Found Safe TX - Sophie, 9, w/ Michael Long, non-custodial parent, Seguin, 12 July 2021

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WOW ! thank you @gitana1 for taking the time to review all of this. It sounds as if there are issues on both sides possibly but I think it is very important about the "males" at mom's house. However, unless there is supervision I have my doubts that it will be complied with.
We don't do family law but we have had a bit of involvement in a contentious divorce regarding securing the equity in a home - and the Judge (it's awful) has had to order custody exchanges be done under the supervision of LE at the police station - too many violent (how can this be?) exchanges so the solution is this. I don't envy these judges but sometimes I just don't get it.

again, many thanks to you!


You’re welcome. All I know is if my kid made such an allegation about some dude I was with, that would be it. However, the child also said mom watched!
You’re welcome. All I know is if my kid made such an allegation about some dude I was with, that would be it. However, the child also said mom watched!
yikes and I may be getting a little ring camera and putting it in my kid's room but then I'm not involved in the abuse and I'm sure the dad can't do this - but if mom is involved - how does it ever get stopped???
yikes and I may be getting a little ring camera and putting it in my kid's room but then I'm not involved in the abuse and I'm sure the dad can't do this - but if mom is involved - how does it ever get stopped???

Forensic interview and take the kid away. But it sounds like the other side is insinuating that dad is crazy and has brainwashed the child and doctor shopped in an attempt to get them to say the child had been molested.

If my kid or grandkid was that distressed I would damn well listen to them and tell them “I believe you. I will protect you.” But they seemed to have brushed off her statements.
You’re welcome. All I know is if my kid made such an allegation about some dude I was with, that would be it. However, the child also said mom watched!
That!!!! Under normal circumstances, making sure "extras" aren't around the child is enough. This child is asserting her mom was not only complicit but also a passive participant in her abuse. When it comes to protecting a child, there is no excuse for the videos to have not been watched, in my opinion. This poor child. Who knows what threats or guilt trips she has faced since the video. Based on the blame shifting that was exhibited in the videos, they will be lucky if that child ever feels safe enough to tell the truth again. Her huffing and puffing before her mom walked off and she finally got it out was her anxiety of getting the nerve up to let the words leave her mouth. She won't likely be able to do it again. I want to hug the poor child.

I respect the courts, but they do not always know best. Especially when they haven't even watched videos that half the world has seen. This has not been to protect the child. Inexcusable, to me. Never ever ever a reason to not protect the child! That action will have horrible consequences.

Rest easy, Gabriel Fernandez.
That!!!! Under normal circumstances, making sure "extras" aren't around the child is enough. This child is asserting her mom was not only complicit but also a passive participant in her abuse. When it comes to protecting a child, there is no excuse for the videos to have not been watched, in my opinion. This poor child. Who knows what threats or guilt trips she has faced since the video. Based on the blame shifting that was exhibited in the videos, they will be lucky if that child ever feels safe enough to tell the truth again. Her huffing and puffing before her mom walked off and she finally got it out was her anxiety of getting the nerve up to let the words leave her mouth. She won't likely be able to do it again. I want to hug the poor child.

I respect the courts, but they do not always know best. Especially when they haven't even watched videos that half the world has seen. This has not been to protect the child. Inexcusable, to me. Never ever ever a reason to not protect the child! That action will have horrible consequences.

Rest easy, Gabriel Fernandez.

It's all about due process and the calendar. They would have not viewed any evidence that can't be attached to the paperwork. These are emergency hearings so they aren't scheduled on the court's calendar. They have to be worked in last minute. And other evidence is not considered because it would violate the right of the parties to notice.

However, the cops can watch the video. Heck, they were actually there at the exchange. CPS can watch the video.

I suspect there is a lot about this case we do not know that indicates some serious issues with dad. It seems like his own attorneys had to threaten him to get him to comply with something. People who are posting things online on behalf of dad are editing them to get rid of portions where allegations against dad are made. I could see something like perhaps some of the ex parte paperwork indicated that dad was threatening doctors to make a finding they could not make. Something like that.

If there is a history of dad being a "bad actor" and causing problems, the judge wouldn't be quick to switch custody without a finding by CPS or the police, or concerns being raised by the kid's attorney (and she appears to have one). And such a finding COULD occur in connection with an ex parte (emergency) hearing. For examplel, CPS is called by police. They interview the child. They take the child into state care but release to dad and tell him to file something in family court. Dad does, stating that CPS have instructed him to file for custody, or the minor will be placed in foster care. The judge would then have the ability to order the child to be with dad pending an evidentiary hearing. But that didn't happen. Why? Why hasn't CPS or the cops been on board with what the child so clearly stated?

It is hard for me to believe that the police, CPS, the child's attorney, the medical professionals and the judge have all conspired against the dad.

However, I have seen cases where a strong opinion by one professional influences all other professionals and the judge, for years to come, in a case.

I think there's history we haven't heard that would make this case make more sense. But I watched the judge. She seemed reasonable and doing what she is supposed to. And she is taking the allegations seriously enough that she ordered the mom not to allow the child around the boyfriend or any other unrelated male, pending hearing.

Let's see what happens. But I definitely need more info. A lot is missing. Orders have been made which have a basis and I would love to know what that is!
I have been following this obsessively, this little one reminds me so much of my own reacting to visits with her abusive father that this has been very hard on my mental health.

