TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #12

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I have tried not to post about the wife of a certain CG trainer. However I was honestly surprised that in his post re cancelling class he didn't mention anything about spending time with his wife for mother's day, or even posting about mothers day at all. For 2 people that post so much on Facebook there are no photos on her or his with the kids today. Now THIS seems more strange to me than anything else.

For the record I really hope that's a dead end. What beautiful sweet children they have. All those smiles and cuddle times. It would hurt my heart if...

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You can change the privacy settings by post, so it's possible there are private pics we're not seeing.
Hello. I posted hours ago. I was jolted, floored at somebody mentioning how ct had the big selfie of herself on fbook now, with the bible passage over her head.

i gaped when i read how she posted after the murder right, day after or was it 630 pm the day of the murder - not sure was the murder on the 19th??? - anyhow she posted along the lines of 'my hair is lovely long and i look terrific as is but i think i'll dye my hair'. jodi arias died ooops dyed her hair.

will somebody please tell me this --- on here this morning i read that ajt had spent something like 4 days up in chicago with mb and they both returned just the day b4 the murder - is that correct????? If it is correct then it would make sense to me that even if nothing was romantic with those two, i'd assume missy was a hot spot for him and his wife and so because of ct, ajt just couldn't post BOO about missy getting murdered cuz no matter what he were to say it would only make his wife angrier.

so get this: i was thinking that as i clicked on ajt's fbook and then i saw him mention missy in that he got a pile of her students, ah duh, why, ah cuz missy was brutally murdered by bludgeoning on head and chest oh my oh my. the pic' of him he's smiling as he is in a pushup and aren't all the campers just happy as can be? i cannot wrap my head around that. ajt profited by missy's murder i believe where i live people definitely are paid by the head. how can he post that and be happy.

can locals please please tell us what is happening in town today. which mothers were at church today, who's out in their yard planting petunias, stuff like that.
Just a FYI for the newbies....

This case will break wide open when you least expect it, just ask any of our seasoned members. LE has to dot all their I's and cross all their T's. So don't be disappointed there hasn't been an arrest yet. It will come.....just be patient.
Agreed Sparky. There's been so many cases that you think " what the heck are the LE even doing?" Then, it breaks open, and you realize all the manpower, hours and pure genius the LE has put into the case.
Hello. I posted hours ago. I was jolted, floored at somebody mentioning how ct had the big selfie of herself on fbook now, with the bible passage over her head.

i gaped when i read how she posted after the murder right, day after or was it 630 pm the day of the murder - not sure was the murder on the 19th??? - anyhow she posted along the lines of 'my hair is lovely long and i look terrific as is but i think i'll dye my hair'. jodi arias died ooops dyed her hair.

will somebody please tell me this --- on here this morning i read that ajt had spent something like 4 days up in chicago with mb and they both returned just the day b4 the murder - is that correct????? If it is correct then it would make sense to me that even if nothing was romantic with those two, i'd assume missy was a hot spot for him and his wife and so because of ct, ajt just couldn't post BOO about missy getting murdered cuz no matter what he were to say it would only make his wife angrier.

so get this: i was thinking that as i clicked on ajt's fbook and then i saw him mention missy in that he got a pile of her students, ah duh, why, ah cuz missy was brutally murdered by bludgeoning on head and chest oh my oh my. the pic' of him he's smiling as he is in a pushup and aren't all the campers just happy as can be? i cannot wrap my head around that. ajt profited by missy's murder i believe where i live people definitely are paid by the head. how can he post that and be happy.

can locals please please tell us what is happening in town today. which mothers were at church today, who's out in their yard planting petunias, stuff like that.
Just an ordinary day
JMO...but I'm still not seeing anything that makes me think it could really be the female who is being sleuthed here. I do see the points everyone is making and I do think they are valid and something to consider. I know it's come from some locals that she is suspected but other than the gait and the connection she has to MB, I don't see why the locals would consider her unless they know more than we do about her (like were there rumors about her before the murder that made people think she'd really be capable?) (That's a rhetorical question, btw. ;) ) Just for instance, if someone I knew around town was murdered, I can't see myself jumping right to "her co-worker's wife did it!" Because that seems so random unless I had heard lots of stuff about her before that made her out to be a little crazy. I hope that makes sense. It's just where my mind goes when I see her brought up. And again, I see the points people are making about her -jealousy etc and they do make sense from our view, but I can't quite jump to murder based on that.
I still can't figure out why the killer was opening all the doors in the church and randomly hacking away at drywall. Any theories? If you were there to vandalize or stage vandalization seems like easier ways to do it. Do you think any of the footage is from after the murder (I'm guessing not since killer walks so slowly). Just confused what killer was doing. Just staging a robbery? It doesn't even really look like a robbery. Curious about theories.
Did anyone notice someone with twitter has unusually small feet for a male??
I've thought 2 phone calls very weird. Ostensibly the two callers were right there next to each other and both call? Why? But I think I'd totally freak and who knows what I'd do in that situation.
In one of the very early threads, someone who is a 911 operator said that it happens all the time and they can often hear the other caller through the phone line. People panic and both call.
What bugs me about the T's...and I noticed this am, in his pictures with his wife, he looks antsy. Not satisfied. Something that I can't put my finger on. Stuck?
this is super duper skeery and creepy but it's what i just saw. on the ct fbook on april 18 around six in the evening wasn't that the day of or day right after ms's murder??? i know the murder was on a monday morning but i don't have a monthly calendar handy. ct has changed - - - ct is now posting big blow up selfies with the bible passage up top. so ct writes what i perceive to be 'oh i am so very lovely as is but i'm thinking about changing my hair color i won't cut my hair tho cuz it's lovely as is' gulp jodi arias jodi arias i also read some one here posting to say clear that this is my own opinion and my own wording not at all real news just what is trippin through my head.

