TX TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, Midlothian, 18 Apr 2016 #49

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The kitchen entrance is another thing.

When planning to attack her, the kitchen seems like the safest logical choice to break into the building with, as it would be the least likely place Missy would enter and see the signs of forced entry.
You're right about Missy not being able to see anyone entering from the exterior through the kitchen door.
We were told that the killer stayed for a short while in the kitchen before entering the hallway.
SWAT Perp entered via that entrance for a reason. I don't know what they did in the kitchen. Some opined in the past that the killer dried off, ate some cookies, put on more garb, etc.
unless the first thing she did when she arrived at that god-awful hour of the morning was start a pot of coffee, in the kitchen?
Not sure if you are for or against that point.

Let’s pretend you are being serious and thinking many she would go to the kitchen for some coffee (not unreasonable). She still didn’t enter through that way and logically would logically least likely to use the kitchen as her entrance.
Consider the way SP places his/her hand along the wall - it happens just as the individual first emerges from the room they forced entry into the building in and eventually enters the open hallway. It might be an initial expression/gesture of fear, insecurity creeping through an unknown hallway, hugging the wall. Eventually they become more comfortable in the environment.
I watched the video for the first time and the way they "pat" the wall as they make themselves down the hallway is similar to how I move after I've been sitting for an extended period of time. I shattered my left ankle and even a few years after being healed, I still feel unsteady and will tap my hand against the nearest objects (most often, a wall) until I get a good pace in and feel "safe" enough to walk.

It's actually uncannily similar to how I walk until I feel confident. I can honestly say that I have never been to Texas.
I watched the video for the first time and the way they "pat" the wall as they make themselves down the hallway is similar to how I move after I've been sitting for an extended period of time. I shattered my left ankle and even a few years after being healed, I still feel unsteady and will tap my hand against the nearest objects (most often, a wall) until I get a good pace in and feel "safe" enough to walk.

It's actually uncannily similar to how I walk until I feel confident. I can honestly say that I have never been to Texas.
The wall hugging is a tough one.

Were the boozed up on liquid courage and steadying themselves?

Are they going like a cold calculated “fee go fo fum/on two Freddie’s coming for you”?

Are they supporting and injury?

It can be interpreted so many ways.
So this article has the timeline as
3:50 suspect breaks into church
4:20 Missy enters building
4:35 camp participants arrive to the church
5:00 two 911 calls are made

Also the church is only about 250 feet from the highway and there are some homes (not many) within walking distance of the church.
Thanks CrimeTheorist for providing this timeline & proximity of the church to the highway- very helpful.

If you pull up the satellite view of Creekside Church in Midlothian on google maps or other you can see that you would need to cross highway 287 to walk to the gated home/ estate across the street (Firefly Gardens event venue) It is fully fenced and gated and wasn’t there 8 years ago in this capacity.

It’s a stretch to say there are any homes within walking distance of Creekside Church as the news reported 8 years ago IMHO these are fields and there are definitely snakes /coyotes and nobody would want to walk around or near these fields at night and it’s just not the type of place you would walk to from anyone’s home- even if there were homes in walking distance- which there really are not

The one obvious exception is the one property across the highway that is just north of Southwest Firearms that was there 8 years ago. You could potentially walk there if
you crossed over and walked along the highway.

Google maps still shows just one entrance/exit from 287 to Creekside Church and I think SWAT creep drove in and out of that one entrance before and after entering the church.

