TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #15

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What if CT has nothing yo do with this? How does she continue living in this small town? Her kids? Geez.


So, seems based on very wide insider rumor, someone's been identified by Joe Public's equally very wide family as the murderer. What if Joe Public is wrong?

Height seems out to me for starters. VB stated on her appeal (via FB so I won't post a link here - am sure most have seen it as it appears above KS's highly unusual "I always wanted to be a detective" post) that "we" are looking for a person of 6' or more. I'll go on what LE have to say, or release, including fact that no arrest is imminent nor has an arrest been made.

I do feel bad for those accused, hashed and thrashed in the court of public opinion. I have my own ideas and stand every chance of being wrong however I'd never provide initials or name/s. To do so ruins lives and brings heartbreak to children; I'd be devastated. So until an arrest is made, even if the perp is someone other than my belief, I'll reserve comment. I will throw out considerations and can't stop reading all your posts on this! Addict, much? :)
Did you listen to Tricia''s incredible broadcast with the investigative reporter? It cleared up many things regarding why people may have pointed fingers in a particular direction.

Rumors being repeated by someone on a podcast are still nothing but rumors...
What if CT has nothing yo do with this? How does she continue living in this small town? Her kids? Geez.

This is what worries me. It seems everything/everyone points to her, there is nobody else receiving anywhere near as much negative attention. And in a way I do now want it to be her because then all the speculation is justified. Of course, there are 4 children to consider and for that reason I hope it's not her.

There was a case in the UK (Joanna Yeates) where a man was splashed all over the press and basically deemed guilty by the public. Front page of the papers; photos, names, family, job, everything was out there. I myself took one look and said "yep, he clearly did it". It wasn't him, it turned out he just looked a bit strange and acted oddly. It was a big lesson to the UK, and I believe media rules changed as a result.

So if it's not CT, I hope she gets enough compensation from various sources that she is able to go wherever the heck she likes. But I'm very much teetering on top of the fence here, could fall off either way.
I hope she is innocent because I don't want to think about a young intelligent woman planning and executing something like this and then going on with normal life.

But she was named in the SW, making her someone to examine. This site's owner gave a media person a pulpit on her radio show to discuss CT as basically a prime suspect. So we do get to train our magnifying glasses on her. This is what we do - sleuthing, not just waiting for LE to tell us what the outcome is.

It may be really uncomfortable for CT now, but if they clear her, everyone's attention will shift to the real perp. Her life will return to normal.

Unless she did it.

It's one thing to sleuth, I believe most everyone has, including myself. It's another thing to publicly accuse her publicly or harass her husband or family. I am not accusing anyone on here of doing that, there are others outside of here on SM who are burning her at the stake. My point was simply until there is an arrest made people (mainly outside of here) who are reading our discussions mostly locals are doing and saying somethings they can never take back. I'm local and it truly saddens me at this moment to call myself a local. If they arrest her then everyone's kid gloves can come off. But until then it's just speculation and rumors that have grown legs. JMO
Missy's IinkledIn media (social stalking) is definitely creepy. This is NOT Missy'sfault. She was deceived by a psychopath, if creepy-messager is the murderer. Duped and deceived and stalked. I resent the comments on MSM that Missy about asked for this for giving time and dates, etc. How many other small biz are on FB? And? The victim slamming is driving me nuts.

Yes, we should all be security conscious; more so with children. Had a debate with a good friend, after friend told me she was exasperated her 14yo dau is "all-time on-line"and friend said "she gets SO upset if I ask her to stop; there's nothing I can do". I replied: "OK, she's in charge, then? At 14?". And when it goes belly-up? We need to educate kids;show them exactly what happens. And do so with the Birds and Bees chats. :) JMHO
Can you list the reasons why fingers are pointed in a particular direction? And also the logistics of leaving your 4 kids alone while you commit the murder AND have to leave the house before your husband who is also out super early. He would notice that she was missing.

The kids were at her moms overnight - that was stated in the radio interview.

As for AT, and I'm opening a can of worms here, who's to say he stayed at home that night? Who's to say she wasn't lying awake seething that he wasn't home from Austin when he should have been? If there was an affair between MB & AT maybe things really heated up in Austin, and while the cat's away...
I hope she is innocent because I don't want to think about a young intelligent woman planning and executing something like this and then going on with normal life.

But she was named in the SW, making her someone to examine. This site's owner gave a media person a pulpit on her radio show to discuss CT as basically a prime suspect. So we do get to train our magnifying glasses on her. This is what we do - sleuthing, not just waiting for LE to tell us what the outcome is.