At some point (I believe in 2019) cps was called on mom bc of domestic violence in the home,, her and the alleged abuser were ordered to counseling..
In May 2019 the younger brother had a hair follicle test after talking about one of the moms bf's friend making him lick "fizzy rocks" the 7yo tested positive for cocaine and marijuana, cps was notified and nothing was done.
It is my understanding that the female child disclosed sexual abuse during dads summer visits, cps was notified a sane forensic exam was completed and the judge from today's hearing ordered custody to dad. Cps and police are still investigating??? (Sometime over the summer I think in june/July)
Mom filed a TRO claiming dad has mental issues and a different (visiting?) judge gave custody to mom. (Approx 2 weeks ago)The videos were made at the exchanges that followed that order.
There is an assault ?investigation/charges? pending on mom and gma from injuries to the girl after the struggle in video #1.
I have no links, like I said I've been obsessing over this. All imo.
Edited to add: the child's amicus has recused herself as of yesterday or day before, that can be found in public court record.
I have been following this obsessively, this little one reminds me so much of my own reacting to visits with her abusive father that this has been very hard on my mental health.

At some point (I believe in 2019) cps was called on mom bc of domestic violence in the home,, her and the alleged abuser were ordered to counseling..
In May 2019 the younger brother had a hair follicle test after talking about one of the moms bf's friend making him lick "fizzy rocks" the 7yo tested positive for cocaine and marijuana, cps was notified and nothing was done.
It is my understanding that the female child disclosed sexual abuse during dads summer visits, cps was notified a sane forensic exam was completed and the judge from today's hearing ordered custody to dad. Cps and police are still investigating??? (Sometime over the summer I think in june/July)
Mom filed a TRO claiming dad has mental issues and a different (visiting?) judge gave custody to mom. (Approx 2 weeks ago)The videos were made at the exchanges that followed that order.
There is an assault ?investigation/charges? pending on mom and gma from injuries to the girl after the struggle in video #1.
I have no links, like I said I've been obsessing over this. All imo.
Edited to add: the child's amicus has recused herself as of yesterday or day before, that can be found in public court record.

Thanks so much for that. It clears some stuff up. I have some questions:

1. Who had the boy’s hair follicle tested and why?
2. How do we know the child tested positive but nothing was done?
3. Why did the temporary judge give custody back to dad despite a pending CPS investigation? What was the basis for that order? I’d love to know what the paperwork said.
4. So CPS did investigate and evaluate the little girl but no outcome yet? The child was very definitive in the video.
5. The car incident happened in July? They’re still investigating to see whether to charge them?
6. Why did the amicus recuse herself? Did anyone say? That’s unusual. And has a new one been appointed?
7. When is the evidentiary hearing?

Thanks in advance!

And sorry all for the repeated numbered lists! It helps my brain to be organized!
I’ll let you decide what happened. Search YouTube for:
#standwithsophie- Zoom call with dad- Something is wrong! Not the face of a safe child
Length of video is 16:18

I found it and watched some. Kid seems worried about what mom will do. She seems scared to say much. I mean it seems like she’s worried about getting in trouble for telling her dad things. I don’t know about black eyes, which people are saying. I couldn’t tell from the video.

This child really loves dad. I found dad to be secretive with the child and somewhat manipulative. He’s asking her questions, like about her “nightlight” that are meant to send messages.

Just say outright- “I love you. Are you okay? Is everything okay? I have missed you so much. I am going to get you this weekend. I’ve been praying for you every night and sending my love and sending a beam of protection to surround you, every night. What have you been doing? This is why I’ve been doing...”


I think there’s probably a problem with dad that is making this case muddier for the authorities to deal with. However, I think the child wouldn’t act like she’s scared to say anything unless she’s being retaliated against at mom’s.

This child needs to be safely removed from both parents NOW...for the love...this is wrong on SO many levels :-(
I hope she has a Guardian ad Litem at this point. That’s who she needs to be talking freely to. Plus a therapist. Those reports to the court are what matters and what a good judge will lean on.
Dad is doing a FB live right now asking people to caravan with him and go to Waco to do the exchange of the children. :eek::eek::eek:

Oof. That’s a problem. This is a mess.

I always tel my clients to keep our side of the street clean. Be polite. Act normal. Don’t cause issues. That way the only thing the court can see if the bad conduct of the other side.

I think his attorneys have zero client control.

But what he’s doing is making it worse for this child. He’s not protecting her by going against the court orders regarding privacy for the minor and by creating a volatile situation at the exchange. People might harm the mother.

He’s got some issues that are muddying the waters here.
Oof. That’s a problem. This is a mess.

I always tel my clients to keep our side of the street clean. Be polite. Act normal. Don’t cause issues. That way the only thing the court can see if the bad conduct of the other side.

I think his attorneys have zero client control.

But what he’s doing is making it worse for this child. He’s not protecting her by going against the court orders regarding privacy for the minor and by creating a volatile situation at the exchange. People might harm the mother.

He’s got some issues that are muddying the waters here.
He got a call from one of his attorneys during the live, but he didn’t pick up. At this point, I don’t trust him (or the mom) and I’m looking forward to the evidentiary hearings. I will be furious if he has filled Sophie’s head with false info
This case is super triggering for me - abuse cases are. I could only watch so much of little Sophie as she suffers. I grew up in an abusive home and I have a daughter who I would die for, if it meant protecting her. Luckily, her life has been safe and good.

Praying for you Sophie - praying that God puts angels around you and protects you physically, mentally and emotionally from here on out. Praying for the right people to be brought into your case to help and save you from whatever is going on.

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