TX TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, Midlothian, 18 Apr 2016 #48

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I haven't listed any arguments that it wasn't (A) or (B). I addressed (C) directly, and the evidence makes it clear that it wasn't (C).

Even if the perp was there to kill her, she could have left the building.

To spell it out in plain terms, no-one—professional, amateur, or anything in between—would make a plan to murder Missy that relied on her being "lured" to a certain part of the building while the "lure" might not have worked and she could just have easily left the building.

Even someone wanting it to make it look like a burglary would not make a plan that would only work if Missy did what the perp hoped. Even a five-year-old would not make a murder plan with that much uncertainty. The theory is laughable on its face.
I disagree. I think it has some plausibility to it. Especially given the location of the cameras, he or she may very well have drawn her into an area in which the cameras wouldn't pick up the murder.
Person wasn't a good burglar.

Person wasn't a good vandal. Very little destruction really.

Person wasn't a good hitman.

So what's that leave?

Murdering Missy was reactionary.

The person wanted to be in the church. In no particular hurry.


Cos play?

Stalling. For what?

Lying in wait? For the expected unlocker, later?

Someone interested in selling the church an upgraded security system? See how easy it is to break in, vandalize, all this time in your building and no alarms. And it all went 50 shades of crazy?

I don't think murder was part of the plan that day.

Definitely don't think this was a ploy to sell an upgraded security system.

Interesting thoughts!
I am just wondering WHY anyone would choose a church to rob?
Unless it was someone that was a member of the church, was familiar with the rooms and where any valuable items or money would likely to be stored.

Strangely, they are fairly common targets for burglars. I think there's a certain degree of safety that a burglar feels in targeting a church. Most churches are unoccupied (thus, unarmed) for rather obvious periods of time.

However, in this case, I believe MB was targeted. IMO this is a murder made to look like a burglary.
I am a resident of DFW and since this crime has occurred I have driven by the church where it occurred a handful of times. Most recently I drove by last week.
I always say a prayer when I pass by - praying that this heinous crime will be solved and I pray for Missy’s loved ones
who have no answers.

The area where this occurred has changed greatly since Missy was murdered - urban sprawl for sure. More development, more traffic. At the time of the crime it was much more isolated. SW Firearms across the street and down from the church sits prominently on the other side of the highway still.

I truly doubt that Missy’s killer entered their parking lot.

The following is pure speculation- all imho

My gut feeling tells me that Missy’s murder was random.
If random I think this was a young person- late teens to early 20s who possibly wanted to become a police officer. Maybe someone from nearby Mansfield. This person is a male video game enthusiast and odd loner living out a fantasy to be outfitted like a Swat team member engaging in covert operations.
They go out on a dark, rainy night in the middle of the night when there is very very little chance of anyone disturbing them. Their entire mission is taken from video game fantasy and is pure personal entertainment- not necessarily with the intention to steal anything, simply as an adrenaline inducing adventure - roll playing for a roll they coveted and hoped to one day play in reality if accepted into the police force.
Maybe they have subsequently been hired?
or maybe hired as a security guard if not as a police officer?
Missy accidentally disturbed this odd young loner and was hastily and impulsively disposed of.
I don’t think this person has killed an innocent person previously or since.
This young man may well be the child of a broken marriage.
He may not have had a lot of adult supervision in the years before the incident. A couch potato with a fantasy who was real life roll playing that fateful night may have killed Missy.
I think that this killer simply was a random young man who hasn’t really popped up on anyone’s radar but maybe with this in mind someone will realize who it was.

The second possibility that I think much less likely is planned vigilante justice by the female spouse of a lover of Missy.
I just think that this woman would have to be incredibly intelligent to have pulled this off so perfectly and I think that the odds of this are incredibly low.

Someone in this area of DFW- in Mansfield, Alvarado, Waxahachie- someone knows a young man who fits this profile and was capable of operating in this manner.
I am very prayerful that he will be identified and brought to justice.
Why would someone not intent on killing, arm themselves with a loaded handgun? If this was fantasy play, why load the weapon?
Churches are magnets for mass shootings because, like high schools, many lines intersect there. Not so much assassinations. They are often broken into in the middle of the night - so much so that it is barely a news story but you can rest assured that any church elder can tell you a story about it happening.

In my googling of "church prowler" I got lots and lots of results, enough that the search engine seems to have prioritized them as this little gem was right there in page one for me.

This is probably only tenuously on topic for this frustratingly cold seeming case but perhaps we can enjoy it. I assure you that every one of the five sentences that make up this article is better than the last - and the photos are a treat as well.
I noticed that they don't share the same last name. Dare we hope that they are step-siblings or half, at worst?
As I was reviewing some of the previous threads, I found this post to be incredibly helpful, regarding the size (i.e. how heavy/wide) of the perp, based on insight by a technical illustrator. It discussed how the high placement and angle of the cameras (exacerbated by the loose clothing and bulky accessories) makes the perp look fatter than they are.
I snipped most of your informative post. I too don't think perp overweight. Unfortunately, the disguise has served perp well. We're approaching 7 years since the murder of Missy and no arrest. In addition, I believe the thin angle of the ankle area of perp maybe misleading too. moo
I don’t know if the FBI was called in to help solve this murder: they have the best technological and scientific means. And it would be very useful to the investigation to have the opinion of experienced professionals after 6 years of impasse in the investigation.