It may be really uncomfortable for CT now, but if they clear her, everyone's attention will shift to the real perp. Her life will return to normal.

Unless she did it.

She was named in a search warrant looking at phone records of 9 people, and I don't see any of the others being "examined" in such an in depth and invasive manner. And using a radio show to repeat rumors isn't exactly reliable info.
She was named in a search warrant looking at phone records of 9 people, and I don't see any of the others being "examined" in such an in depth and invasive manner. And using a radio show to repeat rumors isn't exactly reliable info.

Right! And hasn't LE stated that the people named are NOT POI's? Yet, CT has been crucified locally and online. IDK. Just seems wrong on every level.
There was a case in the UK (Joanna Yeates) where a man was splashed all over the press and basically deemed guilty by the public. Front page of the papers; photos, names, family, job, everything was out there. I myself took one look and said "yep, he clearly did it". It wasn't him, it turned out he just looked a bit strange and acted oddly. It was a big lesson to the UK, and I believe media rules changed as a result.

So if it's not CT, I hope she gets enough compensation from various sources that she is able to go wherever the heck she likes. But I'm very much teetering on top of the fence here, could fall off either way.

Hello: I followed that case second by second! Indeed agree 100%. Same thing happened when Chandra Levy was murdered in DC. The murder opened can of worms as she was having an affair with a politician; everyone blamed him (as it came on the heels of the Anne Marie Fahey case). He lost his reputation, job and career. He did not murder Chandra. So while the profile fits, the truth may be so much further away. Right now I don't believe it's "her". I feel for "her" whole family. WHY are we exploiting and investigating her schedule? LE do that. Not ordinary citizens. JMHO (and thanks for your views!)
2 things I will mention quickly that for some reason no one has yet mentioned: 1 of the people on target list shaved his head right before this crime. I find that interesting and will not mention any names. FYI this is common among criminals so as not to leave hair evidence at crime scene. Secondly, I noticed the husband of one of MBs friends has a photo posted of himself in a black leather jacket with stick-on white letters on back as part of a Halloween costume I believe. The wording is not "police" but the white homemade lettering caught my attention.

Hello: I followed that case second by second! Indeed agree 100%. Same thing happened when Chandra Levy was murdered in NYC. The murder opened can of worms as she was having an affair with a politician; everyone blamed him (as it came on the heels of the Anne Marie Fahey case). He lost his reputation, job and career. He did not murder Chandra. So while the profile fits, the truth may be so much further away. Right now I don't believe it's "her". I feel for "her" whole family. WHY are we exploiting and investigating her schedule? LE do that. Not ordinary citizens. JMHO (and thanks for your views!)

D.C., not NYC.
I wonder if LE have been sneaky videoing the "gait" of potential suspects?

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She was named in a search warrant looking at phone records of 9 people, and I don't see any of the others being "examined" in such an in depth and invasive manner. And using a radio show to repeat rumors isn't exactly reliable info.
I agree that a guest on a radio show isn't necessarily reliable - after all, last week's guest said the buzz was that it was a black woman.

But the fact remains that anyone publicly named in a SW becomes a person of interest publicly, unless and until LE states that they've been ruled out.

This site, from my several days of being here, seems like it's run as a pretty tight ship. They have clear rules and don't hesitate to delete posts that are wild speculation. Like LE, we just are trying to follow the clues and see where they lead.

Not to be harsh, but this site wants this thread to be about MB and solving her murder. I don't think they want us navel-gazing and wringing our hands about some other person. We're here to try to figure this thing out, and those who are uncomfortable with that process always have the option of sitting it out. As always, JMHO
In my opinion, taking measurements is usually done for ballistic studies. LE studies trajectories. It is quite a science. And if my theory is correct, they are getting closer to wrapping this case up. I feel multiple weapons were used in this crime. I wouldn't be surprised at all if a gun with a silencer was used (amongst other weapons). This is all moo.

And another thing; piecing together the "creepy" LinkedIn message AND BB's comment about MB being more careful (or something to that effect as mentioned by the MIL--please don't make me attach a link), I wouldn't be surprised if MB didn't mention quickly & briefly something about wacky peeps or some stalker weirdo thingy. Maybe MB said it half in gest or very briefly on her way out the door? Maybe she didn't say anything but something subtle made him worry? And by no means am I pointing the finger at BB; quite the contrary.

I doubt the "creepy" LinkedIn message was her first "notice" of something foreboding. Remember, she wasn't herself at the gym & she hadn't been going much lately.