There is a new development on 287 being built north of the church on the same side of the highway - it’s easy to see how the landscape is completely changing with urban sprawl from DFW extending well into Ellis county
I absolutely and wholeheartedly believe that this young man is indeed mentally impaired to some extent. We have raised a whole generation of somewhat mentally impaired loners and gamers. We are on the cusp of raising a second generation that way.
I believe the thrill of “breaking and entering” was a great adrenaline boost for him and a low risk thrill.
This area doesn’t even have an active police force.
It’s rural county but not city and the sheriff (member of the sheriff’s office) of Ellis county would have to be contacted/ located to catch anyone breaking and entering.
SWAT creep may even have attended a service or knew someone who attended services at this church. More likely he just targeted a random building that he wanted to explore. He felt no threat of being discovered on camera and even less threat of being discovered in person. He was going to explore as pleased in roll play mode. Breaking a few windows fit his SWAT persona as does peeking into a random classroom- as caught on video.
It’s like the 7 year old who recently (2 years ago) entered a mobile home and shot a sleeping man in the head, it is entirely inexplicable - yet it mimics something they have seen and had an aspiration to do or experience. Violent, graphic TV, movies or violent video games are the BANE of US society at the moment.
Every young impulsive school shooter is emulating them from Columbine to Sandy Hook to Uvalde. For a young man who isn’t hell bent on shooting up a school it’s easy for me to imagine that breaking, entering, roll playing as SWAT is its own thrill to some.
So yes, emphatically it was much more thrilling than sitting in a chair eating Chio Chips- which he undoubtedly did a lot of before his ambling waddle.
It was the thrill of getting away with “breaking, entering, exploring” as a SWAT officer in roll play.
No hitman is going to roll play like a waddling amateur middle of the night gamer.
Rural Texas offers much easier and far less complicated opportunities for a “hit”
if that was the desire here.
I do not believe it was - on many levels.
If you tell me exactly who and why someone would target Missy I’ll be very open to your speculation FromGermany1.
I don’t believe for a moment that anyone in Missy’s family or extended family had anything at all to do with this. I think this has shattered her husband and children and friends. I think the pain of not knowing who or why is still eating them up. 8 years and no answers.
We have raised a whole generation of somewhat mentally impaired loners and gamers. We are on the cusp of raising a second generation that way.

I completely disagree. I don’t know why teenagers and young adults are getting such a bad rap. The vast majority are nothing like what’s being described. In addition, most gamers aren’t the antisocial basement-dwellers we see in pop culture stereotypes, they’re highly social people.

FWIW - I don’t see the perp in the church being a teenager or gamer roll playing.
I always wonder, in cases like this, if there's any evidence or circumstantial evidence the police have that they're just not sharing. It's my understanding that there have been FOIA requests for this case that have been denied and not much has come out for a seemingly cold case. It's not that people don't know but the police are allowed to lie to you and the public. For all we know they know who did it but just don't have the evidence to prosecute, or maybe they messed up the investigation so bad they don't want that getting out who knows. All my own speculation and wondering but after 8 years and video of the incident, no progress you'd think that they would release documents related to the homicide.
The wall hugging is a tough one.

Were the boozed up on liquid courage and steadying themselves?
I was going to add that as well--it also reminds me, when I still drank, of how I would walk down my hallway to the bathroom and back when drunk. Constantly patting the wall for "guidance".

Another possibility--I'm extremely nearsighted. If I wake up and make that trip to the bathroom without my glasses, I'll do the same wall patting until I can tell where I'm at/where I'm going. Maybe their vision was obstructed due to the gear?
I really hope the police know a lot more than what has been disclosed to the public, because it really feels like we know almost nothing.
Last year I thought the police statement mentioned monthly reviews of the file. This year, it says weekly review. I wonder if that means anything.
We’re 8 years hence. Who is this person today? What are they doing? Where are they? Why/ how have they eluded capture?
I think it was someone, who in the moment, in the middle of the night, in the pouring rain, with access to the uniform/disguise, and with delusions of policing went out to exercise some level of fantasy that invoked identity, disguise and dominion.
I don’t know what this person does the morning of, the day after, the week after, the month or years later. Imagine waking up from this nightmare that they have cast themselves forever in.
I suspect it has something to do with family. Did someone need them? Is that how they functioned in the earliest days? Have they since excused themselves, denied reality enough that it no longer troubles them - if it ever did? Do they follow the case? Have they found other substitute, police adjacent activities to disguise themselves with? How do they forgive themselves? How do they subconsciously expose themselves?
I think it was someone, who in the moment, in the middle of the night, in the pouring rain, with access to the uniform/disguise, and with delusions of policing went out to exercise some level of fantasy that invoked identity, disguise and dominion.
I don’t know what this person does the morning of, the day after, the week after, the month or years later. Imagine waking up from this nightmare that they have cast themselves forever in.
I suspect it has something to do with family. Did someone need them? Is that how they functioned in the earliest days? Have they since excused themselves, denied reality enough that it no longer troubles them - if it ever did? Do they follow the case? Have they found other substitute, police adjacent activities to disguise themselves with? How do they forgive themselves? How do they subconsciously expose themselves?
At 430 in the morning just decides to stroll around in full SWAT gear and a woman just happens to be killed?
At 430 in the morning just decides to stroll around in full SWAT gear and a woman just happens to be killed?

Of course the fact that the Loser Perp was there at the same time as MB, and that she ended up dead, is a great indicator that LP was the one who killed her.

But it doesn't prove there had to be any prior connection between the two. People do cross paths all the time, with no prior knowledge it will happen.