those two pics of the eyes that sparky made just are stuck indelible in my head together with the ct big selfie up top on her fb.

i also find it super wierd. i looked at ajt's fb. shocking that he just keeps going and posts nuttin about this crazy mb murder. and another gulper for me was the big group pic just days later with him in the middle on the ground in a push up. oh gulp gulp gul he writes all cheery and happy that hes got mb's student now in in his clas so that has to mean those students of mb's are now all paying him a per head amount so he's earning a big chunk of more money. it doesnt seem like he's the one who did it at all but i cannot understand why he does not say on his fb god bless about mb being murdered. he coulda been upbeat about it but he just rolls along like nuttin at all happened.

and another thing its moms day today and he posts that he has to cancel class cuz no one's gonna show up and pay him right but the feeling i get is that he wishes he coulda made the money instead. my kerazy thinking only all of this


It's possible that LE told him not to post any social media about MB.
Well if CG is one big family like the marines. You usually honor the dead whom died while starting their watch or tour of duty. Jmo.

It's not like many CG Trainers get murdered. So a small jester isn't too much. Jmo

That's why I always believed the key here was to understand the pulse of the community & CG. I work in a career that handles criminal investigations on a daily basis (not LE). This crime IS different than any other I've handled in my career. Understanding Midlothian is essential.

What people DIDN'T do was the one thing that they tipped people off from the start. At that time, no one was even looking past BB, but lack of empathy & actions can be a form of sleuthing to consider. MOO.

This is a community that rallies for everyone. Neighbors are vigilant and watch out for each other. This town is VERY faith-based, and not in a judgment-type of way; but in a "we're all in this together" mentality. People are very educated & successful, but REALLY value family & togetherness.

So when something doesn't flow with the rest, we notice. It's VERY normal for businesses to post Christian messages on door fronts or newspaper ads. It might be taboo in some places not to pay respect publicly when a co-worker or family passes away, but NOT here. Pay respect at Memorials. So many people attended that didn't even know Missy bc they cared! Everyone posted about her. People were so heartbroken. We still are.

But then again, the killer might not actually even be from Midlothian. Perhaps what they value is different than us. JMO.
You can change the privacy settings by post, so it's possible there are private pics we're not seeing.
Absolutely. But what I'm trying to say is that I'm surprised he doesn't use mother's day as an opportunity to say what a great wife and mother she is. Especially now. To me it's just odd. But if course you are right a d his settings may have changed to "family".

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Just a FYI for the newbies....

This case will break wide open when you least expect it, just ask any of our seasoned members. LE has to dot all their I's and cross all their T's. So don't be disappointed there hasn't been an arrest yet. It will come.....just be patient.

Oh I sure hope so! Looking forward to that day. Thanks for being such a great mod, Sparky and for keeping the threads on the rails while still allowing for speculation.
To me the greatest piece of evidence is those eyes!!

I'm still baffled by how people think they can actually see the person's facial features. It's wishful thinking IMO. The surveillance video is from a mostly dark interior from above and 20(?) feet away and the person's face is covered by a helmet and shield.
Any chance this was a hired hit?


(I apologize in advance - for blurting out my question - as I have not read all 12 threads....yet)
Just a FYI for the newbies....

This case will break wide open when you least expect it, just ask any of our seasoned members. LE has to dot all their I's and cross all their T's. So don't be disappointed there hasn't been an arrest yet. It will come.....just be patient.

There&#8217;s a special providence in the fall of a sparrow.
If it be now, &#8217;tis not to come. If it be not to come, it will be now.
If it be not now, yet it will come&#8212;the readiness is all.
Since no man of aught he leaves knows, what is &#8217;t to leave betimes? Let be.

JMO...but I'm still not seeing anything that makes me think it could really be the female who is being sleuthed here. I do see the points everyone is making and I do think they are valid and something to consider. I know it's come from some locals that she is suspected but other than the gait and the connection she has to MB, I don't see why the locals would consider her unless they know more than we do about her (like were there rumors about her before the murder that made people think she'd really be capable?) (That's a rhetorical question, btw. ;) ) Just for instance, if someone I knew around town was murdered, I can't see myself jumping right to "her co-worker's wife did it!" Because that seems so random unless I had heard lots of stuff about her before that made her out to be a little crazy. I hope that makes sense. It's just where my mind goes when I see her brought up. And again, I see the points people are making about her -jealousy etc and they do make sense from our view, but I can't quite jump to murder based on that.
I agree. I guess there must be, locally, more then we are seeing. Wish I knew what it was. JMO
That's why I always believed the key here was to understand the pulse of the community & CG. I work in a career that handles criminal investigations on a daily basis (not LE). This crime IS different than any other I've handled in my career. Understanding Midlothian is essential.

What people DIDN'T do was the one thing that they tipped people off from the start. At that time, no one was even looking past BB, but lack of empathy & actions can be a form of sleuthing to consider. MOO.

This is a community that rallies for everyone. Neighbors are vigilant and watch out for each other. This town is VERY faith-based, and not in a judgment-type of way; but in a "we're all in this together" mentality. People are very educated & successful, but REALLY value family & togetherness.

So when something doesn't flow with the rest, we notice. It's VERY normal for businesses to post Christian messages on door fronts or newspaper ads. It might be taboo in some places not to pay respect publicly when a co-worker or family passes away, but NOT here. Pay respect at Memorials. You know how many people that didn't even know Missy said they attended? A lot.

Then again, the killer might not actually even be from Midlothian. Perhaps what they value is different than us. JMO.

So, can I ask you point blank if the T's were absent from the memorial?
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