TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #10

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I realize that BB going out of town set everybody's hinky meter off. But IMO the killer waited for this. Planned for this. This trip was planned for a long time. IMO this killer wanted MB dead bad but didn't want BB to be a suspect once alibi cleared. I don't think this was a spur of the moment, oh Austin happened now I'm mad deal. This took planning y'all. Down to the minute. I have stated that due to facial cog, I think LE knows who this is. I think a lot of yesterday is pot stirring. But it was wild no??

It IS very hard to think this was a "spur of the moment" rage killing with the amount of planning that had to go into it, I agree!
I agree. Not sure how likely this scenario is at all.

? If not, then it's baseless speculation.

Anything is possible. As Nancy Grace says so many times, it's possible that little green men from outer space swoop in, commit crimes, then beam themselves back to the mothership. Just because something is possible does not make it probable, or likely.
Respectfully bbm, unsure what an affair definition is, I suppose means different things to different individuals. In the Linkedin Search Warrant, on April 26, an Emergency Data Request was done on MB and and "identified person of interest" Casey Williams. They did an extraction of data from both MB and Casey Williams phones and "the content of the recovered communications appear intimate in nature" page 7 of 18 Linkedin warrant MB and Casey Williams.JPG page 7/18 http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...T-gear-18-Apr-2016-10&p=12528313#post12528313
With regard to this story:


What does "flirtatious and familiar" really mean, though? I've met a lot of people both male and female who could be described as "flirtatious" but not necessarily serious about the way they joke around or talk. I'm just not sure how seriously I should take this.

I'm glad that they're investigating the cell phone records.

I misplaced my phone one time, and I logged into my computer through Google and was able to locate it within a few feet of where I left it. I wonder if Google keeps records that can be requested by warrant?
Yep they do.
Just a few thoughts.... From the start I thought killer was male alcoholic- related to stance gait belly and behavior; I can now also now see female with h/o fractured foot; That being said maybe it was a combo deal- angry spouses on both ends- share info to create best situation to eliminate their shared problem?
The only thing that bothers me related to the garb the murderer wears is that it seems to WANT to point a finger at AT. Besides totally concealing and protecting themselves it truly screams look at AT.. Since this was premeditated; thought went into the choice of protective garb; for the aspect of self protection and not identifying the killer it worked ( so far ) but in terms of after thought it screams look at AT. I have a hard time thinking his wife would wish that of she is killing a woman to save her marriage but we are talking about a psychopath... I think the affair was known to many on all sides; and the lists have individuals that might share rage related to Missys behavior. Wonder if the female had been threatening Missy in other forms...stay away from my man etc... and that was her change in demeanor and also if BB knew why he was like you better watch your back; Maybe someone threw gas on the fire for the scorned wife? set her up to execute the plan and got the hell out of Dodge before it happened; being more an accessory to murder.
Can anyone explain why the dog blood results have not been shared?
She was on my radar, and many, many others way before these affidavits came out.

Has she tightened down her FB settings? During my middle of the night sleuthing I recall CT is FB friends with RB and maybe BB but not MB. (Or something like that- not a local and am having trouble keeping these "new" initials straight).
Plus, I read she is a bit over the top on the "my man is the greatest" (paraphrased). I couldn't locate her at all. Could she have deactivated the profile all together or should I check again now that I've had a few hours of sleep?
Has she tightened down her FB settings? During my middle of the night sleuthing I recall CT is FB friends with RB and maybe BB but not MB. (Or something like that- not a local and am having trouble keeping these "new" initials straight).
Plus, I read she is a bit over the top on the "my man is the greatest" (paraphrased). I couldn't locate her at all. Could she have deactivated the profile all together or should I check again now that I've had a few hours of sleep?

Still there. Just looked.
Has she tightened down her FB settings? During my middle of the night sleuthing I recall CT is FB friends with RB and maybe BB but not MB. (Or something like that- not a local and am having trouble keeping these "new" initials straight).
Plus, I read she is a bit over the top on the "my man is the greatest" (paraphrased). I couldn't locate her at all. Could she have deactivated the profile all together or should I check again now that I've had a few hours of sleep?

It's still there and I don't think she was ever friends with any of the Bevers.....definitely not Missy. I could be wrong, though.