"Missy's family. Why do we only hear from Brandon, his stepmother, and his father? They all seemed to be super loud and vigilant, but I cannot seem to find anything, anywhere, where any of Missy's family has spoken out." Posted by Lonewanderer
I too was surprised that Missy’s family did not come forward after his death.
Who passed away? Brandon? TIA
I snipped most of your informative post. I too don't think perp overweight. Unfortunately, the disguise has served perp well. We're approaching 7 years since the murder of Missy and no arrest. In addition, I believe the thin angle of the ankle area of perp maybe misleading too. moo
His or her feet are definitely turned outward; that does seem clear.
I still wonder why Missy's family never seems to speak out about the murder.

Everything always seems to revolve around Brandon and his parents.

There was an interview with Missy's "sister-in-law" which I assume is Brandon's sister. She comes off as very, VERY defensive and irritatated that her father and stepmother were ever considered to be persons of interest.

I lean towards the theory that Missy was targeted and her murder was planned. With that in mind, I wonder if there is some kind of significance behind the fact the Missy was murdered inside the church. Was it strategic to sneak up on her knowing she was unarmed? Did they want her to die inside of a church for religious reasons? Otherwise, they could have just gunned her down in the parking lot, right?
Was Missy a member of that church?
One of the reasons I asked about the specifics of identifying a gunshot wound; I wondered if it could be a pneumatic type weapon, an unusual improvised projecting weapons similar to a gun, a cattle prod, crossbow, nail gun, something homemade, etc.

I lean towards the theory that Missy’s killer planned it out and wore the gear for not only for concealment but also for protection from Missy’s attacks such as punches, kicks, etc. They may have also been wearing it to protect from potential gunshots from Missy.

I really think they chose to attack her inside the church knowing it was a very high possibility she wouldn’t be packing in her workout attire while carrying in equipment.

Edit: autocorrect mistake
A shark gun also comes to mind as a possibility.
Is it known for certain the perp looked through the inmates letters? I vaguley remember this being mentioned. I can't see a connection to Missy at all. I think this perp just stumbled through them, perhaps seeing if anyone of the inmates were known to them and if so what the inmate was discussing in the letter out of curiosity. It is really creepy to think this perp is wasting time and then kills Missy. I find it very unsettling.

If its a crowbar it has to be small in size so the perp can put it back in the pocket. I visualize a crowbar as something rigid, to utilize as it is pictured. Its probably weighty the one the perp has. All crowbars have weight to them. Too me it looked like something that was extendable but I could be wrong (could that be a crowbar or something else?)
Some crowbars are quite small. I have one that I keep with my tools in my trunk. That crowbar is rigid, but only 8-10 inches in length and just
under 1 inch in diameter. But I'm not certain of what's in the video. It is so creepy.
Yeah. I agree he seems sauced in some sort of way. It almost reminds me of when my roommates & I would come home from the bars and stumble through the hallways (obviously without the violent crime). Him touching the walls is what set it off for me. IMO.
He or she looks like they're walking on ice at times. I can't make sense of it.
I must respectfully disagree that this was random, AT ALL.

The perp got there at a very specific time, knowing she would be alone, and had an escape route planned out that no one could see them leave. I believe they dressed themselves that way to conceal their identity and to add protection.

There is at least 3 very good groups of suspects that had motive to eliminate Missy, and in addition to those three groups, there was the LinkendIn mystery stalker.

There are many, many more reasons I find it absurd to think this was random. I have been wrong before and we do not know so I guess time will tell.

There is
Can you share any additional information? TIA
This response fails to address some points that have been raised throughout the thread.

1) The crime took place early on a Monday morning. A thief might think that there would be a substantial amount of cash in the church from the Sunday collections. His wandering throughout the building can be explained as a search for that cash.

2) The purpose of the outfit was presumably to conceal the criminal's identity. But why would that point to one crime more than another? A murderer would want to conceal his identity, but so would a thief.

You keep saying that there are many reasons for your theory, but you haven't articulated any reasons that can withstand scrutiny.
Why would a burglar arm himself with a loaded handgun to burgle a church?
Then why would they bother to take the time to murder someone?
Panic at being discovered.

A living witness can call the cops, who would've been swarming the area within minutes, but I doubt the perp even thought that through in the heat of the moment.

It also wouldn't surprise me if Missy confronted the burglar or tried to stop him from leaving.
If LE said cause of death was gunshot I would not debate it, just have not seen that anywhere. IMO cause of death does matter as to whether lean more to targeted or not. Why would a burglar be carrying a gun?
Why indeed!
I think the reason people move on from the targeted idea is that in hindsight, by now, after almost 7 years, police would have investigated everyone closest to the victim. Therefore, it must have been a stranger and a non-targeted crime.

I think this was a targeted crime, either against the church or Missy Bevers specifically. I am not going to go into all the reasons I think this because I have already posted them, but this is either a targeted crime, in my opinion, or a very strange burglar. In my opinion, there is no urgency by the burglar in the church video to go directly to the church office to try to find the money. We have no idea, as far as I know, as to what the burglar was driving.

For example, if the plan had been to steal objects that needed to be moved, having their vehicle closer to the entrance of the building would have helped. Maybe the police have the vehicle on surveillance tape, but I doubt it.

The possibility remains that this could have been a very clever person who made a murder look like a burglary. Or the circumstances surrounding the case make it appear that way to people like me. For example, the actual murder is not on video. Did the murderer get lucky where they stood when they encountered Missy Bevers? That is a possibility. Having that interaction on video would have given us a lot more insight into the reaction of Missy Bevers and the burglar when they crossed paths in the church.

The reason this is such a clever crime, or looks that way, is that till this day it leaves open the likely possibility that it could have just been some strange burglar who was caught by surprise inside Creekside Church in the early morning hours of April 18th, 2016.
I agree with you. Targeted.
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