All moo & speculation.....

Just catching up! BBM--I think a silencer is what the perp has is his left hand when he is breaking the glass/wall. (what other people are calling a saran wrap box) The other item in his pocket is a lock pick tool.


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I am not knowledgable about mace and what physical damage and evidence it would leave behind, but I do wonder if this was used to initially subdue MB.

Coincidentally, a social media image from one of the target numbers, shows another name on that list demonstrating what appears to be a pink mace canister. It could also be a personal alarm, I'm not sure.

Anybody else see this that can identify the pink canister please?

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Can you list the reasons why fingers are pointed in a particular direction? And also the logistics of leaving your 4 kids alone while you commit the murder AND have to leave the house before your husband who is also out super early. He would notice that she was missing.

Why could CT be a suspect?

1. She is not a Midlothian so locals are suspicious of her - not a good reason. IMO CT is a scapegoat suggested by the Bevers family and IMO the one being targeted by RB's mother in the two letters she has written.

2. She broke her foot a few years ago - but did the perpetrator walk lopsided or was limping a bit? Both feet seem to be duckfeet and the walk is the same on both feet.


3. She must have found out about their LinkedIn messages, been jealous of her husband's friendship with MB and felt threatened when they went to the CG camp together
for the weekend.

4. Because of the walk, the perpetrator must be a female but older men also walk like this.

5. Is she depressed or have any mental illness?

Why should she not be a suspect?

1. Height - how tall is she? Hard to tell from Facebook. But I do not think she is even 5' 8" which is the shortest height the LE have mentioned.

2. She is the mother for four children. Did she leave them alone or did her mother mind them that morning as AJ was also due to give a class a little later? If she left home very early that morning, her husband would surely know.

3. According to her activity on Facebook, she was able to carry on as usual.

4. Where would she have got the SWAT gear and weapons from? Not so easy for a female perhaps.

5. She seems to be a very devoted mother and wife who IMO would not like to take the risk of being away from them in prison.

6. She seems to love her career as a Mary Kay consultant.

IMO CT is a scapegoat of the Bevers family and whose reputation could have been muddied by the Bevers family possibly even before the murder.
The cockiness off swat-perp puts me in mind of someone who either is "untraceable" somehow, lives below the radar, or has an LE connection and knows he won't be "connected to the crime." Perp just seems way too assured certain of success. No nerves. Makes you wonder.
Why could CT be a suspect?

1. She is not a Midlothian so locals are suspicious of her - not a good reason. IMO CT is a scapegoat suggested by the Bevers family and IMO the one being targeted by RB's mother in the two letters she has written.

2. She broke her foot a few years ago - but did the perpetrator walk lopsided or was limping a bit? Both feet seem to be duckfeet and the walk is the same on both feet.


3. She must have found out about their LinkedIn messages, been jealous of her husband's friendship with MB and felt threatened when they went to the CG camp together
for the weekend.

4. Because of the walk, the perpetrator must be a female but older men also walk like this.

5. Is she depressed or have any mental illness?

Why should she not be a suspect?

1. Height - how tall is she? Hard to tell from Facebook. But I do not think she is even 5' 8" which is the shortest height the LE have mentioned.

2. She is the mother for four children. Did she leave them alone or did her mother mind them that morning as AJ was also due to give a class a little later? If she left home very early that morning, her husband would surely know.

3. According to her activity on Facebook, she was able to carry on as usual.

4. Where would she have got the SWAT gear and weapons from? Not so easy for a female perhaps.

5. She seems to be a very devoted mother and wife who IMO would not like to take the risk of being away from them in prison.

6. She seems to love her career as a Mary Kay consultant.

IMO CT is a scapegoat of the Bevers family whose reputation could have been muddied by the Bevers family possibly even before the murder.

Her husband was not the one who wrote her LinkedIn messages. That was another guy completely. And how does anyone know "how she walks" ? I haven't seen one video of her foot online. Several males on that target list walk like ducks and swing their arms. And we have seen their videos online. LE says no one in target list is a suspect. I bet it's someone no ones even heard of. I couldn't even begin to point fingers since I'm sure we just know the tip of the iceberg and my guess is perp is no one we've heard of yet. Maybe LE has no clue either yet.
Did you listen to Tricia''s incredible broadcast with the investigative reporter? It cleared up many things regarding why people may have pointed fingers in a particular direction.

I did listen to Trica's interview with Tamara Jolee. Small town gossip IMO.
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