Most importantly, we have no reason to say LP came there to kill her (or anyone else). That requires knowing what was in his mind when he walked in the door, or before. We don't know that answer. Nor do we see anything in his actions that indicates he was lying in wait, or even expecting her (or anyone). Nor does the costume tell us anything certain other than he wanted to be disguised. Given that he was on a B&E, which brings prison time if you're apprehended, that's certainly enough reason to try to stay unknown.

In fact, him being in a middle-of-nowhere church in the middle of the night hints that there's a good possibility he was there at that hour because he expected to be uninterrupted for many hours.

Given all the above, I think the repeated theme that "she must have been targeted" is an extreme overreach. Is it possible? Sure. But the opposite is just as possible, and likely makes more sense the longer we go, inasmuch as LE has been diligently searching through her friends and acquaintances for over 8 years, and has yet to find anyone that might could have been there, and with motive (to target her), among those who knew her.
Of course the fact that the Loser Perp was there at the same time as MB, and that she ended up dead, is a great indicator that LP was the one who killed her.

But it doesn't prove there had to be any prior connection between the two. People do cross paths all the time, with no prior knowledge it will happen.

Most importantly, we have no reason to say LP came there to kill her (or anyone else). That requires knowing what was in his mind when he walked in the door, or before. We don't know that answer. Nor do we see anything in his actions that indicates he was lying in wait, or even expecting her (or anyone). Nor does the costume tell us anything certain other than he wanted to be disguised. Given that he was on a B&E, which brings prison time if you're apprehended, that's certainly enough reason to try to stay unknown.

In fact, him being in a middle-of-nowhere church in the middle of the night hints that there's a good possibility he was there at that hour because he expected to be uninterrupted for many hours.

Given all the above, I think the repeated theme that "she must have been targeted" is an extreme overreach. Is it possible? Sure. But the opposite is just as possible, and likely makes more sense the longer we go, inasmuch as LE has been diligently searching through her friends and acquaintances for over 8 years, and has yet to find anyone that might could have been there, and with motive (to target her), among those who knew her.
To me is completely unclear, why you have to murder a woman, if you are disguised from head to toe and if you have no car with a true valid license plate waiting for you outside. If your intent was "a little" Break & Enter and smashing some glass, you could have knocked out Missy and escape. Why shooting her AND inflict numerous puncture wounds on her to the chest and the head (?). Why so inhumane, when it could have been quite different?
if you are disguised from head to toe and if you have no car with a true valid license plate waiting for you outside.
Swat creep most likely certainly had a car or truck with valid license plates waiting outside.

Remember there were no working cameras outside this church and no highway cameras in this remote area 8 years ago.
And it was extremely dark here with no highway light poles, no exterior lights….
At 430 in the morning just decides to stroll around in full SWAT gear and a woman just happens to be killed?
If we consider the SWFA vehicle, it’s possible this person was up to something earlier than 4:30. As I understand, law enforcement ran down, had eyes on, hundreds of similar vehicles in the months following the murder. That granular level of investigation suggests that law enforcement strongly suspects a connection between the vehicle at SWFA and the entry of the church.
Of course the fact that the Loser Perp was there at the same time as MB, and that she ended up dead, is a great indicator that LP was the one who killed her.

But it doesn't prove there had to be any prior connection between the two. People do cross paths all the time, with no prior knowledge it will happen.

Most importantly, we have no reason to say LP came there to kill her (or anyone else). That requires knowing what was in his mind when he walked in the door, or before. We don't know that answer. Nor do we see anything in his actions that indicates he was lying in wait, or even expecting her (or anyone). Nor does the costume tell us anything certain other than he wanted to be disguised. Given that he was on a B&E, which brings prison time if you're apprehended, that's certainly enough reason to try to stay unknown.

In fact, him being in a middle-of-nowhere church in the middle of the night hints that there's a good possibility he was there at that hour because he expected to be uninterrupted for many hours.

Given all the above, I think the repeated theme that "she must have been targeted" is an extreme overreach. Is it possible? Sure. But the opposite is just as possible, and likely makes more sense the longer we go, inasmuch as LE has been diligently searching through her friends and acquaintances for over 8 years, and has yet to find anyone that might could have been there, and with motive (to target her), among those who knew her.
IMHO its an "extreme overreach" that someone was dressed head to toe in SWAT gear leisurely walking around a church at 430am, clearly not imitating law enforcement, clearly not in a hurry, no loot bag, able to duck out and not be seen after killing a woman.

I could go on and on, and have gone in to extensive detail about this.

"Must have been random" because its to bizarre and the perp has not been caught is a huge overreach, to me.

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