I want them thrown in and labeled "BABY KILLERS" and be beaten and their heads shoved in toilets and anything else I can imagine.

Sorry for my tirade. This kind of behavior towards children has got to stop. Why do some people think they have the right to torture and kill the most precious thing on earth???? I'm sickened, mad, hurt, angry, furious. I'm feeling emotions I didn't know I could feel. I feel RAGE.

These two monsters tortured Riley for 6 hours and then put her body in a storage container that they went shopping for after her death. Then they stored her tiny broken body in their garage for months. Meanwhile, they are going on about their lives and creating another one. :furious: Then the throw Riley's body over the Galveston Causeway in hopes that it will never be seen again. But lo and behold, Riley is found and Texas and the rest of the world won't rest until a name is put to the little angel named "Baby Grace". We also won't rest until there is justice for Riley Ann Sawyers!!!!!!!!!

Then poor Ziegler tries to kill himself before Thanksgiving. Boo hoo. He wasn't remorseful about what he did to Riley, he was afraid of getting caught. Now this woman, who doesn't deserve the title of "Mother" says she was afraid of him. :furious: Boo hoo. I have zero sympathy for either one of you. You are nothing more than BABY KILLERS and I hope your souls someday rot in the bowels of hell. :furious:

I can only hope that when this goes to trial that it's moved to my county and I am picked for jury duty.
I don't care how intimidated I might be by any man, the minute he started to hit my child with a belt, I would have gone out into the yard and picked up a rock and hit him in the head with it......repeatedly. I have no doubts. No one....absolutely no one.....touches my children. Kim should shut up. She is not going to make herself look any less guilty by her pathetic, lame excuses about being "intimidated". Give me an "f'ing" break. I honeslty slept last night.....I didn't the night before because I was just in misery over this case. Now, I am angry and upset again! :banghead:

That's what a real mother would do. You would take your own life into your hands to save your baby...sorry, but there is not a fear on this earth that trumps the love you have for your child.

Not a jury on earth or in the universe beyond would have convicted her...
I am heartbroken for the Sawyers-they tried to work through the court system without any idea how urgent it was for them to recover Riley. Imagine how they are kicking themselves for not having taken the law into their own hands and wishing they had simply followed Kim to Texas and taken Riley back.

This is the fatal flaw in the court system that doesn't know how to deal with "non-traditional families" ie families that are not wedded, so custody is not clear. Solutions cannot be one size fits all, in that the courts HAVE to take the time to find out who cares for the child and who participates in raising the child before custody is assigned to one or the other parent. It doesn't appear that Robert Sawyers abandoned his child or family-he may have indeed grabbed Kim around the throat...who knows. Unfortunately, it appears that the RO was a set up so that Kim had enough time to plan to exit with her lover...and with little Riley in tow. It was an ownership issue, as was previously stated I think...although Riley appears to have been beautifully cared for prior to leaving Ohio. I bet Kim found her a handful on her own with no Grandma Sawyer and Grandparents Treynor to alleviate her time with Riley.

Such an ugly story...

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