Anyone know if the Bevers and the Tuckers go to the same church?
They were the same content posted 2 hours apart

That's not uncommon. With my business, I'll often post to Twitter and Facebook simultaneously, but there are times I'm in a rush and post to one and then come back later and post to the other. Sometimes I'll only post to one b/c I don't think the message or content is as suited to one as the other. I don't really see anything out of the ordinary in that, as a business owner.
Still there. Just looked.
I don't think I've ever seen a case where so many social media profiles are public. Why? Why not use the settings to easily keep personal business, personal? I just don't get it. I understand the CGers accounts being open to attract business but the personal accounts, well, quite frankly it's unsafe and unwise to leave them public.
So, really, are we any closer to finding out what happened to Missy?

Not really, and I'm starting to feel like people are being raked over the coals without us really knowing WHY police wanted their information. It could be that they just wanted the info of everybody that had spoken to either MB or BB in the days before the murder. Seven people - two in particular - are having things said about them that can't be taken back later if they are shortly found to have been cleared by police.
I don't think I've ever seen a case where so many social media profiles are public. Why? Why not use the settings to easily keep personal business, personal? I just don't get it. I understand the CGers accounts being open to attract business but the personal accounts, well, quite frankly it's unsafe and unwise to leave them public.

Hey! Don't tell them! ;)
I feel for Missy's husband. I may be wrong but it really strikes me how embarrassing this is. I was in a marriage where my husband was unfaithful and it was so embarrassing. I hid the fact he left me for several months because I somehow thought it was my fault. Now I know he just was a cheater...To have that in the media would have been awful.

OMG-yes! I've been there as well- very public and scandalous divorce in small town America where ex cheated, left and didn't look back.
And I cannot imagine what these older children are processing if BB has "had the talk", if these reports of infidelities are true. Walked in those shoes before- thankfully no one was murdered although I did have feelings of rage that I didn't know I had in me.
Here is the thing, though, that keeps tripping me up. This was so heavily premeditated. It just seems to me if the perp is truly a mother of four children, desperate to keep her man, reality would have hit her prior to actually committing the crime.
It is one thing to think of the 1,000,000 ways you want to strike out and "kill" but this seems to have been committed by a true psychopath.
I do not know one single person in this case, but I have a difficult time reconciling the two. Mother Vs Psycho. I suppose it happens- my eyes certainly have been opened during the short time I've been on WS.
Is it possible AT is the friend she showed the creepy message too?

Did she show the creepy message to the friend at the Austin conference?

Are there pictures of her at the Austin Conference? Who is in them? I can't find any on facebook of her but plenty of her local CG peeps.
It's still there and I don't think she was ever friends with any of the Bevers.....definitely not Missy. I could be wrong, though.

Anyone know if the Bevers and the Tuckers go to the same church?

TY... Am going to sign in on desktop and see what I can find.
Linkedin Search Warrant

1) Tuesday -4/26/2016 Exigent Circumstances .. Emergency Data Request & Preservation Request for both MB and Casey Williams accounts were done. Also for communications 4/14/16 - 4/16/2016 Private messages, chats or InMail " we have reasonable grounds to believe that the killer who is still at large poses an immediate danger to other human beings communicated with the Decedent in this manner in this time period"

2) Wednesday -4/27/2016 Search Warrants for both MB and Casey Williams accounts and ordered to respond to the court order within three (3) days of issuance. So MPD should have rec'd by Saturday at the latest. http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...T-gear-18-Apr-2016-10&p=12528313#post12528313
I don't think I've ever seen a case where so many social media profiles are public. Why? Why not use the settings to easily keep personal business, personal? I just don't get it. I understand the CGers accounts being open to attract business but the personal accounts, well, quite frankly it's unsafe and unwise to leave them public.

I suppose I'm a prude but I'm with you! I guess if MB was promoting a business, I can see keeping hers public but all of these other players doing so just blows me away. That said, I'm going to take another look in case they change their mind!
In regards to AJ not commenting on Courtney's stuff much or mentioning her as much as she mentions him, I think this is fairly common when it comes to social media, at least in my circle. My husband and I have a very close marriage, we are best friends....but he rarely posts on fb about anything other than his hobbies, work, and politics. He's just not the type to publicly profess his admiration for me (or any family/friends) or make a spectacle of it. He keeps his personal life/relationships private.

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It's interesting that to me it's considered being an attention hound to speak about one's health, but it's not attention hounding to gush over your spouse all day on social media? I guess I'm different, b/c I'd rather see a friend update me on their health than see someone in their 20s, 30s, or beyond gush like a middle schooler over their S.O. If anything is evidence of attention seeking, I would think THAT was. So, to me, the fact that a man doesn't profess his love for his wife 40 ways every day doesn't concern me.
AT keeps posting and posting and people keep replying like everything is normal. That seems odd to me.
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